The industrial revolution
The industrial revolution occurred in two phases; the first industrial revolution, which happened in the mid-18thcentury to about 1830. This phase of the first industrial revolution only occurred in Britain. The second phase occurred from the 19th century to the early 20thcentury. The second phase started in Britain and later on spread to North America, Europe, and Japan. Later on, in the 20thcentury, the revolution spread to other parts of the world.
The first industrial revolution in Britain occurred because of the need to supply the necessities to the growing population. From the video,it was stimulated by the fact that Britain was rich in coal and iron deposits, which were the backbone of the revolution. Second, the country had many reliable sources of water, and third, many of her colonies provided her with the raw materials necessary to run a factory and also a market for the finished goods. The two industries that pioneered the revolution were the iron and textile industries. The creation of the first looming wheels led the textile factory bloom, which replaced the cottage weaving industry forever. The mechanical looms were quicker and more efficient than human labor; hence the cloth merchants shifted to them for the finished products. The iron industry also sprouted quickly as people realized a way of making the iron tools using energy provided by coal. The sprout was also pushed by the invention of the locomotive engine, which provided enough power to run and sustain the industry.
The video is not biased as it covers all the areas of the revolution, boththe economic benefit and the social oppression that was created by the shift in power from the land-owningaristocrats to the industry owning capitalists. The video offers a detailed description of what happened during the revolution, from the time the most straightforward industries sprouted, to when the more complex locomotive engines began to rise. The video is a useful teaching tool in that it offers excellent details to the unprecedented occurrences of the revolution. It shows the shift in the lifestyle from the agriculture period to the industry period conclusively. The video also creates a vivid description of the working conditions brought about by the revolution. The narration with a picture in picture is compelling as the learners can create a mental image of what was going on during the period.