Corporate wellness programs A company cannot remain successful or competitive for long without healthy and productive employees. Hence employers must take a proactive approach towards the employee health to increase productivity, boost engagement and optimize human resource investments. Corporate wellness programs are one of the most vital investments that a company should make to encourage a holistic approach towards employee wellbeing and also create an organizational culture of health. The focus should be beyond wellness programs and more on cultivating healthy habits among employees to create a healthier environment.   Consider these facts: India has the highest number of people withdiabetes (50.8 million) in the world, and only 11% of the population has health insurance. Lack of robust corporate wellness programs is costing Indian corporates up to $20 billion each year. Incorporation of workplace wellness programs can dramatically reduce the health risks in less than six weeks. 93% of the employees are of the opinion that company-sponsored wellness program is a good source of motivation for them. Are corporate wellness programs worth the investment? Absolutely! The research even states that…

Compare and Contrast Thomas Aquinas’s “treatise of law” and Saint Augustine’s political writing The purpose of this paper is to give a detailed analysis of Thomas Aquinas’s “treatise of law” and Saint Augustine’s political writing in regards to politics, law, nature of Good as well as morality. The independent analysis also addresses the differences and distinction that the two writers have concerning the above subjects. Augustine political philosophy         Christian tenets on the Fall of man, Redemption as well as a creation that are enshrined in the bible form the basis of his arguments. History to him, contrary to non-Christianity philosophers before who purports that history is cyclical, follows a linear pattern with both the beginning and the end.“ But the dominion of bad men harms themselves far more than their subjects, for they destroy their souls in their higher license to exercise their lusts, while those who put under them are not hurt unless by their iniquities“(Austine,13). According to him, the punishment imposed on the subjects by the rulers is a test of faith on the believers. The Christians are…

A Selection of the Best Deal on Toys and Gifts for 3-Year-Old Boys   Age 3 is very peculiar if you come to think of it. This is an extremely exploratory stage that your child begins to form an interest in particular things. They are now able to form beginner sentences and initiate a conversation about their likes. This is when they begin to realize the other people around them for them to engage with. This is besides their parents. They start to work collaboratively with friends and siblings and have the patience to do things in turns with the others. It is an excellent stage to form habits of teamwork.   You will be surprised how old toys you had for them are too boring, and they don’t have an interest in them. They require toys that challenge them and excite their urge for creativity, engagement, exploration, and general activities that will hold their attention. Remember, at this stage, their minds are inquisitive. They will inquire about all sorts of things. So be ready to direct them towards the…

 Burnout negative impacts on nursing In the U.S., Workplace stress is the primary healthcare stressor that is associated with burnout in healthcare providers. The healthcare profession tends to results in the most stressful experience due to the nature of the work and the rising number of patients to be attended by the limited number of nurses. Besides, other burdens to nurses in care provision include patient demand, psychological quest, and ethical dilemmas. According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (2017), Burnout affects about 70% of nurses and 30-50% of physicians, nurse practitioners, and pharmacists. Every year burnout cases increase by 9% with over 14% have suicidal thoughts (Medscape, 2019; Reith, 2018). Burnout negatively impacts the quality of service delivery and can result in medical errors, wrong diagnosis, and poor documentation, alcohol abuse by care providers, increased hospital –transmitted infection, and increased patient mortality. Workplace stress can influence the physical and emotional wellbeing of healthcare providers by curbing their competence and hurting the overall quality of life. My organization has implemented a unique leadership style that demands the healthcare…


 Dharma yoga

 Dharma yoga It is a type of yoga that combines the techniques found in Hatha yoga and other yoga styles together with the traditional yogic viewpoint and technique. Dharma yoga can also be referred to as Dharma Mittra yoga, a name that originates from its developer Sri Dharma Mittra a yoga master and a student of Yogi Gupta (Admin, 2018). In this type of yoga, there are progressive series of Vinyasa purposely intended to give way for the flow of prana energy feely up and down the spine and to the entire physical body and mind. The postures for Dharma yoga are stretching, twists, backbends, inversions, and balancing pose. This yoga has various series of Vinyasa; therefore, yogis can practice it at the level which meets their skills. It is necessary to note that this type of yoga entails more as opposed to physical practice because it constitutes the eight limbs of yoga that Sutras yoga highlights (Admin, 2018). Among the practices it involves are pranayama, meditation, yogic philosophy instruction, and self-realization. This type of yoga is also referred to…

Maternity Photo Shoot Ideas – Indoor Documenting your pregnancy journey through photography is not only pleasuring but ideal. Therefore, you need to do your homework and understand some timeless and highly preferred maternity photoshoot ideas. Maternity photography is integral since it enables you to document the entire pregnancy journey. Every week, your body experiences some changes, and photography documents this. It deems fit that you work with a professional. Below are maternity photoshoot ideas for an indoor setting. Pictures captured when pregnant will always speak volumes. It does not matter whether the photo is a portrait or a selfie. As long as the belly is visible, the picture becomes meaningful. Maternity photoshoot ideas enable you to understand how to make a photography session colorful and memorable. The people you bring on board and the poses that you employ matters great a deal. Amateurship compared with professionalism Asking a friend who has a sophisticated camera to take photos of you when pregnant is ideal for your budget but might not be what you need. A professional is skilled and experienced and…

Pregnancy Insomnia – Causes and Treatment Over 70% of women experience pregnancy insomnia. The condition is very reasonable and never harmful to the baby. The question is, what causes pregnancy insomnia, and how is it treated? When pregnant, the majority of women get less sleep. When sleep quality deprives, insomnia becomes a possibility, and one could feel extra fatigued. Understanding the significant causes of pregnancy insomnia enables you to craft indisputable remedies. Below are the causes and treatments of insomnia during pregnancy. What is insomnia? Whenever a person has an inadequate sleep, they have insomnia. There are so many causes of poor-quality or insufficient sleep. For instance, when a person experiences difficulties when falling asleep or keeps waking up at night and unable to fall asleep again, they are considered to have insomnia. Insomnia when pregnant The majority of women believe that insomnia is possible after the baby is born. Nonetheless, pregnancy insomnia is a possibility during the first trimester all through to the last trimester of the pregnancy. Exhaustion is common with pregnancies, and instead of one relaxing at…

Nursing Case Study Mrs. J has a history of hypertension, chronic heart failure, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). COPD is a respiratory disease that can be caused by a virus or increased air pollution in the environment. Smoking two packets of a cigarette each day for a period of more than 40 years might have affected Mrs. J’s lungs leading to COPD. The effects of the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease worsen with time. Cough and breathlessness are the common symptoms of COPD. Due to the breathing difficulties caused by chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Mrs. J survives by 2L of oxygen daily. Three days ago, Mrs. J showed flu-like symptoms. Malaise, nausea, productive cough, and fever are the common flu-like symptoms shown by Mrs. J. In the last three days, Mrs. J has not taken her medication to control hypertension and heart failure. After health deterioration, Mrs. J has presented herself to the hospital with acute decompensated heart failure and acute exacerbation of COPD, which requires appropriate nursing interventions. Several medications were administered to Mrs. J through drug therapy to…

Types of chronic stress As per these examples of chronic stress, it is evident that chronic stress comes from recurrent exposure that will trigger the release of stress hormones. It is very easy for someone who is having this type of stress to experience wear and tear because they have little or even no control or whatever they are facing, unlike the case with acute stress. It is a dangerous zone for an individual to be in considering that scientists believe that the human stress system is not designed in a manner that should be frequently activated. Thus, when activated constantly, the individual is not strong enough can break down easily. They start developing health risks like high blood pressure, type II diabetes, heart diseases, and depression. It is these health problems that make chronic stress even worse for the people who are drowning in that sea. For instance, if an individual comes from a family that is affected by diabetes, heart disease, or high blood pressure, when chronic stress knocks, it opens even the door to these conditions. If…

FORKS OVER KNIVES Variable, radical, harsh, factual, inaccurate. All of these words can be used to describe Lee Fulkerson′s ″Forks Over Knives″, but all these words are missing, just what a volatile and thoughtful documentary is. More than Thorn Knives explores the idea that most degenerative diseases can be neutralized or reversed by refusing processed and animal foods. Darshan Tucker is a chef and cooks project manager at Forks Over Knives. She graduated from the Institute of Natural Gourmet and is the author of the book Knife Fork: Taste! She wrote recipes for the Fork Over Knives Family and was the lead author of the New York Times best-selling recipe, The Knife Fork Plan. Her recipes have been published in the cookbook ″Prevention and Concentric Diseases″, ″Knife Forks″-″Knife′s Cookbook: The Path to Plant-Based Health″ and the LA Yoga Online Magazine. Visit for more information. [unique_solution]Forks Over Knives reminds me of Douglas Adams′ quote: ″Isn′t it enough to see that the garden is beautiful without believing that there are fairies beneath it?″ Is it not enough to avoid the health…

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