Blocking and Movement
What unfortunately came out as an unknown factor, concerns stage and screen blocking wherein the open up display, which is the stage, the character is to perform certain traits to enhance audience captivity. Furthermore, an unknown factor of the scenario is that when the actor depicts any movement suggesting or in a manner to mention nervousness, the screen and stage audience will know. For instance, when the actor tries to dominate the film by playing different roles at once or even fails to interpret lines well, the audience attention diverts to another part that is full of energy.
The entirely new fun part is in the category of acknowledgement and support. The actors must fully acknowledge and support the choices and purpose of the main character for the outcome of the scene to be well displayed. Therefore if the actors are not in agreement of with each other and go to different directions or do ironic things that are not related to the scene, the audience fails to discover the legitimate message of the scene. Besides, acknowledgement and support are in three categories which are a considerable difference in status, moderate difference and little difference in the state.
The most confusing aspect is about the way an actor is supposed to adjust body positions in the stage. Whereby the one-quarter position is such that body adjustment away or in front of the camera faces the audience either left or right side of the body. Furthermore, since the adjustment is an open-sided position, it is also referred to as the three-quarter front. Finally, the profile where the actor stands or sits in a single body direction that only the audience and the camera can see.