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The significance of quality assurance and testing in Software Development Lifecycle Model

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The significance of quality assurance and testing in Software Development Lifecycle Model


The research paper is based on the topic, ‘Software Engineering and SDLC. The broad topic has narrowed down to a smaller research area. Therefore, research has been conducted on the significance of software testing in SDLC. The paper consists of five chapters- Introduction, Literature review, Methodology, Findings and Conclusion and recommendations. The goal has been identified clearly and questions formulated. Thereafter, articles have been reviewed, and the findings of the research have been discussed. Lastly, a few recommendations are given to address the research problem.

Chapter 1: Introduction

The research paper has been divided into five chapters. In the introductory chapter, the research worthy problem shall be identified, and the scope of the research will be outlined as well. The goal of conducting the research shall be defined. Following that, open-ended research questions shall be prepared. Lastly, the relevance of research and the effect of research on individuals and groups shall be identified as well. Under the literature review section, relevant research materials, books and articles would be identified and reviewed to build the foundation of the research. Thereafter, under the methodology section, a comparative analysis of various literature sources shall be conducted. Chapter 4 of the research paper outlines the findings, results, and discussion about the outcomes of the research. It will be followed by a brief conclusion and a few recommendations.

Problem Statement

In the recent years, one of the most important issues that emerged in the software industry is software testing and quality assurance. SDL or Software Development Cycle involves testing the software and developing high-quality software. Expectations of customers have been rising, and it gave rise to the need for software testing and ensuring quality. While developing digital computers, the need for constant testing emerges. Around 40-50% of efforts towards testing must be given (Jaffar‐ur Rehman et al., 2007). This, in turn, would ensure high reliability. Hence, it is a noteworthy component in software engineering. Moreover, software testing can uncover syntax errors along with errors prevalent in the documents. It is essential to identify sufficient testing techniques and check the efficiency of the techniques in the SDLC.

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The goal of the research is to identify the importance of the testing techniques in SDLC.

Research Questions

  • How would software testing be effective to improve the quality of the software product?
  • What are the ways of ensuring improvement in the quality of testing?

Relevance and Significance

The area of software testing is wide and it incorporates both technical as well as non-technical components including design, specification, implementation, maintenance and management. Therefore, the testing techniques must efficient enough to ensure the development of high quality software. After reviewing relevant literature, it would be possible to identify ways in which tests are executed across industries and issues that occur during the execution process. Consequently, the issues can be fixed. The industry experts can gain insights regarding the effective testing techniques and methods of ensuring the quality of the product. Research suggests that unit testing, a type of software testing method, was earlier useful because, in those days, procedural programs existed. Nowadays, inspection alone cannot resolve the issue. It is necessary to find relevant models that can be applied in a real-life situation. The study would be relevant because testing can help developers to produce high-quality software for satisfying the needs of the customers. The developers would be sure of their next step and confidently sell the products to the customers. Most importantly, useful measuring techniques can be applied with confidence.

Barriers and Issues

Initially, software testing was a problem because the process of testing is complex. The code might not be that difficult to understand; however, the testing process of various models seems to be difficult (Mishra & Dubey, 2013). Again, people used to confuse unit tests with automated tests (Gao & Wu, 2004). It is essential to conduct research in these areas to clear the confusion. Hence, the study will identify smarter approaches to testing and the role of business people rather than programmers in ensuring effective test designs in SDLC. Again, information derived from failed tests can be utilized to reach a conclusion. If the failed tests do not provide relevant information, it can be thrown away.

Chapter 2 – Literature Review



In the literature review chapter, relevant peer-reviewed journals and articles are gathered and reviewed so that a foundation for the topic can be developed. The scholarly sources are related to the chosen area of research, and it can enhance the existing knowledge of the researcher.

Need for software testing

According to Tuteja & Dubey (2012), the popularity of software testing has increased in the recent years. Software testing is a broad field, and different goals are set before testing software. The author also mentioned about the challenges faced by developers while testing software. The study involves secondary research on various models of software testing. It has been stated that testing can improve the effectiveness of the software and resources and time can be used effectively. One of the major concerns nowadays is the software quality, and various testing approaches would resolve the concern. The study outlines different types of software models, such as the VModel, RAD Model, Water-fall Model, and the Prototype Model. All these models can be applied to enhance the effectiveness of a software engineering project. Measurement and testing can provide information regarding the software quality. Based on the needs of the project, the SDLC models are chosen. It has been concluded that future research in this area will maximize the efficiency of the testing techniques.

Improving the practice of software testing

Taipale & Smolander (2006) has conducted qualitative research regarding the complex practices involved in software testing. The purpose of the study is to identify methods that can reduce testing costs and enhance the quality of the software. The study has been conducted among 26 OUs or organizational units, and a survey has been done. To conduct an in-depth research, five samples have been chosen from 46 OUs. Thereafter theme-based interviews have been conducted. The analysis of the study states that risk-based testing and early testing can be effective techniques. Testing methods should be aligned with the requirements of the business unit. This, in turn, would enhance the testing process and outcomes.

Implications of software testing

Taipale, Smolander, & Kälviäinen (2006), has conducted an industry survey to identify the present situation of software testing techniques. The researchers considered 40 industry specialists and selected them from 30 units of the organization. Structured research questions have been developed, and the findings of the study state that organizations use few resources in order to test their software. This is because testing requires time and it hampers the work schedule of the firm. Therefore, the researchers recommended that interaction and communication should be improved in the organizations. Direct interaction with branch offices, customers, and subcontractors is necessary as well. The various phases of the life cycle process involve preliminary study, analysis of the system, and lastly, system design. However, issues occur when testing tools are insufficient, and developers lack enough testing knowledge.

Cost reduction and quality improvement

As per Taipale, Smolander & Kalviainen (2006), the field of software engineering always strives to reduce the costs of development and enhance the quality of products. It is essential to use considerable costs while testing any product or an entire project. In this study, the researcher has surveyed 40 specialists in the software industry and gathered information regarding their ways of improving software quality. Costs associated with software testing have been identified, as well. The findings state that personnel costs and automation costs form a significant part of costing. It is vital to know the right testing strategies in order to reduce costs. Again, efficiency of the software product can be enhanced by utilizing all the relevant software components and maintaining the utilization standards.

Best method for software testing and quality assurance

According to Schieferdecker (2012), the field of software engineering incorporates various testing styles to ensure the quality of products. A range of industry solutions has been used or adopted. Secondary research has been conducted on the adaption and usage of software testing tools. The author found that since 1990, object orientation models has gained popularity. Additionally, the black-box testing method, alternatively known as the MBT or model-based testing, has gained popularity as well. The MBT model is a striking model, and more and more developers have been using it. The appeal of the model is high because a range of applications has achieved successful outcomes after the usage of the MBT model. Hence, the author recommended MBT as one of the best models for software testing in the future.

Chapter 3 – Methodology Specifics (comparative analysis)


The technique by which information regarding a chosen area of study can be gathered, identified, and analyzed is known as a research methodology (Bell, Bryman & Harley, 2018). Under the methodology chapter, the researcher evaluates the reliability and validity of the study.

Research methods

In order to address the research problem, secondary research has been adopted because the field-based study is more time consuming and involves huge costs. On the other hand, the secondary method involves a review of relevant books, journals, and articles (Kothari, 2004). Consequently, it is less time consuming and cheaper in comparison to the primary method. In this paper, a comparative analysis technique has been employed while selecting the research articles. The technique has been employed as it is great for understanding the alternatives and other forms of information. The primary method has not been chosen despite its existing scope because it could be hazardous for the researcher as well (Weimer, 1979). Contrarily, it was easier to collect secondary data from library and online databases.

Relevant peer-reviewed articles have been gathered from reputed sites such as Google Scholar and Proquest. These sites contain articles that serve the purpose of research. A strong foundation or base for further elaborating the research was possible after using these sites. Therefore, using scholarly articles from these sites helped to proceed with the study. At the beginning, the research problem has been already identified. The purpose was to identify the significance of using testing and quality assurance methods for software development. Hence, the research methods employed during the study helped the researcher to accomplish the goal of the study.

Issues related to software testing during the software product lifecycle have been identified as well. QA testing can help eliminate the chances of product failure or any errors (Naik & Tripathy, 2011). While conducting tests manually, the chances of errors increase. Similarly, automated testing also increases the risk of errors. Hence, conducting a secondary research on the time-tested methods has been crucial for addressing the problems associated with testing.

The impact of the research on organizations should be uncovered as well. An efficient software testing method would be beneficial for the organization as it will verify the users before they start using the applications. They can get rid of the misleading features of the application as well.  The organization can ensure the higher security of the applications after testing its software (Lewis, 2017). Users will be delivered applications that work on compatible browsers only. Again, the maintenance costs of the software would be low because the organization will be using high-quality time-tested software only. Lastly, the organization can ensure long-lasting customer satisfaction after delivering reliable applications to them.

The research findings would be advantageous for users of applications as well as organizations. The applications require highest accuracy levels and developers or testers can work towards attaining maximum potential of the software by using modern technologies including virtual reality, artificial intelligence, predictive analysis and others. Based on the literature, it can be stated that continuous improvement in the software testing methods has reduced the risk of system failure. After testing each components of the software, it is possible to design a system that can be aligned with the needs of the organization (Pan, 1999). Lack of knowledge regarding software testing tools can hinder the entire development process of the software.

Due to shortage of time, the research paper lacks a detailed and in-depth analysis of the systematic models of testing and it can be disadvantageous for the organizations or other researchers because they might face challenges while addressing the issues in software testing. Moreover, the research paper does not incorporate other common challenges that developers might face while working in teams to test the software quality. Common challenges such communication gap and complete absence of relevant testing methods might arise in the organization (Beizer, 2003). Notably, during the execution process, project managers might pressurize software developers and this in turn, might hamper the testing quality.



Chapter 4 – Findings and Results

Data analysis

The results of the research suggest that there is a growing need of testing and quality assurance of software products. The need arises because companies are concerned about the errors in software code that might harm the functioning of the applications. In various development phases, programmers are supposed to ensure that defects are being detected on time so that the software can be implemented without any barrier. Again, testing provides valuable insights regarding the current state of the software system. It is useful in verifying the software requirements and other requirements such as security, performance, reliability and usability of the systems (Firesmith, 2014). Verification would further ensure programmers that they are on the right path. Similarly, the second literature source states that risks can be avoided and businesses can align their processes by continuously focusing on improving the practice of software testing. Furthermore, positive implications of software testing include validation of the application and ensuring smooth running of the expected outcomes. A different source suggests that software testing would be advantageous for organizations.  It will reduce costs and improve quality at the same time. Notably, costs associated with automation and personnel can be reduced through effective testing strategies.

Findings and discussion

  • Software testing has gained popularity because organizations are concerned about delivering defective applications and losing customer’s trust.
  • The Waterfall Model, RAD model and the VModel can be effective ways of improving the quality of a software project
  • Testing helps the programmers or the developers identify the current state of the system
  • Teams should interact and communicate with each other to improve the quality of testing
  • Again, costs of the organization associated with personnel or automation can reduce considerably only when programmers understand the best ways of improving quality
  • The MBT method is quite appealing to the developers and it is often recommended by them to enhance the efficiency of the applications


The results of the literature has been outlined under the findings section, and it can be analyzed that software systems should be defect free at all time. The models can be used for identifying the missing requirements and gaps in the research. Both manual and automated testing can be useful to detect errors. It has been noticed that Black Box testing or the MBT method is the most effective. The application can be tested and verified for reliability, efficiency, productivity and performance.


The software testing techniques can be expensive or sometimes dangerous. Nevertheless, programmers can identify the potential software bugs and avoid further monetary losses. The results also suggest that testing saves money and increases cost effectiveness of the organization. If errors or bugs are identified at the initial stages of testing, it would be easier for programmers to fix the error in time. The Quality Analysts should be technically educated to fix the errors (Pezzè & Young, 2008). Again, testing can ensure complete security of the application. It implies that the vulnerable condition of the software can be tested, and customers can trust the system if it is secured. They can purchase the product with confidence, and personal information of the users would also stay safe. Future troubles can be avoided, as well.


The study has been conducted to understand the quality improvement techniques in the case of software testing and the real significance behind employing the testing methods. It has been identified that testing ultimately leads to the development of a high-quality product. The customers are more likely to purchase a product that will ensure a great experience. Unexpected errors or system slow down can hamper the customer’s trust and therefore testing using the best available tools will reduce the chances of these incidences. Ultimately testing will ensure smooth device operation and compatibility with the OS. Customer satisfaction is the ultimate goal of developers, and in order to increase the trustworthiness, products are tested again and again. In the competitive and saturated market, tested products have a long way to go.

Chapter 5 – Conclusion and Future Recommendations

The research paper is focused on identifying the importance of software testing along with quality assurance in SDLC. The paper has been divided into five major sections. These are introduction, literature review, methodology, findings and discussion, and lastly, the conclusion. At the beginning of the paper, the problem statement and scope of the study have been identified. Following that, the research questions have been formulated, and the goal of the research paper is identified. A research-worthy problem has been selected for the paper. In the software engineering field, software testing has gained popularity because organizations are concerned about losing their reputation in the market or losing the customer base. Sudden system failure can lead to huge monetary losses, and therefore, research is required to understand the significance of software testing. Five relevant peer-reviewed journals have been chosen, and the literature review section has been completed by reviewing the existing literature on software testing and quality assurance. The existing literature formed the foundation of the research. Thereafter, specifications regarding the methodology followed in the paper have been outlined. To ease the research process and save time, secondary research method has been used.

Although the significance of the research has been identified, further improvements can be done to ensure the development of the best testing method. Organizations that still face issues with quality checking and testing might be benefitted after employing a few innovative methods. Recommendations have been outlined below-

  • Planning the QA process– It can include documenting the steps of the plan and working with the software team to communicate effectively during the project. Testing plans would be necessary, as well.
  • Building a quality management plan- A practical and acceptable plan based on customer’s expectations and needs can be formulated. Project managers are supposed to assess the plan effectively. Quality tools, controls, and standards are necessary components of the plan (Dustin, 2002).
  • Employing test-oriented software- It is high-quality software that can adapt to the changing needs.




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