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An Examination of ethical and social responsibility Problems faced in Developing Countries by leading western Companies

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An Examination of ethical and social responsibility Problems faced in Developing Countries by leading western Companies

Executive summary

In this topic, we are mainly going to embrace the tea industry. Moreover, we are going to look at the key factors affecting the tea industry, how it is of impact to where its’ being cultivated, and how it affects the farmers. Secondly, we are also going to embrace various issues with the means of production of the supply chain in the trend of creation and how it mainly affects different economies globally. Since tea Industry is a primary key concern affecting the global marketing sector, this brings out a significant key aspect that we are also going to embrace on this text, which is the major problems affecting the industry and the significant issues to be adopted to improve its economic performance at the global sector.


Since the tea industry is a significant topic of concern at the global sector, this is because it is a considerable product being sold and being cultivated globally either in small scale or in large scale this brings out a significant issue of concern in the sector that has to be addressed systematically since it has many problems facing its way of running daily economic activities. One of the significant issues that we are going to embrace below that has been of considerable impact in this industry is the pricing this due to various significant increased costs of its maintenance in the cultivation sector and also in the production sector. This brings another major issue in the smallholder sectors where there are many economic challenges, one of them being lack of awareness of good agricultural practices and the safe uses of agrochemicals.

Another challenge is the global climate change which is a significant concern in this tea industry sector, by changes in climate change mostly in areas where the tea raw materials are being cultivated brings a considerable challenge in tea production this is because the climate change may affect the annual production this is either low or high leading to substantial difficulties in of terms of tea production and supply chain. Another issue is the issue of improving and integrating the rapidly expanding smallholder sector, and this mainly is reflecting the small scale farmers where it is a significant concern in this industry this is because when their supply of tea raw materials increases it also affects the large scale farmers, also we have the means of cultivation and maintenance in regulating their crops may not be as per the requirements required in the tea production sector, this is mainly the vast industries receiving this tea raw material. Lastly, another problem is the issue of outdated legislative frameworks.

We are also going to embrace on various factor promoting the development our economies this is by improving the communities wellbeing, improving the livelihoods and sustainability for the smallholders and even the primary vital impacts that required to be looked to improve both the trader, seller and the producer of the tea products and the raw materials at large. Above all, another major issue we are going to look at is the issue that one of the major tea companies is facing from the media, article writings and even its competitors. This is the issue of plastic disposal, where the company is mostly being criticized over the item due to the effect of plastic on the environment. We are going to embrace various issues that we are going to undertake to avoid these issues being criticized for our company and the way we are going to prevent them.

The Republic Tea company

Our leading company of issue that we are going to embrace is The Republic of Tea Company, located in America, California, which makes and sells wide varieties of teas throughout Northern America, even at the global level. The company was among the first companies that were started in the United States, which made it be among the most popular and well-known companies in the world. Out of its popularity, it became among the leading tea companies in the world. This was due to the quality products that it was offering to its customers locally. Apart from buying raw materials from the local farmers, but due to the high demand for its products, the company was forced to enlarge its borders and welcome importation of raw materials from the global scale farmers. Out of its healthy interaction with the worldwide market, the company gained space in the tea market industry, making it be among the leading tea companies up to today.

Moreover, apart from the prosperity of the company, the company has been henceforth also been facing various economic challenges making to move its goals a further notch higher such as competition from other established markets; this is mainly the core competitor companies. They may face problems due to the products being provided by their rival companies, and this may be due to the quality of the product. Another problem they may favourably face from these rival companies is such as their sellers whom they get their raw materials from may shift to their competitor companies and this may be due to impact the competing companies have towards them such as offering them favourable prices that are higher than what they provide to them. Due to this impact, it may primarily affect the production level of the companies’ standard production rate. Lastly, another critical issue that is of high regard is the message that the rival companies have towards the companies such as how the company is not environmental friendly this is due to the disposal of waste products at wrongful areas or the use of plastic bags in the storage of their products this primarily affects the company’s global economic supply of their products and also how their customers also receive the products. This means that the company needs to look at the issue of competition with rival companies with high regards to avoid such economic problems.

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Another major critical issue that faces the company is the issue of climate change, and this happens mostly on the part where the company acquires the raw materials. This is mainly the part regarding the tea farmers. This is because when we have a change of climate at different times of the year, and it’s during the growth of the tea crops, this mainly affects tea production. The primary environment that mostly affects the of production rate in the tea industry is unfavourable climate conditions such as hot weather conditions and plenty of rainfall, and this mainly affects the rate of tea production this is because it reduces the rate of tea production sector thus affecting the price of the supply chain to its customers. But when the climate conditions are favourable for the tea farming sector, then the company is always able to produce the rate of tea products at even the global industry. Another aspect that also needs to look is the methods of farming that their producers use in cultivating and boosting the tea plant. This is because the methods of farming used, such as the use of agrochemical products, affect the production of tea products. For example, the use of wrong agrochemicals in tea farming largely influences the quality of the tea product being produced by the company and lack of excellence in the tea product. This mostly gives in a room for the rival companies to get more attraction from their customers. This that as the company works on different methods to enhance its tea supply chain at the global sector it needs to look at the quality of its product that is by educating the tea farmers on various ways they should enhance sound quality and also massive production of tea farming, they can, for example, supply their producers with bonuses of tea suitable fertilizers required for agriculture. By doing this, they good mostly motivate their farmers to enhance and put more effort in tea farming. Despite that, they would have a significant advantage by both producing products that are of high quality and also they would not even create any room for competition with their rival companies.

Another major problem facing the tea industry in the company is the direct loss of habitat a significant issue that has mainly been brought up by the media platforms and various printing institution claiming how our tea industry has primarily affected the environment mostly provoking the extensive tea plantations that have been brought by the company leading to land clearance which alters the natural flow of water-primarily and increases soil erosion leading to loss of soil fertility. This issue, which has been mainly stimulated by the media platforms, has affected the company’s industrial supply chain of her products at the global level. To avoid these issues the company needs to look on those lands that are of low fertility and enhance their farming in this sectors, this is by use of the newly invented methods they will help in the growth of tea in those areas. Also, the use of freshly designed mechanization, it will boost the economic growth of the industry. Lastly, on the issue of the significant problems facing the company is the issue of lack of labour, this is both on their large farms and also in the industrial sector. By lack of work and that means the personal work, this mainly affects the productivity and the supply chain of its products in the global industry. This means due to the new technology methods that have recently been invented, and they need to put into use mechanization in their sector so that it can highly boost the level of productivity of their products at the global level. And by use of automation and machines, it will also reduce the human labour and increase the level of production this is because computers don’t need any method of civilization this is because they are well advanced to work automatically.

Apart from the problems that the company is facing, we also have various factors that it needs to focus on. Beginning with the issue of climate change this show that the company should always be ready for any climate change such as storing their necessary raw materials in when they are in plenty also it is very suitable for the company to be always prepared in case of anything this is by having proper farm mechanization that can stabilize their farm tea products whenever their tea farm products are facing various climate changes such as when it is hot. The climate is too high for the production of tea raw materials. They should have better water storage facilities that should be able to run such factors whenever there are such related issues. Another critical factor that the company needs to look at is the level of their mechanization that is either in the industry or in their farm sector. This is because by deploying mechanization on the farms, they will highly help in a large production of tea raw materials. Instead, it would reduce human labour, thus reducing the labour costs where they have large farms. Also, deploying mechanization in their industries would broadly impact the way of production in this sector, and also it would help in the fast creation of tea products. By mainly deploying these factors on the tea industry sector and many others that would be of high importance to the company, they mainly help in the production of the tea raw materials and also they would help in the creation of the right quality products.


We are basing on the main problem that has been facing the company, which has been mainly brought out by the media platforms and even much impact from our rival companies, which is the issue of disposal of waste products and the use of plastic bags in supplying our products. Before I joined this company, I had enrolled in a course as an environmental analyst, and this brings a significant advantage to the company since I have the necessary knowledge required to solve this issue facing our company. Regarding the plastic products, I would emphasize we proceed using the plastic products in-store and supply of our products; this is because they are best suitable for the preservation of our products for an extended period. But what I would mainly advise as an environment analyst is to deploy the act of recycling and to upcycle the plastic products that we have already used in the outcome of our products. By enhancing on this, we would make our products to be environmentally friendly; this is because by doing this, we would also be conserving the environment.

Another major issue of concern that the company has been accused of is the wrongful disposal of your waste products. Through the help of my skills gained from the academic records as an environmental analyst am very sure I will be of great help to the company since I will use my skills to solve this problem affecting the company. First, I would not recommend the company to dispose of its waste products on any river or any sources of water since this is a significant issue which the company has been talked about doing. What I would recommend is to use to purchase types of machinery that are both environmentally friendly, which means machines that won’t be able to affect the surrounding this through environmental pollution and also that will be of high economic value to the economy. The main work of the machines will help in recycling waste products being released from the factory such as liquid waste products and convert them into reusable economic products that will be used in the production of the company’s products and other uses. By ensuring the above precautions are undertaken and are adhered to, I am of a very high surety that this will enhance the smooth running of the daily company activities. This will also protect the company from being attacked by different media platforms; instead, it would attract them to come and know how we manage our waste products, in essence, to be environmentally friendly. By doing this, the company will also gain a high standard recommendation from the other upcoming companies.

Also, regarding the case of the plastic disposal, being an environmental analyst, I would help in this case in another way whereby it is highly advisable since the products are distributed at a global level supply chain. This means that the disposed of plastic waste can be retrieved at a worldwide level; this is because the company may not be located at each country they are supplying to. I would advise the company to shift its way of storage from plastic products to other storage forms that can decompose at a rapid rate and also that are highly environmentally friendly. This means the waste products will be environmentally friendly.

Another major issue of concern that would also help in the disposal of waste products is the issue of upcycling. Upcycling is the process by which one can be able to create various ways in which one can create creative usage of the waste products through transforming the waste products on the company to products of good quality and of high environmental value. Being an ecological analyst, I have participated in such economic activities of trying to dispose of the waste products in the most creative and one of the major ones is this issue of upcycling. Regarding our company what I would propose is to bring experts that are well aware of this issue of upcycling that can create different formulas of upcycling different disposed plastic products from our industry that would be of high economic value to the society and then release them to various media platforms in our website. By doing this one, we would be to create other job opportunities in the community since people would also be eager to know how the product is created, and also, it would enhance in promotion of our product. By doing this, we would be able to create more opportunities besides our tea farmers. Also, it would improve in development of the product since everybody would be curious to buy the commodity then after use he or she would want to dispose of the waste product most creatively, and this is by creating spectacular economic outcomes that are very decorative and also that would be of high economic value. By enhancing this, I am very sure that this will help in the appropriate disposal of our waste products and also our products will be environmentally friendly.

Moreover, we have another issue that is affecting the shareholding where the company is being requested to maximize its profits and to focus on the shareholders’ and their investor’s obligations. Having taken a course at prestigious Masters Programme in Project Management and Engineering Management in the Royal Holloway University of London, I am of a high surety that through the use of my skills and knowledge gathered from the institution through the points am going to give to the advisory committee will be of high regard and will be followed towards solving the company’s disclosures facing its daily performances. What I would advise the company to look is to share their profits with their shareholders and their investors according to the level of their investment if not so they should follow the rules of the contract that they headed when they were agreeing to take part in investing in this sector of tea industry in our company. By mainly following the guidelines of the contract in profit sharing, it is very that the company can protect itself from any cases if taken to court due to this regard of profit-sharing among its shareholders and investors at large.

As I conclude by following the above recommendations in the essence of preventing impacts facing our company towards the environment. By following the above guidelines given the company will be both beneficial and also it will also help in the growth and prosperity of its farmers, shareholders, investors and even to their buyers. This means that the above recommendations provided should be taken with at most regards to help in the support and growth of the company’s means of production and activities.





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