Interdisciplinary Proposal Mental health practitioners, just like any other medical practitioner, require different resources to ensure adequate care is provided to patients. Incorporating a psychiatric care department in a healthcare organization calls for a financial budget to give an approximate value of how much will be needed for the success of the plan. They will need an office, a counseling room, an area for group therapy, yoga mats, and the counselors themselves. A counselor’s salary ranges from $70-$ 150 per session. Therefore, for an organization to fully incorporate a mental health department, they have to be able to afford the costs. Preparing a budget plan is very useful as it helps to predict and determine the value of every item need in health care to ensure there is effective service delivery. The financial budget below has indicated the price of everything need to help in budget incorporation to ensure proper use of resources to avoid misuses (Sun, 2017). In any case, the resources are not acquired, then the chances that the mental department will be a success are minimal.…

Buddhism and Hinduism  Buddhism and Hinduism are similar in various ways and also share a common origin. Both are five of the most popular religions in the world and have been practiced for ages. There are, however, some differences between the two, for instance, in their approaches to the ‘soul’ or the self.  The following is an in-depth analysis of metaphysical and practical differences between the anatman and atman. The study will particularly assess how the concepts relate to the unique approach of every religion. The study will further how these approaches relate to the sacred gods and path to salvation, which will enable us to understand the differences between the two. Anatman is one of the primary teachings of Buddhism. The doctrine is based on the assumption that there is no ‘self’ in the form of a permanent, autonomous, and integral behavior that exists within an individual. The doctrine assumes that the existence of the self is a transient occurrence. The anatman is the doctrine, which differentiates Buddhism from other beliefs, for instance, Hinduism, which is the basis of…

What to Do Pinched Nerve in Neck A pinched nerve in the neck is a nerve that has become compressed or irritated. Note that although it is referred to as “pinched,” it is not necessarily pinched. However, the term is used to indicate a range of issues. Besides, the pinched nerve can happen in many places, including the neck. When it happens on the neck, it is referred to as cervical radiculopathy. Here is everything you need to know about the pinched neck. In this post, we are going to look at the causes, symptoms, and treatment of radiculopathy. What is Pinched Nerve in Neck To demonstrate what “pinched nerve in the neck is” we will take a closer look at the vertebrae. A human spine is made of 24 bones referred to as vertebrae. The spinal cord passes down via a canal in the centre of the vertebrae. Nerve roots that serve different parts of the body branch off the main cord through the foramen, opening in the vertebrae.   When these roots are compressed or pinched, the problem…

Women laughing poem review Women laughing is a poem by Ursula Fanthorpe. Ursula expresses how women at different stages of life that is during adolescence, young adults, wives, mums, and as older women tolerate issues that unhappy issues. Ursula explores how society has made a woman tolerate unpleasing situations in every stage of their lives. The only stage a woman is maybe genuinely happy is when she is young before body changes and development since she has little responsibilities. Probably, women tolerating an unpleasant situation is an issue they should get used to, but I think it sounds an inequality on gender. As Fanthorpe explains, adolescents girls laugh in a silly way to feel okay since they feel embarrassed about their body changes. Most of the teenage girls do not like the body changes that come with adolescence, such as pimples on their faces, enlargement of breasts and hips. The modern society places a standard that one to be beautiful must have specific body structures such as the smooth face, medium boobs, a well-shaped body with not too big hips,…

Author’s purpose for writing the story The story is about the designated survivors from a terror incident which killed many people, but some survived. A girl by the name Azucena is one of the survivors. One purpose of writing this story is to illustrate challenges faced by rescuers and the doctors trying to save people who survive from a horror incidence such as earthquakes, accidents and in this case mountain ice eruption. Another purpose of writing this story is to enlighten the reader about the danger of rocks eruptions which can contribute to the death of people, animals, and also the destruction of many land properties. The people should take hid from the geologists’ warnings over climatic condition or eruption of the mountain. This is because the people who died in this incidence were warned about its occurrence ahead, but they could not obey and went ahead with their daily tasks. The author says that the geologists went to the set up where the incidence occurred, and they could sense an odor smell from the people who had died, and…

Why More People Are Using CBD to Sleep Better? The use of CBD has become widespread. It is because people are finding it to have many health benefits than they otherwise thought. CBD is a cannabinoid that exists in a Cannabis plant. It is also one of the breakthroughs that enable people to enjoy the benefits of cannabis without experiencing the psychoactive effect. There are various ways you can administer CBD in your system, and that includes the use of edibles, vaping, and inform of oils. Among the many reasons why the use of CBD is increasing drastically is because it treats insomnia. The naturally occurring compound is enabling millions of people worldwide to have plenty of sleep. The information below contains essential details as to why more people are using CBD to get quality of sleep. CBD and sleep For a long time, CBD has been an excellent medication for people who are having trouble sleeping. It is one of the many benefits of CBD that has seen various states come up with laws legalizing the use of…

Indians’ Religion and Beliefs n Relation to Healthcare Introduction Diabetes is increasingly becoming a potential epidemic in India. Various studies, including Tripathy et al. (2017) and Kaveeshwar and Cornwall (2014), have described India as the world’s diabetes capital. A recent survey found that India had over 69 million diabetes cases in 2015, the second-largest number after China (Tripathy et al., 2017, p. 1); a significant increase from 62 million reported in 2014 (Kaveeshwar & Cornwall, 2014, p. 45). Furthermore, epidemiological evidence suggests a rising diabetes mellitus epidemic in India. These statistics trigger research interest in the relationship between Indians’ diet and diabetes. The present discussion focuses on the lifestyle of Indians (religion and beliefs regarding healthcare), their foods and the associated diabetes cases. The paper also examines Indian immigrants in the United States, their demographics, and healthcare issues.   Indians’ Religion and Beliefs n Relation to Healthcare Religion plays a significant role in determining healthcare practices among Tthe Indians. Patients with strong religious affiliations recognize the importance of religion in their health. A majority of the Indians practice Hinduism. This…

Pain Management essay Introduction to Pain Management Notably, pain management, commonly referred as algiatry is discipline in medicine that is involved in easing of pain to help improve the lives of individuals living with chronic pain. Pain management is mainly done by the use of drugs and physical treatment, and it is a responsibility that is spread over a wide array of pain management team including occupational therapists, clinical psychologists, nurses, medical practitioners, and pharmacists.    In the management of chronic pain, effective management is required, and this is achieved through efficient coordination of the management team. Evidently, pain can have many causes, and thus there are various possible management and treatment methods.  The pain management approach adopted by a nurse or a medical practitioner is dependent on various variables such as the source of the pain, the intensity of the pain, the time when the pain started and how the pain feels (D’Arcy 2007, p.11). In this regard, there are many types of pain management approaches and which include physical approach, psychological approach, and medication (Tollison et. 2002, p. 32).…

 Treatment of dementia and nursing home care Dementia is a neurological condition that affects brain function. In most cases, dementia is perceived as a mental illness due to its effects that mimic mental disease. In reality, dementia is a condition that affects brain function leading to memory loss, trouble thinking, and communication disorder. Current medical statistics from the world health organization (2017) show that about 50% of the world population suffers from dementia. Also, the organization reveals that Left untreated, this condition can progress to the final stage and cause complications such as loss of self-care, immobility, family member recognition, and susceptibility to infections such as aspiration pneumonia (WHO, 2017). Therefore to preserve quality of life, this condition needs to be treated promptly as well as follow up made in a systematic manner. According to a study by Dyer et al., (2018), dementia is a pattern disease and more often a chronic condition. It means that symptoms may come and go and manifest differently upon relapse. Further, research suggests that most types of dementia have no cure; however, treatment is…

Can I Give My Baby Salmon? Salmon is well known freshwater fish that is regarded as being healthy given that it has high contents of proteins, Omega-3, and vitamin D. The fish is popularly served smoked, however, the popularity of canned salmon is increasing. Salmon is a huge source of omega-3 for the development of your baby’s eye and brain. Salmon is considered a nutritious food. Salmon is a fatty fish that contains multiple nutrients, which reduces the risks of contracting various diseases. The fish is versatile, tasty, and readily available for consumption. Many parents do not know whether to give their babies salmon or not. Can I Give My Baby Salmon? It is a question that many lack an answer to. Yes, you can introduce your baby to salmon once he is six months old and above. Before introducing your baby to salmon, consider the family’s history allergy to foods. If the family has allergies for fish, then do not give your baby salmon. But if there are no instances of allergies in the family, then you can give…

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