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Human rights

The United States human rights

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The United States human rights

In the United States, the constitution and the bill of rights provide broad human rights protections. The rights being amended were after the civil wars that occurred in the United States.  Other than that, neocolonialism is a factor that led to amendments to these rights so that everybody could respect human beings in the world. Many of the reasons that are contained in the bill of rights are usually included in the UDHR. This typically allows mostly to the laws that are based on political and civil liberties. Glender explains that, in the United States, the Supreme Court is used in the identification of rights that are not found in the bill of rights (14). They mostly look into the presumption of innocents where they usually look into the rights of those that are innocent and make sure that their rights are wholly given to them.

They also allow for freedom of movement in that they make sure that the righteous have the freedom for movement. Elizabeth says other than that, the United States frequently provides a remedy for the people that defile the rights of those in the United States (34). Also, the United States Congress passes laws that are responsible for providing remedies for people and victims whose rights are violated. They usually do this to the people who have less money and are miserable. They typically are less costly and very affordable. The discriminations that are prohibited are based on gender, race, religion, and disability. Through this, many people have been helped in the United States, and the violation has reduced.

In the United States, the constitution provides robust protections for civil and political rights. However, it usually fails to recognize the economic, cultural, and social rights that are guaranteed in the UDHR.  Other than that, some constitutional rights are found in the state constitutions. They include rights to education and others such right to food and shelter. Elizabeth explains that this is usually the basic needs of human beings that they ought not to lack in every possible way (54).

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Most importantly, they should have the right to the right medical care in the country. Most of the rights named above are not recognized as rights but are generally basic needs of humans. Statues frequently address fundamental issues that entail food but don’t usually insist it is a right. They mostly target a particular group of people. In the past, during the wars, most people were being mistreated and lacked these services. The government went ahead to put in such laws to make sure that people do not go through the same again. Manila says, they only express the importance of food shelter and clothing but do not recognize them as rights that people are entitled to (76). Economic social and cultural issues are not viewed as rights and are enjoyed by all the people in public. Because of this, public policies may exclude people from eligibility as long as they don’t discriminate against people on different grounds, such as races and ethnicity. They make sure that all public policies are not going to discriminate against anyone’s rights. Companies in the past during civil wars entailed slavery of people and violated their rights. This does not mean that the rights of human beings will always be respected in the United States. Most people still go through discrimination in spite of all this.

In the human rights declaration, there is the recognition of equality and rights for all members. This applies to all members of the human family, where they also have the freedom of worship, justice, and peace in the whole world. The disregard of these rights has led to different calamities such as that American civil war. This war resulted in the death of so many people in America.  Many people currently in the world have been informed of their rights and well conversant with them. Manila elaborates, they know of the right procedure to be followed in case these rights do not prevail and are violated by anyone (87). In the world, there are a few people who still rebel against this right as they believe that they should have their form of law in their various countries. While protecting the rights of human beings, the nation must be equally developed economically.

In the Universal declaration rights documents, many articles are involved.  In the first article, it says that all the human being as should live together as brothers in one spirit. They should take care of each other in all the means possible. The second article speaks of the people having to be all served by this document and their rights respected. There should be no distinction of race color and sex. All their rights should be well conserved and should respect. Also, no distinction should be made in terms of political difference, jurisdictional, and international status. This should apply to all the countries and all private property that people own. A person should not be discriminated against because he /she is in a private property that belongs to someone more so the rich people of the world.

The third article talks of the right to life and security of a person. This applies to human beings such that no one should take the life of another person. Death should come naturally. Nobody should be put into drugs or any other means of torture to make them die. Other than that, nobody should be subjected to any form of slavery. Slavery led to the death of so many people in the past. During the civil wars, people were subjected to all sorts of slavery. Currently, in the world, anybody found making anyone their slave is severely punished by  law, depending on the form of torture. Slavery was something that was ended a long time ago. Manila says this led to different kinds of war and death (35).  Besides, no one should be subjected to any form of cruelty in the world. All humans should be treated equally in all the sectors that they work in the world.

The 1920s was a decade of rapid development for American capitalism, and ruling class confidence wheeled. Industrialization in America was at its peak, and immigrants and black people made up the majority of the labor pool. This was one of the good things that took place in America after the civil wars. By the time the decade come to an end, the United States was hit by a Great Depression, leading to the crash of the stock market.  During these times, many people had no jobs. Mary elaborates on how the Great Depression affected almost the entire working class, and by 1932, three-quarters of the working population was living in poverty while a large percentage was unemployed (76). Black people’s unemployment was three or four times more than those of white laborers. This means that there was discrimination at these times. The human rights declaration does not support such acts at all. The ruling class took this opportunity to slash wages, and blatantly refused to bargain with unions. This led to a series of strikes, and the ruling class attacked by unleashing mobs and the police to attack the strikers. They felt being violated. This translates to the people’s rights that were broken during the civil wars in America. The amendment was to curb such acts.

Moreover, everybody is entitled to protection by the law. No one should be above the law in any way. The lawyer should be used to punish the people who do wrong things and those who commit crimes. There are situations in the past that led to people suffering economically, such as small jobs in society. Everybody is equal before the law and is entitled to not being discriminated against.  They are allowed to be protected by all means such that nobody feels left out in terms of jobs, health services, and in amending the rights used in the country. Mary says these rights that are discussed come in handy within the war that was in America (65). It was mainly between the northerners and the southerners. This war caused a lot of distractions, and realty expressed the true meaning of violation of rights.

Anti Colonialism took place in the twentieth century and the 21st century. It elaborates on how people who were struggling against an imperial rule in colonized countries. The colonies ruled many countries that were being colonized in the world, and their governments were being displaced. The colonialists took control of different resources that were being used by the countries. In the world, the states were advised to form different cooperation to fight to develop their independence. They used various means to make sure that they concur with the countries. The natives of the countries being colonized had no power as the colonialist even took in their soldiers to the countries that they colonized. They put pressure on the natives of the countries that they were colonizing.   the natives working in their companies were being transported to their own countries to work there as slaves.

Most countries that were colonies had companies in the countries in which they were colonizing. They put their activities in the states and allowed their leaders to rule the nations with the help of local leaders. Many slaves who were sold in many parts of the world, including Asia, came from the colonized countries. Anti-colonialism is a form that took place in the year 1927-1947, where different people, used to fight for their rights. Erez explains that the natives of the countries that were being colonized were making various efforts to ensure that they were free (56). This was connected to civil war as the rights of human beings were amended and getting a new formation.

The America civil wars were a war that was fought between the years 1861-1865.  It was the war that was between the north and the south that was also called the confederacy. The civil wars began as a result of disagreements over the enslavement of black people. The two parties were arguing over the slavery of black people. War mainly started in 1861 when the secessionist forces attacked the Fort Sumter. This happened in South Carolina. It happened immediately after Abraham Lincoln was sworn in as the president of the United States. The group that was in the north compelled of their loyalist was proclaiming support from the constitution.  Some scholars argue that this war was inevitable, while some say that it was avoidable.

There was a war between the federal government and the member states.  The central place in which the war was based on was that the states have initially been independent. In 1776 the American Revolution led to the release of separate British colonies from imperial rule. However, this has already caused a loose of connection from state to state. This would lead to war. Many people had died in the war and many other battles. The previous war effects that had happened in Korea and Mexico in 1812 were enough evidence to show the Americans that civil war was so unnecessary.

The civil war was the ultimate solution for many of the conflicts tar had been witnessed. Other than that, America was supposed to be present when the ink that was signed by John Hancock’s that declared the country’s independence was still dying. Erez says this would have led to peace and a lack of war during those times (27).  On the other hand, the constitution had not even finished 50 years.  Elizabeth explains that this means that the people of the country would not have started the war and let the law at least be instilled into the country (98). Under this constitution, the states where still learning to live in relationship with one another. The southern states were justified in protesting g over the tariffs that were favoring the northerners. Other than that, the force act was still considered as an overreaction. With these in hand, this means that the war was a problem to happen.

Both more straightforward and complicated economy both led to war in America. The nullification crisis where there was a vast difference in the economic level between the northerners and the southerners led to war. Slavery is discussed in this stage because at least earlier times before civil wars; it was more of an economic concern to the southerners. On the other hand, the difference between southerners the northerners was mainly a result of the economic disparities that were between the two. Besides, the conflict was not only behind the succession of Abraham Lincoln. These disputes were quickly solved, and the war could not have taken place. Other than that, such conflicts were easily solvable and could not have led to the battle that took place. Many impacts were witnessed during the civil wars.

Firstly there was the emancipation proclamation. This means that Abraham Lincoln never considered slavery as something good in the first place. He says she suggested that it could have been having so many challenges as the black people were having a hard time during the war. Other than that, slavery came to a total end after the civil wars. People used to get employments without favor, and all the people in the United States were told of their rights. Besides, they had so many notions and principles that were created to make sure that slavery ended ultimately. In 1862 the union suffered very many defeats with Abraham Lincoln as the president. Erez says many people who were suffering were the southerners and were being discriminated against (45). In 1863, the union finally got some justice, and over 4.5 million people were freed from slavery. Slavery caused a lot of disadvantages to the citizens of the country. Many died, and many of them were subjected to various forms of torture. From this point, the rights of people were observed, and that was one of the achievements of Abraham Lincoln. The right to life was put in place such that nobody was allowed to kill the other.

Secondly, the war led to the division of Virginia into two parts.  In the year 1861, several meetings were being held in the market such that they could allow for the free movement of people in those states. Other than that, the government would have an easy time in ruling the place. By dividing Virginia into two, people would live comfortably without experiencing any form of war in the country. Many government officials were against this, but in the end it Virginia was finally divided in the year 1862. Tooze explains that, after a series of meetings, Abraham Lincoln finally approved the formation of West Virginia (46). This, however, moved forward as it became a state of its own in June that very year.

In America, there has never been the worst death toll that occurred during the civil wars. It has been estimated as one of them was in the world that has caused so many deaths. The death numbers were expected to be about 600000 to 800000 people in number.  This was even more than that world war that took place.  This scared so many people in the United States. The death of the citizens of America was like a genocide movement. The right to life was wholly ignored during these times. Other than that,  freedom of movement was denied to the people of the south during this time. Many people were in prison, and others used only to works laborers without pay. In the world, people should always be allowed to move freely. They should have many other means that they communicate with. Tooze explains, the civil war deprived the people of America this right (23). In other prisons, in Georgia, there were several prisoners of about 45000 that lost their lives. They were being referred to as the walking skeleton. They had so many characteristics that included torture and work without pay while in prison.

After the war, there were constitutional amendments that led to the change in the meaning of American citizens. They made sure that they put in rules in the constitution that would make people feel safe in the United States. They never wanted any of the American citizens to undergo slavery ever again their lives. This was a good move as the constitution would guide the government in so many things, including making a judgment. This happened between 1895 and 1870.  The thirteenth amendment in the law finally brought an end to slavery, which was the main reason why people were engaging in different fights. With a change in the bills, the citizens would be free to do what they want in the country. The fourteenth amendment saw into it that all the Americans, both black and white, would be allowed to stay in America. These amendments went on gradually until America also allowed people to migrate into the country. The rights of the citizens were equally being observed.

In conclusion, the events during the civil wars and those that happened in the neocolonialism led to different occasions. The rights of human beings were amended in the human declaration act. This was after the rights were violated during the neocolonialism and the civil wars. Currently, in the world, virtually everybody knows the right channel; to be followed when their rights are violated. The events have led to a significant transition in the respect for human rights.



Work cited

Borgwardt, Elizabeth. A New Deal for the World: America’s Vision for Human Rights.

Cambridge, MA: Belknap, (2007).
Glenda, Mary Ann. A World Made New: Eleanor Roosevelt and the Universal Declaration of

Human Rights. New York: Random House, (2002).

Manila, Erez. The Wilsonian Moment: Self-Determination and the International Origins of

Anticolonial Nationalism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, (2007).
Tooze, Adam. The Deluge: The Great War, America, and the Remaking of the Global Order,

1916-1931. New York: Viking, (2014).

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