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Iceland is a Nordic country located in the north Atlantic, with population of approximately 360 390 ,it is covering an area of 103000km2 sparsely populated. The country is geologically and volcanically is character by having glacial rivers, lava fields, glaciers sand and has a gulf stream.ecotourists enjoy   a temperate climate and   high latitude with marine which keeps the summers chilly .The country history shows that it has experienced an economic boom from ecotourism sector. Ecotourism in Iceland has increased the economic growth in the last 15 years.There is potential of futher growth in the upcoming years. The tourism industry is contributing more than 10% percent in the Iceland GDP.There has been a tourism demographics due to  unique atmosphere and untouched nature .During summers time this country receives many Eco tourists from all over the world .Having popular tourist destinations   even accessible by the ecotourists in both summer and winter seasons Iceland leads in ecotourism. Some destinations  are the capital region,Geysir,Vik,Skogar ,Akureyri and Blue laggons.Mostly iceland  the ecotourists come from United states and United kingdom and Germany. The early ecotoursist to Iceland include a  Stanelt   visted ICELNAD Gullfoss waterfalls ,Glacier snefelljokull Geysir geothermal and MT Hekla in 1789.James ross brown visited this country in 1862 .


This country is famous for ecotourism. It is recognized as a good and best state for worlds ecotourism’s is known for having flirts with arctic circles being dominated by geothermal springs, volcanoes, rivers among other ecotourism site. Considering history the countries Iceland based budget airline have improved the transport from America to the U.S. thus increasing the arrivals of many tourism in the region. Mostly the Iceland is a sustainable state which depends on energy from hydroelectric plants or geothermal plants and also tourism authorities incorporate environmental friendly measures and guide the hotels in focusing on excursions that are non-motorized. Ecotourism in Iceland is cheap and makes these states easily accessible by many people from all over the world.

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Tourism and mostly ecotourism in Iceland has been rated as key pillars of the country’s economy. The government of Iceland together with the tourism ministry has come up with innovative strategies and developed executions of better official tourism policies; the government is also responsible for developing proposal legislations in the tourism field and also coordinates the work of different government bodies regarding the issues associated with ecotourism’s.

The Iceland tourism board has come up with tourist site protections funds; through development of such policies the government is keen in improving and promoting the issues and projects with regard to ecotourism improvement.

This government has also made many agreement polices regarding the promotions of Iceland in the marketing of the Iceland in the world as the world’s best ecotourism destination.

To make this a=successful the   country developed an act the promote Iceland act which is specifically developed with an objective of strengthening the image and reputation of their country in the tourism market.

The country has worked with coordination with both private and public partnerships established with aim of improving the countries ecotourism and leisure competiveness of the Iceland based companies in global perspective. This will increase the counties economy and boost the ecotourism sector.

The government is   playing a key role in ensuring that there is safe travel information and experience to the potential Eco tourists from all over the world. It makes the Iceland to reduce the tourism exposures to risks. The government has set new legislations in the tourism fields and made plans for Nordic tourism cooperation scheduled from2019 to 2023.Safety plans is compiled for all tours.

The government is also doing small policy changes to address tourism at the root since it has been of big concern to the Iceland population.

The government as also set rules and polices aimed at maintains the country fragile and attractive more so ensuring that the soils are left unspoiled .Some regulations also are done   to match the tourism and preserve the ecosystem and empower the ecotourism.

The government encourages the ecotourism to be part of the support to local business by purchasing the environmentally sustainable products and protect the resources.

State eco accommodation options for the travellers

Iceland has got good and famous hotels offering accommodations to all ecotourism and tourisms from all over the world at affordable costs. These hotels are committed to meet the customers’ needs and expectations. The tourist accommodation facilities are established just few meters from every ecotourism designated site.

The government has enforced the issue of environmental sustainability I every hotel and restaurants offering accommodations to the ecotourism clients.

This includes, having tour guides who trains and teaches the visitors on the environmental measures that aims at protecting and maintain the Iceland clean and less polluted. An issue of having negative impacts of the resources or the environment is unheard in most of the hotels.

There are all types of accommodation provided in the Iceland based hotels, ranging from five starts to the cheapest and affordable accommodation to fit the expectation of even the standards client.

The hotels industry in the tourism sector also offer loyal rewards and motives to the tourists by giving them incentives and discounts among other things such as good meals and drinks from different cultural background ,since they are prepared to meet any tourist from whichever the taste.



Airport transport information and ecotourism

Airtrasnsport id very important to the ice lands economy. According to recent surveys there has been an increase in the air transport contribution to the countries economy .This results from the tourism and precioselty the ecotiurims in the county.Airttransport is supporting over 11billion dollrs Restaurants and ecotourisms .Air transport has fscilitstedforeign ditrect investmets and touridm in icelasnd.The county is now having dirct flights to designated states such as ,     u          nited states,Germasny,united kingdiom,frince,Sweden,Netherlands,Denmark ,cnada and Greenland which are the top visiting iceland for ecoturism .

The air transport has been said to have brought tourists and investiments to iceland and also help the business ang goods in the reguiion.

Using the air transport for the visitors to connect to Iceland has driven the economic growth of the country,sincve the direct flight to Iceland are cheaper and affordable .

Generally from the research, air transport has eased the travel of Eco tourists to the destination. The Iceland’s air transport is among the top transport either better infrastructure globally since there is visa openness and very cost competitive. Meaning that it is easy and affordable by many people from all over the world.

Keflavik Intl airport is the main airport in Iceland with many passengers carried annually mostly the ecotoruirsts.

Generally the tourists can get in and out of Iceland through air or sea, basically there are no public railway but people bus services ate available mostly ii all ecotourism centres.

Transporting activities to the site attraction

Tours in Iceland are served different tour companies, which can be hired to take the Eco tourists all around the areas they would like to visit. Once Iceland one can use the domestic flights to reach to the Eco tourist’s destinations, they are faster and cheap to both local and foreigners, tourists can also get around Iceland by use of bus services, for all excursions the best way is to travel by bus it is cheaper and enjoyable moreover it is much flexible.

People can also rent vehicles to drive by themselves within the Iceland this keeps time and gives the tourist most flexible exploring adventure.


Air travel interruption due to weather changes or terrorism activities could negatively affect the ecotourism rate. When there are fears of terrorism in the ecotourism destination many tourists could fear to risk their lives .Making these could probably decrease the number of the expected ecotourism poor annual thus resulting to poor economy.

Government policies such as setting new rules and polices which could affect the ecotourism sectors indirect or directly .For instance setting new regulation and new pricing of the associated with ecotourism activities in the country. This government policies could negative affect the accommodation and travelling and other tourist activities within Iceland. .

Additionaly adjustiments in Accommodation situation could change the ecotourism iontensions and intrests.If prices are increased for exampole the visitors might fear and quit or reduce the number of visitors to the Iceland for ecotourism due to such changes, generally reducing the economy of the country.


Over tourism has been negatively impacting the natural resources .Since the visitors are many they bring pressure to the natural resources and many destruction to the fragile ecosystems could be higher. Meaning that there is need of tourists being more keen in observing the

As a resulting from the fear, there has been an e Sustainable tourism strategies established by the Iceland government. These are aimed at protecting the ecological sites in order to conserve and preserve for future use. Strategies have been established towards Protecting and conserving social cultural legitimacy of the host community in regard to environmental protection.

The government Economic relieve provision of fair distribution and unjust emphasis to tourist has actually negatively affected the ecotourism. For instance the Airbnb situation in Iceland affects Reykjavik local out pieces for their accommodations .Iceland has developed and built of infrastructure e.g hiking path which have also contributed in the economic development of the country .Generally there is also an increment in local people employability, increase employment of local people has made many individuals get to work in ecotourism related resources, and accommodations departments and tourist accommodation.

Explain in details how this sector of tourism could be affected

Negative impacts

Polluting the ecosystem is common, among some of the Eco tourists who mostly throw their food products, drink bottles and other soil polluting substances to the soils thus acting the environments. Ecotourism has Tourism negatively impacted to local people for instance .it has inserted their cultures to Iceland society American brand in Smaralind instead of getting from local art. This makes the people forget their culture and norms.



Damage of the fragile landscapes has been witnessed in most of the Iceland regions visited by the ecotourists.Damanging these landscapes .Thus breaking the volcanic features destroying the beauty of the ecosysstem.Most of the ecoturists volcanic features are fragile moving over them could easily breake them,regretablly wasting and destroying the landscape making it look less important or lose the value. It is very bad since these fragile volcanic features could not be repaiered by humasn being Tourisim visiting such environs will not enjoy the scenes since what they see on the photographs is different from the features in the ground. Additionally Since even the Recent volcanic feature  whci care attraction amany ecotoursts from all over the world can be easily be broken.


Geothermal and hydropower  plants tend create pressure on natural environment.It has been a major threat to the icelands soils and land resosurce snce a vegetation cover and an ecosystem ahs to be destroyed in order to make the geothermal and hydro power projects in the chosen area  there is pressure dude to increased demands for power which is only by the above noted projects.Therefore we can say that increased actiovities on the natural resources would destry the ecosystem which increases the icelands revenue and booster of the econmy.

Iceland’s soils impressionable towards erosion,meaning that these soisls can easily be affected by any kind of erosion.As result there is reduction of the sosil cover ,which will at the end of it all reduce the capability of the area loosing the ecosystem.It is this ecosystem that has fascinating scenes which attract tourists in the event that we have reduced nu,mber ov vistors in iceland it translatre to reduced revuenee affecting the tourism sector.

Moss coverage’s in the iceland land resource are easily damaged by off trail hiking .It means thatr id there are many number of tourist involved in the tourism activity like the ecotourists doing off tril hiking it will gentraslly result to destroying bigger area covered by mosss coverage.          If the resource is destroyed then it will collectively affect the countries economic status as it expect sosnme contriobution from the tourism industry .



Environmental protection is highly prioritized in Iceland it has  invested in the natural resource for ecotourism.Depending on the natural resosurce could creat e a threat to the available resources since in the event of overtourism ,many people might come and visit the region ,but later destroy many of the fragile tourst attraction featutes.,This makes loss of the fragilr volacasnicv features whivh makeds the iceland beautiful and the best ecotourim destination.

Iceland has high choice in controlling pollution of the oceans and resources meaning that this countey is much aware of the dangters of any kind of p[pollution whcuih could affects the ecosystem.There have been developed strategies put inpalce ny the govornement andf the misnisty of the environment and troueism to foster develeopement of mitigation ways to reduce the hazard of ppollution in iceland ecosystem.

Loss of vegetation through wind erosion happens in some areas.This npot only destrioty the envriotorment but destriyus the beauty of the country making it less besutiful.the vegetation cover makes the land resosurce look more fasscisnting and attractive to the ecotoruists.When there are estring wiwnd sthere si higher probability of the vegetation being flown aways because   is on loose soil. Generally  it can course loose of the ecosystem. The concept of nature conservation has been put in place to control this hazard.


While many of the Icelander feel that tourism in contributing positively towards to growth of tourism sector, there is a believe that the foreigners have negative impacts to the Iceland ecosystem. Ecotourism is bad for nature though it is termed good for economy; this makes the local people developing some fears that instead of the tourism improving the quality of ice3land environment the4y just destroy the resources at the expense of foreign exchange.Where to go in Iceland

It is characterized by having majestic fascinating waterfalls, blue lagoons ,whale watching excursions .Being the home a UNSESCO Worlds heritage site. The ecotourism activities give the visitor’s and tourists a unique experience, in Faxaflói Bay tourists sail to see minke and Humpack whales.some fascinating birds like Puffin gannet and arctic tern are for the birds enthusiasts. There is also a geothermal spar in icelands wheretourisms can shwim in milky blue wter ,ice glacier hiking and diving at silfra are other attractions.Eversince Iceland has been one of the most top travel destination.Thid ountry is among the best ecotourism leading states with answers to the both nature lover and tourisms seeking thrilling adventures.this country is located at the edge of arctic circle,the geographical location is on area we have a higher rate of volcanic activities.This country has got several naturl resourcs and fascanitng ecotourism sites.Including  hot springs ,ice fields,glaciers ,fjords,active volcanos  among others  the country is sparsely populated .

According to the history Iceland has been reshaped by the seismic and volcanoes activities .These activities creates new tourist attraction sites, precisely in 1963 there was a new island that emerged from south coast sea Surtsey.The country take advantage of the geological activities in enhancing their ecotourism and leisure. This country has a clean air, very clean and unspoiled landscapes which are ripe for exploration and increasing the interest for has a stunning natural beauty making every one wish to visit this country.


1. Whale Watching, Reykjavik

Whale Watching, Reykjavik



All trhought the year ,tourists can have access to whale watching in Reykjavik.Birdwatching and visiting of Island isd alao convionient in this area,.


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2. Blue Lagoon, Grindavík

Blue Lagoon, Grindavík





This is  a geothermal spas which attracts many ecotourists,they will enjoy bathing in the natural blue water .In this blue lagoon underground water reaches at 37degrees which has both skin and health benefits.thereare ATV rtek services to the blue lagoon .


3. Spectacular Geysers





5. Landmannalaugar Nature Reserve


It is 180 km from Reykjavik it has some mystival landcape attracting touristsis ,Mutihued Rhyolite mounttins,here we have horse riding and hiking activities too mt hekla is also found in this national park.tourists like extensive lava flows.


13. Hiking at Mount Esja

Mount Esja | Steven Luck / photo modified


15. Lake Myvatn & Nature Reserve

Lake Myvatn



 Lew .J.(2018). 10 top ecotourism destinations for 2018: Retrieved from

 Birbeck A and A (2019). Tourist Attractions in Iceland retrived from:


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