why there are so many gun massacres in the u.s
This portfolio is worth 24% of your total grade for the class. I do not accept incomplete portfolios, and if you do not get a grade on every portfolio, you cannot pass this class. In other words, you must do all of the required work in this unit. First, choose one of the three draft essays that you wrote for portfolio two to revise and polish. (Your three drafts were an analysis of the evidence in ″Blue-Collar Brilliance,″ a causal essay about why there are so many gun massacres in the US, and a position essay about one way to make the USA a better country). To revise is to look for big changes in content/order and to polish is to get picky about grammar/spelling. Use the comments I made on selected student drafts to help you. I write my comments for this purpose. At the end of the revised essay, write a sentence that indicates what the BIG change to your draft essay is. Second, add all of this unit′s assignments to your revised, polished essay. [unique_solution]These would be 1) the summary of the Rose essay (week six), 2) the draft analysis essay about evidence (week seven), 3) the responses to my questions about the Gay essay (week eight), 4) the draft causal essay on gun massacres (week nine), and 5) the draft position essay on making the US better (week ten). If any of these assignments are missing, I will not accept the portfolio and you will get a zero for the unit and the course. The grade you receive on your revised, polished essay is the grade you will receive for the entire portfolio. Do not bother to revise any of the earlier assignments; you only need to show that you did them. Use MLA format for the revised, polished essay.