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Within Wal-Mart, leadership is a combination of regulations and expectations of a certain degree of flexibility for all to be able to try new products and continue to strive for change. The company has outstanding monitoring, and the company is doing well. The leadership approach is focused on teams, and the leaders are collaborating with their members of the team in the method. Leaders go with the party, and after each significant action, they all sit down together just to discuss the achievements and strengthen the shortcomings of the effort. Sam Walton, CEO of Wal-Mart, has implemented some of the fundamental principles of leadership that have been common with workers to date. He provided share options and gave discounts to his workers. Walton claimed that groups should always do more than people; he had ever done his utmost to make his workers happier as happy workers meant satisfied customers and more sales. Another explanation is that he feels that workers should care more about business because they are part of it and that their success depends on the success of the company. Throughout Wal-Mart, leadership allows its staff to be able to speak and share their issues and concerns.

There are several changes required to be done on a macro level. The changes needed to be done are;

  1. Channels of communication

Walmart corporation requires to change their communication channels since the information should be conveyed in a convenient way such that it reaches all the designated people. Two departments have to keep away from communication on everything relevant to transformation leadership – human resources and reliability teams. This is a risky argument to say, but the way most organizations are organized and operated these roles have lost their share of importance (both in forms of mind space and impact) and Gen Z and Millennials almost come up with a preconception that something from HR or Efficiency is past and obsolete. Gen Z and Millennials interact very separately and interpret effect and success very differently. Sadly HR & Quality processes have not kept up and are trapped in a number and basis points-based model (Smith, 2019). The currencies which sell have an influence, personal gain, exposure, and privileges to be part of a massive effect in a company. The best way to connect and build the most effective means of contact is via the same Gen Z and Millennial communities. It can be a ‘tender for change,’ ‘Snapchat for creativity,’ ‘Instagram for progress news,’ etc.

  1. Time

Walmart company need to change their time of operation since they operate for 24 hours. They can change the time they serve their customer, both physical and online customers. The time improvement plan will always be a prolonged one, two years, three years, five years. It almost sounds like a sacrilege. Is it not the whole aim of project management to get a quick change and a good return on the buck? Okay, that’s correct if you want a mini-impact (which is generally the case). At a macro level, the target of project management must be our average profit per worker should double in 2 years, and we should be the top 3 performers in the sector. Now that’s the target! So, this process can include several small stages. The transition can be assessed both at the micro-scale (to adjust creativity and facilitate efficient communication) and also at the macro level, that you will be genuinely changing yeah, this is the work. The administration of transition implemented over the period is and can mean “transition.” Restrict the time the development is going to be cut short!!

  1. Social system

The most significant blind holes in any excellent change management, particularly if you want to participate on a macro level – a clear view of the evolving social structures. Create a comprehensive map of that first internal structures that can promote growth, worker responses, effects on productivity, etc., and external developments in competition, innovative technologies, media, financial results, etc.

Stages of organization changes

  • Unfreezing

It is the first stage in the cycle of transition. The unfreezing step includes putting the old ethos, the former management style, the principles, and the institutional framework aside. A need for reform is acknowledged at this point. Both of these outdated structures are to be replaced with new ones. At this point, managers will clarify to workers the need and necessity to move away from the status quo of the old culture, principles, structures, and procedures. They should be trained, convinced to implement new ones in the interest of the company and themselves. Workers may be inspired by career satisfaction, expanded power, and independence in this respect. There are, nevertheless, workers who cling to the old principles and don’t want to adjust even after an acceptable effort at motivation. In these situations, force may be used as a final option and be prepared to step away from the old structures and principles, etc. Unfreezing may also happen through proper training by welcoming and finding cooperation in the choice-making process.

  • Changing

After unfreezing is over, the stage is set to change. The transition is taking place. Old principles, processes, ethos, frameworks are replaced with new ones. There is a transition from ancient to modern, from ancient to modern, from ancient to modern, and so on. The company has a new name. It’s a mile away from the company. Changing step is an intervention-oriented phase where new principles, processes, practices, leadership styles, and a new employment culture and atmosphere are developed.

  • Refreezing

It is the step where the transition is going to be lasting. It’s marginalized. A new state of equilibrium has been established. A new status quo has been verified. Newly embraced ethos, processes, practices, layout, design are being refreshed. This is a critical point. There should be no ambiguity about modern approaches, methods, and values in the minds of workers and supervisors (Latimer, 2019). Everything’s expected to be well decided. It’s a state of a new equilibrium. Time is the most important force that allows any and every organization to make the correct and essential improvements to the structure, processes, philosophy, culture, actions, etc. as times have changed.

Issues to be addressed

Walmart faces a variety of obstacles, including fierce competition, negative reputations, restrictions on company transactions and partnerships, and strong cultural standards in international markets. There is stiff competition from other retail stores that have adopted a small-price approach. For starters, they face fierce competition in America and Mexico. Small food stores and convenience stores partnered aggressively with Walmart and built their position in a variety of regions. Moreover, rivalry in international markets is intense. For instance, it is only able to crush 2% of the Germany grocery market due to massive rivalry from other well-established supermarkets and farmers’ markets. Intense competition was the cause of why Walmart stopped operating in Korea. After joining the Korean market in 1998, Walmart was also unable to control the market and instead left in 2006. Walmart’s poor image derives from low salaries, higher costs, and sexual harassment.

Many cases of harassment of employees have been documented. Gender discrimination is rife in all of its shops worldwide. The problem of sexual exploitation has made it difficult for Walmart to grow to other countries with strong cultural values and customs. This problem has created management issues that have delayed its expansion plan. Also, low salaries have built an unfortunate name for the retailer. While they provide jobs to millions of people, their incomes are so small that they can hardly support employees with large families. The company’s management has been hesitant to increase salaries. Other issues involve stringent government regulations in international markets, strained relationships with vendors, cultural gaps, and challenges in purchasing other companies.

Steps in accomplishing the change in Walmart

  1. The management change support

Workers gain a sense of confidence as they see leadership embrace the method. It is essential that management show appreciation for change and express support while engaging and communicating with workers. There is nothing worse than giving a confusing message to the staff. When you can’t accept a transition of 100 percent, do not even think of making it.

  1. Case for change

Nobody tries to change for the sake of change, so that’s necessary to make a case for reform the argument for reform may come from several sources. This could be the result of data collected on defect levels, consumer satisfaction surveys, job satisfaction surveys, customer feedback cards, company objectives as a result of project management sessions, or budget pressures. Use data is the best way to recognize and explain things that have to be changed by reform measures.

  1. Employee involvement

At a certain point, all reform initiatives will include employees. Organizational change, whether significant or small, needs to be clarified and shared, especially changes that impact how workers work. If it’s modifying the job process, increasing customer satisfaction, or discovering ways to minimize costs, workers have the expertise that can benefit from the change preparation and execution method. Since workers are usually nearest to the system, it is crucial that they recognize why a transition is taking place and that they engage in the creation of a new order.

  1. Communicating the change

The communication of transition must be organized and structured. Workers are at the hands of leadership to remind them of the development. If there is poor communication and the gossip mill starts to spread the rumors of progress, it may generate fear of change. Being positive in interaction will reduce opposition and make workers feel like they’re part of the system.



  1. Implementation

When a transition has been designed, it is essential to have precise coordination on the planning and execution of the development. A timetable for change should be developed, and adjustments must be made to have an effect on the system and on the workers who oversee the process. For example, if your Walmart updates the software program, worker education should be performed before another software is downloaded on their machines. A successful timetable would require all new machinery, materials, or learning to happen until it is fully enforced. Implementation without an explicit order will generate confusion for those accountable for the working cycle.

  1. Follow-up

When a change is implemented, it is often an excellent idea to take-up after adoption and to determine how well the reform is operating and whether the difference has achieved the desired results. Changes regularly meet the goal goals; however, there are instances when switches don’t perform as expected. If this is the case, leadership should understand that it did not succeed and make changes before the desired result has been obtained.

  1. Removing barriers

Often workers face obstacles when making improvements. Restrictions may be with other staff, other agencies, insufficient training, lack of resources, or supplies needs. Leadership usually has to work with stubborn or troublesome workers at times. This is the duty of managers to assure that workers can introduce progress with no challenges and opposition. This is tragic, but there are occasions when workers actually cannot consider a shift. In these unusual situations, workers need to step on to make the desired transition a success. Those are challenging but essential choices.

  1. Celebrate

It is necessary to celebrate achievements across the way as changes take place. Applauding incremental changes and creating support for more significant improvements are what helps workers continue to be part of the system. If workers recognize why a transition is being made and are part of this process of preparing and executing the change, there is a higher chance of effective adoption.

I will adopt the following leadership styles in the management of Walmart company

  1. Autocratic management style

An autocratic management style is a powerful one-dimensional management style that provides complete influence or power to the manager. Under this form, the manager takes all judgments without consulting the subordinates or the leaders of the team. He handles all the necessary calls, that are then transmitted to the members of the group, and is required to operate on the orders instantly. In short, the chief is the ultimate choice-maker in an autocratic style of leadership. Prominent people support a severe form of management.

  1. Democratic style of management

Unlike with the management style described above, the democratic management style is more participatory in design, wherein the leader includes members of the team when making important decisions. It fits well with Walmart, where team leaders are highly trained and qualified (Lu, 2019). The coolest part of this management style is that contact is fluid up and down. Often called participatory leadership, it allows the manager to be knowledgeable, imaginative, reflective, and professional. In every organizational situation, the model of democratic leadership is favored over other forms of management.


  • The coaching style of leadership

It has been controversial for quite a while now to consider training as a form of authority or not. Nonetheless, it’s one of the most potent ways of management, which does not directly lead, preferably partially. In this type of control, managers are more like trainers or instructors who include teaching or guiding members of the team. This is a reasonably new form of management that is used more often than not by several companies. It has additional benefits, such as improving employee motivation, rising leadership skills, training, and empowering members of the team.

  1. Strategic style of leadership

This leadership style helps you to put together a group of members of the team who are well-trained and very well-equipped to deal with unexpected challenges and challenges. The strategic style of leadership is also producing more members, and that is what management is about!

Ways of influencing a productive environment for Walmart company

  1. A positive culture in the organization

Positive work culture is the secret to the success of a successful company. It ensures that workers feel good about their boss, that they think the assistance of supervisors and colleagues in their job, and that they have a positive attitude on their careers. As a boss, your mindset and your level of professionalism have a significant effect on the culture of your organization or division (Lu, 2019). If you display composure under strain and use fun and laughter to relieve tension, workers are much more likely to remain optimistic even though hard work difficulties. In contrast, having respect for the staff as individuals and employees leads to a healthy community.



  1. Direction and vision

Senior managers typically have better control over the institutional mission and direction, but the front-line managers may also lead their divisions or staff. The idea is the primary management characteristic that helps one to see all the potential of the business so you can point it to the best work in the current. Organizing workers’ inappropriate positions, delegating responsibilities, and encouraging staff to share a shared vision are ways in which you can impact Walmart to move toward mutual goals.

  • Motivating employees

Some of the main tasks of any director at any stage of any organization are to inspire its employees. That is basically what distinguishes you as a boss from a daily employee in control of you. Motivation requires regular input, like encouragement for excellent results and supportive yet constructive whenever preparation or progress is needed. Day-to-day contact, coaching, and training are among the methods used only by administrators to inspire them.

  1. The tough decision making

As organizations step ahead, difficult choices are always needed at the edge or in the ranches. Supervisors are generally capable of making difficult decisions, for better or worse. You can have a positive effect on your Walmart by making educated, competent, sound, and logical choices that balance rationality with an urgency where appropriate. The way you can make choices, whether it’s in a state of panic or quiet, affects workers who are watching you. Displaying a gentle hand under stress aims to instill confidence that you’re the best person who makes difficult decisions.



Issues that arise during the stages of change in Walmart

  1. Conflicts

The transition will evoke feelings such as confusion and anxiety, causing workers to take their grievances away from each other. Conflict is a growing unintended result, and it is your duty as a manager to help employees resolve problems. Conflicts can interrupt your timetable, and you need to interfere and solve problems whenever necessary. Be aware of addressing the source of the problem actively to find the solution that requires feedback from workers (Huaqui, 2019). A successful manager should delve into the issue when operating in line with their leadership of institutional transition. Humility is the secret, and you can connect with the workers by sharing your side of this story and knowing it.

  1. Planning

The shift will happen along the way with no adequate preparation. You will take advantage of a standardized process that highlights the specific essence of the adjustments as well as what needs to be done for such changes to stay in effect. Of instance, when you’re implementing a new program, you’ll need to know if it’s consistent with the previous system, or how you’re going to move important information when you make a change. Adequate preparation requires collaboration, optimizing staff capacity, and eventually increase performance. For all duties covered, you will build a productive change schedule that accounts for downtime and unintended consequences.




  1. Setbacks

Retreats are unavoidable, but you might access their effect by detecting them whenever they occur. Don’t ever assume that the steps to progress will be flawless. Your approach won’t be foolproof, so it’s hard to predict the future. If something went wrong, maintain a positive mental outlook and take steps to avoid recurrence. When the team continues helping out, the gap would be significantly reduced (Harrison, 2019). Going to expect losses is another thing, but recognizing obstacles ahead will ensure that you are equipped. Once a problem arises, you can determine if it is a one-off or a crucial result that needs a strengthening of the validation process.

















Harrison, J. A. (2019). Working for Respect: Community and Conflict at Walmart by Adam Reich and Peter Bearman. Social Forces97(4), 1-3.

Huaqui, A. (2019). Book Review: Building Power from Below: Chilean Workers Take on Walmart, by Carolina Bank Muñoz.

Lu, M. (2019). Evaluation of Financial Situation of Walmart Company.

Latimer, C., Hempson, K., & Kendrick Jr, J. R. (2019). A Community Deliberative Polling Event: The Economic Impact of Walmart. Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship4(2), 5.

Smith, N. C., & Crawford, R. J. (2019). Walmart: love, earth (A). In Managing Sustainable Business (pp. 243-267). Springer, Dordrecht.


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