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YouTube and Education

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YouTube and Education


In the contemporary times, the process of learning has been impelled by the amalgamation of digital forms into education and knowledge attainment. Not even the classrooms but the domestic milieus have been flooded by the plenty of digital media tools ranging from gaming, m-learning, podcasts, social media, Virtual Worlds (VWs), Webcasts, and videos uploaded on YouTube. Such informative technological tools inflict a considerable impact on the nature and features of users’ experiences considering the digitalized means of acquiring knowledge concerned with one’s area(s) of interest (Olasina 233).

Significance of Videos for Acquiring Education

The people and the cultural settings of the present times are undeniably influenced by digital videos. For decades, videos are being used as dependable pedagogical tools considering their facilitation “to improve problem solving, to facilitate critical thinking, to raise student engagement, and help in skill mastery” (Conneally). Today, millions of videos are watched by millions of audience members on renowned websites including MetaCafe, Vimeo, and YouTube on a daily basis. As this paper primarily focuses on YouTube, the famous digital video platform has continued to gain popularity especially in the educational context. It would not be incorrect to state that YouTube has revolutionized the way people educate themselves today (Bevan).

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Educational videos uploaded on Youtube are being utilized as a tool to learn everything from baking a cake to conduct scientific experiments. It is considerable to note that 92% of the audience that views these educational videos consists of millenials. There was once a time when it was extremely difficult to learn and teach abstract topics. However, the availability and accessibility to understand and comprehend an assortment of subjects through YouTube videos has certainly benefitted people to remain aware about their desired topics (Bevan).

Within the classrooms, the advantages of viewing of short video clips have been substantiated by sev studies indicating that “video clips can prepare students for listening, that videos shows as advance organizers prior to the reading of a passage facilitate the retention of cultural information in the written text, and that videos are more effective advance organizers than are pictures used with teacher narratives” (Shrum & Glisan 180). Similarly, an individual is capable to memory recall and efficiently process the information through watching videos as the optical and auditory features makes it easier to naturally process the content (“How YouTube Is Changing the Face of Education”).

YouTube Videos

The YouTube channel allows its users to upload the customized contents on its platform and share it with the world. In general, the audience record could be tracked and managed for each individual channel within the website. Both amateurs and professionals create videos for the website as it has turned out to be a “modern mass medium commonly used in a new digital age landscape” (Olasina 236). Although established in 2005, YouTube has consumed an enormous bandwidth with millions of subscribers. It is believed that the ease of creating video content and sharing it with worldwide audience without any cost has facilitated the website’s popularity. Although there is a limitation concerning the video length, the adoption rate of YouTube is relatively higher when compared with Hulu Host, Vimeo, and other similar platforms for online video streaming (Olasina 236).

Educational Innovations Made Possible by YouTube

A lot of people have failed to understand the prospective nature of YouTube to be utilized as a digital tool of education. Ranging from craft videos to how-to instructional videos and from online lectures to TED talks; the world is witnessing an apparent positive revolution in the educational world with the advent of YouTube (“How YouTube Is Changing the Face of Education”).

The benefits of online videos in improving one’s reading and learning behavior, developing positive attitudes, and improving overall educational performance cannot be denied. In this technological era, the convenience of accessing educational videos through online video sharing sites is remarkable. As far as YouTube videos are concerned, there is no doubt in their significance to research and learning; be it related with any subject area. In fact, a person sitting at home can use the educational videos on YouTube to expand his/her knowledge and stimulate his/her learning behaviors without the help of an educator. Although many researchers criticize the utilization of online videos in negatively impacting the use of academic words, it is apparent that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages (Olasina 236).

To begin with, YouTube videos allow the generation and promotion of online discussion among users and facilitating sharing of different perspectives. For a user seeking knowledge, an abundance of diverse opinions and analysis makes him comprehend the content in a better way. Such discussions also offer additional references of video content to enhance the user knowledge about the respective topic. In addition, the user experiences a better understanding of the subject/topic. One of the most innovative ways through which YouTube has revolutionized the learning experience is its accessibility. The individuals seeking eLearning can receive it via digital devices from tablets to smartphones. Irrespective of the screen size, one is able to utilize the YouTube platform to find out the most appropriate videos with credible content (Pappas).

            YouTube has millions of short videos that facilitate microlearning – “relatively short engagements in learning-related activities – typically ranging from a few seconds up to 20 minutes (or up to an hour in some cases) – that may provide any combination of content presentation, review, practice, reflection, behavioral prompting, performance support, goal reminding, persuasive messaging, task assignments, social interaction, diagnosis, coaching, management interaction, or other learning-related methodologies” (as qtd. in Kapp & Defelice). Microlearning-based short videos guarantee that multifaceted exhibitions and procedures are demonstrated in trivial amounts for the knowledge retention enhancement. The biggest pro of watching such videos is that large videos could be watched anywhere in shorter segments ultimately allowing the user to attain the information considering his/her convenience. Consequently, the information could be absorbed and comprehended in a better way (Pappas).

A one-of-a-kind virtual library like YouTube offers a great opportunity to understand the ideas that are not understandable otherwise. The demonstration of steps could be highlighted in an enlightening manner, particularly within a classroom or a training session at a corporate level (Pappas). The learning experiences that YouTube offers are diverse in the sense that they cover almost every topic from History, Finance, Math, Science, Psychology, Astronomy and similar complex areas in an insightful yet interactive manner. Even though the variation of the instructional content may affect the YouTube videos’ educational values, users find them appealing due to their restricted length as well as the efficient means of delivering and inculcating the messages. Academically, YouTube has indeed facilitated students to perform better as it has provided new alternatives in place of conventional methods of learning (Olasina 258).

YouTube in the Classroom

Today’s classrooms are incorporating YouTube videos on an extensive level. Instead of reading and going through textbooks, the generation today gives preference to learn though videos. The schools and other institutions are also integrating knowledge through technology whereby YouTube educational videos have become a significant element in the learning process. A global market research firm, The Harris Poll, conducted a study which revealed that “Gen Z prefers YouTube more than the others, and YouTube ranks first as a preferred learning tool” (Lok). When YouTube is assessed from the classroom perspective, the lessons seem more personal and relatable making the content more interesting for the students (“How YouTube Is Changing the Face of Education”).

Without a doubt, some subject matters need visualization to be fully understood (Lok). Astronomy, for instance, seems more appealing and interesting when it is studied through visuals and pictorial components. Similarly, history lessons seem boring to a majority of students. However, when videos showing historical figures and places are watched by the students, the story or timeline format of historical events becomes more exciting. When the Youtuber is seen explaining the concepts or explaining an incident, students feel more connected as the ‘person in the video’ is not acting as a teacher; but a narrator or friendly figure (Lok). One of the best examples in this regard is that of Brian Cox whose Quantum Physics videos are so simple and interesting that a topic as dry as the mentioned is understandable and comprehensible to anyone. Other YouTubers with extensive followership include Professor Dave (Science videos), PatrickJMT (Math videos), Lucy Bella Earl (English language videos), and Keith Hughes (History videos).

Without a doubt, a single educator on the YouTube could influence millions of people to seek knowledge that is otherwise not possible. In fact, this innovative generation digital educators have been triumphant in winning the students’ attention that is not achieved by the live professors. In schools and colleges, teachers are primarily recruited considering their output in the research area instead of their engagement or effectiveness as information conveyors. Online educators are more successful and appreciated as a majority of their live counterparts are “more concerned with cramming test material into students’ heads instead of giving them tools to succeed in a self-sufficient way” (Hua). The best feature of YouTube in this regard is that people who cannot attend educational institutions due to any personal or financial issue can easily attain knowledge with few clicks with the bonus feature of selecting their own teachers (“How YouTube Is Changing the Face of Education”).

Students and individuals are able to search for conceptual-based videos to either understand a complex idea or for test preparation. One cannot pause and rewind a live teacher. However, YouTube can solve this problem as well. The fact that YouTube videos could be re-watched and replayed makes it easier for the learners to comprehend intricate concepts and philosophies related to different subjects. Considering the effectiveness of YouTube on the process of learning has also received considerable responsiveness for the commencement of initiatives to promote education. Recently, Susan Wojcicki – CEO of YouTube – announced a project, “YouTube Learning,” an initiative worth $20 million for the creation of videos specifically for educational purposes (Lok).

YouTube offers the unmatchable flexibility and ease of accessibility to its users due to which both the professional content developers and amateurs in video-making industry enjoy the opportunity of communicating with their global audiences (Antonio & Tuffley). This FREE platform has been widely utilized for “the creation of subject-specific play-lists, the “flipped” classroom (where the students do the work outside class, then meet to discuss), student-produced reflective videos, assessment and feedback and various blended learning formats” (Antonio & Tuffley) making the entire learning process extremely agreeable and engaging, particularly for the students who do not find classroom lectures interesting.

YouTube Changing Teaching Techniques

As mentioned earlier, YouTube along other free video platforms has been integrated in a number of educational institutions for the enrichment of classroom learning environment. The production of respective sessions is either done by the professors/teachers or by professional content developers. This is executed by a user-friendly software or webcam installation whereby YouTube is used as the principal medium for video-uploading. The corresponding link(s) are inserted in the institution’s to be watched on demand by the students for later references (“How YouTube Is Changing the Face of Education”).

Acknowledging the increased impact educational uses of video-on-demand, YouTube EDU has been introduced by the company to integrate the knowledge-oriented content in various playlists and categories to be easily available to the seeking students. The success of this initiated could be judged by the fact that “in one year alone, YouTube EDU partnered with over 300 universities and other providers to offer more than 65,000 free lectures, news items and snippets of campus life” (“How YouTube Is Changing the Face of Education”). Whereas there is a good proportion of teachers who have the ability to make the best use of YouTube for assisting their students in a myriad of ways; there are a number of authentic concerns regarding the inapt and unsuitable content as well as the management of the website just like Wikipedia’s. The fact that there is no restriction as to who can and who cannot share his/her videos on YouTube, The authenticity of the information in the videos cannot be validated. Therefore, it becomes a great concern for the educators whether the provided information is reliable or not (“How YouTube Is Changing the Face of Education”).

It is rather fortunate that YouTube has been introduced as a response to the mentioned concern as it allows the educators and students to select the appropriate videos with authentic educational content to watch and refer to. In this manner, it has become extremely convenient for people to take full advantage of YouTube with no anxiousness about the factual basis of the uploaded material (“How YouTube Is Changing the Face of Education”). With the unfolding of the 21st century, it is absolutely important for the conventional educators to change their teaching techniques and adapt the on-demand video technology to enrich the classroom environment (Antonio & Tuffley).

The contemporary students seek flexible ways to seek knowledge and learn the modern-day methods of surviving in this ever-changing era. The approaching times are times of flexible educational landscape whereby “it will be the agile institutions that survive and flourish, the ones that find ways to successfully leverage technology to deliver high-quality education to increasingly busy and mobile students” (Antonio & Tuffley). It is the need of the time to understand that a teacher is not the sole provider of knowledge. Similarly, teacher-centric environments are not the only learning environments. With YouTube leading the digital video platform market to educate people, the future of education has expanded beyond classrooms. The integration of technology in the educational institutions has turned out to be a significant component of the present times as the traditional educational milieus does not have adequate resources to cater the increasing number of students (Antonio & Tuffley).

YouTube for the Masses

Besides reforming and modernizing the education within the classrooms, YouTube has been triumphant in shaping up and molding an innovative model of education foe billions of people throughout the Blue planet. People living in both developed and developing countries with an eagerness to attain education (but do not have means to do so) can take advantage of the not-for-profit content creators on YouTube. A large number of such providers facilitate the acquirement of FREE education through YouTube videos that could be accessed by anyone belonging to any place (“How YouTube Is Changing the Face of Education”). Khan Academy, Crash Course, The King of Random, SciShow, AllTime10s, and Ted-Ed are just few examples of some amazing YouTube channels that have transformed the education means for millions of people across the globe.

Without a doubt, YouTube has changed how people learn and seek knowledge considering its free usage and accessibility. It would not be incorrect to state that YouTube has elevated as a life-saving medium for people who want education but could not attain it due to its costliness (“How YouTube Is Changing the Face of Education”). Considering the scarcity of resources and accessibility to even the basic human rights, the attainment of education for the destitute populations in the developing countries is not possible. The fact that parents in such state have no means to provide adequate food, shelter, and/or clothing to their children makes it understandable they consider education to be a luxury. Children in such families are required to support their parents to make the ends meet. However, the access to education through the power of YouTube has been made possible. A better life is always possible when one seeks education and utilizes it. YouTube has indeed made the dreams of thousands of people true by providing a solid platform to attain knowledge and empower themselves. This remarkable digital video website has allowed people to avail the opportunity of learning skills (for free) and then utilize the knowledge to help the family live an improved life. There are thousands of examples whereby individuals transformed their lives through YouTube educational videos. For instance, Danielle Moylan from Kabul, learnt yoga through YouTube instructional videos and got qualified as a Yoga Instructor. A girl living in a war zone helped herself and her community come out of the stress of a warzone and became renowned for her contributions to allow others live a stress-free life (“How YouTube Is Changing the Face of Education”).


It is no secret that education changes lives. An educated person is capable of improving his life quality and personal development through the power of knowledge. For the same reason, the educational institutions need to emphasize on the learning processes of students so that the latter could turn out to be fruitful individuals and citizens for the society. A high-quality education is possible when the teaching techniques help students attain knowledge with better understanding and practical approach. YouTube has simplified education through its interactive platform.

The current era has witnessed a significant transformation in the deliverance of education through educational videos. Once the classrooms where VCRs and projectors were used as educational tools, computer could be seen as the replacement. The reasons are simple; better learning process and improved penetration of ideas through virtual means (Conneally). The ‘tech’ world we are living in right now is governed by technologies that have introduced new ways to live and become better in all aspects of life.

YouTube videos have not only inflicted a great impact on the classroom environment but also on an individual’s journey towards self-learning. Although the utilization of YouTube is not expansive (worldwide), a great number of educational institutions in the developed countries have incorporated its consistent usage for a better learning experience for students. It is believed that a vibrant and self-motivated classroom experience could be attained through the inculcation of videos and other digital elements if technology is used appropriately. Teachers and educators can capitalize on their individual students’ habits by ensuring an interactive environment through the regular viewing of content uploaded on YouTube for the achievement of similar goal.

Thus, YouTube is not only meant to watch ‘cat’ videos, funny moments, or cute babies, the purpose could be far better. People in the current era are going through a transformative phase as they are exposed to the innovative technologies and the ways education is being delivered. The future generations would certainly reap the maximum benefits of YouTube and similar digital platforms as reflected in the current advantages of video-based education.



Works Cited

Antonio, Amy, and David Tuffley. “YouTube a Valuable Educational Tool, Not Just Cat Videos.” The Conversation, 21 Jan. 2020,

Conneally, Tim. “Teach Millennials With Video.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 16 Oct. 2014,

Bevan, Max. “Why Videos Are Important in Education.” Video Production Company in Oklahoma,

“How YouTube Is Changing the Face of Education.” Medium, In Kind, 24 Sept. 2018,

Hua, Karen. “Education as Entertainment: YouTube Sensations Teaching The Future.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 23 June 2015,

Kapp, K M., and R A Defelice. MICROLEARNING Short and Sweet. AMER SOC FOR TRAINING &, 2019.

Lok, D. “Could YouTube Be The Future Of Education?” Dan Lok, 17 Dec. 2019,

Olasina, G. “An Evaluation of Educational Values of YouTube Videos for Academic Writing.” The African Journal of Information Systems, vol. 9, no. 4, 2017, pp. 232–261., Accessed 25 Jan. 2020.

Pappas, Christopher. “8 Important Reasons Why YouTube Should Be Part Of Your ELearning Course.” ELearning Industry, 20 Sept. 2019,

Shrum, Judith L., and Eileen W. Glisan. Teachers Handbook: Contextualized Language Instruction. Cengage Learning, 2015.


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