Called To Care Christian World View
In the modern era, there is a need for understanding the Christian perspectives of nature spiritually and ethics in contrast to the views of the postmodern relativism within health care. In the modern era science has been associated with nursing. Postmodern relativism closely related to medicine and very confusing western medication is based on science. This is where the nurses get trained so that they can know the current patient status (Shelly& Miller, 2009)
As there were missionary activities all over the world nursing has had a root in the Christian worldview. Though with the modern rise in spiritual alternatives in nurse leadership, revisionist perceptions to nursing history are bypassing the Christian roots in nursing affecting healthcare. In her book, Shelley argument is based on the new paradigm in the nursing profession. In the postmodern relativism, the author believes that in the nursing context the healing power comes from God it is depicted through Jesus this is practiced today. It as well plays a very crucial role in ill patients as well as the medical profession needs embracing this power of healing and should not bar or reject it from becoming accessible to the patient. According to the book we can see how the two nurses are accounting on their careers which were impacted by the knowledge they developed from healing power (Shelly& Miller, 2009) . Through provoking the worldly treaties on the nursing world, it can be noted that nursing is the church, community responsibility that each nurse should uphold.
On the Christian perspectives of nature spiritually we can say that theological and philosophical influences in the 20th century have influenced nursing. Many of the challenges facing nursing today result from philosophical ferment. Therefore it is true that philosophical and theological underpinnings of nursing influence the nursing activities in the health sector. According to the article called to care we there are compassion and service that used to make nurses motivated, though it has changed into demands for status, compensation, and power. This has more significant effects on health care (Shelly& Miller, 2009) .Generally, from the above description, I believe that the Ethical issues in nursing from a Christian perspective contrasted to the aspects of the postmodern relativism within health care. It is very accurate that currently, the scientific approaches have bypassed the Christina roots in the health sector. The nurse is no longer believing in the gods healing power but in the use of drugs and scientific activities.