What were your strengths in your presentation? (ex. interesting topic, language, etc.)
The topic was very interesting and engaging. I managed to engage the audience during the presentation. The audience was attentive because the topic was not only interesting, but it also related to their personal experiences. Further, my choice of language and vocabulary was excellent. The language was formal and scholarly, making it appropriate for the topic. I was audible and eloquent during the presentation; hence, the audience was able to understand and internalize my arguments with ease. Lastly, I engaged the audience by asking them questions. This provoked them to think deeper and to be more attentive. Interacting with the audience helped me hide my nervousness.
- What were your weaknesses in your presentation? How will you overcome these weaknesses next time? (too nervous, eye contact, etc. )
I was too nervous during the presentation. My voice trembled as I spoke. Interacting with the audience by asking them questions helped me to hide my nervousness. In the future, I will practice more before I do any presentations. This way, I will build more confidence to present any topic before people. I will also take deep breaths before the presentation. Taking deep breaths helps in relaxation. My presentation was too wordy. I realized that I extend the time with 10 minutes. Given the attention from the audience, I talked a lot, missing the point of timeliness during the presentation. In future, I will create a guide to help me stick to the main points.
- Discuss your feelings of preparedness, nervousness, excitement, confidence, etc. before, during, and after your speech.
I was well prepared before and during the presentation. I had read widely on my topic and had many points to present. I was also ready to answer any concerns from the audience after the presentation. I was nervous before, during, and after the presentation. I had done very few presentations in the past, and therefore, I did not have enough confidence. I was excited before and during the speech, given my mastery of the topic. However, I felt a loss of excitement after the speech because of my weaknesses during the speech; I had no confidence.