The New Jim Crow by Alexnder Michelle
Through reading the book entitled “The New Jim Crow by Alexnder Michelle, I have attained different aspects and concepts which makes me to write about the major argemnt based on The involvement of mass incarceration in both flaws and racial issues in the system of criminal justice. The paper will therefore support al my claims by use of examples and historical evidences. Multiple examples based on
how injjustic get experienced by the black americans who currently kliuve in united states would be drwn. This would b achieved through comparison of the implementd laws of Jim Crow top the former prisoners and the rights of the prisoners. Sp[ecific cases would therefore get analsed i.e the sexual assult which involved inn the case of Turner vs. Cory Batey. Besides, the paper wil give comparison of the verdicts condiderd besies showing insights based on the grug war and the related convictions of drugs under rscisms basis. The peaer would be highly educative since it would nalyse the insight based on sterotypes and the misconception which people practices on the marginalized groups. The essy would therefore show demonstatin on how racial disparity diminishes with slavery action besides demonstrating on how the laws of Jim Crow should be abolished in line with establishment of the movement based on civil rights. The abtained data, and the nalsyed data would be based on Incarceration demogrhics within United Stes. Based on alexernder’ argument concerining the topic,I would make my general conclusion based on the fact and historical evidence to ether be in one line with her or parallel.