Additional bonuses to the managers
Our company has been doing well for the last few months. This is in terms of performance from each department in the organization. There are various factors which as due to these developments. Some of the factors are mainly concerned with our employees while others are due to our surrounding environment. The factors which have led to the improvement are as follows: All our workers are putting more effort in their work. They are very committed in whatever they are doing whether supervised or not (Bellé, 2013). This helps to minimize time taken to carry out duties. Secondly all our employees are taking instruction keenly and with easy from their heads. It helps to minimize collision between the employees and their seniors. Lastly respect and coordination among our departments has been improved to higher level. These improvements have led a great increase in our sales and also raised our stock prices. Due to this our industry has decided to offer bonuses to our employees based on work and commitment performance. This has been put in place in order to enhance more improvement.
The employees will benefit from various bonuses and allowances due to their improved work. This will be mainly in terms of, money and even offered some allowances such as reduction of working days. Some employees will also get promotion in their respective departments. This will actually motivate them more to have efficiency in their dealing which is the main aim of our industry. In order to come up with the bonuses rates a review will be conducted in every department. This will be aiming at measuring the performance of different employees (Pinder, 2014). These bonuses will be calculated according to the working efficiency of the employees such as their committed, working hours and days in a week, attendance and standards of their output. Hierarchy levels will also be considered in the process of determining the bonuses. This exercise will be carried out by our administrative management and also some officers will be hired outside to enhance efficiency in the whole process.
Any employees with issues regarding their details or any other are supposed to sort out with their respective departments. Conclusively, this is aimed at motivating our employees to work harder. Finally, any employee who requires knowing more about the process will have to consult the secretary of our management board.
Bellé, N. (2013). Experimental evidence on the relationship between public service motivation and job performance. Public Administration Review, 73(1), 143-153.
Pinder, C. C. (2014). Work motivation in organizational behavior. Psychology Press.