An area in my enterprise that I will create efficiency through reduction of redundancy
In my enterprise, I will ensure I have a few competent employees who are well equipped with skills and knowledge to help me have the best output. Having quality employees, it will reduce the time that is spent in doing a task and be done in an effective manner (DeAngelis at el 2018). Moreover, by reducing the time of execution of processes, there will be more tasks that will be done in a limited time; thus, I will need to have few workers in my enterprise.
Similarly, having a few competent workers will help have the best decisions for the enterprise since it contains few people (Larman at el 2016). Through this method, I will be able to evaluate the performance of the enterprise and know correctly which areas I should add value for the sake of my clients (Kabongo at el 2017). The process of execution will be reduced since the employers have the skills and shortcuts of having the products in a limited time, thus improving in terms of quantity and sales. Additionally, having such a scheme, unlike having many employees who have average skills, will be a saving point of containing little expenditures in the enterprise.
DeAngelis, C., & DeGrow, B. (2018). Doing More with Less: The Charter School Advantage in Michigan. A Mackinac Center Report. Mackinac Center for Public Policy.
Kabongo, J. D., & Boiral, O. (2017). Doing more with less: Building dynamic capabilities for eco‐efficiency. Business Strategy and the Environment, 26(7), 956-971.
Larman, C., & Vodde, B. (2016). Large-scale Scrum: More with LeSS. Addison-Wesley Professional.