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What should digital marketing trends the marketing manager be aware of in 2020?

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What should digital marketing trends the marketing manager be aware of in 2020?

Digital marketing trends for 2019.

Digital and online marketing is moving at a rapid pace.

New opportunities are continually being offered. And customers, whether you run a B2C or B2B business, find answers to their challenge by seeking answers online.


Your online marketing and digital marketing are crucial to your degree of success with your business today. Or the success you achieve in your job.


In this video, Dennis Kronborg talks about the trends in digital marketing in 2019:


The nine digital marketing trends in 2019 are:


  1. Voice search
  2. Omni-Channel
  3. Holistic marketing
  4. Marketing Automation
  5. Chatbots
  6. Lead generation
  7. Content Marketing
  8. Video
  9. Personal Branding

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Digital Marketing Trends

I will tell you what trends I see as being the biggest in online marketing and digital marketing here in 2019.

What are some digital marketing trends? What are some digital marketing trends you need to be aware of that are shaping the marketing and advertising you need to do here in 2019 and maybe even well into 2020? Because big things happen.

One of the biggest ones I think. And maybe the most crucial thing is going to happen, and perhaps it is something that has already started, but in earnest in 2019 and especially in 2020, such is beginning to have a significant impact on the whole way we act online.

Voice Search or Voice Search

This is what we call a voice search or voice search. It is that quests change from Google’s traditional search engine where we enter a keyword or phrase or a more extended search term and then Google finds some results based on it for us. Then we get this famous SERP page with all the results where there are ten different results based on what we have now searched on Google.

We all know this and as it has existed for many years, but it is merely going to change. It switches to a voice search or voice search.

So we just start talking to the little guy here who is a Google Home Mini who has a big brother called Google Home. But these smart speakers are beginning to find our home, and here we start doing searches, and the big difference between doing a traditional hunt is that we get ten results, but it usually tells us a simple effect.

Optimize SEO for voice search

So we must start in our search engine optimization and think about voice search and voice search. It is estimated that by 2020, 50% of all online searches in the United States will be voice searches.

So this little cousin so beginners like to earn a living in our home. Right now, it is such a smart device that can be used to turn on the light and lock the door, among other things. But I can also use it here to do a search on which movies, for example, appear in the cinema instead of typing it in and it tells you which films are shown.

Or how is the weather today so about what clothes to wear: Or use it to make a to-do list and use it here to do a lot of things and it just showed up.

Voice Search with the Google Home Mini

I think it came in Danish in November, so there is still a lot to be learned about this algorithm before it works. But it has now started here, and at least it makes a big difference that you have to focus on what you can call long term keywords when you do search engine optimization and search words to a greater extent become search phrases:

Instead of us saying; “movie in the cinema” well then it becomes a more extended search phrase. What films are going on in BioCity in Aalborg today? So it becomes a more extended search phrase, so compared to your search engine optimization then you have to think it differently.

Voice search or voice search it comes here in 2019 and well into 2020 and 2021 so be aware of it when doing search engine optimization.

Omni-Channel marketing

Another significant digital marketing trend is a “buzzword” that comes from time to time.

It’s called Omni-Channel. What does it mean then?

What lies in it is that instead of relying on only using a marketing channel such as Facebook you have thrown your love. Or AdWords, so Omni-Channel means the marketing mix needs to be broader.

Holistic marketing

That is, you need to spread your marketing across different channels. It makes a lot of sense for it is also about where you target your target audience and your target audience can easily be present on both Facebook and Instagram, or LinkedIn and YouTube or display ads.

So Omni-channel means that you have to think broadly in your marketing when making your marketing plan.

Think broadly in marketing compared to using many different channels and what different channels your target audience is on. I work with a slightly broader concept, namely a more holistic approach to it, and that means it is not just about the Omni-Channel.

But also see the whole customer journey. What is it that I want my customer to take on a particular action? And then think it in, so that it is not just Omni-Channel across platforms but more to look holistically, so we think web, social media.

We think advertising on social media; we believe content marketing. We believe customer journey; sales funnel, marketing automation finds in a holistic approach to doing marketing in 2019.

Marketing Automation

And that leads us quite nicely to the next thing, and that is marketing automation.

After all, Marketing Automation has been a concept that has been around for some years and primarily in email marketing where you could send such a welcome flow of 1-2-3 emails when people have signed up for one’s newsletter.

But marketing automation and email marketing are inextricably linked, and newsletter systems have evolved in the way that today, one can increasingly think behaviour into email marketing.

Email marketing

This means, for example, that you work with email marketing, that you may today sit and send newsletters once a week or 14 days or once a month when it is such a message that you send to everyone on your contact list.

Well then, with marketing automation, you can go in and start doing intelligent email marketing by using marketing automation.

That is, you want to go in and base your automation on behaviour. For example, by creating a tracking pixel that you insert into your website. That is, people who receive your newsletters here can track their behaviour on your website.

Intelligent newsletters

Imagine that you sent out newsletters with rubber boots and then you collect the behaviour of all those who have clicked on that link and your website have looked at rubber boots and then the next time it gets rainy you send them an email.

Just like with rubber boots so Marketing Automation has become advanced today, and you can do a lot of things. It does the great advantage that you can go in and do personal marketing so that electronic marketing gets serious.

ChatBots for marketing

Many may already be working on it, but we are moving from the fundamental basic marketing automation by making this typical welcome flow on some individual emails to thinking behaviour and start using cross-site tracking and of course, also the newsletter to create more advanced personalized email marketing and thus newsletters for our users. This is well in line with Chatbots, for example.

Messenger can be automated

Chatbots beginners such as to seriously catch up. Many have experimented with them. Both in 2017 and 2018 and some individuals use them. But there is such a severe start to the automation that we can make by using ChatBots, which is typically located in Facebook Messenger.

For example, when it comes to customer service, we can start putting customer service questions into a ChatBot that automatically answers these things, and we use it marketing-wise to collect permissions and then send messages in Messenger and do it intelligently. So marketing automation gets a thumbs up from here.

Lead Generation

Some of what I work with a lot and I can just see getting bigger and bigger. It is Lead Generation; it is the constant work of Creating Leads for the sales department or the company. So thinking about a sales funnel and the customer journey is essential in 2019.

Many people may have made the mistake of creating a website without actually thinking about what you would like from this website in terms of conversions.

What do we want our visitors to do on the website to take action? May you not have thought about that thoroughly? What does it want them to? Is it to sign up for a newsletter?

Or would we like them to buy a product? Or download some product descriptions or “white papers” even what it is. So this whole Lead Generation is significant. We live in a transparent world, and that means that all of our “colleagues” are also on the Internet today and so do the customers.

More customers are generating more significant growth

Today, there is a very high degree of transparency about what it is just precisely USPs on your product or service, so there is excellent transparency. So how do we create Leads? How do we make sure that all the leads until the sales department as sales department can work to buy a product? So Lead generation.

It was a big thing that here in 2019 we start thinking in sales funnels, and the reason I say it in the majority is that you can quickly work with different sales funnels that are and run within different types of products or within different types of segments like you want to work with:

So Lead Generation with sales funnel, customer journey and not least persona is essential and as a big trend that is starting to win in Denmark in 2019 as well.

Content marketing is dead

If you want to look at something that doesn’t work well, then it’s content marketing has been touted for many years as being a big deal.

And now we should all start doing this content marketing, start doing blog articles. We should have continuity with it and continuously begin writing about our product and writing about our services.

And there are also a lot of companies that have done that. We have probably reached a saturation point, and that is, there is a lot of content on almost all the topics on the Internet. So it’s continually finding new or new angles, but it’s just getting harder and harder, and it’s getting hard to rank for it on Google.

Create content in your marketing

So it doesn’t work quite the same way it did. And then it’s mega time-consuming. This is another factor that we don’t talk about much when we talk about content marketing.

It takes a long time to create a perfect concept so instead of having the one focusing on content marketing like the Holy Grail that can just generate a lot of traffic and that traffic can then be converted to customers.

Then we should look at it a little differently. I don’t think you can do without content marketing but just be aware that your Return on Investment (ROI) on content marketing will probably be zero for the first 12 months.

It’s a bit like SEO, so it’s in the long run that a profit comes from it.

Enjoy in digital marketing trends

You should still do it to some extent but rather than making four harmful monthly blog posts then it might be better to make a good one and send out instead of doing something every week then maybe it is about doing something once about the month in which there is quality.

And then use that content not just for a blog article but use it across social media where you then take some small things out of this blog post. And then use it on your social media or in your newsletter so you can enjoy this content across.

Like we talked about earlier. The Omni-Channel mindset. So use content across your platforms. And then maybe there is another thing in this.

You may also want to shift your focus if you work with content marketing from the written word because one of the things that have emerged already in 2018 and is only getting bigger and bigger. It’s Video.

Video is great for marketing

Indeed, in 2022, video is expected to account for 82 per cent of all the time we spend on the Internet. That is, a video just gets bigger and bigger. What you need to think about with video is to think keywords into your title. And you need to use your keywords in the description. Because Google is increasingly ranking video content in search results.

The latest digital marketing trends that I have thrown my love over. It’s personal Branding.

Personal Branding

I also see personal Branding winning more and more here in 2019 and the years to come.

And how did it look? Because people are all about people and primarily if you work with B2B, it is the personal relationship that will significantly affect whether you receive an order or that you do not receive any order.

People deal with people

It’s a personal relationship. You may well have a strong brand in the back, a strong brand that you are representing. But when you are facing a buyer, it is still your credibility that comes to the test.

Does this buyer buy into you and what you say and you can deliver the service that item he or she is interested in?

So personal Branding and it goes hand-in-hand with the whole social selling concept that has gained ground.

Just using social media to create visibility for ourselves is a platform for ourselves so that we can find more customers. It also fits nicely with lead generation, as I mentioned earlier.

Personal Branding is a trend in digital marketing

When we go out and find leads we might use LinkedIn or use social media to create the points for us that we can work within our sales work with the whole personal Branding is essential for us to build a position around us. So the positioning of Key account managers, selling the positioning of the CEO, of the leader in the company is critical in the future because as I mentioned earlier people deal with people.

So the personal relationship is significant, and the best way to do that is to think personal Branding.

Personal Branding position you

How exactly is it that I become an expert in my field?

And how is it that others can search me and that is the personal mix it is about and within the different verticals like Facebook Instagram and LinkedIn all the social media and web all sorts of other online stuff.

Of course, a lot of things are going to happen. Facebook is testing new features all the time. So does Instagram. New ad formats. Algorithms that change. But what is essential when we work with marketing is to stick to the overall approach for our businesses and maybe just take a look at the things I have mentioned here.

How is it that you could use it in your online marketing and digital marketing here in 2019?

Follow social media

I hope you liked the video with digital marketing trends, and I also hope that the footage here provided some inspiration for online marketing and digital marketing. If you like the video, then give it a “thumbs up”. You may want to follow my channel on both LinkedIn and YouTube. And of course also on Facebook. I wished you the best of luck with your online marketing in 2019.


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