Karma and the Self             Hinduism and Buddhism are among the eastern religions that have gained wide recognition around the world. The religions have helped popularize two concepts, Karma and the Self. Both Karma and the Self are discussed in the scriptures of both religions. The concepts are critical to one crucial mission of both Hinduism and Buddhism, the alleviation of suffering in the world. Both believe that karma and our mistaken views regarding the self cause us to suffer in life.  They take it as part of their mission to inform their followers regarding karma and to correct their misguided view regarding the self. The concepts are discussed in the Dhammapada, Buddhist scripture, and the Bhagavad Gita, part of scripture read by followers of Hinduism. The views regarding karma and the self in the two scriptures differ. In the Bhagavad Gita, Karma is discussed under the title “Karma-Yoga,” which is translated to mean “The Path of Action” (Easwaran, 2007). The discussion of the concept arose when Arjuna asked Lord Krishna why he asked him to engage in a terrible…

Importance of exercises Exercise refers to physical activity or performing some physical work on a repetitive basis to relax your body and take away out all the mental stress. Doing regular exercise is essential in one’s life. The advantages of regular exercise are often seen very quickly during a person if he does training regularly. An individual needs to be mentally and physically fit as we all have heard, “Healthy Mind lives in a healthy body.” So to remain fit and healthy one must do exercises regularly. One must be both physically and mentally fit Exercising plays an essential role in our lives. It helps us in staying physically fit. Out physical body is meant to manoeuvre. If we don’t exercise or walk daily, then we’d quickly get susceptible to different diseases overtime. A bit like eating food, getting to work every day is a number of the essential aspects of lifestyle exercise is additionally crucial in daily lives, and one should make it a habit to a minimum of activity 4 out of seven days during a week. Exercise…

Pretests/Posttests and Attrition Social workers applied the pre and posttests for evaluating the parenting classes to ensure that the couple understands the importance of the positive parenting program (PPP).  The social workers used the approach to ensure that the program is effective in persuading the parents embrace the teachings linked with the program. A concept of attrition was an essential consideration as the parents have financial obligations to address even as they attend parenting classes. Attrition was a necessary aspect of the parenting classes. The social workers had to consider the impact of administration of children services (ACS) programs on the parents. Lessons learned from attrition. Positive parenting program should focus on other vital aspects of the family. For example, it is essential to evaluate the financial needs of the family. The PPP goals may not be achieved without proper organisation. Parents are likely to quit a parenting PPP if they feel that it does not address their parenting goals. The progress of the PPP depends on the approach that the social workers apply in integrating other needs of the…

Prevention of UTI in Elderly Research Problem Recurring urinary tract infections are a high prevalence in adults than it is in children due to the long-term use of antibiotics in adults.  According to Feng and Hokanson (2018), at least one out of three older women experience UTI leading to hospitalization. They include pregnant women, postmenopausal women, and catheter patients. Besides, the increased hospitalization for older adults and women with frequent UTI also leads to increased costs of healthcare as the cost estimates to almost $2.8 from 1998 to 2011 (Feng & Hokanson, 2018).  A bacterium called E.coli is often the cause of UTI, and other factors include the genetic and biologic risk factors like the compromised immune system of the patient.  It is also quite challenging to distinguish between the asymptomatic bacterium and symptomatic urinary tract infection in adults. Several diagnosis and treatment guidelines have been developed to help in the treatment of UTI. However, there is a lack of a single evidence-based approach used for the prevention of UTI in the elderly. It is, therefore, essential to analyze various…

Pneumonia, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment The winter season is starting. The risk of pneumonia is high this season. The severity of the disease starts in the ribs. The baby cannot breathe, because all his energy is just breathing. Fever is also occurring. Lungs are also affected by the lack of oxygen. If the brain does not have oxygen, it can also damage the brain. Poverty and nutrition are closely linked to children’s lives, he says. The child cannot detect anything in pneumonia. The body needs energy. So the energy in the body starts to become more used. Despite recovering from this illness, it takes about a week for the baby to starve. During this time, the children become very weak. After the treatment of pneumonia, the baby should be given a higher and better dose than before. Yellow color nutrients and green vegetables such as greens should be given more. Eat foods that contain vitamin A. Vitamin A Provides Immunity to Infection It is wrong to think that children should not be fed with illness. Keep feeding your child something.…

Reflective Writing Assignment: Compare, Contrast, Consider– Critical Listening View the following two videos listening carefully for specific suggestions for learning the value of listening and how we can improve our listening skills. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=saXfavo1OQo&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSohjlYQI2A&feature=youtu.be Compare the messages of both the videos. What do they share? What do they have in common? Highlight in your writing what drew your attention or what you found of value. Do these presenters share something? How can you describe that? Why do you know what you have learned? Provide specific sections (or ideas) from both videos that stood out for you. Why did the speakers in both video messages resonate with you? [unique_solution]Were their ideas contrasting in any way or how are they approaching the subject of listening? Can you describe their unique perspectives? Considering both….. How will you use the information in these videos to develop your philosophy of listening? How will you use these materials to adjust, improve, or change your listening style and/or skills?

Personal Statement paper             Mental health nursing involves taking care of people with mental disorders and distress. These mental disorders include schizophrenia, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, personality disorders, eating disorders, suicidal thoughts, paranoia, and self-harm. The main reason to why I am applying for this course is because I realized that society needs more psychiatrists. The cases of mental health disorders are increasing, and people do not even seem to realize that they could be having any problem in their behavior. Amongst the patients includes young students, who are having mental issues because of the pressure from the family or peers. The subject is interesting as it involves the study of the human brain and how the surrounding environment influences the behavior of an individual. The study of the human brain is quite interesting as you get to understand how people reason and what influences their decisions. With this, it will be quite easy to maintain good relationships with your peers. It will also make it easy to help people who could be faced with difficult situations in order not…

The growth of social media The growth of social media has to lead to increasing the pace of digital marketing across the world. hereby branding companies pick ideas and trends in popular social media mainstream such as twitter to market their brands. Also,  sporting activities lead to increasing engagement between the fan and their star player in the social platforms. As a result, companies selling sport are using star players to advertise and market their products online. Consequently, leading to the rise of sport branding companies such as Avon Sports apparel and Dick’s sporting goods because of the massive impact of social media in marketing their brands. The increase in demand for sporting products such as athletes’ footwear,  exercise equipment, and yoga pants for women. A company like Dicks Sporting goods have developed its growth strategy by relying on social media to popularize their brand. Ideally, to increase its impact on social media as well to reach many customers, Dick’s sporting has partnered with  Stack Sports, a technology company. The partnership makes Dicks sporting to be part of the team…

Academic Writing and Research Skills In observation, the researcher or investigators measure and observes the variables without assigning treatment to such subjects. The treatment given to each variable is beyond the researcher’s control. For instance, suppose an investigator wants to research on the effects of smoking in lung volume in men. The researcher looks for 80 men, 30 of whom have been smoking for a packet of cigarettes for the past eight years. The research will measure lung volume for all the 80 men. After that, the investigator analyzes, interprets, and makes inferences from the data. Conversely, in experimentation, a researcher applies treatments to the subjects such as peoples or animal and then observe the impact of each treatment on each subject unit. Under experimentation, the investigator purely controls the assignment of treatment to subject groups. For example, suppose the researcher wants to find out the effects of smoking on lung volume in men. A researcher finds 80 men, aged 25 and doesn’t smoke currently. Randomly, the researcher assigns 40 men to smoking treatment and the other 40 to non-treatment.…

Assessing the Culture and Religion of Hinduism Susan (2010), acknowledged Hinduism as one of the oldest religions and cultures practiced in contemporary society. The origin of Hinduism dates back to approximately 4,000 years ago. The doctrine has more than 900 million believers, which, in turn, makes it third in the world after Islam and Christianity (Srinivasan, n.d). This paper provides a comprehensive discussion of different issues and concepts related to the culture and religion of Hinduism. Spiritual beliefs According to Parpola (2015), Hinduism has different spiritual beliefs observed by its followers. First, Hindus believe in truth. This truth is one and eternal, although wise people use different ways to express it. Secondly, Hindus believe in Brahman as their true God, who is also limitless, infinite, formless, and all-inclusive (Taylor, 2007). Thirdly, these followers believe in the Vedas as their primary scriptures and have revelations received by their ancient saints. Fourthly, every Hindu has a responsibility to strive and achieve dharma, which is the right conduct that helps people their faith (Srinivasan, n.d). Lastly, Hindus believe that the goal of every…

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