Outline on The Business Writing class Introduction The Business Writing class has been very beneficial and helpful for me. As I started the semester, I had goals to be able to achieve proper business writing skills. My decision to take the class was to ensure that I learn how to be a better business writer and in the long run, be a good communicator in the business field. I realized that business writing is formal compared to the ordinary form of writing. Business language is very respectful and straight to the point of being able to convey a message effectively. With future plans of venturing into the business world, business writing is an essential skill for me. Specified Issues The challenges that I had as I took the class initially were that I had a generally bad attitude towards business writing and found it really boring. I also assumed that communication was all the same, but I realized that every field has a different style of communication. Learning about business writing was also my first time, and this means that…

physiological mechanism of excitation-contraction coupling in skeletal muscle Question 1 a) Explain the physiological mechanism of excitation-contraction coupling in skeletal muscle. Excitation-contraction coupling in skeletal muscle is a process that involves the production of calcium as a result of the stimulus of electrical signals in the body. When sarcoplasmic reticulum secretes calcium, the contraction of muscles occurs. In essence, this process follows a two-set sequence. Firstly, two types of potential changes occur in the cellular structures.  A potential of synapsis fuels a potential of action on the exterior part of the membrane. Consequently, a signal traverses into the crossways of tubes in the body. These processes cause sarcoplasmic reticulum to exude the calcium. b) Draw links between excitation-contraction coupling, EMG, and dynamometry. The time required to record the beginning of force produced and the start of EMG relies on the passageway of excitation-contraction processes.   These steps involve the timing of excretion of calcium,  linkage with troponin, and the time spent to form a cross- bridges. Electrical stimulation through  excitation-contraction coupling   Dynamometer   EMG Recording   Reference Whiting, W. C.,…

Current event topic: BIOHACKING 1. Statement Section Biohacking is defined as the process of using science, biology, and self-experimentation to take control as well as upgrading your body, mind, and life. It involves making a small, incremental diet or changing lifestyle to make a small improvement in your health and wellbeing. According to the report provided in 2017 from the Brookings Institute, caution shows that Biohacking simultaneously makes science available to every person, and it gives an introduction to new safety concerns. Blood is an essential item in Biohacking( Elia, 2020). It tells a lot about our body,  level of our nutrients as well as showing components used in our bodies such as plasma and cell count. One can hack without necessarily using a regular blood test. Changing diet or out eating habits makes our body have a noticeable effect on our overall functioning on our body. There are several ways in which Biohacking at home can be exercised, for instance: Drinking caffeine, which helps in boosting the operation of our organization. Second, trying to eliminate diet, this is done by…

Are English Classes engaging? English is a compulsory subject that most schools take into account based on the study by students. Based on Collin College, it is necessary to evaluate if the English classes are engaging or not. This will be supported if the institution has the platforms that help in the development of the English language. The practical evaluation criteria to determine if Collin College is taking part in engaging the English classes is the performance of students and the reliability of different platforms to enhance the achievement of institutional goals towards the subject (Tawalbeh 125). Based on the evaluation of the educational services provided in Collin college, it is evident that the institution fully supports the development of the English language. The institution is well equipped with computers and professional lecturers that enable the students to gain more skills regarding the English language (Tha’er 119). Also, the institution is well engaged in social activities that enable the students to develop the study skills and harmony in the community. This shows that the English language is well embraced in…

Natural Remedies for Sleep Apnea   You know how disgusting it feels to find out that you make that snoring sound when asleep that undoubtedly and without any deliberate intention, destroy the pleasures of your partner’s sleep. But even more sickening, is having to spend your entire nights with the robotic breathing gargets just so to make sure that collapsed throat muscles do not block your airway.   Sleep apnea is sleep-disordered breathing that causes periodic breath pauses as a result of blockage of the airway when asleep. It is not only a disgusting disorder but also a life-threatening complication that helplessly takes away all your relished sleep to shallow or no nap resulting in fatigue during the day and high chances of contracting heart-related diseases. More worrying is that most people don’t even realize whether they suffer from this disorder, it is not easy to notice unless you have a partner who can tell by the choking sounds and snoring. Fortunately, this article shall vividly elaborate on the hows of diagnosing and treating the same.   One thing worth…

Dementia and Caregiving After moving from the house she was born into, Anita found out her father had dementia. While shifting, he had no understanding where they were going, yet he was driving, consistently lost stuff in the new house, and with all the change, he became irritable. One morning he cut off his fingertip while working in the garage. That’s when they took him to the hospital and the physician was not kind in delivering the diagnoses.  Sadly he announced that he had early symptoms of dementia and then demanded his license immediately. In my opinion, the delivery of the doctor would have been handled better. He was then given medication, and each week was set for therapy. Her father later saw a neurologist who recommended comprehensive neuropsychological testing. The effect of the diagnosis was devastating for Anita and the entire family. They experienced a variety of emotions after the diagnosis, such as rage, distress, frustration, and sorrow. So many considerations had to be taken about his health, nursing, living situation, finance, and end-of-life care. As a consequence, the…

Treating Depression by Meditation The high prevalence of mental disorders among all generations is a worrying phenomenon in contemporary societies. The diversity of such conditions raises unending challenges for healthcare professionals who must propose the most useful intervention to address identified complications. The main problem with mental illnesses is the similarity of symptoms between different conditions, a factor that enhances the probability of misdiagnosis and ineffective care. Depression, which affects people of all ages, is a notable burden in this class of illnesses. The recent identification of mindful meditation as a viable solution to depression is a crucial breakthrough, given its strengths over traditional approaches. The shift in focus from an externally induced intervention to action from the affected individual can overcome the obstacles caused by withdrawal. However, there is no evidence of its use at Miami University. Major depression is one of the world’s leading disabling mental conditions. In the U.S., the world health organization ranks the illness as the second most disabling, with 7% of adults expected to experience an episode each year (Prathikanti et al., 2017). While…

Theology Film Assignment The “On Yoga- the architecture of peace” documentary film is an incredible film on the power Yoga has and how practicing it can upraise an individual’s feelings and understanding life. The film provides an overview of how personalities can search their purpose in life with faith. It is significant to any person since it is not skewed to any particular religion. It is a fact that faith plays a crucial role in everyone’s spiritual growth. Nonetheless, it can occupy too little or too much of their understanding. Transforming personal life depends absolutely on faith. In this documentary, religion played a crucial role for people who have always been restless, anxious, fearful, and worried about life. According to this film, helped individuals see their life-changing for the better. Faith also teaches that there are no limits in life. Thus, none should get worried instead should live in peace. O’Neill demonstrates how faith worked for good in his life, even after doctors’ claim that he would end his career after a shoulder injury. From the film, it can be…

Anxiety and Depression Depression is regarded as a severe state of having low spirits and misery. Anxiety, on the other hand, is characterized by continually worrying or uneasiness about given events with uncertain outcomes. Quintessentially, women are at higher risk of suffering from the two conditions (Stancius et al. 8). The depression rates in children also increase every decade. Teens are equally affected by depression. Adolescents are significantly affected as they do not understand how to manage problems that may come up with that stage. Mental instability is the leading cause of disability worldwide, as most of the cases go untreated. According to World Health Organization, “At a global level, over 300 million people are estimated to suffer from depression, equivalent to 4.4% of the world’s population” (World Health Organization 5). Similar treatment can be administered for the two conditions. Some conditions make the two situations different; however, the terms share many characteristics that usually result in the misdiagnosis. In cases where both diseases are present, treatment can be complicated. Untreated symptoms of depression and anxiety have adverse effects on…


Yoga courses

Yoga courses Yoga is indeed a way of living a healthy life. In this course, one can learn various Asanas that can help one keep away from many of the health issues which otherwise one may have to face. This course is much in demand across the globe and has got a huge reputation worldwide. Field of specialization Some of its specialized fields include- Anusara yoga Hatha yoga Prenatal Yoga Restorative Yoga Content The study of this course contains some or all of these- Foundation of yogic science Kriyas and asanas practice Yoga and spirituality Precautions in yoga therapy Objectives Yoga aims at promoting health. Through this course, the scholars are motivated to promote a healthy body. To keep ourselves healthy, we need to take care of our overall well being. Health does not mean that a person should not be ill. Good health is a combination of sound mind, body and soul. This combination can be achieved by practising Yoga and by keeping ourselves stress-free. The scholars are encouraged to propagate Yoga as a way of life. The scholars…

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