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Business Report Interpublic Group Company

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Business Report Interpublic Group Company

Over the past one and half years, I have been working with the Interpublic Group Company at the system operation department as an intern. I was mandated to work on the following duties in the company; Solar wind tickets alerts, spam and phishing email monitoring, mailbox restore, any troubleshooting tickets such as Outlook, Microsoft Teams, and Skype for business, and any other project assigned by my manager. The company is a leader in the provision of marketing services. The company has employed over 55,000 employees working all over the globe in the main world markets. The services offered by the company include; advertising, communications planning, public relations, digital marketing, media, and specialty marketing.

Much of the products offered are outlined above with service provision as the core merchandise of the company. Advertising platforms is one of the significant product given by the platform with different sources of advertising offered to preferable clients to choose from, which is the best and the one that suits them. Anything likely to boost the productivity of any firm through socio-media as well as providing excellent customer relations is what the company offers.

For a company that relies on Information Technology, the information system forms the major working platform. The information system involves the amalgamation of the hardware, software as well as related telecommunication networks that are established to give people a chance to assemble, create and dispense useful information in data is the heartbeat of all telecommunication companies; including the Interpublic Group. The above system will work as a unit to help companies make sound decisions on how to coordinate, control, analyze, and envisage important information that will help run the company and its constituents.

Being an Information Technology company, Interpublic Group has a robust structure, decently updated and highly powerful information system serving the leading company as well as its constituents all over the is the epitome of modern technology.

The structure and extent of the information system in the company would involve; computer hardware, which is majorly the physical or touchable technological devices. The company owned several smaller gadgets on technology, with almost all employees provided with smartphones for communication. This company owned several supercomputers that would help in processing complex data and handle the much data info that was being relayed in the system by its clients. Other outlying devices such as office Wi-Fi and routers would also form part of the hardware systems. The software would be used to run the computers through computing or displaying data. The two software, application, and system software were part of the complex and closely monitored system. The company makes its profits through info trade hence making the recent software updates a priority. All the operating were up to date with a specialized team assigned to check on them every day and suggest new ones or updates in need be; I was part of this team.

The telecommunication part of this prudent company helps connects all the hardware devices to form the needed network. Fiber optic wires or cables and wireless devices e.g., Wi-Fi, would constitute a crucial part of the telecommunication. Computers in the main offices have their local networks (LAN), while the other in their diverse branches would help make the wide area network (WAN).it is well organized. The database is well quantified. This is the heart of the institution, and all services offered are majorly conducted here. The company owns the most significant database in the region and highly secured to protect the privacy of its clients. Offering services of big data through the databases and data warehouses, I can say that the future of this institution looks said earlier, the company has employed more than 55,000 all over the globe. This team is one of the most critical sections in the information system; they run and monitor all other systems ensuring that there is smooth running on the activities of the company.

Just like any other institution, the Interpublic Group Company has its outlined goals that have been set up, and all employees work towards accomplishing them. They give the spirit of work with all the employed staff adhering to the rules and regulations that would see them achieve the objectives of the company. The company’s values have guided the goals of the company. The creation of work environments that are free from employee harassment would help achieve the laid goals which would see the success of the company. Being a company that observes the laid upon ethics and working under complete public transparency, we have achieved the impossible by creating a working environment that perceives cultural equity, respect to all, and a foundation of trust that keeps burning the soul of business.

One of the goals the company is trying to achieve to be among the world’s most diverse and inclusive companies. Diversity touches a broad spectrum with cultural background, race as well as ethnicity considered the leading factors. Sometimes, the difference will also mean employees people with different academic qualifications, I.Q, as well as varying opinions on how to approach a situation. Sustainability and purpose in another goal that the company employs in all its endeavors. Durability means that the company should be able to run itself through the activities associated without relying on external forces while still providing the best services to its clients. The institution should have an unwavering purpose that is the sole force of the company to its clients and employees. Every company is started with a single idea; the purpose. It spells out what the aim of the company. Any side deals or factors from the purpose is a calling for a failure.

The Interpublic Group ensures that the purpose is never forgotten. People are the most valued assets in the company. They carry expectations, their memories, stories as well as relations. They are the clients, and the utmost care and service provision always guarantees their presence and support for the company. Each person who enters the door of the company should have a precise and paramount testimony on how the services of the company are at the top-notch, and how the customer care service and the human resource is ready to help and service the clients at the fists instance of recognition. This is what builds the name of an institution. The good deed done to one person will be out every other person who receives the services of the named. Through this respect, all people in the company are given equal opportunities and treated the same.

Working with the company, I was considered part of the program and treated just like any other employee. During the introduction and induction phase in the company, it was clearly stated that all personnel working for the company , whether in the attachment or the internship programs, were considered to be a part of the program, and as employees of the company. I was no more or less considered as an outcast of the company but an employed and a contributing soul. I was expected to keep the standards of the company and respect the goals by doing my level best. As a routine check up on the performance of the employees, I would be subjected to the same programs that other employees underwent in order to determine my impact to the company as well as my progress.

I upheld the values of the company by ensuring that I did not harass any employees or our clients. The company has strict regulations on how to deal with client bullies as well as those associated with harassing fellow employees. The consequences were clearly outlined in the company’s constitution with the possibility of prosecution, mandatory fines to the victims as well as getting fired, getting demoted, or losing position in the company. I was obliged to report any cases of harassment I witnessed in the company as a patriotic and honest member of the institution. It didn’t matter who committed the crime, whether the executives or ordinary employees, they would suffer the same fate.

Through observing all working ethics, I ensured that the indorsed what was required of me in the institution. Ethics are the moral values that every worker should follow in order to provide quality services under the required standards. I was given a  booklet delineating all the ethics that a person in my profession would follow and signed a consignment form indicating I would be responsible for any unethical misconduct I committed while working for the institution. Every priofession has got the outlined moral ethics that each professional should follow; be it through service provision,  mode of conduct when speaking to clients, language and ways of expressing yourself to superiors and fellow employees, to the way one should conduct themselves even when not working at the institutional premises. I performed my duties under utmost transparency, reporting all cases observed and avoiding witty behaviors that would tarnish the image of the firm.

To respect cultural equity, I was able to participate in group discussions, sometimes talk to my colleagues from different cultural backgrounds as well as trying to understand the diversity of people through written materials and the internet. Culture is diverse. It stretches from religion, material wares, languages, education, ethics, and values as well as various social organizations. Some cultures are universally acceptable all over the globe, while others are considered unacceptable. In the same way, the company had people from diverse cultures. It was appreciated if the employees would respect another’s cultured well as understand them. Sometimes it would be considered humane and wise to share some of these cultures as a way of creating intergradation and cohesion in the institution. I adhered to every proposed policy on culture. This would help me have an easy time with the diverse employees and clients as well as uphold the morale to meet the preferred goals of the company.

People are the purpose of starting such a company. The client was the priority and had to be treated as such. I maintained the phrase ‘the client is always right’ and made sure that all clients felt appreciated even if they were the ones who were incorrect. Before I started working, I was trained on how to handle clients and how to make them feel at the right place even before they presented their hitches. Diversity and all socio-inclusion was a fair value each employee had. I respected all the differences in the departments from the cleaners to the top-most position and treated everyone with respect. I had had to make every person feel that they were in the right place and doing something of value to the company. To maintain sustainability and purpose, I was trained on how to conduct the required duties with competence without making any mistakes that would cost the institution. It was like serving the company to reach its purpose.

Throughout the entire period, I have been able to access newfound knowledge. The knowledge learned would assist in fulfilling the tasks given with a sense of direction in the right career path. Also, the knowledge acquire helped sharpen and shape my career path and skill needed for the purpose. The chief goal of enrolling in an institution for an internship program is to get practically equipped with the theoretical knowledge one learns in class or lectures. Working through the program, I was able to learn how to work out complex software computations as well as make troubleshooting for most applications used in the institution. By the end of the internship period, I was able to confidently do almost all required duties in the assigned departments and sections without any help.

The internship period has helped me learn how to communicate effectively and in a professional manner. The nightmare of every student is always on learning how to communicate effectively and in a professional way. Being able to talk to clients confidently without showing any fear gives a sense of belonging and respect for oneself as far as professionalism is concerned. Working in a professional setting for the first time can be challenging to get used to. The new environment, as well as the new faces, always give goose-bumps for all new professionals. But it is the best way to learn how to navigate the working world through real-life, hands-on experience. One of the most valuable skills I gained from an internship is the ability to speak with people in a professional setting. Discussions with bosses or coworkers are different from conversations with lecturers or fellow students.

I learned how to be independent. Independence does not always mean surviving also means to be able to make one’s important or crucial decisions without the help of external forces. It is a measure of how one can handle difficult decisions and be able to live with the decisions made, whether right or wrong. Working independently has proved to be very important. This period has tough me how to make my own decisions and do things on my own. Being able to work independently with little guidance is very important in the working world as one would make either good or bad choices and later learn from the options. Mistakes are what make us learn even better. This has speared me in rather a right direction as far as my career is concerned.

A lot of classroom work helped me accomplish a lot in my project. Values learned in lectures of honesty, hard work, teamwork, etc. were well executed during my internship program in the company. Every personal attribute of the profession learned in class was implemented or manifested in my daily work in one way or another. A good recommendation was made at the end of the program because of my ability to adhere to the outlined virtues and regulations. Skills of report writing were among the foremost requirements that were tested in the internship program. I was supposed to report indirectly to my in charge through weekly reports that measure the magnitude of the work I conducted and performed.detailed reporting and filling would be required of me as I navigated through the daily activities of the company. All the practical sessions of computer science and computer technology came in handy as I was supposed to implement what I had learned in class to the real world of professionalism. I was not easy, but through my supervisor’s guidance, I was able to conduct most of them correctly.

All the plans I have learned on the computer and related gadgets were a part of the internship package. As far as measures of effectiveness in my project, I was able to meet them. The excellent performance of my work was testimony from my fellow employees and the management at large.

The results of my accomplishments could be tested again and again by giving me tests that I would easily accomplish. I am also able to state my achievements with simplicity and is true to say that some of the tasks or duties given were a bit complicated as I had little practical knowledge, but once I was acquainted with what was to be done, I did all the required with zeal and passion. I completed all tasks assigned on time and with no or minimal assistance. This was the first of the many measures of competence that the supervisors used to determine how I could handle work either under pressure or with no one around to assist.

The professional setting is not comfortable, and a lot of changes from the classroom setting to the professional setting where all factors of professionalism are considered and no excuses for immaturity or incompetence. I was also able to work in this new environment with a lot of challenges, and it through to the last of my internship days. All my accomplishments could be easily measured and quantified, and relevant results are given. Every activity that I participated in or undertook during the program was well recorded and filed for future referencing if need be.

These a just but a few of the  many measures of effectiveness that could be used to test my accomplishments in the project. All through the internship program, I learned that there is much more to be leaned and done outside the class settings. I also realized that despite the fear of working in a professional environment, this is the best place to grow professionally either through professional work experience or through working with a real professional who with no doubt inspire you every working moment.




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