Why is project scope management so challenging in IT projects?
Project scope management is the process that ensures that a particular project includes all the work appropriate to attain the project’s aim. Basically, it controls what is and is not involved in the project (Derenskaya, 2018). For most IT projects to bring excellent results, the scope has to be followed to ensure the project is finished and delivered on time with the expected requirements met. However, it is strenuous to handle project scope management.
These are some of the significant challenges in managing scope in IT projects:
- Lack of enough resources. The project scope management becomes difficult when there is a lack of enough people, hardware or software equipment. You may find that the people tasked for this work are not qualified enough or either they’re hired. In other cases, the software needed to build a particular project may be too expensive.
- Inadequate time has also been a problem in IT project. It involves how long the project will take to be completed. Some projects are too big to accomplish within the stipulated period, hence jeopardizing the work.
What suggestions do you have for preventing scope creep in Projects?
Scope creep, also referred to as requirement creep. It is defined as the process in which project requirement tends to increase over a project lifecycle. For example, a product that began with three essential features now can increase up to ten or fifteen.
Tips to prevent scope creep
Define the project scope. You must develop a realistic understanding of the work and be able to know your client better. This means going through all the aspects of the projects to safeguard future problems.
Having a project contract is a measure of preventing scope creep. With this contract, it outlines every detail of the project agreed between you and the client. And any work outside the original scope considered as extra and subject to a particular charge.
Lastly, is having a review phase with your client. It prevents from having severe reactions and unsatisfied clients.