Understanding Transmedia storytelling
Before the development and introduction of the digital era, components of literature such as the narrative complexity, construction of words, and the idea of engaging the audience was facilitated through analog means. Certeau explains that “The presence and circulation of a representation (taught by preachers, educators, and popularizers as the key to socioeconomic advancement) tell us nothing about it is for its users (546). Most of these aspects were mainly constructed through theoretical means. Ideally, the conversations and storytelling were primarily addressed based on the audience’s perception or the impression that they get when listening to the speaker. The establishment of the vocabulary that the speaker used to communicate was significant in that it would tell if the person was familiar with the language that he is speaking. Additionally, the construction of these aspects was enhanced by conducting research that pertains to the formation of language and through writing books and poems that told various narratives. Traditional means such as narrative telling were the norm of the day, and it worked effectively in promoting the aspect of Transmedia. Don't use plagiarised sources.Get your custom essay just from $11/page
In the last decade, transmedia storytelling has been on the rise as a result of its ability to cater to the needs of all the audiences. Jenkins support that “Transmedia storytelling practices may expand the potential market for a property by creating different points of entry for different audience segment”. Since its introduction in the modern era, transmedia storytelling has been adopted by many scholars and business people due to its ability to reach different audiences with what is needed by the viewers. Media storytelling has continued to be aiming for the communication ladder and is currently the form of communication. The spread of transmedia storytelling was mainly facilitated by the approach of different mediums and the fact that it was a new subject in the social world, and this spurred curiosity from many people in the audience. The concept of the transmedia also gained popularity since it had extensions such as BBC, which provided it with totally new audiences that learned about it. Additionally, the fact that these stories are mainly focused on one character, there is a likelihood that the audience gets attracted to these words. Also, for one to access an episode, the terms were different every time, and this means that the audience is often curious and want to know more about the provision.
Works Cited
Jenkins, Henry. “Transmedia 202: Further Reflections — Henry Jenkins.” Henry Jenkins, 31 July 2011, henryjenkins.org/2011/08/defining_transmedia_further_re.html. Accessed 15 Mar. 2020.
Certeau, Michel. Time Practice Of Everyday Life. 1st ed., 2020, Accessed 15 Mar 2020.
- Accessible and inclusive storytelling can be achieved through approaching the story through the concept of operational logic that might be incorporative of aspects that go back to some years in the history of man. The main aim of this approach is to look into the depiction of culture in the issue that it contributes to the development of the characters whose representation is that of an aspect that is dominant in the society. The lessons that people learn from the construction of these cultural aspects are evident in the flow of the information that is enhanced through this technique. Surveillance is yet another method that can be used to strengthen the element of inclusive storytelling. Certeau argues that “technical procedures acting on and with details redistributing a discursive space to make it in the means of generalized discipline” (547). Through the horizontal consolidation of the listeners of the transmedia stories, the people get the chance to learn the meaning of the information that is being spread abroad. The storytelling in the media platforms is inclusive of different aspects of things such as the integration of various characters who are all involved in the story, to appeal to the audience.
Through the surveillance program, the listeners of the story can gain the understanding that they are involved in the process of obtaining a knowledge of the impressions that are created in response to the transmedia storytelling. This approach can show the listeners the logic behind the topic and, by doing so, allow them to take part in the formation of the storytelling session. Through this technique, the society, instead, the audience gets the chance to be involved in the active listening and following of the transmedia storytelling since the person gains the right knowledge through which the person learns the importance of the storytelling sessions. Scott explains that “Fans have often explicitly distanced their use-value from exchange-value, rejecting mainstream principles through popular cultural capital” (78). As the information is transferred from one source to another through different platforms, people learn to see the logic in these aspects, and it is through this that people gain a better understanding of the concept of transmedia storytelling sessions. These sessions and storytelling platforms can give the person a better chance to see the logic embedded within a story and learn of the most effective ways of gaining the right amount of knowledge through these platforms.
Works Cited
Scott, Suzanne. The Routledge Companion To Media Fandom. 1st ed., 2020, Accessed 15 Mar 2020.
Certeau, Michel. Time Practice Of Everyday Life. 1st ed., 2020, Accessed 15 Mar 2020.
- Transmedia spaces vary, and this can be determined by the various places in which this type of storytelling is common. One most common place where Transmedia storytelling is told in the classroom. Ideally, since transmedia storytelling can be created to form a story that fits a specific audience, it is essential to note that it can be used to enlighten the student of a new concept or a matter that is affecting the society. For example, the pressing issue of the Coronavirus can be explained through these platforms. Rodrigues and Bidarra support that “as important as it may seem, the participatory space itself is the participatory spaces created around it. These spaces develop collaborative processes and foster the motivation for learning” (44). The creation of space in this context is essential since it provides a new platform in which people can get the chance to communicate and listen to what they are being told. Transmedia storytelling is not only meant for entertainment purposes but is also developed to enhance knowledge. Ideally, people get the chance to learn new concepts that enhanced growth intellectually.
Understanding the concept of representation through the angle of the classroom set up as a platform for Transmedia storytelling can be useful in learning the importance of equality. Jenkins argues that “Aspects of this convergence model are shaping decisions of media producers, advertisers, technologists, consumers, and policy-makers, and thus convergence has many different aspects and consequence”. Through this platform, a person gets the chance to think and evaluate specific ideas that might impact positively on the knowledge of the person and the general good of the society. For example, the use of the transmedia platform in explaining the role of education in the rising matters of the world can be useful in creating awareness. Ideally, the people in these platforms get the chance to understand and learn the new concepts that are taught in these sectors. Following this, the storytelling sessions are not only filled with humor but also depict the representation of different people, ages, and even gender. Gender representation for a fact has been an issue of concern in the contemporary society, and some of the problems that have been raised on this angle are the creation of equal opportunities at the workplace, and gender roles. When such topics are discussed in the Transmedia spaces such as the
, the students gain knowledge in these topics in a friendly way and, at the same time, understand their role in enhancing equality in the society.
Works Cited
Rodrigues, Patrícia, and José Bidarra. “Transmedia Storytelling And The Creation Of A Converging Space Of Educational Practices”. International Journal Of Emerging Technologies In Learning (Ijet), vol 9, no. 6, 2014, p. 42. International Association Of Online Engineering (IAOE), doi:10.3991/ijet.v9i6.4134. Accessed 15 Mar 2020.
Jenkins, Henry. “Transmedia 202: Further Reflections — Henry Jenkins.” Henry Jenkins, 31 July 2011, henryjenkins.org/2011/08/defining_transmedia_further_re.html. Accessed 15 Mar. 2020.