Bible continues to be the foundation of modern ethics and law While various religious researchers have brought different concepts when describing the Bible, history still presents the word Bible to be from a Greek word biblia, which refers to books. The Bible is, therefore, a small library that contains different types of books written by many authors (The Learning Bible 1). On the other hand, the Bible remains to be the world’s most fascinating and best-selling book of all time. The book has seemingly been translated into various languages and continues to be the foundation of modern ethics and law. The books of the Bible seemingly have different stories about God and the relationship between God and the people we now read about in the Bible. The origin of the stories during the oral tradition when stories were passed by word of mouth (The Learning Bible 1). The stories told in the Old Testament majorly come from the period before the birth of Jesus and included the story relating to the beginning of the earth and other stories about how…

Psychology of personal adjustment and coping with stressful situations Psychology of personal adjustment and coping with stressful situations is the study of how to make the right decisions for your wellbeing. This psychology will help people to accept situations and positively look at things. In this paper, I will discuss three situations, one at childhood, adulthood, and my current situations. In every case, I will discuss the way I coped at that time, what I should have done differently, and the psychological coping styles that I will continue using in life challenges. Divorce of my parents I was 10years when my parents divorced. I faced a lot of challenges and dilemmas during that childhood period. I choose to live with my mum because I loved her most, although she was not economically stable and was much affected emotionally and mentally by their divorce. My Dad was financially stable and was the breadwinner of the family but was strong enough after the separation and looked at the situation in a positive manner that why I didn’t choose to live with him.…

         writing academic research paper    Students are frequently asked to write research papers and academic assignments in and out of classrooms for assessments on the topics in their field of study (Lee, 2018). One of the typical requirements in writing such assignments including relevant sources of information they have been provided (Hitchcock, Casal & Lee, 2018). A credible source is an author or trained professional or individual who  has a thorough knowledge base in their field of study as well as peer-reviewed assessment. When writing academic research paper, there must be some sources incorporated for the support of the discussion (Lee, 2018). Controversial topics of discussion must not only have relevant resources but examples detailing both the pros and cons that will help in the development of the thesis also. For instance, in our field of study, Biological Science, you can research, “The reasons for increased drug abuse among college students.” (Lee, 2018). The topic of discussion must be relevant and in line with your field of study so that obtaining the sources becomes direct and available to build…

Critically analyze the role of the mind in self-knowledge Self-knowledge is the conscious knowledge of person’s own character, motives feelings and desires. The human mind plays a major role in self-knowledge in the following ways: Self-knowledge is a natural process which is controlled biologically by the brain. It provides the necessary information for conscious self-monitoring which is referred to as metacognition. Metacognition is a tool that consciously controls our behavior and adjusts our experiences of the world around us. Neuroscientists believe that there are three regions of the brain which are very important for self-knowledge. These are the insular cortex, the medial prefrontal cortex and the anterior cingulate cortex. The paralimbic network of the brain is associated with self-knowledge.  Shifting patterns of cerebral activation occurs with change in contents of consciousness which occurs when our minds wander during yoga, meditation or in the normal resting state of consciousness. In spite of the variability, in creating self-knowledge a set of medial paralimbic regions is continuously active which includes the lateral and medial prefrontal cortex, the right striatum and the right medial…

Using Evidence Based Practice (PICOT) in the Prevention of Hypertension Introduction Hypertension, commonly referred to as high blood pressure, is a characteristic cardiovascular condition considered to be a condition that is nutrimental-hygienic. Amongst the notable causes of hypertension includes increased calories intake, physical inactivity, uncontrolled intake of dietetic sodium, increased intake of alcohol and obesity. Nevertheless, the genetic causes of hypertension are still unknown even though studies have indicated the vulnerability of the synergies of the gene milieu that are influenced through the control of the various lifestyle choices. Other than the ancillary high blood pressure, hypertension’s origin remains unknown. Still, the prevalence rate of hypertension has been noted to be more pronounced amongst individuals aged between 20 years and 79 years. At present, hypertension is a key public health concern given the number of individuals who have been diagnosed with the conditions, as well as the changes in lifestyles of individuals throughout the globe. Though its diagnosis and subsequent control remains to be relatively simple, if left unchecked, hypertension may present a number of health challenges and grave complications…

Different HCG Diet Protocols and Which one to choose? Did you know that diet change would help you to lose weight faster alongside HCG supplements? Taking a low-calorie diet alongside HCG drops or injections will help you to burn excess body fat rapidly and attain a sustainable weight without tampering with the essential body fat and the muscles. HCG program requires you to take a diet of between 500 to 800 calories daily, which comprises small portions of proteins, fruits, and vegetables. For the food to be useful, you need to be disciplined enough to follow the necessary instructions. (1) Types of HCG protocols Different HCG diet protocols are ranging from low to high calories that you can go to assist you on your weight loss journey. Here are some of the most popular HCG diet protocols that you can choose. The original 500 calorie protocol The new HCG diet protocol The 1200 calorie protocol vegetarian diet protocol Grammy’s HCG diet protocol Though the working might be different, they are all designed for the same purpose.   The original 500…

Writing Literature You will plan, write, and revise a short narrative story that explores an appropriate theme and is at least five pages long. Be sure to follow the steps of the writing process to ensure a polished final draft. Writing Tips Part A Outlining Using your notes during the brainstorming process, begin outlining as you develop the structure and elements of your story. Outlining helps organize and develop your characters and plot. As you form your outline, write down the order of events as you see them. Remember, your short narrative should be at least five pages in length and should discuss a consistent theme throughout. Writing a story is a fluid process, so you may notice that your initial plan changes periodically as you outline and draft your story. Type the outline of your story in the space provided. Answer: The introduction will introduce the subject of the story as well as the protagonists. The subject of the story is the prevalence of HIV/AIDS and the stigma associated with the victims of the disease in Africa. The protagonist…

A report on someone who lives with an arrhythmia Arrhythmia is a cardiovascular condition whereby the rate and rhythm of the heartbeat are abnormal, either too fast or too slow. The person I am interviewing suffers from tachycardia, an arrhythmia that causes an irregularly rapid heartbeat. Hudson is a 25-year-old male living with a chronic cardiovascular illness called an arrhythmia since he was 18 years old. What condition do you have and how long have you had it? Hudson has lived with tachycardia for seven years. Whenever his heart beats irregularly fast, he experiences chest pains and shortness of breath. A condition that has forced him to use a pacemaker. What are the main symptoms you experience? The initial symptoms were the heart beating at an abnormally fast pace, which would cause chest pains and shortness of breath. How does your condition affect or impact your life? How does it impact your job, family or social life? Hudson claims that neither his job nor family nor social life has been affected by his condition. As long as he takes the…

Prefer drug rehab to overcome drug addiction and get life-changing benefits Drug addiction is a severe problem that affects both the behaviour and brain of affected individuals.  It is a perfect time to think about rehab because it brings people with the exact resources and tools to overcome their addiction. Luckily, there are lots of rehabilitation programs available to stop drug use. The drug rehab scottsdale is a useful program dedicated to suggesting you the most excellent tools for building a productive and hassle-free life.  It brings you enough power to transform and save your life. Once you entered the treatment, you can get a chance to stop the use of drugs while getting your life on back.  There are endless valuable reasons to opt for rehab. If you desire to know the importance of getting this treatment, you can read this article thoroughly. Specialities of rehab The best therapy can reduce your possibilities of relapsing and can aid you in getting back on oath if you do relapse. Many therapy options are available through these rehab programs. They are…

Top 5 Misleading Self-Care Tips Self-care comes from the point of self-love and the need for self-growth. The results are a healthy mind, body and healthy relationships with others around you. In the words of Eleanor Brown “Self-care is not selfish. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.” Whenever you think about self-care, think about bringing power to yourself by being both kind and aware of who you are and the energy you give. Then again, the idea of self-care has been commercialized, resulting in unhealthy practices. The concept behind self-care has been twisted up to justify indulgence in society. People are wasting so much money and time in the name of self-care without getting the desired results of themselves. It is important to know the difference between self-care for self-gain and self-care that hides unhealthy behaviours. Here are five self-care practices that have proved to be misleading and healthy alternatives to them. Binge-Watching TV No one says lounging on the couch and binge-watching your favourite series is bad. Don’t justify spending your whole weekend watching TV by calling it…

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