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Unity of Purpose

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Unity of Purpose

Education was not a preference for the families living on the western side of Solya village. The people were already used to bringing up their children to be strong adults who could bear more children and carry on with the trend. It should not be confused with illiteracy or disregard for education. Rather, this community had one thing in common; the residents were poor and marginalized. Most of the people lived under the mercy of their employers who rewarded their tireless efforts with petty cash. The reward was received with gratitude as it was a rare occurrence to be paid at the end of the day.

It was the season of cheap labor and job seekers were everywhere seeking for any opening. Young and old, they made efforts to gather as much as they could from the employers. Jeremy was one of the young boys whose parents remained dedicated to bring up to be a responsible young man. As the only boy in a family of six, his parents and siblings loved him and wished that he was all grown to look after them. But something was unique in this boy. He had a special attachment to education and always envied the stories told about people who invented different things.

His father identified the interest in the boy of knowing the origin and the explanation behind almost anything. But what could he do? He was just as poor as the rest and helpless to even think of putting the boy into a learning institution. Jeremy was, however, committed to bring home as much as he could gather from the farms where he managed to get some work. He appreciated the fact that there was more unity in the family where everybody participated in the welfare of the rest. He emulated his parents who were always committed and relentless in looking after their children.

Uniqueness is always noticed beyond expectations. At the age of seven, Jeremy had started interacting more with the siblings of their employers who happened to be enrolled in school. He was always amazed by the way they could communicate in a foreign language so easily and understand each other. They seemed happy while using this language than their mother-tongue. Sometimes he would just stand or work silently as he listened to their talk although he couldn’t understand a word. He would later try imitating them and using some of the words that he accidentally captured in the course of listening.

Once at home, Jeremy always narrated to the family members and friends who happened to visit them about his adventures over the day. He presented chronicles of episodes of encounter with children who could use several languages. What he couldn’t understand is whether it was just one foreign language or several of them since he could not understand their communication. What amazed the people was his ability to capture and memorize some words even without being taught. His listening worked just fine since he had an interest and a sharp memory for such simple tasks as listening and cramming.

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In some instances, Jeremy would gather the courage to try communicate with the kids but was always turned down. After all, how would a poor child interact with those from a filthy rich home? There was no way the connection would work. Therefore, he remained restricted to listening and blindly cramming any audible word that fell into his ears. If only he had the knowledge to write, he would have a whole lot of terminologies gathered from the field. But such limitations did not take the better part of him as he had no intention of being anyone else. He knew that he was the best he could be and working towards the welfare of his family was one of his primary duties.

Days went by and nothing seemed to change in the village setting. But once in a while, his fame regarding his efforts to learn and interact with schooling children became known far and wide. People from his neighborhood understood the nature of a child that existed in Jeremy. Apart from being keen and eager to learn, he was humble and loving. Every person liked it when Jeremy was at peace and happy. Therefore, it would not be a wonder for an outsider to think of a way of helping Jeremy and not their own children. But their conditions were wanting, pathetic, humble, name it!

Matthias was another prototype of humility and an elder of Solya village. Despite his old age, he was also keen to observe various happenings in the community. He also played the role of uniting the people and solving any conflict that happened to arise between the people. Therefore, he was a respectable figure and a source of wisdom. In most occasions, Matthias remained indoors due to the challenges of old age. People always paid him a visit despite the fact that he had a family that took good care of him. Therefore, he never lacked anything even without having to ask for any external assistance.

The respect that people accorded to Matthias led to them developing a form of trust that in no circumstance could he mislead them. They looked upon him for solutions to difficult situations as well as when they needed insight on a plan to do something that had not been done before. On this particular period, the people had been having a burning desire to seek for his opinion on a matter that they thought was important. Under normal circumstances, they would approach him together and discuss the matter at hand. Sometimes they first congregated to sum up the agendas before approaching Matthias for his profound opinion and direction. But this time, things were different; everyone went to him privately.

Nothing terrified the residents of Solya village like presenting an idea that may not be beneficial to the entire community. It was everyone’s desire to be of help and to come up with issues that promoted the welfare of the people. This fact created more fear in the people who developed this particular idea even without consulting each other. Jeremy had become an icon to many children and it was time somebody did something to introduce some form of communal transformation. But what if the plan failed along the way? Who would be ready to take up and own up the blame and the shame?

One by one, and in secret, the men and women in the village went to visit Matthias as usual but with a private agenda; Jeremy needs schooling. The people had observed with a lot of caution and admiration the continued interest of Jeremy in matters regarding learning. He was so obsessed with learning new things such that at times he became extra creative even in local matters. His level of reasoning as also unique and similar to that of mature people. Therefore, it was the consensus of many that it would serve him right to be in a school. Was this why everyone was afraid of raising the issue? Definitely not!

As much as the people wished to have Jeremy in school, the entire community was suffering a common ailment. They were all living below the poverty margins. Consequently, they could not afford to put a child in school at any instance. This was the genesis of all the terrified looks in the faces of everyone who went privately to see Matthias over Jeremy. The idea under discussion was how the same poor and underprivileged community would join hands and generate funds sufficient for Jeremy’s education. Although the idea was noble, wouldn’t this be a burden for the people, added on top of their already hard life?

Matthias had a hard time thinking about the best thing to do in such a situation. Every member was expressing goodwill for the young boy while they were pretty sure of the disability facing them. It was time to act differently and use his God-given wisdom to solve the puzzle. Matthias took several days pondering on the matter and looking at the common good factor. He was willing to sacrifice his efforts as well as come up with something workable for the people. Therefore, he thought of the best way to handle the situation. He planned for a meeting with all the villagers in a bid to discuss the matter openly and get more views from his people.

Tension reigned in the meeting as everyone thought that they were the only ones who had presented the idea. But they had one confidence that Matthias would not shame any of them due to presenting such a brilliant idea. As the silence took control of the gathering, the people who had no idea of what had transpired became eager to know the primary reason for the meeting. A good number who had presented their ideas remained silent with the fear of their agenda failing to bear fruits. But all in all, the time had come for determining the best way forward.

In his remarks, Matthias was particular on several things. First, he made it clear that almost every villager had approached him with the suggestion that Jeremy should be put under formal education. This clarification helped in releasing tension and thereby creating confidence in the crowd. To Jeremy’s parents, the news caught them by surprise since they would not dream of subjecting their fellow community members to strenuous financial situations. But what could they do? The matter was already under discussion and the fate of their son would be determined this day. Many people gave their suggestions as well as their regrets owing to their poverty levels.

Finally, it was time for the legend to spit his wisdom. After much scrutiny and analysis of the people’s ideas, he came up with a suggestion. The whole village was determined to see Jeremy advance in his status. Therefore, it would be a worthy course if every member put in a little more effort in their daily operations. He pointed out the fact that little contribution from each member was all that was required to have sufficient funds for Jeremy to be in school. At the beginning, the process would be hard and challenging but would yield much better results in the near future.

The decision on whether to continue with that plan was not to be given on that particular day. The people were given the opportunity to go and ponder on the matter much further before deciding on whether to take up the task. As usual, everyone had to consider the factor that mattered for the whole community. Would educating Jeremy be of any good to the society? He was just one person and the village had a multitude. What difference would it make anyway? But as it is, every person seemed to have a common stand regarding the issue.

The final meeting was held three days from the previous. Unlike the other meeting, every attendant seemed much convinced about their stand and confident that it would be the same decision from the rest. One by one, the village men gave their thoughtful opinions regarding the issue at hand. Matthias was amazed as the men gave almost similar opinions with very few contradictions. Each one was convinced that it was necessary to educate Jeremy. They gave their word on supporting his parents to provide anything required for the task. This sacrifice was taken with much gratitude by Jeremy’s parents since they saw it as an opportunity for their son to become whatever he always desired.

Little by little, the men and women of Solya toiled and saved towards Jeremy’s course. He was one of a kind and everyone wished the best for him. The people had high hopes that in one way or another, his education would come to save them from their status. Education was the best way out of poverty although it would take considerable time and relentless efforts. They were ready to offer their efforts and time in helping the young boy become a significant personality in the world.

As time went by, Jeremy was taken to the nearest and most affordable institution to pursue his future. He was exited to find himself in a place where he would learn and become like the kids from the farms where he had worked some days ago. This was his opportunity to learn and become the best that he could. His ambitions and aspirations were to be molded and transformed into realities of life. Jeremy, the obvious beggar and casual laborer, condemned to poverty by unexplainable circumstances, was going to join school as the first person from his village. This was nothing short of a miracle covered with joy beyond explanation.

He paced to and fro across his room, restless from the idea that he would be joining school. He will not have to work in the fields again nor will he just admire other children as they speak in different tongues. He was about to learn the secret of using different languages and soon he would be counted among the lucky learned fellows. What about his friends and agemates in the village? He didn’t have time to think about their fate. He was just a child and did not have to think beyond the limits of her childhood. Therefore, he focused more on what he was about to get other than what his friends lacked. Otherwise, he would be coming home every evening and would always find them waiting to hear his new exploits.

As time went by, so did his education continue to advance and gain more significance. Jeremy always featured among the best performed students and the stories of his amazing performance spread like bush fire. But worse than this was a rather more discouraging news that he was about to leave school due to the continued accumulation of fees balances. The people back in the village could not gather enough to cater for the advanced college education. Although they were willing to support him, their efforts were insufficient. Luckily, he landed a sponsorship and was through with his college studies within the normal period.

Like most graduates, life after school may at times discourage during the first few periods. Jeremy landed a well-paying job several months after his graduation. He always paid a short visit home although he didn’t like the place due to the low living standards of the people. It also happened that as an adult and a learned fellow, he had also forgotten most of the villagers due to the many years spent out of the village while in school. Therefore, he felt weird whenever people stopped him to know his state while he had no clue who the people were. His visits home was always brief due to the demanding job and his ambition to make a better living.

On one occasion, his father demanded to have an urgent talk with him. It was unlike him to make such requests since he had always been a reserved man, brief in talks. Jeremy took a leave at work to see his father an know about the burning issue. Therefore, the father took the chance to explain to him everything concerning the village as well as their sacrifice to see him through school. It was unfortunate that Matthias, the old wise village man, was no more. Jeremy listened with amazement and shame as his father explained the pains of the people in the village. After a lengthy discussion, he swore to make efforts to pay back the kindness of the people.

Back in the city, Jeremy talked with his friends concerning his background. They were equally amazed since they never thought such a successful young man could be a descendant of the legendary poverty-stricken village of Solya. He made clear his intentions to help uplift the lives of these people in the simplest way that he could. At least, he owed them a favor for their initiative to see him in school. Their efforts and kindness had made him the respectable man that he is. He thought of doing something that would ensure every member of that village would feel appreciated and uplifted.

Through the help of his friends, Jeremy came up with the idea of starting an education fund that would cater for the children from Solya village and everyone else who wished to get education. They gathered various people who were generous enough to give their contributions into the kitty and support the idea. From this initiative, Jeremy invited his friends into the village where he held a meeting with the people. Most of them recognized him although he admitted that he could not recall everyone present.

Solya village woke up to a new dawn of more hope and a brighter future after many years of waiting from the time Jeremy was first sent to school. Out of their goodness and selflessness, the people received a greater gift through which their children benefitted. They did not have to toil for school fees except for meals and other upkeep. Out of a simple good deed, a much greater reward was realized by the people.

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