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how the government can enhance a good relationship between students and administrative units in the university.

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how the government can enhance a good relationship between students and administrative units in the university.

A university is a wonderful place where students come and get higher education.( Dázio, Zago & Fava,2016).  Many students are excited to go to university. It is a place believed to have a lot of freedom, and one is the one controlling his/her life. The government, on the other hand, has a big role to be played in the universities. The word university came from the word universe meaning the world( Murtiasih., Sucherly & Siringoringo, 2014). Being a universal figure, caution should be taken on how things are done in the university. The administration in the university is led by well-known people who are political figures. They are people closely related to the government and are conversant with many issues connected to the government. Bearly, all of the leaders in the university administration are people who have doctorates in their respective fields. They are intelligent and have great experience in leadership. Bearing the fact that the university has the brightest students in the country, good strategies must be employed to enhance the good cohesion between the government and the university. Therefore this research paper will discuss how the government can enhance a good relationship between students and administrative units in the university.

The university has very many citizens in a country, and therefore firstly, the government needs to support them (Doh & Kim,2014). A lot of funding should be done to the universities to make sure all is in good order at all times in these institutions.If the university is in full support, a good rapport is created between them. Going by the fact that the university has a large population of people, it should be given support, especially in security. Caution must be taken into consideration since these are great professionals taking place in the university. Terrorists may tend to take advantage of the situation and want to attack the institution and bring it down; therefore, security is key in universities. When the guard is good, there is a good relationship between the students and the administration unit. Even financial support of the government to the student is very crucial. The university has great brains that are essential because they hold the future of the country. The professors and significant researches are at the university. Therefore support of government to the university is very crucial and should be put into consideration to have a good relationship.

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Projects in the university are considered when it comes to a good relationship between students and the administrative unit (Doh & Kim,2014). Projects such as improving the laboratories are essential. The research areas of a university should be put into consideration. Laboratories are important, especially when it comes to research in science-based courses. If the laboratories are not well established, the relationship between the government will be altered. The courses offered in a university may be nullified if the laboratories are not in good condition since quality education is required in the market. Therefore the relationship between the government and the administrative unit can be earned if there are significant projects going on. A conducive environment of learning should be created to enhance good responses from students. Even when the building is well built, the renovation of the building is also essential. Lecture halls that are decent are friendly to learning, and thus a good relationship is created among them all.

Corruption is a menace in the world (Asiyai,2015). Corruption has made many companies fail as well as any organization. It has brought division in many areas it is involved. In the case of the university, the government should enhance good relationships in the university by eliminating the corrupt leaders in the university. Greed is the major factor for corruption, as well as a lack of contentment. When a corrupt leader is in the leadership, there poor relationship between the government and the students since their funds will be embezzled.Therefore it is important for the government to eliminate corrupt leaders so as to enhance the good relationship between students. Corrupt leaders will cause disunity in the institution since mistrust will be evident. Money meant for education may not be accounted for; there is poor. An organization in the anti-corruption should make sure all the leaders in the administrative unit have integrity and have no record of evil doings. All in all, it is essential to have corruption-free leaders so as to prevent disagreements.

Fees in the university have, many times, become a challenge. Some bright minds tend to drop out of school due to the challenge of fees. Therefore the government should bring on board those students who are poor and are not able to manage their school fees. Bursaries should be awarded to the students concerned and thus improving the relationship with the students. Also, a subsidy of the amount paid in the university should be reduced to the amount affordable to most of the university students. By so doing, the burden of university education is reduced, and sharp brains are able to exploit their potential. The government is able to gain a lot of people in the job markets who are passionate about learning and have skills to help society. Finally, it is evident to say that the support of students in terms of fees in the university is key to help the students at large.

University students have largely increased, and overcrowding has become a challenge in the university. Each year multiple students join the university, and thus there is overcrowding on the campuses. To some extent, when there are very many people in the university, there is low-quality service delivery. Many people suffer and are in need of service delivery, which fails to be adequate. Therefore, this may lead to disagreement and a bad relationship between students and the administrative unit. Some lectures may not be well presented, and also the lecturers will be overworked and suffer much when it comes to providing services. The government should build more universities to solve the problem in the universities, and in so doing, the relationship among students and administration will increase. Quality is the key factor the university students are emphasizing on since there is life after campus, and quality work comes with quality education. All in all, overcrowding should be solved to enhance quality education in the university.

Infrastructure in the university is crucial. When it comes to transport and communication, it is very important, and if not well stated, they may lead to a bad relationship among both parties. The government has the information technology department which should be careful a lot in delivering quality service. Also, companies in this sector should come on board to improve the universities. In terms of communication, they should be high-speed internet to help the students in research, The networks being used in the university should be strong and able to serve the larger group of people in the university. The paths and roads in the university should be tarmacked if need be and also well maintained. Students in the university should enjoy a conducive environment for learning. Wifi and easier ways to enhance communication should be improved to enhance communication. Finally, when the infrastructure is well, the government will have a good relationship with the students and the administration.

Freedom of expression should be exercised in the university. The government should make sure that students can express themselves in the best way possible. University students are scholars and are very wise; they have great ideas that should not be ignored. The government should encourage students to bring ideas on board and which should be absorbed by the government and which should be aimed at developing the university at large. On some occasions, the administrative unit may have made some errors, and if the government comes on board and helps to solve these errors, there is a good cohesion between the students and administration. This constitutional right should be well observed, and in co-operation with relevant agencies, there is a good rapport that is created among the students and the community at large. Thus it is essential for the freedom of expression to look keenly so as to maintain good relationships.

Hopelessness is evident in many ways among university students. Unemployment is the primary cause of despair. Some people feel that university education is a scam. The reason for such a thought is that many youths are stranded unemployed while they acquired quality university education. By this, the government should create bridges in the university to enhance peace among its students and the administrative unit. Job linkages should be well defined and bring the university graduates on board. When this occurs, it leads to peace among the students and administration since there is hope after completion of studies and not only being employed but also being self-employed. Therefore the government should offer jobs to the many university students to have a good relationship with administrative units.

The argument on the best education system is a significant factor in the university. Education is crucial to one’s success (Kamentez,2015). It contributes mainly in terms of one able to achieve the goals. Having many education systems in the country may create disunity among stakeholders. The administrative unit may tend to think a better education system is fit for university education. Having such an argument leads to the disagreement between the government and the students. Therefore the government should come into consideration and state rules to guide in terms of the best education system. Bearing the fact that what matters in education is the impact of success it has on an individual, the government should legalize all orders as long as they are quality. Hence the university education is crucial and should not be judged in terms of the education system.

Politics in the university is very crucial. Various people have different aspirations when it comes to political ambitions. The challenges of political fights are likely to occur in universities. Many people have different interests in life. Some have political rivals, and when it comes to their differences, they are quite many. Different people have different ways of alert in various political attribution. Hence if care is not taken, many people might end up in severe quarrels, and thus here its where the government comes in. Political aspirations should not be seen in the institution of higher learning. The government has a significant role in doing just by ensuring all people are not politically biased. One’s political interest should not be brought on board in an institution. The leaders in the university who represent the students should also be looked into by the government. They are people who have a significant influence on the university. Statistics show that most strikes and unrest in the universities are directly caused by the student leaders. Therefore caution should be taken to them that they should not engage in uncouth behavior. The government, therefore, should clearly state in its laws that it is unlawful to have political differences in the universities. Stun action should be taken on the people who go against this law. Therefore the government should put in place the security forces to fight against this, and when all is done, there is peace among the students and the administrative unit.

A misunderstanding occurs in areas where many people are living together. It occurs in the universities where the administration at times may disagree with the students. Most students in the university sometimes feel that they are oppressed by the administration unit. The government comes in such a situation when a thing is archaic, and disagreements are there. Arbitration, therefore, becomes the solution to many problems (Bender,2010). The government needs to come and help the parties to come to conscience. In the knowledge of the adverse effects that it can have on society, the government is a wise arbitrator between the administrative unit and the students. A conscience is made, and an agreement is made and where the government can help it does so efficiently. Therefore the government should come on board and help out to have peace when a quarrel arises between students and the university.

University education is perceived as the most important part of education, exposing one to the line of duty (Th Marchetti, Oliveira & Figueira,2019). The exposition part of the university is tedious and costs the university a lot of money that becomes a challenge to them. Hence the university may opt to leave some of the crucial areas in research. Often, trips are canceled so as to remain in the range the university wants to spend. The government, therefore, comes in and helps out by funding the university with funds so as to ensure that the students are exposed. In the case of practicals in the laboratory that need to be done, the government helps out. The government does well and maintains a good relationship between students and the administration unit. Since the job market requires people who are well exposed, the students have to emphasize on having a lot of exposure in the field of study. Therefore since it is crucial for the students, the government comes to assist them.

Tenders in universities are one key factor that causes disunity. Many youths are jobless and are trying all the best to make it in life (Mascherini, Ledermaier, Vacas-Soriano & Jacobs,2017). Many young people apply for the tender, but it is all in vain. Corruption, in some cases, is involved in the process of giving the tenders. Some people are locked out of the process, whereas they have all it takes to get the tenders. Even some political leaders are involved in such mischievous habits, and they gain from the tenders at the expense of youths who have the capability. Therefore it becomes sad and unfortunate for such acts, which result in disagreement between students and the administration. The government comes in and has to put into consideration the process of getting the tenders. The corrupt people are taken into prosecution and arrested so as to stop corruption. Therefore the government makes sure that the process is well done and justice is done when issuing the tenders.

Uncredited undergraduate and postgraduate programs are quite becoming a menace (Sin, Tavares,& Amaral,2017). Most people are getting into courses that are not registered and which do not have relevant certification for the to be offered. Such a situation is likely to bring unrest among students. The courses are offered, and they bring a lot of disagreement between the leaders. The administrative unit doing such an act does so because of the interest of money without considering the future of the students taking that course. Many have become victims of the same. Such cases will cause an individual to be jobless and reap nothing from the education learned.There are many students who have been culprits of the same, and the only way this is solved is revoking these courses or granting them the certification if they qualify to have one. Here the government comes into place. Since the government has all the power to revoke such a course, it does, and those who were the culprit of the uncouth behavior are compensated. The culprit may be given another course to undertake and assisted in raising the university fee. By so doing, the government maintains a good relationship between the two parties.

In the recent past, technology has improved, and hence time has come for making education easier with the help of technology. Most learning is taking place online, and a lot of learning is taking place. Online learning is one of the recent ways universities are bringing on board. Learning is becoming easier than it has ever been. If by any chance, the university fails to update the education system to the new generation way, conflict may arise. Recently assignment is done and submitted to the lecturers via email or using a portal in connection with the school. Such a kind of technology makes work easier and enables a lot to take place. The evolution of the learning systems has changed, and advancement is quite evident. Nowadays, even the results of students are done in a digital way due to the advancement of technology. Data concerning the students are fed in the computers, and thus all activities are concerning the university are well stored. If, by any chance, a virus invades the university system, it would be a disaster. The university would have massive damage. Due to the demand of the market, recently, university students want to have a good curriculum vitae that is well equipped with recent case studies. The university, therefore, has a major role in making sure that the technological needs of the students are met. Failure to this, there is great disagreement between the bodies and causes a poor relationship between people. The government then has to come on board and help out and solve the misunderstanding. The government may give funds to the school so as to ensure that the technological advancements are met. Also, they work in hand with ministries of information technology to ensure that data in the systems is protected. Therefore technology is vital, and the government is key in enhancing peace in universities







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