The nominal disposition
The nominal disposition, also referred to as nominal sanction as action was warning are issued to low-risk juvenile offenders. The notification may be verbal or written, depending on the case at stake. Also, a nominal disposition is given to a first time offender who commits a mistake after they are made aware of the consequences and legal action of the error they committed. Therefore, they are warned or given the least punitive alternative of the case but informed of a harsher disciplinary method in case they repeat the offense. Some of the crimes that may be given a nominal sanction are accidental possession of tobacco or other drugs, consumption of alcohol while still under-age, trespassing, petty theft, vandalism, running away from home, truancy, and violating curfew among other. In most cases, the nominal sanction is inflicted by the police at the police station .The arrested juvenile is released to the custody of his or her parents.
The nominal disposition is important in juvenile cases. First, it helps the child to understand that their acts were wrong and the consequences of their actions according to the law. This will enable the juvenile not to repeat or re-offend since they now understand the intensity of the matter. It also gives another chance to the juvenile to testify their behaviors without necessarily punishing them. Besides, the juvenile is able to continue with their daily activities especially the studies which would otherwise be stopped if they are taken to juvenile station. By giving a nominal sanction, the court is able to reduce the number of juvenile cases. For that reason, the judges are able to concentrate on other serious cases. Therefore, the government should encourage nominal sanction especially to the juvenile.