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 tests that are used by teachers in acquiring the results that they want to know about their learners

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 tests that are used by teachers in acquiring the results that they want to know about their learners

            There are different ways through which learning can be declared successful. Students may be taught through different approaches based on what is more preferable to their teachers. Some approaches are applied by teachers as they are the best way of learning for a given group of learners. For instance, there are learners who can do well in their studies through assessment while others retain a lot of knowledge through evaluation. Testing is used as an attempt to measure the knowledge of a person, their intelligence and other characteristics that are related to learning (Soled, 43). It is important to understand that there are different ways through which testing is done so as to enhance its effectiveness. For instance, some tests are used to show how well students have covered a given topic during their studies. Other tests are used to help students choose their vocations while other tests make it possible for students to understand their personalities. Consequently, testing is a way of learning that is effective in showing the outcomes of learning.

There are different tests that are used by teachers in acquiring the results that they want to know about their learners. For instance, standardized tests are important in testing the knowledge and skills acquired by a student. Standardized tests are mostly in the form of printed papers where learners are expected to answer some questions that are provided. For a test to be standardized, it means that it has been used before consistently and generated results leading to the establishment of a performance level that is averaged (Kubiszyn, 73). There are also established scores that are set for each of the tests and the result of one learner is compared with the results of those who had undertaken the test before. There are some teachers who prefer non standardized tests as they believe that a test is of quality if it meets the aspects of validity, is practicable and is reliable. However, the three aspects do not make a standardized test less effective.  The different types of tests are effective depending on the type of learners who are put through them.

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The validity of a test is used as a way of showing how well a test is able to measure what it is intended to do. A test may be designed to measure the ability of a learner to read a comprehension. Such a test should be allowed to take place over a long period of time so as to produce results. If such a test is a allocated little amount of time, it may only be effective in showing results for the reading speed of a learner rather than his or her ability to comprehend. As a result, different tests should be allowed enough time span so as to produce quality results (Testing in American Schools). The effectiveness of a test is based on its validity since a test cannot be used to test the general knowledge of a learner. On the other hand, the validity of a test is determined by how well it has achieved results in testing for a given field. The validity of a test is important as it gives the learner a chance to achieve specific skills and abilities. A test should not be generalized as it may lack meaning in its effectiveness to a learner.

A test should also be reliable so that its results should be consistent for different learners. The results obtained from a test can show whether there is consistency in a test or not and this will determine how reliable the test is. For instance, a test is administered to a given group of people severally and if there is consistency in the results obtained, then the test is said to be highly reliable. Additionally, a reliable test should be administered severally and must show consistency in the results that are obtained each time. Learners are then tested using a reliable test to determine whether they have are similar to other learners who have undertaken the test before (Schlemmer, 71). A reliable test may be used to test for different aspects of a learner’s skills, abilities and knowledge at the same time. A reliable test is effective in testing for different qualities in a student. Where a test lacks reliability, its application will not be effective in testing the abilities of learners.

Every teacher aims at ensuring that a given test that is administered to his learners is economical. This contributes to its practicality. A test should not require a lot of effort for its being administered to a group of learners. A test should also not be costly to administer as this may lead to some learners not undertaking the tests. A test should be easy to administer and easy to interpret the results. Where a test’s results are hard to interpret, it may be rendered impractical and unreliable to be applied to any other group of students. For instance, there are some schools where some special tests are taken by learners (Boyle, 47). In such learning institutions, there are some learners who cannot afford to have such tests and have to go through the learning process in other institutions that are affordable to them. Some of their knowledge, skills and abilities may never be tested as they are expensive to be administered. When designing a test, the cost and effort factors should be considered to determine its effectiveness.

Learning that is based on tests may be applied to measure several characteristics of a learner. For instance the learning ability of a learner may be measured through a test. Such learning is applied to show how well a learner will perform in a situation where intelligence will be required. Tests applied on learning may also be used to test the mental ability of a learner. Some of the learning tests include the test on a learner’s ability to apply their knowledge acquired from school and outside school in real life situations. Such a test will determine how bright a student is (Soled, 56). The mental ability as well as the intelligence of an individual are terms used by teachers to test on the ability of a learner to solve problems that are typical in their schoolwork. The use of the terms intelligence and mental ability show the general knowledge of a learner thus are not tied to a specific aspect in their lives.

An achievement test may be used to determine how well an individual was able to understand a particular subject. The method does not generalize the abilities of a learner. Achievement tests are used more often than any other kind of tests in schools. The progress of a learner both in junior and senior schools is determined by the use of an achievement test (Kubiszyn, 87). An achievement test is important as it helps teachers to distinguish the difference in abilities between one learner and the other. Through the achievement test, it is possible to determine the profession that a given learner will undertake based on how well they perform in different subjects. An achievement test distinguishes a lawyer from a doctor and a teacher. Achievement tests are prepared while closely following the teachers own methods of instruction. Achievement tests may be standardized or none standardized based on the preference of the teacher. Standardized achievement tests may also be applied while making the placement decision for different learners in different positions. Achievement tests are also classified as norm referenced or criterion referenced.

In a norm referenced achievement test, the results of a learner are compared to the results of other learners who had previously undertaken the test. In such a test, a student who answers some of the questions incorrectly would rank high if in the previous tests, students answered the questions wrongly. However, in a criterion referenced test, the performance of each individual learner will be compared to a set and standardized predetermined standard. A good example is where a teacher sets a 90 percent score as the pass grade for any student. This means that the learner is expected to answer 90 percent of the questions provided correctly and failure to do so would mean that the learner has failed in the test. A criterion achievement test is in most cases preferred to a norm referenced testing. Most of the teachers would prefer testing specific values of a learner and based on a method that has been tested before and proven effective (Testing in American Schools). They will therefore prefer the criterion referenced achievement tests.  Where a teacher wants to test a skill that has not been tested before, he may prefer using the criterion referenced method so that he can test his own standards.

Learning based on tests is of importance to both the learner and the teacher. Application of different tests ensures that different aspects of their lives are tested. Their knowledge is also put to test. Apart from the tests mentioned above, there are also other tests which may include aptitude tests, interest tests and personality tests. The aim of applying tests to different learners is to determine how well they have understood different issues during the learning sessions.  In relation to this, aptitude tests reveal the talents and preferences that learners have for certain activities (Schlemmer, 78). For instance, a learner who has passion in machinery may perform highly in a mechanical aptitude test. Aptitude tests are used to distinguish between those who have passion and preferences for particular fields from those that cannot handle them. On the other hand, interest tests are used to determine ones preference among different activities. Personal traits are then tested through the personality tests. The tests are effective in determining the traits exhibited by a person scientifically. Through all the different tests, teachers are able to learn more about their learners and develop ways of helping some that are poor.

Testing based learning is valued due to its results in the learning session. Testing is one way through which a learner is able to learn and retain new information over a long period of time. The knowledge can then is applied in different contexts of life and remain helpful. According to psychologists, testing is related to the memory of a learner so that memory is enhanced where a learner undertakes different tests. Testing has been found as a way through which learning is transferred. In this case, an individual has to retrieve knowledge learnt prior during a test (Boyle, 51). Retrieved information is hard to forget according to psychologists. Testing is also important as it enhances transfer of learning where a learner is able to apply the learnt knowledge in different contexts of life and find assistance in solving some of the challenges faced. On the other hand, testing is a method that enhances short term memory of an individual in relation to languages. Through testing, learners are able to retain the meaning of words and how they sound.

When a learner retrieves information during a test, it is most likely that it will be hard for them to forget things that have already been learnt in the previous sessions. Continued practice of this activity during test ensures that retention of learnt knowledge is enhanced. Long term learning is as well enhanced as consistency in retrieval of information enhances the ability of a learner to remember all information learnt. Testing also ensures that a learner is able to gather information from their mind that is related to the test. Planning the retrieved information in a way that answers the questions in the test is also an important thing as the learner is able to organize their thoughts in words that best suit the answers for the different questions. Additionally, testing is a way through which teachers are able to recognize the different abilities that learners have and how well they are able to utilize them (Soled, 63). The difference in the learners’ abilities makes them suit for different careers and professions as the advance their studies.  On the other hand, teachers get to organize their materials well and adequately so that they meet the needs of the trainings that take place. They would also have to make decisions on how to utilize the time allocated for different subjects, resources available and personnel to be enough in delivering the required information to learners.

Learning that is based on tests plays an important role in the life of a learner. Mental development is enhanced as a learner consistently retrieves information from the previously learned sessions. Tests also enable teachers to identify what students have learned and parts which they did not understand. In conclusion, the strengths and weaknesses of learners are identified through tests. Learners are also awarded in accordance to their performance in the tests that they undertake. The effectiveness of a learning institution is based on the performance of learners in different tests that are similar for different learning institutions (Kubiszyn, 99). Parents always look for institutions that will give learners the best grades and ones where they will manage to explore their strengths and weaknesses and develop their minds for the sake of being fit to survive. Learning that is based on testing is preferable where competition rates are high among learners. It could be used as a way through which learners are differentiated from each other based on their abilities.

Learning based teaching and assessment

Learning based teaching and assessment is systematic and direct observation of an actual pupil performance and rating the pupil performance according to the pre-established performance criteria. In this scenario, pupils are required to perform a complicated task or create a new product. The students may also be required to improve the existing product in terms of learning. The pupils are assessed and graded according to the process and the final result of their work. The learning-based teaching and assessment include real life chores that advocate for higher learning. The learning based approach and assessment to learning allows students, comrades and pupils to use their knowledge and engage their skills in realistic situations. This approach differs from traditional education in several aspects. The learning based approach and assessment enables mastery of skills and knowledge and it also measures the practical application of these skills in task contexts. This approach evaluates the process that pupils undergo while engaged in a chore as well as the final results. This enables the students to make decisions and solve problems throughout their learning process. The learning based approach and assessment acts as the central point for the development of education important dimensions namely the social, affective and metacognitive principles of learning. The affective aspect of learning is also referred to as the emotional aspect of learning. This aspect motivates comrades, pupils, and students to participate in meaningful and interesting tasks. It fosters confidence among the students to achieve the target language. This aspect motivates the student to develop a sense of responsibility and pride in the tasks. Encouraging the students to practice with their increasing control of linguistics alleviates fear and anxiety over. This has reduced the chances of making mistakes. This fosters sympathy and empathy among the pupils in learning the foreign language.

The social aspect of performance (learning) is echoed in the peer interaction that acts as a baseline for learning based tasks (Soled, 144). In this aspect, comrades, students and pupils generate crucial social skills for life. This cooperative work results to peer guidance and social interactions aspects such as reaching a consensus, negotiating, notions, respecting others’, shared responsibility and group effort for task completion. The metacognitive aspect of learning is associated with students thinking about their own learning. Learning skills such as self-assessment and reflection contribute to the learning process. The metacognitive aspect makes students be more critical and more independent. This is achieved when teachers require the student to think about how they learn, their progress, what they are learning. The learning approach facilitates pupils to demonstrate specific competencies and skills by producing or performing something. For instance, in Israel, the English teachers can assess student benchmarks and their final achievement within a specific teaching program based on the curriculum standards. The learning approach evaluates the quality of the student final product as well as rating the pupil’s learning process. Assessing both the final product and the process provides an accurate profile of pupils’ language capability and ability. In this learning approach, the teachers can monitor the pupils’ performance on a certain task and show them the value of their work processes. The teachers can aid the pupils in self-monitoring and work without any close supervision. This will input more confidence and knowledge among the students so that the students can use tools such as working files, periodic reflections and learning logs more accurately.

A learning performance task enables the pupils to demonstrate the capability and ability to use and integrate knowledge, work habits, and skills in a more meaningful practice. These examples show how pupils use language in real life situations.

Example 1: products (accordion books, cartoons, and flip-flop books). The pupils use the products in live performances such as joke contest, poetry contest, and song contest.

Example 2: products (Board game, computer game and card game). The pupils use these products in performances such as radio broadcast.

Example 3: product (survey), performance (poster presentation)

Example 4: product (exhibition, collage, story train, advertisement) the pupils use these products in real life performance such as game show.

When designing a performance task the following characteristics are considered. A learning (performance) task does not require one right answer, therefore it has several outcomes. A performance task is very integrative in that it entails a combination of various skills. It facilitates critical thinking and problem-solving skills. A well-stipulated performance task focuses on both product and process and therefore divergent thinking. A performance task encourages independent learning that involves summation, planning and revising. It builds on students’ prior experience. A good performance activity includes viable opportunities for collaborative learning and peer interaction. This performance task enables self-reflection and assessment. A well-stipulated learning activity requires sufficient time to complete. It should also be challenging, authentic, interesting and meaningful. The based teaching and assessment approach entails learning projects. A project is a complex and extended performance task that usually occurs over a period of time. Projects involve thorough pupil inquiry culminating in pupil performances and products which are assessed using a combination of assessment tools.

Steps involved in learning-based teaching and assessment approach

There are several steps that can be used to assess learning based teaching activities (performance task). In this approach, teachers should identify the achievable goals, that is (the type of skills and knowledge) pupils are expected to gain in each teaching unit. In this step, the skills and knowledge that the pupil requires are the curriculum benchmarks and standards in various domains. When this list complies, the teaching goals to be assessed via learning tasks are selected. In step 2, the teachers set chores that will demonstrate which language skills and knowledge have been created. The pupils’ performance on these activities should depict what they have gained in class and to the degree to which they have achieved the teaching goals. The performance tasks should be appropriate, challenging and motivating to the pupils’ cognitive ability and language level. Foundation level tasks should be simple and well structured as time goes by, the students will become more independent and proficient, and the tasks will then be more complex and less structured. The third step involves developing expected performance levels and explicit performance criteria. This will be used in measuring pupils’ knowledge and mastery of skills. This last step mostly involves evaluation rubrics. Rubrics are grading criteria that are used by tutors and teachers to grade students. A rubric is a well stipulated scoring tool outlining the required standards for a piece of work. A rubric also outlines what is important to assess. A well-stipulated rubric indicates the weighting that has been outlined for each criterion based on its relative importance to the overall task. It describes what performance would look like at various quality levels. The rubrics should be well-defined, valid and very reliable. The rubrics should be availed to students before the evaluation and scoring of the performance so that they should really know what they are striving for. A rubric can be prepared by pupils and teachers jointly as well as by teachers only. The teachers can provide the students with the rubric before the beginning of the task. Examples of rubrics include assessment list or a checklist. A rubric is very different from traditional grading since it provides information on the student’s performance according to each criteria level. This portrays a profile of pupils’ capability for summative and formative purposes.

Advantages of using a rubric

There are several advantages that are associated with using rubrics in assessment. First, rubrics monitor and improve pupils’ performance by giving clarity on teacher’s expectations. They require the teacher to give clarity and help define quality (what the teacher expects from the performance). Rubrics are used as a guide for peer assessment. They foster pupils’ awareness of the criteria used in evaluating performance (Schlemmer, 96). Students can assess them using the outlined rubric to evaluate whether they meet the task requirements and teacher expectations. The students can as well request feedback from peers based on the stipulated expectations. Rubrics increase reliability, fairness, and validity in scoring. They advocate for more consistent and objective assessment. A marking criterion that is very relevant to the task is clearly defined; same scores will be assigned no matter who is assessing the work. These evaluation criteria provide a profile of pupil performance, illustrating strengths and weaknesses. This is because the rubrics provide a detailed description of the performance levels. By using the rubric, the teacher will highlight the parts of the description which apply to the pupils’ work. Rubrics save time. They always reduce the amount of time tutors spent on evaluating pupils’ work. The rubric assessment tool can be used to grade even the longest project effectively. Well-designed rubrics can accommodate heterogeneous classes. This is because all levels are included in the performance descriptions. This assists in covering the pupils’ varying levels. Through this, the students can strive to improve performance as the requirements are well detailed and outlined. The rubric encourages the weak students to work hard and identify their talents in the other disciplines. This is because, in the other disciplines, the students will not be evaluated by low overall numerical grade. Learning and performance evaluation rubrics promote accountability and awareness of the learning objectives among teachers and pupils. The teachers will be able to justify the grading clearly with reference to the stipulated criteria. The pupil’s involvement on this empowers the teachers leading to self-directed and more focused learning. Lastly, rubrics are very easy to comprehend and use. The rubrics can be referred to in pupil-teacher conferences and parent-teacher meetings where performance is evaluated.




The following is an example of a rubric.

Provide the teaching goals and the prerequisites that the task should address


Think in terms of what you think the students should address and accomplish. The chosen criteria should focus on the essential elements for that workThe curriculum benchmarks should be considered during the evaluation.
The weight of each criterion should be well measured. This should be done by both teachersThe most critical indicators that ensure the task is met is determined.Ask your students on what they think should be considered most when assessing the task. The students should provide the elements that should receive most points.


Criteria related to the content should be considered first. The technical errors should be considered last


Describe the various levels of performance for each criterion and choose phrases to identify the differences between them.



Phrases such as “a catchy opening” should be considered instead of general words such as excellent or good.Commence by describing the outstanding and poor performance. The middle levels should be described least.
Share the rubric with colleagues for feedbackThe colleagues are able to identify the missing things and elements
Allow deep discussion with the student on the outlined rubricInitiate models of pupils’ task to describe excellent, average and poor performance. Document some sample tasks for future references. This can be shown to pupils’ in future to serve as examples.
revise the rubric on feedback basis


Be ready to make changes according to the pupils’ and colleagues feedback
The task should be assessed according to the rubricThe weaknesses and strengths of the pupils will be identifiedModify the rubric accordingly before using it in the next evaluation

Learning based teaching and assessment requires teachers to identify the skills and knowledge that pupils need to acquire and how it can be applied.

The importance of planning in learning-based teaching and assessment

            The major difference between implementing learning-based teaching and traditional testing is that learning-based teaching approach applies throughout the teaching-learning process. The tutor’s subject plan must show how of the teaching goals is assessed in the course. Within the curriculum, teachers always select the principal benchmarks in the respective domains and the prerequisite knowledge essential to perform these benchmarks. At this level, the appropriate evaluation methods need to be matched to each goal and should measure pupils’ performance. Planning in learning-based teaching approach assists teachers to integrate all the aspects of teaching. It combines assessment, teaching, and planning into a single integrated process. The graphic representation applied in various domains and benchmarks helps the teachers to achieve performance-based instructions (Schlemmer, 112).  The prerequisite components enable the pupils to meet the benchmark. They include for instance practice of vocabulary and grammar elements that are required to reach the benchmark. Teachers should integrate the three aspects of teaching that is planning teaching and assessment to avoid mismatch of among the three spheres. By streamlining the three spheres, teachers avoid problems of coordination between teaching and assessment. Proper planning in this approach prevents poor performance.

Steps considered in unit planning

Step 1: select the unit plan to teach from the respective course book. Map the unit into benchmarks and domains. It is always advisable to pursue this with a different teacher who handles the same unit in a different class. You should ensure that the material matches the benchmarks. Conducting a survey (feasibility study) on this will help you conduct solicit notions and questions.

Step 2: list the enabling knowledge and skills pupils must acquire to achieve the various benchmarks. This will enable the pupils to know what is expected of them by the teacher and the unit.

Step 3: for each targeted domain and benchmark, think of a performance task that will echo what pupils have been studying in relation to the benchmark. You will also be required to indicate whether the student achieved the benchmark. This will help the teacher to identify the outstanding, middle and poor performances in the unit.

Step 4: the teacher should prepare the assessment tool with evaluating rubric that will reflect pupils’ achievement of the benchmark. This will determine whether the pupils met the required criterion.

Step 5: generate some preparatory activities which will reinforce and teach the prerequisite knowledge and skills required for a successful task. In this step, modification of the teaching plan is highly appreciated. The teacher may realize more adaptations of the existing criteria very essential.

Step 6: the assessment and performance task tools should be introduced to pupils with clear guidelines on how to implement the task. This will ensure accuracy among the students, especially when undertaking the task since they know what is expected of them.

Step 7: the time frame should be well considered. The time needed for teaching and completing the task should be well stipulated. This will help the stakeholders involved not lose focus. This will also enable the pupils and teachers complete the performance tasks and achieve the benchmarks. Graphic formats such as flowcharts and tables can be very helpful at this stage.

Step 8: the teacher should monitor the pupils’ progress as they strive to accomplish the task. This activity will ensure that pupils acquire the necessary knowledge and enabling skills. This will ensure that the student actively participates in finishing the task stipulated. The tasks may be self-assessments, quizzes and prepared checklists.

Step 9: the teacher should assess the end product with the assessment tool designed in the preparation stage. The tool should contain the very same criteria used while monitoring pupils’ progress. Teachers planning assessment before teaching achieve improved results such as accurate and valid assessment as well as focused teaching.

The place of learning tasks in the whole teaching plan

Learning based teaching and assessment is mainly undertaken in class rather than at home. The teacher is the overall monitor of the whole tasks. The teacher observes how a pair or a group is working. With the teacher relates the task to the individual pupils and facilitate the learning process. Homework time is for composing and improving the class time for thinking, discussion, collaboration, first drafts and the final draft. Teachers, therefore, are able to monitor each pupil’s progress and work more effectively. Problems can be identified as they occur and be solved proficiently. Teachers can, therefore, monitor each pupil’s progress and work more effectively. Problems can be identified as they occur and pupils assisted in overcoming them.  It will also be much more difficult for pupils to present others’ materials as their own. Working on process methodology should highly be considered in learning based teaching and assessment. Portfolio assessment plays a significant role in this approach. Teachers can use narrative report and grade portfolios to assess the student performance. There are several methods that can be used to record the learning (performance) based assessments. These include checklist approach, rating scale approach and anecdotal approach (Soled, 176). Checklist approach is used to indicate whether certain elements are present in the performances. Teachers use rating scale approach to indicate what degrees of standards were met. In this approach, the numerical scale is highly considered. Memory approach is used by teachers as they observe the student perform the task without taking any notes. The anecdotal approach is considered by teachers to evaluate the narratives written by students during performances. The teachers usually determine how well the students met the standards.

In conclusion, learning based teaching and assessment should be highly considered when compared to test based approach due to the following reasons. Learning based assessments provide different instructional advantages to the pupils. This approach method allows direct observation of the student learning. It allows the teachers to evaluate areas of learning that the other methodologies do not consider. Teachers are able to evaluate the performance of discrete skills in a fair environment and the ability to use the skills. Skill tests are merely the exact approximation of the students’ ability and capability. This is never the ultimate goal of the teacher. Direct observation of the students’ learning measures the student ability to learn indirectly. Learning based assessments allows teachers to access critical information not found in the traditional testing. Learning based assessments provides good instruction alignment; teachers only test what they teach. Teachers always portray an important difference in student learning when their assessment match student learning. The teachers highly consider the application of instructional alignment principles. Test based approach only considers some information on few pages of the course. However, learning based assessment considers the whole course, game play and skills involved in the unit. The tasks are always instructional. This enhances students learning abilities as well as strong instructional alignment. Learning based assessments are always interesting. This is because they involve real world tasks. In this approach, students are always challenged and engaged. Unlike the test based approach which concentrates on getting good grades, this approach focuses on student engagement in their projects. Through this, the student explores beyond the textbook and the teacher. Therefore the student gains a lot of knowledge in diverse fields and disciplines.

This approach provides proficient instructional feedback to the students throughout the assessment. The students have access to the marking rubric and he or she knows what is expected of him or her. The assessments provided to the students always guide their teacher on how to shape the students according to the instructions. Student learning is enhanced by assessment integration through the instructional process. The learning based assessment outlines multiple concepts and objectives. Nowadays the school curriculum is squeezed with an instructional curriculum that was not there 10 years ago. Since learning based approach is linked to both curriculum and co-curricular activities, the two can be accomplished simultaneously. This approach advocates for active student learning. It always provides students with the freedom to make choices within the teachers’ parameters. This kind of ownership always serves as a powerful motivator in the students’ life. The learning based approach creates a lasting effect in students mind and assists them in retaining the knowledge gained. It helps the students explore newfound areas of interest in their course. The learning-based teaching approach provides students with higher order thinking skills when compared to test based approach. The approach nurture and develop successful adults through student’s school career. The order thinking skills input in students include evaluation, analysis, and synthesis the more opportunities students are given at applying these skills, the more proficient they become. The learning based assessment approach is a purely evaluative light (Kubiszyn, 110). The approach concentrates on its formative focus. It provides a student with several chances to succeed, unlike test based approach which only provides students with one chance to prove what they learn throughout the unit. The learning-based teaching approach promotes students’ enjoyment. Assessments are very challenging and simulate real life experiences, this makes the students find the learning very interesting and therefore they have to stay focused.














Works cited

Soled, Suzanne W. Assessment, Testing and Evaluation in Teacher Education. Norwood, N.J:       Ablex, 2015. Print.

Kubiszyn, Tom, and Gary D. Borich. Educational Testing and Measurement: Classroom   Application and Practice. , 2015. Print.

Testing in American Schools: Asking the Right Questions : Summary. Washington, D.C:    Congress of the U.S., Office of Technology Assessment, 1992. Print.

Schlemmer, Phil, Dori Schlemmer, and Meg Bratsch. Teaching Beyond the Test: Differentiated      Project-Based Learning in a Standards-Based Age for Grades 6 & Up. Minneapolis,          MN: Free Spirit Pub, 2008. Print.

Boyle, James, and Stephen Fisher. Educational Testing: A Competence-Based Approach Text for the British Psychological Society’s Certificate of Competence in Educational Testing    (level A). Malden, MA: BPS Blackwell Pub, 2007. Internet resource.


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