Gun violence in the US
Gun violence in the US has caused so many deaths, which has to lead to a lot of pain and misery. These deaths may be self-inflicted. These deaths are as a result of suicides, homicides, and neglect or accidental discharge of a firearm. Between 1968 to 2011, about 1.4 million people have lost their lives thanks to gun violence. The US is ranked to be having the highest number of gun-related violence among the countries with the highest income. This is why the legislators in that country are doing everything in their power to ensure that this violence reduces. However, gun control legislations have proven to be something that is very contentious. In this paper, we will be looking at mass shootings, and mental illness is linked to gun violence.
Mental illness.
In a blink of an eye, a lot can happen, especially when one is not in a stable state of mind. This occurs when someone is not in control of their emotions. Research has shown that a person can harm when it is emotionally compromised, and the magnitude could be worse, especially when he possesses a lethal weapon. There are a few people who say that people who go around mass shootings or act homicidal are evildoers or are mentally unstable. To some extent, they even say that such people should be locked up. They ignore the facts from neuroscience, which state otherwise. Most of the offenders who commit such atrocities are not mentally ill.
If one is mentally ill, there is a considerable chance that the person will inflict pain on himself rather than on another person. Records have shown that most deaths caused by firearms are suicides and not premeditated murder or mass shootings. This concludes that most of the gun-related injuries are caused by people who are not in control of their mental stabilities, and when they are provoked, they act in catastrophic ways.
There are human beings who act like land mines in our midst. If you want to see bloodshed, just arm them, and the results will be broadcasted in the news later. When we are emotionally compromised, we do somethings that cannot be undone. We should all try as much as we can to control rage inside us. The government also has a role to play in ensuring that the legislation that is passed protects the citizens.
Mass shootings
Mass shooting can be defined as when four or more people are shot on one incident at the almost same time, excluding the perpetrators. Currently, there are very many reasons why a person can go around shooting innocent civilians. These reasons can be white supremacy, terrorism, and many other extreme believes. Some may argue that these people’s minds can be corrupted for them to commit such atrocities. Some of these acts have ended up so bloody, which have left some people with deep mental and physical scars. The effects of such actions are PTSD, where people may have terrifying ordeals of such events. They also make the survivors live in fear. There is also the fact that these actions make people pay for huge medical expenses that they had not planned for.
It evidently clear that mass shootings and gun violence are not something that one can be so proud of. The side effects of such actions are so severe and in many instances, should strongly condemn. People living in constant fear, and having to pay medical expenses that were not planned for is not a pleasant thing. On the other hand, we should stop blaming mental instabilities on gun violence. Some of these people who commit such acts are just people who have been provoked, and in that instance, they become violent. Lastly, the government should play its part to ensure only people who can control themselves.