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Let’s figure it out. Empathy refers more to the section of extrasensory perception; in psychology, there is the term” empathic people.” And these are different concepts:

Empathy is the ability to understand and sympathize with a person, to plunge into his inner world and, as a result, to see the world through his eyes. But the important point is that, in full understanding, this is the ability to deliberately feel – to read emotions, feelings of sensation and the state of one’s and the other person, as well as understand information from one’s subconscious.

Empathic people are people experiencing spontaneous empathy, which are the first signs of the manifestation of empathy. Such people are aware of their own feelings and emotions, but very rarely deliberately turn their attention to them. Sometimes they can feel the feelings and emotions of other people.

Empathic abilities can be conditionally divided into several types of types:

  • Empaths reading by the Soul.
  • Empaths reading mind consciousness.
  • Empaths using both options.

An interesting feature of empathy is that people empaths are able to read:

  • Feelings and emotions
  • Relationships and intentions
  • Desires, dreams and aspirations
  • Mental ray of attention
  • “Loves – does not love?” for an empath is not a secret.

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A description of the levels of empathic people using mind consciousness, as well as a description of the ranges of perception of the above items (feelings, emotions, dreams, etc.)

People who empathize reading with their souls experience more discomfort than empaths reading with their minds since this type of empathy is poorly controlled. Such empathy works as a sense of smell: all that is around they feel and experience as their own state. Such empaths read everything through the soul and perceive a subtle sensual-emotional spectrum.

Most people are aware of the world of feelings and emotions with their minds. It is empathy reading by the mind consciousness, and this kind of empathy is more controllable. The mind only forms emotion, but strengthens it and translates the astral body of a person into the world. And already that emotion that the astral body emits, they are aware of in themselves with their mind.

Empathy gives a person the opportunity to develop his emotional intelligence, helping to understand the internal state of his interlocutor, his desires and motives. Even if they are animals, If your activity is related to communication, this is a very useful and practical quality that helps people in such professions as educators, sales managers, managers, human resources managers, doctors, psychologists. Empathy helps a person to develop since a person with such a quality sees and understands the very essence of the issue and not its description. Thou empathy is a kind of tool for exploring the world around you and moving to the next stage of development.

In many cases, you may find such a description that empathy is some kind of” sixth sense”. What does it mean? This definition is given on the basis that all people perceive the world through five organs of sensory perception, namely: vision (eyes), hearing (ears), taste (language), smell (nose) and touch (touch, skin). Empathy is perception through feelings and emotions, i.e. sixth way of perception. Also, many sources say that empathy is common to all, and if it is not shown to someone or is poorly shown, this quality can be developed. The main problem that empaths face is that many of them cannot control their empathy, and it would be good for them to learn how to manage it.

Mirror cells

It is noteworthy that the development of empathy begins from birth when the baby perceives the world around him only on an emotional level. If his mother smiles at him, he will unconsciously smile at her in response (to be sober).

When parents explain to an older child that they are now sad or having fun for some reason, this also contributes to the understanding of the baby, how feelings are arranged and how they can be”read” by faces, movements, words, facial expressions.

Autism is an extremely low level of empathy in a person. By the way, one of the causes of autism is a violation in the structure or number of mirror neurons. Therefore, it is very difficult for autists (people with an almost zero level of empathy) to understand how people around feel and how to interact with them. As a result of this, the socialization of the child suffers – it is difficult for him to contact his peers in the yard, at school, with the seller in the store.

Therefore, from a very early age, such children need to be given special attention in terms of emotional development. They need to tell what is happening inside other people in terms of emotions and how all this can be”read” (by facial expressions, by gestures, by look).

It is also necessary to constantly ask the child how he feels; Describe how it usually manifests itself externally on other people so that he can compare and contrast. The analysis of the main characters of books and films also favourably affects the acceleration of movement along the path from autistic to empathic.

Socialization of the child through communication

Active listening is something that can also help develop”emotional sensitivity.” The bottom line is that the listener asks clarifying questions to someone who is saying something. Thus, he learns more about the interlocutor, and he, in turn, opens more. With children, you can also change places in this”word game.”



Most people believe that being an empath is comes with an individual ability empathize. Sincerely, it is all not so simple. The ability to identify someone who has this feeling it could be you or even your close friend.

Is it true that empathy always carries in itself only positive qualities, or does it have some characteristics that can also lead to a negative effect in interaction with people and even with your personal life? If you are unable to find an answer to this question, then I will help you clear that doubt in this chapter.

The term empathy was first initiated by an American psychologist Edward Titchener, translating this word, it literally means, they get “feel.” In simple terms, this is a “response”.

Which implies empathy is one’s ability to respond to the condition and reaction of another. Empath will find it easy to see and understands what exactly is happening with the whom they are interacting with at the given moment (emotionally). An empathy will always compare his activities and state of mind with other people around him.

This condition is triggered in the individual when the person that is close to him has some challenges that aggravate to tears an empathy immediately experience sadness, fear, aggression, longing. An empath is always aware when other people need their assistance, and how most people feel like understanding and helping whenever possible.



Have you ever wondered why strangers open up to you and share their innermost thoughts with you? Do you have an immediate connection with animals? You can’t watch violence, cruelty or tragedy on television or in movies Because their soul can’t stand it? Do you have an immediate insight into the nature of the people at the first meeting? You are very spiritual, and the physical world and everything in it seem heavy to you? Are you often tired and have physical ailments that cannot be medically explained? If you answered” yes” to any question, then you may be an empath.

Empaths are people very sensitive to the energy and emotions of other people, animals and sometimes even to the spiritual imprints around them. Some of them are even sensitive to plant energy. This extreme sensitivity applies to friends and strangers; people they know and strangers. They experience the world around them, and they feel what other people feel through their extremely sharp senses and deep intuition. They often absorb the feelings of others without being aware of it and interpret them as their own.

They are able to relate to what others feel and understand what they are experiencing. Empaths are distinguished by a higher than normal level of empathy, the ease with which they can connect to the feelings of others and the extent to which they can do it. While others feel empathy signalled by interacting with others, empaths do not always. They do not have to rely on the physical senses of sight, hearing, touch, or directions resulting from their interaction with others to receive emotions and energy from the environment. They can feel and absorb emotions from people who are near and far.

Crowded places such as shopping malls, supermarkets, stadiums or theatres can overwhelm the senses of empathy. Such places can fill him with uncomfortable emotions that are felt as if they were his, gathered with all the energy around him. Depressed, low energy environments such as nursing homes, hospitals can cause empathy for depression, physical discomfort and fatigue. Stores with themed or antique items, themed cars, previously inhabited houses are places that transfer the remaining energy to the owners and can be exhausting for empaths.

Empaths are avid seekers of solutions, answers and knowledge. They are deep thinkers and researchers. To be an empathy, you need to believe that there is a solution for every problem it is in the nature of an empath to get frustrated until they discover a solution to a problem, They will rather search until they are satisfied. Those who are spiritual will ask God for guidance and direction. The gift bestowed on empaths allows them to adapt to the spiritual sphere and tune in to its energy. They often experience synchronicity, a phenomenon that occurs in the lives of each of them, but because they are (empaths) more than most people associated with the supernatural world, they recognize these coincidences as guidelines and guidelines more easily.

Empaths are very interested in metaphysics. It is possible that they experience various paranormal phenomena, e.g. garbage experience (near-death experience), out of body experience, mental abilities or contact with the deceased. They are able to incorporate this invisible reality into their physical experience.

With a natural ability to reap universal energy and heal others, empaths strive to work in the field of holistic therapies and work with energy. Their sensitivity allows them to feel the influence of the bodies, minds and feelings of others and allows them to create harmony in them. To this end, empaths must learn that other people’s energy does not become their own. Otherwise, the balance and harmony that they create in others will cause imbalance and disharmony in them.

Empaths are usually non-aggressive and non-violent; they are people who love a peaceful and harmonious environment. Dysharmonia makes them feel uncomfortable. They do everything in their power to avoid this. In the event of turbulence, they will take the role of a conciliator and act to resolve the problem as soon as possible.

They are painfully sensitive to violence, cruelty and tragedy, be it real or played in the movie. Watching the tragedy in movies or reading about something about physical or emotional suffering becomes unbearable for them. The suffering of people, children or animals becomes their suffering. They totally identify with it and feel it. Empaths have a deep contact with animals of all species. They resonate with their energy, They love their purity, and they value their unconditional love very much. Empaths often prefer the company of animals than people, and they usually have animals. Many empaths become vegetarians or vegans Because they feel the vibrations of the animals that the meat comes from. They have a clear understanding of animal fear and suffering. They do not understand why beautiful animals do not have the same rights as humans and must die.

Because empaths feel so deeply and tend to care, they often work as volunteers who devote their time to helping animals, children, others in need or the environment. They are excellent listeners, and they are really interested in the happiness and good of others.

Because of their natural ability to sense things without speaking, they tend to know human intentions. This ability makes it hard for others to deceive them or hide their emotions from them. They just know the feelings and intentions of other people, even if they only met them. They are also adept at reading body language and noticing subtle changes in saying what others may miss.

Empaths demand truthfulness from others and from themselves. They feel terribly uncomfortable when they see someone lying to them, manipulating them or acting falsely. Because of how they feel about it, they do not accept or tolerate this type of behaviour for anyone, including themselves. And when they are generally very tolerant people, they absolutely do not tolerate unnecessary drama, selfish behaviour or egocentrism, especially narcissism. They also do not tolerate negativity in others, especially judgment and jealousy. These attitudes drain their energy immediately.

They are not able to cheat themselves, nor can they pretend that they are happy about things that do not please them, whether it involves social activity or work. Their work must give them the feeling that it is something that matters. Otherwise, they will feel emotionally, spiritually and physically ill. Many empaths work in creative fields such as art, dance, writing or music; expressive fields feed their souls and are of great importance for their well-being.

They cannot pretend that they are happy when they are not, and worry can overcome them at any time. Because of bombardment with overloading energies, negative and positive, empaths are very susceptible to mood swings. They can easily become happy in one moment and unhappy in the other, without any logical change. In one minute they can be the soul of the party, and in the next, they can be quiet and lonely. When they’re unhappy, they can’t hide it, even if they want to. It is written on their face.

One thing that makes them very unhappy is the limitations. Empaths are free spirits that must have their freedom of movement and expression. They feel trapped by control, rules that are too rigid or disbelieving, and routine. Many of their life experiences have been bold and adventurous- they have a great need to experience the true pulse of life, whether it is good or bad. And thanks to having these different life experiences, they have knowledge on various topics. This often makes them seem wise to others, although they are usually modest in relation to their achievements unless someone asks them. They feel more comfortable indicating the achievements and benefits of others.

Empaths give off a deep level of warmth and compassion that draws people to them. Strangers sense this at the subconscious level and tell them their private affairs. Before they realize it, they pour their heart on them. Animals bond with them very quickly for the same reasons.

Their deepest interconnections are with those who are like them, who understand them and with whom they can be expressive, open and direct. They can create lasting friendships with those who are not like them, but they will always feel that this ingredient is missing in a relationship.

Empaths have difficulty focusing on things that don’t stimulate their minds. They are dreamers who are bored and easily distracted. When they are not stimulated, their mind will move to a different place, sometimes even disconnect from physical reality.

Their life is marked by duality. Empaths physically exist in a dense, dark world filled with negativity and low energy called Earth, but mentally they live in the light, clean, high energy, in an optimistic world of the spirit. It is hard for them to remain grounded because they understand the freedom of the alternative world, but they must remain grounded because it is a way to end their Earth missions.

Being an empath is not the same as being just full of empathy or compassion. It is hurting someone else’s skin. The amount of stimuli provided by the modern world makes their lives really difficult

Essentially, empaths say that they experience other people’s”feelings” as if they are directly concerned with them. Many of them will never know about their uniqueness Because they are unable to distinguish between what is an external stimulus and what is internal, which results in a constant storm of moods, desires, dreams and thoughts of other people.

Empaths who want to understand their extraordinary abilities better and lead a better life. They can all understand how it feels:”Like a football match, you are carried away by the magic of the moment, crowd pressure and the emotions of people you don’t even know. However, not every fan is an empath whose whole life looks like this. They spend their lives in giant stadiums, reacting to all the stimuli that reach them.”

Being empathy is not the same as being just full of empathy or compassion. It is hurting someone else’s skin. Completely strangers want to talk to them about the most important matters, and they even if they subconsciously know who they are – will listen to interest, compassion and understanding, which can be an exhausting process.

Some people believe that empaths fall into several categories. Emotions affect other people’s feelings; standing in a queue for carp would be a nightmare for them. The physical type takes over the health disorders of people around them, and a visit to the hospital with a sick spouse can make them sick or have a migraine. Animals feel the emotions of animals feeling uncomfortable in the zoo, while global empaths feel the mood of human masses, not individual individuals. They don’t have to watch the news to know that something terrible has happened in the world; they just start to feel fear or loneliness. There are also those who feel the energy of their planet. Cramps, stress or a headache will inform them of an impending earthquake. Most empaths have mental or physical disorders. However, there are mixtures of several,

Their interlocutors claim that the moment when they understood their nature was a breakthrough. They began to look for tools that would help them control it:”Getting an empath can lose the sense of belonging that helps regain protective meditation.”

Of course, empaths are often thrown into the bag with new age philosophy. There is no medical diagnosis, and your psychiatrist would probably be very interested in you if you told him that you physically feel the pain of other people’s existence.

Just because something comes from a non-western philosophical school doesn’t necessarily mean it has to be untrue. According to some studies, one in five of them is Highly Sensitive (HSP). This is not a personality trait like shyness or pugnacity, but rather an oversensitivity of the nervous system. HSP people are extremely empathic and emotional, and they also have high sensitivity to lights, sounds or temperatures. Empathicists say many of them are HSPs, but not all HSPs are empaths.



If you ever wondered why people confide in you without special encouragement; you can catch their emotions; you have excellent intuition, and usually your first judgment about a person is apt; you often feel tired, although there is no rational reason for it; violence and cruelty in life and in the media irritates you almost physically; you have great contact with animals, you are interested in the spiritual world.

You might discover you have a feeling of what others are going through in their mind and the outcome of circumstances even before you are told of the occurrence in some situations. You can easily identify when someone is telling a lie from when the truth is been said. And you have a feeling that the main character and the opposing feature in a movie should not get harmed despite the circumstances and actions in the movie

There is a message that needs to be passed across to you because you are on your way to diagnosing yourself as an empath, which might be or not necessarily be good for you. There is not much talk about empaths – over-developed empathy is rather a problem in our case, so instead of describing it or learning to use it positively, people try to treat it rather with sayings such as”if you have a soft heart, then you have to have a hard ass.” Behind the great water, however, this term made a great career, comparable to indigo children.


This name is supposedly created as a combination of the words empathetic and telepath and means someone who has almost telepathic ability to read the emotions of others. And not only that. Empaths are sometimes referred to as ’emotional sponges’ because they can become infected with the feelings of others, feel their pain, anger, and fall into euphoria. They cannot focus in places saturated with negative energy or crowded. Theoretically, this should work great in working with people, in helping them – in practice, many empaths are not able to manage their skills, and they cause them more trouble, fatigue, than good.

About empathy, or people with outstanding empathy mentions among others t

There are a set of features and predispositions by which to recognize if you are becoming an empath:

  1. Sensing the hidden emotions of others.
  2. Absorbing the emotions and feelings of others. Especially those close to you – if they are angry or sad, you also begin to feel these emotions; if they feel pain or are sick, you may feel physically weakened, even in the same place as them – it is called pains of sympathy.
  3. Overwhelmed by negative emotions – the inability to focus in a place where there is a conflict, one speaks with raised voices, or there is tension.
  4. Frequent confession to strangers – they can tell you their secret or problem in the store or train, and from the whole crowd, they will ask you for help.
  5. Difficulty in bearing cruelty or suffering in the environment.
  6. Feeling overwhelmed in crowded and sorrowful places, e.g. galleries, office buildings, hospitals, nursing homes or animal shelters.
  7. Strong intuition.
  8. Sensing the energy of places, things, buildings, countries, moments.
  9. Recognizing when someone is lying.
  10. Good contact with animals – sensing their moods, easy tame, difficulty in enduring their suffering.
  11. Problems with the lower spine or digestive system as a physical effect of dealing with negative external emotions.
  12. Love the peace, loneliness and harmony in the environment.
  13. Sensitization to egocentric people, narcissists, jealous or judgmental people.
  14. Difficulty in lifting restrictions, controls, routines.
  15. Difficulty hiding one’s misfortune, mood swings.
  16. Frequent fatigue, even if you sleep well.
  17. A sense of communication with scapegoats or the weakest links in the group.
  18. Susceptibility to addictions to escape from overwhelming emotions.
  19. Aversion to cluttered surroundings, attraction to minimalism.
  20. Dreams, frequent drifting into the world of fantasy.
  21. Train to heal therapies, metaphysics, experiencing unexplained phenomena.




Empathy is the ability to put yourself in the place of another person, to comprehend his feelings, writes Higher Perspective. This is not empathy because empathy is accompanied by anxiety and pity. The ability to empathy is a unique gift that units possess.

Empaths can create special relationships with others. Such people are able to feel when they are needed. Very often, an empath is a person who seems different” too sensitive.”

Here are ten activities of an empath:

  1. Sensitivity.

Higher perspectives

Empaths are hypersensitive people. They do not like to express emotions in people, often hide their feelings so as not to cause inconvenience to others.

  1. Empaths are capable of absorbing emotions.

Higher perspectives

An empath is happy when others are happy. He feels bad when others suffer. They experience other people’s emotions as if they were their own emotions.

  1. Empathy – Introverts.

Positive psychology program

Sometimes empaths simply get tired of those emotions that they share with others. Therefore, they can avoid contact with people. They need a break to rest and restore mental strength. Only in solitude does he manage to get rid of emotional exhaustion.

  1. Empathy is very closely related to nature.

Higher perspectives

They like to spend time outdoors. It is in the lap of nature that they feel true happiness. Empaths feel the beauty of the surrounding world much more than other people. Nature helps empaths recharge batteries, fills them with positive feelings.

  1. Empaths know how to recognize a lie.

Higher perspectives

Empaths have a special talent – they can see other people through and through. An empath can easily understand that a person is lying because he can read emotions and recognize the true intentions of people.

  1. Empathy gives too much.

Higher perspectives

Empath devotes most of its time to caring for the needs of other people. They have an urgent need to help the sick and afflicted. But such help can harm the empaths themselves, cause them emotional harm.

When empaths try to distance themselves from society, they begin to feel selfish. They need to devote more time to themselves and their needs, to learn to put in the first place themselves, and not others.

  1. Empaths have increased intuition.

Higher perspectives

Empaths by nature, have a strong intuition. They trust their intuition in making the most serious decisions. They have a strong connection with the universe. With the help of intuition, they manage to recognize lies, pretence and flattery.

  1. Empathy is stressful.


Higher perspectives

Excessive emotionality of empaths can upset their emotional balance. Empaths cannot cope with multitasking – it is very difficult for them to do many things at the same time. This can cause serious stress.

  1. Empaths are easy to exploit.

Higher perspectives

Manipulators are able to recognize empaths and use their abilities against themselves to get what they need. The manipulator knows which buttons to press and which threads to pull in order to achieve its goal with the help of empath. Empaths need to be extremely careful at the moment when they feel that someone is manipulating them.

  1. Empaths are capable of deep and strong love.

Conscious reminder

Empathic love is deep and incredible. It applies to both relatives and partners or spouses. Empathy is surrounded by care and attention, forgetting about their own needs.

Empaths are special people, and they have activities to be valued and protected. It is difficult to go through life with an empath, but he has a special gift that needs to be treated with care and respect.



We are selfish by nature. Almost all. In the case of the generation of millennials, the self-orientation of worldview has actually become the norm.

Empathy – understanding the emotional state and feelings of another person through empathy. This can be an expansive response to the experiences of a close or completely unfamiliar person, reaching or even exceeding the original feeling in strength. This happens when, for example, you accidentally find out that someone likes you, and after that, you begin to feel sympathy in response.

The ability to empathy is not dependent on intellectual effort. In other words, this means that they cannot”force” ourselves to sympathize (or experience any other condition) with all our will. It is in our power to depict its external manifestations, try to choose the phrases that are used in such cases, but it is impossible to force ourselves to feel the same emotion with the will. This fact does not make a heartless robot out of a person, because some scientists are sure that they are initially born with a genetically determined tendency to empathy. In the process of life (social conditions, traditions of society, experienced events), it either intensifies or weakens. And, more importantly, you can try to develop it, although this is not easy.

Why develop empathy?

There are also negative aspects to this phenomenon. A person who is prone to worry about others is less protected from the negative effects of stressful situations and is prone to anxiety. It really is. But there are categories of people who, due to their professional duties, are simply empathic. And it’s not just about psychologists and psychotherapists, but also about educators, sales and sales managers, HR managers and personnel managers, film and theatre actors – all whose work is connected with people.

Therefore, the question of how to make sure that feelings do not swallow people who are prone to experiencing with their heads is a separate issue. But empathy is needed for a number of reasons. Firstly, open and emotional people make new acquaintances more easily, gain the necessary contacts. They better understand the needs of other people, their hidden motives, and on the basis of this, they are able to achieve their goal. They successfully use NLP and other techniques to achieve their goals (up to manipulation).

Secondly, empaths are much less likely to conflict with people because they know how to understand their feelings and fears. They can anticipate problem situations in advance and warn them. Such people are easier to cope with objections and negativity. And thirdly, empaths are able to build communication effectively, motivate and convince others of their innocence, to be leaders and good friends.

Empathy development

If the above list of professions that are related to empathic abilities includes yours, or you just want to understand other people better around, these few recommendations may be useful:

Learn to listen. This, perhaps, is one of the main requirements – not just to show complicity, but to hear a partner. Words, as you know, have power, and often contribute not only to a better understanding of the essence of the information conveyed, but can also awaken emotions.

Watch the people around them. While waiting for the bus, standing in traffic, do not get your mobile or tablet, but look at the people around you, imagine who they could be, what they feel and think at the moment, live in your city or come from somewhere, are they happy whether they had a good day or not.

Whenever possible (trip, turn), spend time talking with a stranger. Be curious – this contributes to the development of empathy because they conduct a dialogue with people who are outside our usual social circle and, with a high degree of probability, have other views and interests.

Try to put yourself in the place of another. Another universal advice, as this skill, helps not only to understand people better but also to learn how to look at a problem from different angles. Take to watch a psychological film where the main character has a difficult choice, or where he is forced to act in rapidly changing conditions, and imagine what you would do in this situation. It will be a great workout.

Learn to define your own feelings. It is difficult to understand something that I myself have never experienced, and any recommendations and exercises here will not replace the experience of real sensations. Therefore, develop your emotional memory, remember states and feelings – this will help to understand others better.


It is difficult to accept anything wrong as an empath. You can be silent about it, but you will suffer from falseness and lies. It creates a field of tension that is very exhausting, between what a person really is, from his inner nature and what is lived. That makes it tiring, even for those who want to meet themselves, it remains a challenge. Those who don’t want this feel repelled by empaths and they feel repelled by them. I can understand it, but it is exhausting. In addition, it is difficult with such people because they project their inner defences onto something on them as a person. It sometimes feels like an energetic attack.

The awareness of empath is very low in a lot of part of the world, which makes it seem ridiculous on the victims while in relation others around their environment who are unaware of their ability.

Empathy is the difficult exercise of trying to see the world from the point of view. Access and meet the challenges of this practice! When we are going to advise a friend or reflect on conflict, it is common to say the phrase try to put yourself in the other’s shoes. But often, this starts with the idea of ​​sympathy, which is to accept the other’s opinion without necessarily trying to observe the world from emotions that are not ours. What is left for us is, quite clumsily, to understand that there are people thinking differently from us?

Empathy is different. It is a difficult exercise of trying to see the world from the point where the other sees. This is not about the impossible teleportation, but the genuine desire to imagine the flavours of life under a look that is not yours.


Scientists have shown that the exchange of glances activates a part of the brain where some sensations are processed and also awakens the emotion system. That is, looking into each other’s eyes is fundamental to truly awakening the power of empathy. It is from this connection that we become available to understand other experiences, baggage and points of view.

We all have a survival instinct, so we tend to think of our own needs before those of the world. But when we allow ourselves to face other realities and counterpoints, we become more human. It may not be the most natural form, but it may be the most selfless. We are trying to classify less as right and wrong, and more as what makes sense to you and the other is a big step.

When empaths connect with others and try to see the world from their eyes, they are more likely to hit, talk happily, and even negotiate successfully. The power of empathy is a challenge to be put into practice, but when conquered, it definitely transforms us. Once empathic, it will be very difficult to change.




How to stay balanced if you are an empath. There are people who are empathic by nature, that is, instinctively they are more easily inclined to put themselves in the shoes of others. These people listen, feel and put themselves in the shoes of those who feel judged at some times. People with high empathy skills are able to get out of their own experiences and understand what others say, think and feel.

Empathy is a trait that anyone can learn, but people who are naturally empathetic have a unique ability to go under the surface and see the person’s soul and accept it where it is. If you are in this category, you may have felt the weight of the world on your shoulders. Being the person everyone goes to is not easy since suddenly you can get to know the deepest of those around you, and sometimes this becomes an additional burden. Some empathic people even feel the deepest of world problems, pain, wounds and confusion caused by wars, greed and injustice.

“Empathy is a trait that anyone can learn, but people who are naturally empathetic have a unique ability to go under the surface and see the person’s soul and accept it where it is.” Having this particularity not only brings burdens, but it also brings benefits to those who own it and those around it. To take advantage of its benefits, it is necessary to understand how empathy works and how who practices it does not become a victim to other people’s emotions and thought processes.

Here are some ways to help you balanced as an empath:

The idea that the person is first going against the idea that anyone has the chance of empathizing. However, securing your needs and taking care of them will allow you to be able to take better care of other people. Your gift of empathy only works if you are not completely exhausted. It’s like the saying: No one can serve an empty cup.

Make sure your cup is full every time. If not, there is a great possibility that is filled with the needs of other people. Here are some practices that will allow you to be the best version of you:

  • Go to yoga daily
  • Meditate on your favourite site
  • Take an art class to spark your creativity
  • Go to the gym, run or walk to exercise
  • Prepare food with the closest ones
  • Take a good night’s rest
  • Meet your best friend
  • Set limits with others

There are many thoughts and feelings that exist in your head and in your heart. Limit the amount of those who come from other people, accepting that you are human and that it cannot be all things to all people.

When someone wants to use it as the channel to process their divorce, job termination or loss set a limit. This is not done out of lack of love, and it is done precisely so that you can offer support in the best way you know. If you wear out, you will probably act closed, and you will not be able to have an empathic attitude towards anyone.

“Limit the number of thoughts that come from other people.”

Also, be aware of how much information you consume. The world is full of much happiness, but also of much sadness and injustice. To prevent riding the roller coaster of emotions, limit your time on social networks and news sites. As an empathetic person, you are able to get into the story of the other person and avoid your own emotional needs, even if it is the story of someone you do not know.




The characteristic feature of empathic people is that they are individuals who know how to put themselves in the shoes of others and understand their emotions and/or physical symptoms. They are extraordinarily sensitive people.

Their vision of the world is very intuitive, they relate to others, prioritizing their emotions and sensations over calculus and coldness, and they usually have a hard time describing and putting into words everything they feel.

Empathy: a quality to develop

Being an empathetic person is something positive for life. But it also has quite a few less desirable points. People with this trait may also be more vulnerable to the emotional impact of the things that happen around them.

For example, they may be more likely to suffer from anxiety crisis, depression, chronic fatigue and other symptoms and disorders related to emotional instability.

However, empathy is a virtue that can help us a lot throughout life, especially if we learn to manage it effectively. The first step is to know if you are really an empathetic person.

The ten traits of an empath:

Ten characteristic traits (habits, attitudes and behaviours) typical of people who have highly developed empathy.

  1. They are more sensitive than other people

Empathic individuals are detached, open to new experiences, kind and good ‘listeners’. They are attentive people and know how to convey these good feelings when communicating with others.

They are always willing to help and offer a shoulder to cry on. But they can also feel hurt and offended with amazing ease. They are very sensitive people, to the point of being truly susceptible in some cases.

  1. Empaths absorb the emotions of others

People with high empathy feel influenced by other people’s emotions and humour. For better or worse. They are able to feel what others feel more vividly than ordinary people, and this can sometimes be a difficult slab to overcome. If they are close to someone anxious or stressed, it costs them horrors that their mind does not emulate those attitudes. Luckily, they also get positive emotions.

  1. They are usually introverted

In an article a few months ago, we talked about the difference between introverts and extroverts. In the case of empathic people, there is usually the circumstance that they tend to be quite introverted. They don’t enjoy crowds too much, but prefer small groups or go for coffee with just one friend.

Even among empathetic subjects who are more open to parties and places with many people, they tend to be careful and prefer to moderate the amount of time they spend in such environments.

  1. They are more intuitive than average

Empaths perceive the world through their intuition. They like to develop their intuition and pay attention to their hunches on a regular basis. This allows them to surround themselves with positive people and get rid of those who can alter their emotional balance.

  1. They like to spend time alone

They are very sensitive people and are usually affected if they are listening and helping others for a long time. For this reason, they need to be alone periodically to be able to return to their emotional balance.

  1. They can overprotect themselves in romantic relationships

Living as a couple can be complicated for an empathetic person, and they can even develop Philophobia or similar manifestations. They avoid falling in love with someone so as not to have to suffer later if the thing is not going well at all.

They may feel afraid of being emotionally engulfed by their partner. They need to redefine their love relationship concept in order to have positive and happy relationships.

  1. They are easy prey for emotional vampires

Have you heard of emotional vampires? It is those people who have the bad habit of discharging all their negativity in other people, who”suck” their energy to be able to follow in their spiral of fatalism, rage and resentment.

Empathic people may suffer especially the effects of having an emotional vampire nearby since they are especially vulnerable to all the bad feelings that these individuals transmit.

  1. They feel very comfortable in contact with nature

The obligations and stress of daily routines affect us all, but especially empathic men and women. They usually disconnect and recharge batteries when they are surrounded by nature: climbing mountains, enjoying a sunny beach or just walking through a green meadow.

  1. They have the sensations to the surface

Empathic people are more sensitive in general. They may feel very bad in noisy environments, or when they notice that there is a lot of tension in the environment.

  1. They are good people, even to the detriment of their own well-being

Empathic individuals are good people: they have a big heart and sincerely care for others. They feel bad when they see someone suffer in the street, and they cannot help attending to try to mitigate their pain.

Although it is an undeniable virtue, the truth is that empathic people can go too far and become obsessed with dealing with the problems of others, and feel frustrated or bewildered if they fail to solve their problems.



Empathy is the ability to identify with what the other feels or thinks, to share their feelings and emotions. It is a healthy way to interact with other people and establish constructive and enriching relationships.

Hence, it is an extremely relevant social skill in our family, school and professional relationships. Therefore, in this chapter, we discuss the five characteristics of empathy that are an example of its common attributes amongst empaths.

  1. Know how to listen

Knowing how to listen is a fundamental characteristic of empathy. Empathic people like to establish enriching and constructive relationships. They are always willing to listen to each other and are very good conversationalists. Therefore, when someone is angry or sad, it is important to give him the opportunity to express why.

  1. Understand the other

Empathy also implies the ability to understand the feelings, emotions and ideas of the other person; not only what the other is able to express verbally, but also everything that manifests with their gestures, behaviours and decisions.

An empathic person is able to understand the other to the point of being able to feel what the other person feels and to understand their mental states sincerely. In empathy, we make the other feel understood. Thus, when we comfort someone in difficult times, we have an empathetic attitude.

  1. Identify with the other

Being empathetic is also being able to put ourselves in the place of the other, to understand in a deep and honest way what he thinks or believes, what he feels or worries, what makes him suffer or rejoice.

Thus, an empathic person can get into the emotional situation of the other and deeply understand their feelings, fears or beliefs. This is evident, for example, when someone tries to show us the solutions to a problem remembering that similar situations have also happened in the past.

  1. Be supportive

An empathetic person has a high sensitivity towards what other people feel or suffer. That is why empathy has a lot to do with solidarity, with the intention of helping others, especially when they are in a situation of need. An example of this is to help a friend who is going through a difficult time.

  1. Be respectful

In short, being empathetic also implies respecting the other in their feelings, ideas, behaviours, decisions and, in short, in their way of being and facing life, even if we do not agree or agree with them.




The empath is, surely, one of the most popular concepts of current science. Most people use it as another word in their linguistic heritage, to define the way in which others (or themselves) tend to get emotionally involved in their relationships.

However, empathy is a very complex phenomenon, with deep roots that sink into the phylogenetic history of the human being. It is very true that, without it, we would not have reached the degree of social development (and cooperation) that has allowed us to get here.

Science has shown that, during the first months of life, newborns can show it to the pain of others. Or that they even react empathically upon hearing the cry of other children. However, it is a skill that is often refined with the evolution of the years, as we link and share our relevant experiences. It is, therefore, a result of learning and relational exchange, although some genetic factor can also contribute.

Although it might be contradictory in some way, the latest research on the issue shows that empathy is also a relevant element to understand antisocial behaviour, and not only from the point of view of an alleged absence of it. And is that some of the components of this ability can be devoid of emotional nuance, participating in processes such as the simple identification of affections or intentions in the other, but without any degree of self-recognition in them (so it is usually used as a basis for manipulation or blackmail).

And it is that empathy implies, at least, three different processes: emotional recognition, emotional integration and implementation of congruent behaviours. All follow one another in a linear way, so that the first is necessary for the appearance of the second, and the second is necessary for that of the third. In recent years, the inclusion of a fourth step is being considered: the control of one’s emotional reactions, which seeks to prevent this phenomenon from overflowing internal resources and eventually translating into harm.

Each of these phases has received its own label, becoming related but independent realities to some degree. With this article we intend to explore and detail what they consist of, thus tracing the characteristics of what has popularly come to be called”types of empathy” (although remembering that in reality, they are all part of the same cognitive-affective process).

  1. Cognitive Empathy

Cognitive empathy is the name that has been assigned by consensus to the first part of the process: the identification of the mental state of our interlocutor. From the verbal contents (testimonies, confessions, etc.) and nonverbal contents (facial gestures, e.g.) that the other emits during the interaction, deep and very primitive structures are activated in our brain that has the objective of coding social information, recognizing in the same act (through inferences) what is going through the mind of who is in front of us.

Cognitive empathy has many utilities, for example, in the field of business negotiations. This is because it would allow the identification of needs/expectations without the emotional components of the decision, which can be useful in the context that arises. However, the latter is very important for everyday life; There is much evidence that without the contribution of affection, problems tend to be resolved in a more imprecise and inefficient way.

  1. Emotional empathy

Emotional empathy requires that, first, we be able to cognitively”capture” the experience of others. Once this is achieved, progress is made to the second level of elaboration, in which the emotional dimensions are erected as a beacon in the vast ocean of inner lives. In general terms, this form of empathy gives us the ability to be sensitive to what others feel, essential to respond adequately to what they demand in the private sphere.

It is a way of sharing the inner world vicariously. The observer of affection would synchronize with the intimate experience of the one who is observed, and experience a series of very similar (though never identical) internal states to this one. At a cerebral level, it has been proven that the right supramarginal gyrus has a key role in empathy and even compassion; a region that is located at the intersection between the temporal, frontal and parietal lobes.

And it is that emotional empathy does not equate to”emotional contagion”, but that it would become the ability to immerse ourselves in the world of the other without ending inexorably swallowed by it.

  1. Sympathy or empathic concern

The word “sympathy” comes from the Greek and could be translated as the act of”feeling the same as the other.” It is a concern for the experience of others, which arises from being able to identify and feel it on their own skin, and that would often lead to help behaviours (prosocial). It is, therefore, a step beyond the empathic process, from which all of it would manifest in the social scene through some deliberate act of altruism (and even surrender).

Despite this, this dimension of empathy is the culmination of a long process of cognitive-emotional analysis, transforming the intention into actions aimed at the relief of the pain of others. It is also the nuance that gives empathy an obvious adaptive value since it stimulates the sense of collaboration and compassion for those who belong to the group itself (to a greater extent than for people outside it).

  1. Empathy

Empathy is, perhaps, the most recent scientific contribution to the field of empathy and compassion, although it has often been the victim of misinterpretations that do not conform to reality at all. Through it, people learn to recognize which of the emotions they feel at a given moment do not really belong to them, but rather come from an external source that has”transferred” them.

It is, therefore, a mechanism through which it is feasible to avoid the”excesses” of empathy, whose main risk lies in emotional contagion and manipulation. Thus, it can be said that it prevents the inner life of the other from dragging us in a way that blocks the ability to act but still preserving the possibility of recognizing and feeling everything that happens to it. It implies the possibility of feeling, but without falling into a harmful identification.




Being an empathy can be affected by various factors which vary from inborn and personal characteristic. To understand a little better how empathy manifests in people, here, we will examine common examples

Examples of empathy at school

The school must be a place where the development of empathy is favoured. It is usually common to see a great lack of empathy in classrooms that have large numbers of students. However, peer empathy can favour in several situations:

That the students understand the different learning times of each student and accompany each other. That students enrich themselves culturally and socially with the diversity of thought, origin and religion of their peers. That the students create a pleasant learning environment where solidarity is an important value.

Examples of empathy at work

Here we are talking about cognitive empathy. Bosses, or superiors who have empathy, value the potential of their employees and know that it is a tool to generate productivity:

When a superior, boss or coordinator, can accurately convey what is sought and how it is obtained, employees feel motivated and usually perform their tasks effectively.

When a superior understand the problems that an employee may have and makes him recompose justified work absences, in some way, he is having empathy.

When there is a lack of empathy for co-workers, an unstable, dense and unfavourable working environment is usually generated.


There are yes, people with high empathy or very little empathy. In most cases, these people are unaware that they lack such basic and necessary aptitude.

A person with a lack of empathy usually meets the following premises: He advises without thinking of the other: advising without listening to the global problem is a very common mistake of people. If this is your case, imagine that the person who has a problem has surely already thought about different strategies to get out of it.

Judge without knowing: this is a clear example of”antipathy” (lack of empathy). People who make value judgments without knowing the depth of the problems and the different perspectives they may have been distinguished by not being empathic.

Relativist the problem: the person who has no empathy, believes that all the problems of others are minor and draws fast conclusions. They judge impulsively and are devoid of humility.




Do you think that you draw something from another person?” Covertly ask him about it, for example, like this:”Listen, you are somehow kind of pale … do you feel normal?” When you feel something and suspect that it is not you, and then someone next to you confirms that he really feels that way, then this is an excellent confirmation. It helps to make oneself more seriously. It is up to you to come to terms with the fact that it really is – or to discover that perhaps it is not, and these are just your own feelings. You need to check this in the field. Track your intuitive insights. What did you feel about someone and what happened to this person over time? By doing this, you begin to see areas in which you’re not just experiencing your own feelings. It is difficult for a rational Westerner to open up to this idea, and fear often exists. But you no longer need to be afraid.”

There is are principle and guidelines that can guide in order to help you prevent empathy from taking control of all your personal life, making you unaware of the possible destruction that can be encountered in your environment. You must be aware of your own value, feelings, goals and teaching.

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