The Nature V Nurture Debate
This debate entails the degree to which specific aspects of our behaviors are a result of being inherited, for instance, genetic or acquired that is learned influences. Nature is considered to be the pre-wiring, and biological factors dictate the behavior in this regard. Nurture is considered to be the influence of external factors after birth. For instance, this is a result of exposure, the life experiences that an individual goes through, and their learning. This debate is essential since it examines how both sides of the divide influence our behaviors, for instance, personality, temperament, cognitive abilities as well as our psychopathology.
This debate is vital in the field of psychology since it helps in understanding the various elements that inform human behavior. For instance, through the understanding of both ideas, psychologists can solve problems that are related to human behavior.
The process of development
This process begins after the female and male gametes unite during fertilization. The fertilized ovum, the zygote, then develops into a baby that is later born. The chromosomes that are found in the nucleus of every cell that has DNA that has genes. These genes are transmitted from the parent to the child making every person different and unique. Thus, the baby will be like their parent in terms of behavior and characteristics. The same applies to the chromosome composition. The variation in X and Y chromosomes is vital in development as it dictates the traits of the baby.
Monozygotic twins develop from one zygote while dizygotic twins develop from two zygotes. In the latter, the zygotes are fertilized by different sperm cells. The monozygotic twins are preferred in carrying out twin research since their results can be used to understand the impact of nature and nurture in their lives. This research is essential since it helps demonstrate how both nature and nurture factors influence behavior. So far, it has been proven that both factors influence the way we act or behave.
Impact of evolution on behavior
For a long time now, human behavior has been studied compared to the evolution theory. From the findings, it is apparent that evolutionary elements have had a profound impact on how we behave. For instance, regarding the idea of monogamy, evolutionary aspects of the evolution theory have been found to impact our perspectives. Culture directly influences the way we see things and interpret them. Some cultures are receptive to polygamy, while others are not.