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The Role of Human Resource in Management Processes

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The Role of Human Resource in Management Processes


Human resource management is a vital function within any organization or business unit. In this light, HR had been evolving over the years as technology, and organizational expansion had generated comprehensive utilization of the responsibilities of some HR personnel. Modern days relational existence of human resources management and the management process exists. This study reviews how the human resource management relates with the management process in a company when the prices drops, in this regard, the responsibilities of HR will be outlined. The study finds that those roles attached to HR personnel are defined and encourage goal achievement of a company in the difficult moments.

Keywords; human resource (HR) management, responsibilities of human resource, staff managers, management process.



Human resources management has evolved in the recent past, become a driver to human capital development. More so, in the study, HR denotes various duties performed in a company that facilitate the realization of set objectives and normal functioning when the profits drop. In this light, human resources evolvement is discussed in waves according to the duties assigned. For instances. There exists a wave that denotes the administrative task of the HR whereby terms and conditions of work are stipulated, the delivery of HR services is attended to. The regulatory compliances in an organization are solved. In addition, optimization of the different department in an organization set up in the effort of profit maximization is a task of human resource management. For instance, the HR department will cooperate and advice the other department in the company which include; production, marketing, and distribution department on the measures to take to help the company to survive difficulty period. Human resource docket is entailed with the duties of providing solution when the company experience minimal profits which may affect the smooth functionality of organization. Moreover, the report will high light the duties of human resources department in a company when the profits drop. The Management process entails frame-work that facilitate useful working condition in an organisation. Therefore, its operation will rely on the module of human resources management. Management of people working in a company will entails the incorporation of human resource management. In this light, the management of people in the company is what defines human resource management. HR is a managerial activity that tries to match all the organizational needs to the skills and abilities possessed by the employees. Human resource management is responsible for how people are managed to help them achieve their full potentials. Therefore, it entails bringing people together to help them in work performance, compensation of their work as well as solving the problems that may arise in their working process (Apenko, 2017). Human resources is a must in any business or the organizational setup. Similarly, the actual process of hiring and developing staff who are competent in a

company is a duty of HR as it helps in goal achievement of the company efficiently and effectively is facilitated by the human resource management department. The human resource management duties and responsibilities are carried out by a human resource manager in an organization. Human resource, in addition, refers to all the people employed in an organization.

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The primary duties of the human resource in an organization entail dealing with the people and the issues related to people in a working system. For instance, when the company experience the difficult in reduction of fuel prices, human resources department control the employee and treat differently to exhibit the problem and focus on the core vision of company. Some of those functions include benefits and compensating employees, the recruitment and hiring department of employees, performance management—training of employees, on boarding employees, and organizational development and culture (McLaughlin, 2018). The human resources managers in a company will be responsible in advising the senior staff about what affects the employees; for instance, their financial, performance, and planning decisions. The effects of the decisions made to the employees are discussed by the managers on how they may affect them on operational tasks and also the general performance of the company. Therefore, according to Apenko (2017), those decisions are measurable from financial and accounting perspectives.

The human resource department in the study will be responsible in formulation of strategies of objectives as well as the execution of the same, the measures to be taken to help the company continue its operations without making losses when the profit margin have reduced will be incorporated.  Also, the strategies facilitate the realization of the goals and vision stipulated. In this light, there exists a process in which HR utilizes the information in the formulation of strategies that aid in vision attainment (Armstrong & Taylor, 2020). The HR processes include; performance management, which aims to motivate, train, and reward workers. Nowadays, an automated performance management system (PMS) has been incorporated to help attain the performance management process. The employee’s relations which include labor law and relations, employee’s wellness and assistance programs, counseling in case of stress, work compensation scheme, quality of work-life, and the employee conflict management. The human resource planning which denotes the process of forecasting, and also it entails the process of evaluation, layoff, and promotion. Furthermore, selection, hiring, training and development, and recruitment are also high lightened in the process. The employee remuneration and benefits administration are also stipulated in the process for its duties in deciding upon employee salaries and wages (Bratton, & Gold, 2017). The success of a company will rely on its ability to manage human resources. HRM is responsible for converting human resources into skilled and quality benefits.

Human Resources Management Process in an Organization

The managerial work which entails engaging and acquiring the required workforce, maintenance of workforce, and utilization of the same are defined as a human resource management process. Besides, it involves job appropriation and development. The method includes various steps to enhance the realization of the oranizations’ visions. Measures incorporated in the HRM include; recruitment, training, selection, promotion, placement, transfer, and demotion (Nikolaou, 2018). However, when difficult times arises, it calls for desperate measures with the core duties of HR manager. In this case, the HR department in the company will carry out their duties in considerable terms with the period at hand, the drop of fuel prices which denotes reduction in profit.

Problem Statements

The research questions guiding the study were to explain the nature of human resource management, how it relates to the management process and to illustrate the human resource responsibility of line and staff (HR) managers. Moreover, the duties of human resource in the company when there is profit reduction. For instance, when the profits drop in an organization.

Research Objectives

The study sought to establish how the human resource is related to the management process in the goal achievement in an organization. Specifically, the study found;

  • To review the various methods that human resource department will undertake to maintain a company’s status at the time of reduction in profit and in the management process
  • To establish the impact of HR in an organization in time of problem.
  • To prescribe policy implications and recommendations from the results of the study.

Significances of the study

This study sought to exploit the knowledge of human resource in an organization as well as the relationship that exist between the HR personnel and other managers in the operations. Human resource is directly related to the management process in that; managers are assigned the task of human resources such that they must possess the attributes of HR personnel. The study will be utilized to concentrate more on the responsibilities of human resources in a company when there is drop in profits. (Morgeson, Brannick, & Levine, 2019).



This literature review is based on the role of human resources and the responsibilities they may hold in the management process when the profit reduces a company. In this light, the best methods the HR uses determine the final output in the department. The procedures incorporated help to streamline the employee absorbed in the company. The management role assigned to the manager is centred on the welfare of employee, their salaries and remunerations, promotions and demotions issues, and the transfers. This study formulates a procedure to be assimilated in a company when the profits are low. More so, the goal attainment that promotes the relationship that exists between the employees and the supervisors and the subordinate employee (Ma, 2019). The empirical literature review in the study discusses the model in which human resources is founded on as well as the duties and responsibilities of line and staff (HR) managers. In this light, the review provides a guideline on how to train the human resource personnel to fit in the operations in a company. The responsibilities of the employee may promote the interrelations that exist between the HR personnel and the other staffs.

In summary, the general observation from the empirical review indicates that a human resource is a crucial tool in the realization of company’s’ vision. Well implemented relationship between HR and the other department facilitate development and sustainability. Similarly, the management process is attained and promoted by the development of a tried and tested human resource system within the company. In this light, the details that may entail the mode to develop a suitable human resource department should be incorporated (Macke, & Genari, 2019). Finally, the literature reviews clearly identified a gap that needs to be filled, and this study provides a layout and outlines the responsibilities of the HR department in the company as well as the relationship that exists between the human resource managers and the other line and staff managers. In addition, the management process is attained when all the human resource department is well stipulated and are high lightened in the company setup.

The explanation of what human resource management entails is derived from different literature that helps to attain the organizational vision. This study facilitates the goal attainment in that the books, journals, and the organization’s newspaper are incorporated and researched on the useful information about human resource management. The functions of the human resource management in the case is to ensuring business growth in difficulty moments through making decisions which affect the company positively. During those times, the HR manager hirer workers who enhances higher productivity and profit realization. The productivity of the company is not dependant of workers but the external factors in the market. The human resources manager ensures the company remain updated in the market to facilitate survival and also the it remain in competitive level in the environment (McLaughlin,2018).

In this case, drop in the profits will have a general effect to the company. In this light, the company possesses many employees due to the various process that the company undertake to process fuel from mining all the way to distribution. All the process involved requires a lot of capital in purchasing of machinery as well as the operational cost and the cost of machinery maintenances. When all are taken into consideration, the HR department must ensure the company still operate in order to make money to pay the staffs and, maintain the status of company and also maintain profits to grow the company to greater heights. The demand of fuel and high prices of fuel will help the company to attain the set goals and objectives (Condrey,2005).

The drop in the prices of fuel has led to confusion in the company which is not supposed to arise. The funds generated by the company at this moment is not supporting the company in its operation. In this light, the HR department will have to come up with more measures that will aid in, maintaining the company competitive level and also vision attainment. Human resource department in the company will operate under certain guideline which will ensure achievement of the company’s visions in the long-run. The department will be in the front line to outsource other ideas which will necessitate the goal attainment of; ensuring business growth and increasing innovation (Luftman,& Ben-Zvi,2010).

The challenging environment will always arise in the enterprise so it the responsibility of human resource department to be alert and prepared. Reduction in the prices of fuel will pose a challenge to the company due to the maintenances of the workforce and paying the same workers. The company will thrive on how to maintain normal operations in the crisis when the company is making losses in the current standards. For instances, the company will stop the process of recruiting other workers since what is required at the moment is not much production but rather less production with maximum profits. During this period the company will advocate in preserving the fund which it possesses rather than increasing the number of workforce where there is shortage of workers. The vacant positions in the company though it affects the production process, at the moment the same will not be prioritized since the enterprise is at loss (Durai, 2009).

In this case, the HR department will tend to reduce the number of employee from the company to reduce the salaries during tough times. Similarly, the greater the number of workforce and enterprises possess the more the salaries the company pay. The cost will be manageable when the employees are reduced since the low prices of fuel is attached to low sales thus less profits. The lad of demand and supply will be employed in the case whereby, when the demand of a product is high, the prices tend to increase and when the demand is low the price also reduces. The consumer has the varieties of many commodities to go for when the demand of one commodity falls ((Luftman,& Ben-Zvi,2010).

For any organization, the competition is high and the company needs to stay at the same level in the market. The HR manager in the management process will apply certain measures which will enhance company survival. For instance, the measures applied may attract more customers and increases the choice of customer preferences by reducing the prices to attracts more customers. In this light, the company will make bigger profit in selling bigger number of the commodities than selling few things on higher prices and getting less customers. Reduction of price aspects is to increase the number of customer and the flow of customers will maintain production. Constant flow of customers will enhance customer flow in times of high and low prices. The company will utilize the theory by reducing the costs instead of preserving the goods rather than ceasing operation due to low prices (Vermeeren, Steijn, Tummers, Lankhaar, Poerstamper,& Van Beek 2014).

The HR department in the management process in the company will be assigned the duty of ensuring the balance in the rate of the production and the demand of the market. Customer flow and satisfaction will be gained when there is constant production where by no at any time will the customer lack the commodity in the enterprise.  Low demand in the market will translate to low production to avoid wastage and losses due to increased prices of fuel. Reduced production of fuel will help the company to save funds which will facilitate company’s normal operations (Durai,2009).

The HR department faces challenges in the company when the company is   in new and crisis situations. For instance, the prices of fuel have always been high in the United State, the application of the same had been higher and the profit margin had been high. When the company is making profit it investments should also be on a higher level. In this regard, the company should use that investments in production of other products that uses the company’s product as the raw materials (Kehoe,& Han,2020).

Data sources and measures

The data and the information used in the management process in relation to the human resources were obtained from peer-reviewed books and journals. In this light, the necessary information about what human resources entail and its functionality is high lightened in books and magazines about organizational growth. The line management and the staff management are sourced from direct participation on the company set up where the duties of each one are observed. For instance, the working together of the line managers and the staff managers promote the cohesion in a company and also help the line manager to become more proficient in tactical human resource functions since HR managers have delegated those duties. The HR and the line managers in the company communicate regularly and frequently to determine the skills needed in the operations of (Renwick, 2016). Strategic planning between the HR manager and the line manager involves the reviewing of the projections about future company demands and whether there are needs to current employees and prepare them for promotion or recruit other candidates with a higher level of skills. The measures that were utilized when collecting the information was purposely directed to human resource management. Research objectives were to find how the human resources responsibilities are delegated to line managers and the staff managers. What human resource management entails also was researched. The information obtained answered both questions and, in conjunction, essential functions of human resource management, are outlined. Finally, the company’s goals are achieved as a result of the understanding of human resource management. The data was collected from books, articles and online site and was of great importance in deciding which measures to apply for company’s normal functionality. For instance, from the demand and supply law, the HR obeyed the rule by producing more units of fuel and getting more profit rather than not operating or producing lower units. This also helped to retain the flow of customers.

Human resource also needs to be innovative in management roles whereby new method of sustaining company into operation needs to be employed. For instance, when the company is in problem of drop in fuel prices, the HR department may be creative and apply the mechanism of producing other products


Data Analysis and Finding

The information from the journals and peer-reviewed sources facilitated formulating the answers to the questions concerning human resource management. A general understanding of the study helped to generate a working frame-work to be employed in the a company HR department to assist in goal achievement. The literature review was outlined on the information which promotes the various functions of a human resource manager. In this light, the human resource department in a company is the most critical task-force which needs to be informative and updated to sustain development. For instance, I this case the HR manger had the task to search for other measures to undertake to help the company sustain in difficulty times, which include producing other products and increase profit making. The evolving nature of HR denotes that it requires frequent changes as time moves, for instance, a company needs to keep recruiting new employees and others retiring to help gain new techniques as well as increase production (Armstrong, & Taylor,2020). Human resource functions in the company are the basis of development since the employee is the most valuable asset in the organization. In this regard, any development to be achieved revolves around the effort made by its employee, well-equipped employees with skills-oriented promote growth the same when an employee is not well treated in remuneration and salaries conflict and chaos exist which led to poor performance in the various department in an organization. The finding of the study high lightened the importance of human resource managers in relation to the management process; in this light, the study provided a frame-work to be utilized in the realization of organizational goals. A sustainable human resource department facilitates development, which every organization works for. Therefore, the existence and development of the organization depend on the mechanism outlined by the human resource department.


Measures taken by HR department in relation to management process in crisis time

Human resource department in a company will be responsible for taking some measures as well as advising other department on how to sustain the company in difficult moment when the prices of fuel drops. The measures should also, be directed to the company set objectives which is expansion and profit maximization (Herrera, &Heras-Rosas, 2020). In this case, the HR managers in a company will still undertake their duties but in considerable measures in time of tough periods. The top four steps which will be adjusted when the company is making less profits in the process of managing human resource includes;

Step 1. Recruitment, placement, and selection processes when a company is experiencing drop in profit

A company’s HR managers should undertake their duties in recruitment, placement as well as selection of employees who will help the company maintain sustainability in difficulty period of price reduction of fuel. Recruitment will entail finding some candidates who will help the company when there is decrease in profit. For instance, getting an employee who can initiate new techniques to be employed and help maintain development and goal achievement. Interviews are conducted after a prospective candidate is identified whereby the process of interviewing is projected, and a well suitable candidate is employed. The interview supplies the information about the job and the company to the candidate (Herrera, &Heras-Rosas,2020). The guidance and placement where the new employee is guided on the ways to best fit in the company as well as replacement procedures. The competence of individual facilitates guidance and placement procedures in that one is responsible for any job in question in an organization. In this case, the human resource in a company will ensure the best fit candidate will be employed who provide most productivity when the company is not making big profits since the price of fuel have reduced. However, the big number of employees in the company needs to be streamlined to enhance sustainability with the changes. The HR also, must keep the company vision at first when making any decision.

Step 2. Development and Training of Employees in a Company

Employees are to be well trained in the job they achieve the objectives set. The new workers should be taught how to do the job correctly. Training programs are incorporated to help allow the management to explain their policies, regulations, and rules to the newly acquire workers. Training enhance there is minimal damages to material and equipment, less spoiled works, and the improvement in quality and quality of work in an organization (Kehoe, & Han, 2020). In this case, the company will not recruit new employee while the existing will be trained and develop in a manner to achieve the set objectives. The final analysis generates goods results from the training of workers. There exist two general approaches to instructions, which include an intentional method and the absorption method. The absorption method leaves a new employee to learn for himself in the process while the intentional method arises when a new worker is trained to understand the tasks in the organization. Some of the training methods which have been used in organizations include on-the-job training, training centre training, and apprenticeship training.

Step 3. Job Evaluation in a Company

Job evaluation helps in rating the job in a company to differentiate it from others. Evaluation is done to determine the worth of the job. In this light, it’s a method of appraising the worth or the value of the job in relation to other jobs in the business unit. Inconsistency in the rates of jobs is minimized by the use of job evaluation, also, elimination of the evils in the organization to which system of wages and salary payment in the company are subjected (Witzel, 2016). The company will evaluate which jobs will be more beneficiary in case of price reduction of fuel. Those employees will be treated with a lot of concern for instance the marketing employee since they can advance and search for other markets which will bring profit to the company.

Step 4. Merit Rating and Promotions, Transfer and Demotion in a Company

Merit rating of Employee

The systematic evaluations to the employees in the performance on jobs and the requirement of the job. The merit rating is of great importance in an organization as it helps the supervisors to differentiate the abilities of their subordinates. The supervisor has the mandate to recommend an employer on the promotions, layoffs, specialized training, and wage increment issues. For the case, the company will decide on whether to send some employee to a compulsory leave since there may be salaries delayment or else, their salaries will be slashed so as to meet the company’s objectives. Therefore, good judgment about the people is necessary for the supervisor. Merit rating is also regarded as the technique of improving communication in an organization (Renwick, 2016).

Promotion and Transfers of Employee

Promotion entails the transfer of an employee from one job to another task which pays more money, or the employee enjoys a more preferred status than there before. In this regard, the job evaluation facilitates the promotion of employees when a supervisor determines those to be promoted or transferred. According to (Oh, Blau, Han, & Kim, 2017), the development of an employee leaves a vacant, and the other subordinates will work so as they may be promoted too. Promotion happens when the job structure is arranged like a stairway or ladders such that one moves from one point to another with salaries and wage increments. During this crisis the company will not be in a position to promote or transfer employee to various department since the step are accompanied by salaries increment.

Demotions of Employee

Demotions occur when an employee is removed from the duties assigned to a lower position as per the performance, incapability of one not to achieve the goals attached a company calls for lowering the person to a position where deliverance is guaranteed. The other reasons which can facilitate demotions include; terminations., retirements, dismissal and redundancy, and retirement (Nikolaou, 2018). The company may tend to reduce its expenses in time of reduction in fuel prices by terminating contracts and retiring those old employees in the company.




In conclusion, the human resource department in any company is of great importance. The employees are vital figures in development attainments. In this light, any decisions made in the company must look at how it will affect the employees in all the perspectives. For instance, a company may not take the step of firing some employee during the time of crisis, but it will reduce their salaries to maintain company sustainability.  The process of recruiting those employees should also be conducted with much know-how as it forms the foundation on the development to relies on in the near future. The duties of the HR are stipulated in the study and those assistance managers who work in collaboration with them, the line managers, and the staff managers. The duties of each manager are outlined and how they relate to the main human resource department. In this regard, a company should set up to promote more creation of assistance dockets that the primary human resource managers in their duties since all the practices help in goal attainment and organization expansion (Kehoe, & Han, 2020)


The study recommends more incorporation of the human resource department in the management process within a company. Human resources functions are outlined, and they facilitate development; hence actual utilisation aggregate to company sustainability during tough times. The main aim of any company is to develop and conquer the other from its best laid down foundations based on its employees. The most potent weapon that the company can possess is the credibility of its employee; in this light, a company should find the best-fit candidate, who will help in goal attainment practice and realisation of departmental visions in difficulty time when the prices of fuel drops.







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