The topic of choice is an option that is among the 2020 common application. This choice gives the freedom to share an essay on a topic of your liking. It is a standard option, and just in the 2018 admission cycle, 24.1% of all essay writers opted for this choice. With no restrictions attached to it, the “topic of choice” can be a bit overwhelming and confusing. But still, at the same time, its guidelines are simple to follow.
First and foremost, you need to ensure your essay does not fall under option 1 through 6. You can write about your interests or any idea that you want to pursue. Make sure you reveal yourself. Write about your values, character and beliefs. This way, the college admission officers can quickly identify you as a good campus student.
Be cautious if submitting an essay you’ve already written. Do not submit just any essay. The common application board is looking for a personal statement. Therefore, your Chemistry lab report or your A+ essay you wrote on dry land might not be the best essay to submit. Instead, write about your passion, personality, strengths, and what captivates you.
In conclusion, the topic of choice is an excellent option to choose from. You have the freedom to explore any topic under this option. Make sure you narrate about yourself and give the admission officers a clear picture of a kind campus student you can be.