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Addiction to Prescription Pain Medication essay

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Addiction to Prescription Pain Medication essay


Understanding the Prescription pain medication abuse signs, symptoms and treatment issue of major concern in this paper. Additionally, the essay aims at comparing and contrasting   various approaches used to handle the problem of prescription pain medication. Through, analyzing   signs and symptoms, predisposing factors related to addiction and misuse of pain medication. It could be aid in showing the current situation in the modern American society .Understanding the Addiction to prescription pain medication abuse is very important in ensuring that there is a health and safe population in America. In America, Prescription Pain Medication Abuse is increasingly a critical problem. Most problems among many of the individuals fail to take the provided prescriptions keenly. Opioid painkillers like sedatives and Oxytocin’s are common prescription abused drugs. Most commonly these problems are common among young people. In our country, prescription drug abuse is becoming a serious challenge since the majority in the society fail to keenly take misuse of Prescription Pain Medication being a serious issue. Meaning that they do not consider the health consequences that might result, it is high time to review all levels of life and ensure the there is no Prescription Pain Medication Abuse in all age levels as there is a need for every person to control their lives. Understanding that one is having Prescription Pain Medication Abuse signs and symptoms could create a chance for intervention in the future. This could in one way help reducing the problem as well as making it easy overcoming the addiction.






Prescription Pain Medication Abuse: Signs, symptoms and Treatment issues

 Prescription Pain Medication Abuse involves the tendency of utilizing the drug prescribed by a doctor in an unintended manner. Consequently, prescription drug abuse affects problematic abuse of the prescribed medication such as painkillers. As a result, these could become compulsive, destructive and ongoing unhealthy severe impacts to the user.

Signs and symptoms of Prescription Pain Medication Abuse

According to the study people with prescription Pain Medication Abuse mostly have the following signs and symptoms, which could be used to help in determining the most effective intervention before the damage becomes too much. A person with Prescription Pain Medication Abuse should be characterized by ongoing use of the painkiller medication even after the pain he was prescribed to heal has ceased. These could, therefore, be very painful and touching as it can eventually get an individual hooked to using the drug even when there is no sickness or pain at all, thus getting addicted toward using it. Mostly these symptoms are shared among the youth and the aged individuals.

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Some people with Prescription Pain Medication Abuse may complain of having some symptom that is vague, with the intention of getting more medication.  An individual with Prescription Pain Medication Abuse will also fail to show the interest of being treated but instead opt to use medication; this could be a significant risk since they might be addressing the wrong condition, therefore becoming addicted to the medicine (Baumblatt et al ,2014).

Additionally, there are cases of change of behavior or mood difference among those involved in   Prescription Pain Medication Abuse. In most cases, there could be cases such as anxious, on becoming volatile or hostile most probably when they don’t have the medication they are addicted. Those with Prescription Pain Medication Abuse could also be caught having some deceitful or secretive behaviors with intentions of getting the medication. For instance, an individual could qualify for many prescriptions for much than one health professions by buying and also stealing medicines well as getting involved in selling such medications in the street. Prescription Pain Medication Abuse are involved in using prescription pills given to others, this is an addiction and could result in adverse health consequences (Wilder et al ,2016). Another essential symptom that could be very key in Prescription Pain Medication Abuse could be overusing the recommended medication, as well as developed a high tolerance to make more pills needed for the same required effect.

Prescription Pain Medication Abuse include one withdrawing from family and society and especially the family members could say that one has critical challenges. They could as well have the history of drug addiction as well as tending to make a poor decision. According to the recent research, there is an increasingly high number of people seeking treatment help for having an addiction to a prescription drug in America. Very few among those seeking medical help get treated meaning that this is a serious problem needing immediate action.

National surveys proved that in America there are many people misusing drugs that were intentionally used to cure severe pain, these drugs are drugs highly abused just like the other drugs like Marijuana. Funny enough according to the research most of the people start using the painkillers with a legitimate purpose but proceed to abuse the drugs the moment addiction occurs. Most of the individual in the American society are prone to using their friends or somebodies else prescribed medication while at, workplaces, school or party which could eventually result in effect. Overdosing and abusing these drugs could as well lead to drug addiction. It is associated with many negative impacts on human health (Wilder et al ,2016).

According to researches, there are different signs and symptoms of addiction to pain medication .though they change based on the specific drug prescription being used. An individual addicted to drug pain reliever’s abuse may feel drowsy, feel pain or confusion. Additionally, they might be complaining of constipation or nausea children may have slow breathing rates. Furthermore, research shows that it could be hazardous to withdraw from using pain reliever without seeking medical help (Wilder et al ,2016).

According to researchers in America  among the youth, there is likely hood of the young person withdrawing from friends and family and would like to spend most of the times alone. They tend to lose hope in their interests and hobbies. Similarly, they get hostile and quit taking care of their cleanliness and appearance.IT could as well be evidenced in their academic failures as well as having less concern on their family members. It has been identified that people are also abusing [painkiller pills alter their sleep patterns and can sleep during the day.

In contemporary society, it is authentic that if an individual gets access to the prescription drug, they will be able to treat many diseases and illness. Such medication could help reducing pain, depression as well as dealing with the inability to sleep even though people tend to take medication to relieve pains on illness. As these drugs could keep them discharged and unfortunately people might see them as less harmful, yet they have a prescription they can be detrimental if overused due to addiction.



Prescription Drug Addiction Phases

According to research, there are several phases of prescription drug addiction; they are accommodating as they assist in determining whether there is necessary addiction. Consequently could help in recognizing the signs and symptoms of the person who is addicted to prescribed pain reliever medication

Non-medical Use

The first phase helping us to understand someone on the road to addiction is when people start using painkillers without any prescription, they may think it is a normal thing, but they might find using the medication for no reason. As an outcome it could become more serious and move to the second phase of being addicted to the prescribed drug. Using the prescription severally than it is prescribed or taking medication that was un prescribed with the intention of relieving pains could amount to ill health conditions. It is better to take the recommended dose. The moment an individual use painkillers with the intention of getting high but not to heal the pain they are moving towards addiction route (Vowles et al ,2015).

Misuse of painkillers

If an individual fails to use the prescribed medication like taking more than the recommended dosage several times this is misusing the drug. In this stage, an individual might build the tolerance, and one could get as many painkillers as possible to relieve pains. Little do they know that they are exposing themselves to the addiction to the painkillers?

Abuse of pain killers

After developing the tendency of getting as many drugs as possible with the intention of relieving the pains. An individual might develop a chronic misuse of the painkiller drug this is simple drug abuse Here early signs of drug addiction such as craving and depression as well as fatigue are common among the victims if the drug is not possible. The funny thing is that when they get the painkillers, they become normal and relieved meaning that such individuals are dependent on the painkiller (Garcia, 2013)..

Addiction to painn killers

After becoming physically dependent, those individuals using the painkillers have withdrawal symptoms and always need to use the painkiller to relieve themselves. It, therefore, becomes like a compulsive need to continue abusing the painkiller, individuals might even try using more medication or illegal pills if they fail to obtain the drug (Baumblatt et al ,2014).

Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment Approaches

It is advisable to seek medical attention immediately one notices that they have been addicted to painkiller medication. There is a need of consulting the addiction recovery persons in case of narcotic addiction. Established drug addiction treatment s which help in providing a structured environment that focuses on person recovery. The addicted individuals get services aimed at detoxification of the drugs toxins .e addicted person or groups that are taught on new behavior therapies that are holistic including meditation and treatments aimed at healing spirits

Additionally the medical professional expose the patients to specific programs such as chronic pain monitoring and managing which does not require administering any drug (Wilder et al ,2016). They include cognitive behavior therapy, stress reduction which assist in reducing pain with no painkiller drug. Don’t let prescription drug abuse and chronic pain define who you are any longer. Get the help you need and deserve at a quality prescription drug addiction rehabilitation.

Types of Chemical Dependency

. Alcohol dependency

According to research, it is very critical that having an un-recommended pattern of taking medication or alcohol which could interfere with one’s daily activity making them have argent need medical attention. Addiction to drug become either psychological disorders. Since after one gets very hooked to the drug might get a tolerance to withdrew from taking the painkiller affecting their emotional feeling (Wilder et al ,2016).As time goes on ones gets a tolerance to drug increasing the capacity and leading to a high rate of consumption aimed at achieving the consumption needs which are high. Upon stopping to take the painkillers, there are withdrawal symptoms.

According to research I have also come across another category called drug dependency, and this is a situation whereby an individual has been using drugs such as painkillers for an extended period. They end up developing a compulsive need for drugs and use them without thinking of the side effects. Most of those using painkillers have high chances of getting addicted and drug abuse. Categorically from my observation, there are two kinds of chemical dependency. Alcohol dependency is common among those who consume alcohol in large amounts with little concern on the symptoms it will bring into individual physical health relationships (Wilder et al ,2016).


Drugs Chemical Dependency

In a nutshell from the above research, it is genuine that drug addiction could result in deteriorating and profound personal effects, health, and social life.  Could lead to the emotional experience of pain the moment the user of the drug proceeds up to addiction level. It should be understood that addiction is a disease affecting the brain it is not merely a bad habit that could easily be washed away. It does not matter the reason as to why the person was using the painkiller but seeking medical attention could make on recovering their spirit and mind. Additionally, there is a need for the government and responsible agencies developing education programs, as well as recovery programs aimed at recovering them from addiction and help them understand the reasons for their pain. Looking for help could be the most effective way of coping with the problems associated with medication addiction (Garcia, 2013).

Review on David case from the interview substance abuse addiction

Childhood (5-12 yrs.)

According to the interview at childhood might have minimal cases of being addicted to drugs. Though at his age one could observe the behaviors of their parents who are already addicted or recovering from substance abuse. This could exhibit behavioral issues in the school since it is easy to copy what their parent is doing back at home. There is no need for any treatment or medication used by this time, even though they can be influenced by the external environment as they interact with fellow children in society. This can be supported by my observation from the interview at the age of 5-12 years David father was recovering from alcohol abuse and schizophrenia while his mother in most f times was addicted to gambling and medication diet pills, later David was to be put in medication for ADHD but the mother refused. Continuing without behavior modification treatment affected David .children could be emotionally affected by their parents’ relationship something which can drive the children at needing medication to relieve stress and pain.

Adolescent (13-17 yrs.)

During this stage of development an individual could be in need of making new friends in the society. This is the most probable phase of life where children can get introduced to drug abuse and hooking themselves with some behaviors. Peer pressure could make an individual unafraid since they are not in the home environment. During this age David began using alcohol as well as being addicted to sex. In the interview David claimed that he could take alcohol to forget the hardship he comes across in his life like being evicted to their house due to lack of funds, this made him start smoking weed since he needed to have a better experience in life. He could show some signs of depression and anxiety as he claimed in the interview David wanted to leave in isolation and was very addicted to hanging out and sex and got her girlfriend pregnant at 16 years he could only relieve stress by taking alcohol (Timmerman et al ,2016).

Adulthood (18-39 yrs.)

During adulthood one could encounter a lot of experiences which could make them addicted to drugs.  David soon attended college, and he started drinking and smoking weed socially. He reflected on his life during this time and the pressures of being a dad, working full time and not socializing at all got to him. David started to smoke weed again and felt good, numb from his responsibilities. He began to smoke alone and no longer needed or wanted friends. He got high every day. His son was ten years old at this point and living with David. David’s grandfather and mother died a few months apart, and he soon became a full-time caretaker for his father. All these pressures, along with being a full-time parent himself made him become a full-time pot smoker. He always maintained a high before work, during work and didn’t realize how to be happy. From 2007-2011 David started a teaching job in a Drama Program 3 times a week while working at a restaurant after school.  David began taking a slow release OxyContin tablet almost every day, especially if he was stressed. The following year, David stated he was now ingesting 30 mg. of OxyContin pills every day, half a tablet in the morning before class and the other half in the evening.   David could not stay without pills he kept them in his desk at work.

At the age of 37 years old, David informed me he was hired as a Film teacher, something he had always dreamed of doing. Because this was his passion, he didn’t anticipate his job being stressful and had no fear of teaching. Therefore he no longer needed pills to cope. One morning soon after, David awoke and was blind in one eye. He went to the ER and remained there a few hours. He was then discharged, went home and took 30 mg of oxycodone. From that day on, David informed me he ingested eight to ten pills every single day to feel normal. This could result in addition to the pills (Blendon & Benson, 2018). At this point in David’s life, it is the end of the first year of teaching film. He is now 37 years old. He thought that by teaching his passion, his addiction would go away. However, it got worse due to him setting his expectations too high. It was at this time he went to see a therapist, and it was recommended he seek outpatient treatment.

David didn’t want to risk losing his job and possible teaching career, so he decided to try medication. He attended Zucker Hill Hospital once a week for counseling sessions and attended group sessions twice weekly. This occurrence was five months in total. While in treatment for opioid addiction, David remained smoking weed at that time. His counselor was aware of this due to his positive urine tests. After five months going to the outpatient facility, David stated he wasn’t ready to quit opioids so a few weeks later he admitted himself to Long Island Center for Recovery, a twenty-eight-day inpatient facility (Kampman & Jarvis,2015).

The signs and symptoms of drug addiction were common the school principal knew he had a habit based on his behaviors he exhibited. David informed me that the day before going to inpatient, which was also his last day of work, he got high on OxyContin and took 120 mg (Ryan & Glover,2016).  During his first week of treatment, David stated he felt more focused and alert. He said it was a slow, gradual process. He said he felt supported, got involved and participated in yoga and meditation. He was in the process of completing his Master’s degree before inpatient. He spoke with his academic advisor at City College to discuss the idea of putting on a play at rehab and receiving school credits for it. David said he turned his addiction into a positive experience and it was very therapeutic and transformative. At the end of his inpatient stay, David had a family session, and that is where he expressed a verbal contract on how different he would behave upon going home and why he was a drug addict. Every night while at rehab, there were meetings on AA/NA. It was there that David one Twelve Step Program. He contacted a meeting facility in Flushing before his discharge, where he would be attending ninety meetings in ninety days (Blendon & Benson, 2018).

Present Day (40 yrs.)

At the current time, David is sober meaning that after being addicted to drugs he got the proper medical treatment and is now fully recovering and normal. David also attends NA meetings 2-3 times weekly for 90 minutes. He has a sponsor and a sponsee for two months. David stated that in the NA Basic text it says the therapeutic value of one addict helping another. The newcomers are the most critical person in the meetings because you can’t keep what you have unless you give it away. David has a prayer book titled Just for Today and refers to it daily. He meditates daily for ten minutes followed by a prayer, with the acronym armed. A-action, R-reaction, M- motivate, E- evaluate and D- daily. David continues to take a daily inventory to help him find a solution to what is causing any problems. David takes Lexipro for his anxiety and Strattera for ADHD. He remains abstinent of all substances to this present day (Kampman & Jarvis,2015).Generally, from the life experience of David, we can see that one can manage all forms of addiction and gain their normality in life.

Generally, from the above review of David addiction case through his life, it is evident that prescription drug abuse is widespread in the USA. Throughout human development, based on many surveys abuse of prescribed medication is secondly rated after the bhang .in consequence there could be issues of disorders, increased treatment admission as well as anxiety among those who highly abuse such drugs. It is therefore very true that in our country, prescription drug abuse is becoming a serious challenge most people tend to misuse   Prescription Pain   that one is having Prescription Pain Medication Abuse signs and symptoms could create a chance for intervention in the future and show health concern in the society.










Baumblatt, J. A. G., Wiedeman, C., Dunn, J. R., Schaffner, W., Paulozzi, L. J., & Jones, T. F. (2014). High-risk use by patients prescribed opioids for pain and its role in overdose deaths. JAMA internal medicine, 174(5), 796-801.

Blendon, R. J., & Benson, J. M. (2018). The public and the opioid-abuse epidemic. New England Journal of Medicine, 378(5), 407-411.

Garcia, A. M. (2013). State laws regulating prescribing of controlled substances: balancing the public health problems of chronic pain and prescription painkiller abuse and overdose. The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 41, 42-45.

Kampman, K., & Jarvis, M. (2015). American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) national practice guideline for the use of medications in the treatment of addiction involving opioid use. Journal of addiction medicine, 9(5), 358.

Ryan, H., Girion, L., & Glover, S. (2016). OxyContin goes global—“We’re only just getting started.”. Los Angeles Times.

Timmerman, L., Stronks, D. L., Groeneweg, J. G., & Huygen, F. J. (2016). Prevalence and determinants of medication non‐adherence in chronic pain patients: a systematic review. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica, 60(4), 416-431.

Vowles, K. E., McEntee, M. L., Julnes, P. S., Frohe, T., Ney, J. P., & van der Goes, D. N. (2015). Rates of opioid misuse, abuse, and addiction in chronic pain: a systematic review and data synthesis. Pain, 156(4), 569-576.

Wilder, C. M., Miller, S. C., Tiffany, E., Winhusen, T., Winstanley, E. L., & Stein, M. D. (2016). Risk factors for opioid overdose and awareness of overdose risk among veterans prescribed chronic opioids for addiction or pain. Journal of addictive diseases, 35(1), 42-51.

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