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What has been pop culture’s role in promoting social justice?  Give specific examples. 

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What has been pop culture’s role in promoting social justice?  Give specific examples. 

Popular culture refers to the popular culture that is transmitted through digital media and consists of music, sports, and art, among other forms. On the other hand, social justice is the fairness in terms of allocation of resources, and opportunities within the society. Pop culture has been instrumental in the promotion of social justice (Bezio, & Yost, 2018).

Pop culture plays the role of creating awareness and advocating for issues. This may be influenced through actions in society, such as building schools or is conveyed through their forms of art. For instance, pop artists may initiate an influential hashtag on twitter to address a pertinent social issue such as domestic violence. Popular culture, such as music and art, resonates with a person’s emotions and thus can change hearts and minds on some issues. It provides pressure for change and shift in opinions. Pop culture has played the role of enhancing social justice in recent years in different ways.

Share one unique example (that has not been mentioned in the unit or by classmates) or how pop culture has promoted social justice, awareness of an issue, or has had a role in influencing public opinion to promote equality, justice, acceptance or tolerance.

In numerous times, pop culture, such as music and sports, serve as a primary driver of social change. There have been multiple changes that have been driven by pop culture and especially sports athletes. For example, Lebron James, who plays for the Los Angeles Lakers, has utilized his position and influence to drive social change and justice in various aspects such as education. Notably, he has spoken out about social issues like gun violence, police brutality, and racism. By donning merchandise with social messages change such as “I CAN’T BREATH” or “BLACK LIVES MATTER”  during NBA games, Lebron created awareness on gun violence and led viewers and the society to pay more attention to these issues (Coombs & Cassilo, 2017). Creating such awareness and influence is the key to driving social change.

Besides, he has also indulged in educational philanthropy as part of social change initiatives. Notably, he has opened the I Promise school in 2018 to ensure that at-risk children in the society, such as orphans, can obtain an education. Acts like these by influential people that fuels the need for social change. When athletes speak against something such as racism or gender inequality, the message is weighty and may influence change easily

 In your opinion, do people with a large pop culture following have an ethical responsibility to promote positive messages in their work? 

Having a massive pop culture following also means that an individual or group also a huge social influence. In my opinion, people with a large audience are morally bound to convey positive messages in their work. I am a firm believer that when offered a platform such as an NBA athlete, one should ensure they convey messages that have a positive impact on not only people but the society in general (Bezio, & Yost, 2018). Nevertheless, pop culture should not merely be limited to the notion of promotion of positive messages only. Instead, pop culture artists ought to speak even about negative issues positively and acceptably that drives favorable social change.

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