I think the duck is deviant since it violated the norms of the ducks’ society. The norms of the ducks’ society were that when the girl throws bread, they tussle for it until when one has possession of it, the others have to lay back and let the duck in possession have the piece of food as they wait for the girl to throw another slice of bread. However, this duck could abide by these regulations and be punished for it not only by the duck in possession of the bread but also by all the other ducks.
The duck’s situation relates to human beings who violate the social norms in that whenever an individual does not follow the rules, he or she has to be punished for it. For instance, if an individual decides to violate the norm of living harmoniously, among others, and decides to steal, he or she is considered a criminal and is punished according to the law. However, he or she also faces the wrath of the whole society when he gets out of incarceration and has to go through the pain of getting reattached to the community again. He or she faces a hard time finding a job and achieving other things in society due to his or her criminal record.