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U.S. History to 1865

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U.S. History to 1865

Ferling; Adams Vs. Jefferson

The united states of America are one of the countries that have undergone a series of democratic events in its history. One of such events is the Tumultuous election of 1800. It was an election that involved Adams and Jefferson.  Besides, it was an election that was so inclusive to an extent President Thomas Jefferson dubbed the election as the second revolution (Ferling, John, pg. 64, 2004).  This was a fourth presidential election that involved the battle of the titans, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson.  Historians also argued that this was the first true presidential election in the United States democratic history.

This was a significant process in the united states. The election of 1800 was done meant to help solve a serious. At the time, the country was in the blink of entering into war with France.  They needed a leader who would lead them in this process. Besides, the previous elections were not considered correct, and this one was now meant to show an improvement the country had made in the previous elections. As a result, Jefferson claimed that this was the second revolution in the history of the united states.  This election was necessary as it changed the form of election and government influential figures election. Through this election, it led to the enactment of the twelfth amendment. This amendment separated the election of presidents and vice presidents (Ferling, John, pg. 69, 2004). Earlier on, the candidate who becomes the second position in the election was to become the vice president of the country. This was a situation that Jefferson had become a victim when he became the vice president of the U.S.A in 1796 (Ferling, John, pg. 69, 2004).

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The tumultuous election becomes a pivotal moment in American history. This is because of the later issue of electing a vice president.   It enhanced the enactment of the twelfth amendment that changed the way the president and vice president were elected.  Besides, it a period America was changing in terms of its political structure.  The election was a realigning contest that paved the way for a generation of democratic republic regime.  Thomas Jefferson, who was the leader of the republic, stood with the decision that there was a need for a smaller form of governance that was run by a few people. Adams, on the other, advocated for the centrality government. This led to a fierce election that was characterized by drama.  As a result, according to Ferling, this was an election that indeed teste the strength of American politics in terms of democracy and other aspects.

According to Ferling’s argument, the tumultuous elections had significant impacts on American elections. As stated earlier, it tested the American electoral college. In his book, Ferling clearly shows how this election was a pivotal moment in the history of the united states.   Ferlings argues that it was a competition between two titans (Ferling, John, pg. 130, 2004). They were two heroes of the American Revolution era. They were once strong friends. During the elections, they were now competitors, each with a different vision on the future of the united states.  The election was a dramatic competition between the Republicans and democrats. The two-party were guided with different manifestos on how the united states should politically be ruled. The federalists that were led by Adams were deemed to be conservatives who advocated for a central form of government, contrary to his counterpart Jefferson.

The election had a series of dramas that featured various struggles. In one of the instances, Alexander Hamilton scathed attacks towards Adams. Tensions in every sector characterized the elections. Due to this tension, the republicans gave out threats for the electoral bodies to announce their candidate as a winner, or they risk the occurrence of civil war.  There was a secret deal that was done to increase Jefferson’s vote since they had obtained similar vote numbers. Hence Jefferson won the election and became the then president of the United States.

Before the election in 1800, the country was undergoing an evolution in terms of national politics.  Some of the changes the company included the election of George Washington, the works of the constitutional convention of 1787 as well as the formation of the first American federal government.  The American nation was undergoing a revolution, and one of the influential figures during this process was alexander, Hamilton.  He devised a financial program that helped to save the country from the economic crisis it was going through after wars.

Ferlings also described how the election changed the electoral system of the united states. According to Ferling’s book. The election practice that was used at the time is still confusing.  The Americans had adopted this form of an election due to their expectations of convention members.  They did not expect a rise in political parties.  According to their elections rules and regulations, each voter had to cast only two votes. However, no one was allowed to cast both votes, especially not residents of the same state (Ferling, John, pg. 169, 2004).  According to convention expectations, they thought that most states would get a favorite candidate who would be voted for by the state electors. The electors would hence now be pushed to search for a candidate outside the state.

Although it was a challenging situation in the country’s political regime, the country was undergoing various challenges. As Ferling asserts, the American nation was under total turmoil.  A change in the political situation was the only solution also to the other challenges. In his book, Adams vs. Jefferson, Ferling states that the United States was getting into turmoil ranging from terrors brought by the French revolution. Besides, it was on the verge of entering into war with France. The country internally was also divided into political lines. The competition was so intense to an extent retired political figures came back into the political scene to help save the situation. They included the likes of James Madison, George Washington, George Clinton, John Marshall, among others.  It was time to act and save the American future, and they felt it was also their responsibility to intervene.

In his argument, Ferling asserts that the 1800 election was a review or a repeat of the 1796 elections. The election paved the way for a new form of political regime. It introduced a new form of two-party republic politics. Besides, it was an election characterized by a series of campaigns that were done behind the scenes as well as through the press.   In his argument, Ferling shows that the political enmity between the two, once seen to be friends, is what gave way for a two-way party political system (Ferling, John, pg. 200, 2004). They were earlier on close friends before the split that occurred due to elections and political ideologies.

In conclusion, the tumultuous campaign of 1800 is a significant process in united states politics.  It contributed greatly to shaping the country’s politics. The recent two-party system of politics was a result of the political class and ideologies between the politicians. Besides, it was a test of the electoral college country. It was deemed inside. As a result, it helped in the political transformation of the country’s political system. This was an election of its kind as it influenced significant political changes.

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