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 HRM practices in Apple Hong Kong

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 HRM practices in Apple Hong Kong


Human resource department is an essential component as this is going the business in achieving success and becoming competitive, due to globalization the companies are under the great pressure to achieve success and become competitive and in this respect the major component is the HR practices performed within business. It has been understood that the companies which are hiring skilled and experienced employees are capable of fulfilling their corporate objectives. Skilled and experienced employees are considered as an asset for an organization, and businesses need to make sure that they are monitoring HRM practices followed in their organization as this is the only way through which the objectives can be fulfilled with working efficiency


Overview of the organization

Apple Hong Kong is a 100% subsidiary of Apple. They are providing different products such as iPhone, mac or watch etc. to people living across Hong Kong. The management of Apple Hong Kong is having values related to accessibility, environment, privacy and supplier responsibility. The vision of Apple Hong Kong is that at times a word can be expressed by thousands of pictures.

Purpose of the HR function in Apple Hong Kong

It is becoming increasingly important to understand what is the major purpose of having an HR function in Apple Hong Kong. It is essential to understand that the major purpose of HR function of Apple Hong Kong is to make sure that they are hiring skilled employees and also helping the organization in maintaining good and effective working conditions within the organization. The other major function of the HR department of Apple Hong Kong is to make sure that they are resolving issues raised by the employees as employees are an asset for the organization and its presence is going to help in achieving success

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Roles and responsibilities of the HR function in Apple Hong Kong

The HR department has to play certain roles, such as:

  • It is responsible for the recruitment and selection of employees in Apple Hong Kong
  • The HR department of Apple Hong Kong is responsible for managing the workforce according to their skills and expertise
  • The HR department is responsible for making rewards management schemes within Apple Hong Kong
  • The HR department is responsible for the motivation of employees
  • The HR department of Apple Hong Kong is responsible for the training and development of employees


Assessment of Workforce planning

The workforce is a continuous process which is carried out in an organization and is based on evaluating the needs and priorities of an organization. Workforce planning is based on forecasting. Workforce planning is a process that is based on forecasting, planning and managing the supply and demand of employees. HRM department assesses the gap related to talented employees within an organization. The workforce is planned as per their relevant skills and expertise (Callaghan, 2005). Having an effective workforce is going to help the people living in an organization to achieve success and become competitive. Along with with this the other major concern of HR management is also to identify that they are not only fulfilling their responsibilities in respect of managing the workforce, but they are also making sure that force is planned by keeping in mind the skills and expertise of employees in Apple Hong Kong. The management of Apple Hong Kong is keen to make sure that the workforce is planned as they strongly believe that when tasks are allocated by keeping in mind the skills and expertise of an employee than this is going to help management in achieving objectives

Recruitment and selection process in Apple Hong Kong

Recruitment means attracting employees or candidates by using effective advertising strategy. Recruiting employees is an important responsibility of the HRM department in an organization. Their major focus is over selecting appropriate advertising strategy which will help the organization in attracting the most efficient and productive candidate for the relevant job role.

Figure 2 – Sources of recruitment

(Wade, 2010)


Types of recruitment

There are various types of recruitment which is used by the HRM department to attract employees:

Internal recruitment

Internal recruitments take place from within the organization. This means that no outside employees are hired in the internal recruitments process (Bizfluent, 2019). There are different ways through which management does internal recruitment:

  • Transfers
  • Promotions
  • Re-employment of ex-employees

Strengths of internal recruitment – the use of internal recruitment method is cost-effective and can also help in boosting the morale of employees. It will help in retaining employees within an organization, and other employees will also try their best to achieve success, such as promotion. The major strength of internal recruitment is that it strengthens the employee’s engagement within an organization. The more opportunities are provided to employees, and it will help them in advancing their careers. This would also improve the morale of employees, and they will work with more efficiency.

Weaknesses for internal recruitment – it put limitation over several potential candidates and also the organization lack fresh ideas. The major weakness of internal recruitment is that it causes inflexibility in culture. Internal recruitment makes employee working in an organization more comfortable in managing their work.  (Gavrel, 2015)

External recruitment

External recruitments are done by attracting candidates from outside the organization. External sources used for recruiting employees are as follows:

  • Advertisements
  • Employment agencies
  • Educational institutions
  • Recommendations

Strengths of external recruitment –organizations can get new and fresh ideas. The employee becoming part of an organization also bring industrial insights with him. External recruitment increases the level of competition within an organization. This helps the organization in becoming more competitive, and employees try their best to improve their efficiency due to this increased efficiency. This type of recruitment is fairer, and it helps the organization in maintaining its reputation in the market

Weaknesses of external recruitment – it is a costly and time-consuming process. When an employee is externally recruited, then he will also take time to adjust in the business environment. The use of this method is highly risky because if the right candidate is not selected that the organization will only incur a cost. When new employees are hired, then this may cause an environment of a dispute with the existing employees and this cause ineffective working environment and impacts the working performance of employees (Al-Kassem, 2017)

Meaning of selection

Selection means selecting the most appropriate candidates for the job. It is important for making selecting the decision that the employee must be selected by evaluating the hard and soft skills both of an employee. an employee goes through different assessments in which the organization selects an employee by evaluating the skills and knowledge of an employee (Business Jargons, 2019)

Functions of HRM helping in achieving business objectives

It is becoming increasingly important that the businesses should make sure that the HR department of Apple Hong Kong is fulfilling their objectives. The major point of concern is to identify what is the impact over organization if the function is not going to fulfil their responsibility, then this is going to have a negative impact over the organization. If the HRM department of Hong Kong realizes their importance that if they are hiring skilled employees within the organization, then this is going to have an impact on the achievement of objectives within the organization. Skilled employees are going to help business in making sure that success has been achieved by business as this is the way through which they are capable f meeting deadline and becoming effective

Evaluation of strengths and weaknesses of recruitment and selection

There are different strengths and weaknesses which are going to evaluate that the business has been achieving success in this regard. The major strength of Apple Hong Kong is to its advertising as they are using a modern method such as social media marketing techniques to recruitment best employees. When an employee has been selected, then he has to pass through rigorous assessments which are helping business in achieving success and becoming competitive.

Training and development in Apple Hong Kong

Training and development of employees are highly essential as this is going to help the business in achieving success and becoming competitive. Training and development of employee are essential as this is helping business in becoming competitive. Along with this, it is becoming increasingly important for a business to make sure that they are fulfilling their training needs. When the training has been provided to employees of Hong Kong than this is going to help the business in achieving their targets as this is going to help business in fulfilling their targets. In this regard, it is becoming increasingly important that the employees are going to develop their skills as this is the only way through which the success has been guaranteed if the skills are updated as employees are going to achieve success as this is going to help in making performance better

Performance appraisal in Apple Hong Kong

Performance appraisal is an important process as this is going to achieve success and becoming competitive in future. The presence of a performance appraisal method is essential for business, as this is going to help in achieving targets. Performance appraisal is a process in which the performance of employees in Apple Hong Kong is compared with the standards and benchmarks set. This aspect is going to help business in achieving success and becoming competitive in future. The performance of employees has been compared with the benchmark set as this is helping businesses in not only identifying the weak areas of employees but is also helping in achieving success by fulfilling objectives.

Reward system management in Apple Hong Kong

Having effective reward management systems is highly essential as this is going to help business in not only achieving success by also becoming competitive. The ways through which the reward management systems have been developed within an organization than this is helping the business in achieving their targets. It is important here to understand and realize that the management of Apple Hong Kong is making sure that they are using both intrinsic and extrinsic reward to make the reward management schemes. The management of Hong Kong makes sure that they are using motivators or rewards like bonus along with appreciation to motivate employees

Benefits of HRM practices

There are different practices which are discussed above, and they are helping businesses in not only achieving success but also becoming competitive. The use of workforce planning is beneficial not only for employers but also for employees. When the workforce is planned effectively than it is beneficial for employers as they can take advantage of the skills and expertise of employees and on the other hand employees will get advantage by performing well. Along with this, the practice of performance appraisal is also essential for business as it is going to help the employee in identifying the employees who can help the organization to grow and on the other hand employees will also become aware of their weaknesses and strengths. Lastly, reward management scheme is going to help in making sure that the employers are motivating employees and employee will get benefit on financial and non-financial grounds by achieving grounds such as it will increase the morale of employees.

Effectiveness of HRM practices in achieving profits and productivity

Fulfilling or following HRM practices is an essential aspect as this is going to help business in not only achieving success or becoming competitive but on the other hand, the use of these approaches is helping in improving productivity and profit. Such as if employees are recruited effectively, then they would use their skills and expertise for the effective running of business operations and results in improving profit for the organization.

Example of different HRM practices used in Apple Hong Kong

The management of Apple Hong Kong makes sure that they are fulfilling the needs and wants of employees as this aspect is helping them to achieve competitive advantage in the industry. The major example of HRM practices is fulfilling the training and development needs of employees in the organization. The management of Apple Hong Kong is having a policy of hiring employees and then giving them training for a week in which they will learn about the organization and its processes. This training is also helping the organization in improving its productivity and achieving more profits

Effectiveness of employee engagement and employee relations in decision making

Management of Apple Hon Kong realizes that it is becoming increasingly important for them that they should have an effective relationship with their employees. This is an important responsibility of the HR department of Apple Hong Kong that they should take steps which will help the organization in achieving success and becoming competitive. In this regard, it is also important that maintaining good and effective employee relations must be ensured and this can be done by allowing employees that they can share their issues and concerns with the HR team of an organization. Employee engagement is essential, and the management of Apple Hong Kong is making sure that they are engaging employees based on their skills as this approach is going to help the organization in not only achieving their targets but also becoming effective and operational. When employee relations are effective within an organization than this aspect will help the management of Apple Hong kin making sure that they are taking effective decisions regarding engagement of employees so that they can work with better efficiency

Flexible working practices in Apple Hong Kong

Having flexible working practices means that the management of Apple Hong Kong makes sure that they are providing flexibility in terms of working environment such as timing or place of work to their employees. The HR team of Apple Hong Kong thinks that this aspect is going to make sure that the employees are achieving success and becoming competitive.

Areas of employment legislation applicable to Apple Hong Kong and decision making

The HR management of Apple Hong Kong ensures that they are complying with the employment ordinance of Hong Kong. In Hong Kong, this ordinance is considered as an effective way of not only achieving success but also fulfilling the fundamental rights of employees. The ordinance of employment contains conditions such as:

  • Wages of salaries given to employees
  • Notice periods
  • Duration related to an employment contract
  • Allowances are given by the organization in Hong Kong

The above aspects are explained in the employment ordinance of Hong Kong. They are also helping business in taking decisions such as related to wages and salaries which they are going to give their employees.

Keys aspects that impact decision making

It is important to understand that aspects like psychological contracts of employees are having a great and effective impact on the decision-making process within Apple Hong Kong. If the management of Apple Hong Kong is not having good relations with employees than they would not be capable of taking effective decisions as they are not capable of understanding the skills and expertise present in an organization


Following effective HRM practices is essential for business and it is concluded that businesses like Apple Hong Kong are making sure that they are using the modern approach for achieving success and becoming competitive after analyzing the attitudes of an employee working within an organization



Part B


Recruitment and selection are the most important factors which are present in an organization. This HRM practice is important because it is going to make sure that the business is achieving success and becoming competitive and is also capable of fulfilling their responsibility by hiring employees of effective skills. There are various methods of recruitment and selection process which can be used by business-like Apple Hong and the decision for using the appropriate technique can only be used when a business ensures that they are fulfilling their needs for effective recruitment and selection policies and procedures.


The recruitment and selection policy used within Apple Hong Kong is effective, and this is determined by looking at their increased productivity and profits.

Recruitment policy and procedure in Apple Hong Kong

The management of Apple Hong Kong ensures that they have an effective recruitment policy in place. The management is using external recruitment approach and is using traditional advertising methods to recruit employees. The management of Apple Hong Kong believes that the use of external recruitment approach is going to help business in achieving success and becoming highly competitive by making sure that they are achieving success by having employees of diversified skills. They are also selecting employees only by analyzing their soft skills as they think that this approach is helping businesses to grow and become effective.

Current recruitment and selection procedure in Apple Hong Kong

The current recruitment and selection process in Apple Hong Kong is simplified as they are focusing o recruiting employees externally as soon as a position becomes vacant. The management of the organization set the requirement for a job specification, and this helps the business in attracting candidates who are suitable for the organization. The recruitment and selection process of Apple Hong Kong is explained as follows:


Effectiveness of current recruitment and selection policies and impact over strategic goals

It is increasingly important to understand and realize that the use of modern recruitment and selection processes is essential as this is the only way through which an organization is capable of attracting employees which are suitable for the organization. The recruitment and selection policies in Apple Hong Kong are effective as they are going to help in not only achieving targets but also making sure that long term sustainability is achieved by the business. Businesses operating globally must also ensure that they are fulfilling the needs and wants of employees within an organization. The use of effective recruitment and selection processes are considered as essential for business as they are not only helping business in becoming competitive but are also helping candidates to make sure that they are working in the best interest of the organization. While talking about strategic decisions, it is highly important to consider that organizations like Apple Hong Kong or other businesses are having a goal of improving profits and productivity by making sure that they are fulfilling their objectives and this can only be done when the employee with effective skills and expertise are hired.

Need for change in recruitment and selection practice in Apple Hong Kong

The management of Apple Hong Kong is using external recruitment approach for attracting employees. Still, on the contrary, they must also think about using a combination of internal and external recruitment approach. The use of internal recruitment is also essential as this is going to help the business in not only achieving success but also the employees within the organizations become motivated such as the use of internal recruitment in Apple Hong Kong is done by giving promotion to a current employee. Firstly, doing this is going to help business in achieving success and becoming competitive. On the other hand, it is going to make us sure that the morale of employees has been increased and this is helping them in becoming competitive. Along with this, the use of internal recruitment process in Apple Hong Kong is making sure that the employees are feeling motivated to work hard to achieve success in future.


Following are the recommendations for HR management of Apple Hong Kong, which is going to make sure that the organization is achieving success and becoming competitive. The recommendations are as follows:

  • Management of Apple Hong Kong must use modern advertisement techniques such as they can use social media platforms for recruiting employees
  • The management of Apple Hong Kong must ensure that they are keeping track of the ways through which they can assess the knowledge and skills of employees
  • The use of modern assessment methods can also help such as the use of scenario planning, and demos can help the management of Apple Hong Kong to hire an employee who is suitable for the organization


From all the above discussion it has been concluded that employees working within an organization like Apple Hong Kong must make sure that they are working in the best interest of an organization and are using their skills and expertise to make sure that the business is achieving success. It is also concluded that the management of Apple Hong Kong must make sure that they are not only fulfilling the requirements of employees but are also making sure that the success has been achieved in respect of hiring employees which are having both hard and soft skills which are effective for the organization. Lastly, it is concluded that businesses like Apple Hong Kong must use a combination of both internal and external recruitment methods for attracting employees as they are considered as the most effective.



Al-Kassem, A. (2017). Recruitment and Selection Practices in Business Process Outsourcing Industry. Archives of Business Research, 5(3).

Callaghan, S. (2005). Primary Care Trust Workforce Planning and DevelopmentPrimary Care Trust Workforce Planning and Development. Nursing Standard, 20(5), pp.36-36.

Gavrel, F. (2015). Participation, Recruitment Selection, and the Minimum Wage. The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 117(4), pp.1281-1305.

Hoffmann, K. (2014). Measuring HRM Effectiveness as a Challenge to Contemporary HRM Scientists (HRM Context). Kwartalnik Ekonomistów i Menedżerów, 33(3), pp.7-24.

Tullar, W. (2005). Theory development in human resource management. Human Resource Management Review, 1(4), pp.317-323.

Wade, M. (2010). Soft Selection, Hard Selection, Kin Selection, and Group Selection. The American Naturalist, 125(1), pp.61-73.



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