HOW CAN I GET RID OF FOREHEAD WRINKLES   Forehead wrinkles are now the common cause in men’s and women’s skin, which dramatically age your face look, and you look old of your actual age. Wrinkles are caused due to the use of skin losing products available in the market. There are many home remedies through which you can reduce wrinkles or completely get lines off your skin. But, if you want an instant solution for wrinkle-free skin, you can go with professional treatments.   Follow the steps to get rid of wrinkles: You may come across many solutions to the wrinkle-free skin, but the following are some essential and instant solutions for the problem.   . Maintain a healthy diet: A sound diet can act as the best medicine for your overall skin, as well as will maintain your health. So, include fruits and vegetables in your regular diet, which will increase antioxidants in your body. Antioxidants play a vital role in keeping your skin glow and look younger. If you can take fish in your diet, it would…

YouTube and Education Introduction In the contemporary times, the process of learning has been impelled by the amalgamation of digital forms into education and knowledge attainment. Not even the classrooms but the domestic milieus have been flooded by the plenty of digital media tools ranging from gaming, m-learning, podcasts, social media, Virtual Worlds (VWs), Webcasts, and videos uploaded on YouTube. Such informative technological tools inflict a considerable impact on the nature and features of users’ experiences considering the digitalized means of acquiring knowledge concerned with one’s area(s) of interest (Olasina 233). Significance of Videos for Acquiring Education The people and the cultural settings of the present times are undeniably influenced by digital videos. For decades, videos are being used as dependable pedagogical tools considering their facilitation “to improve problem solving, to facilitate critical thinking, to raise student engagement, and help in skill mastery” (Conneally). Today, millions of videos are watched by millions of audience members on renowned websites including MetaCafe, Vimeo, and YouTube on a daily basis. As this paper primarily focuses on YouTube, the famous digital video platform has…

Scholarly Writing and the Master′s Prepared Nursing Professional Scholarly Writing and the Master′s Prepared Nursing Professional Master’s level nursing education prepares students with the knowledge and skills necessary to exhibit exemplary leadership in today’s complex healthcare systems. Effective written communication skills are critical to the success of the graduate nursing student as he or she aims to achieve these changes in promoting health and advancing nursing knowledge. Proficiency in scholarly writing is the expectation in the graduate nursing program. Resources are available to guide your learning. The purpose of this assignment is for each student to conduct a self- analysis of their writing style and to apply the resources available for the master’s level student in the Writing Resource Center at The student will Write a 2 page draft paper (excluding the title and reference page) applying the resources as noted and following this criteria: 1. Introduction 2. Describe what scholarly writing means to you and what you will do to achieve this level of writing in this graduate nursing program 3. Strengths in writing 4. Weaknesses in writing 5.…

Standardized testing does more harm than good Standardized testing exerts pressure on students. Students are expected to perform well in those tests hence leading to uncalled for pressure. The weight makes students lose confidence in their abilities and skills. Worrying about performance in those standardized tests is reason enough to discourage the students in their academic life. Standardized tests are often viewed as a benchmark by parents. Parents whose children do not perform as per their expectations may be demotivated and end up hurting the children emotionally. Standardized tests stress parents and students. External factors are an essential element in learning. Standardized tests are one of the trials whose evaluation does not consider external factors such as home affairs and the results may not reflect the actual ability of the student. Standardized testing may compromise the education sector because the ranking of students and teachers is solely based on performance. Teachers may end up teaching what is within the test only leaving out essential elements and ignore a deeper understanding of the subject by students. Training on what is to…

Nursing and Patient Safety “Nursing and patient safety” is an article that was published on the website of the United States Department of Health and Human Services. The report focused on the role that Medical-Surgical nurses play in improving patient safety in hospitals and other healthcare facilities. Medical-Surgical Nurses or rather Med-Surge Nurses are part of the Registered Nurses who are trusted with the responsibility of taking care of the patients who are admitted with surgical and non-surgical conditions. Just like other nurses, Med-Surge Nurses play a critical role in promoting a healthy society through advocating for robust lifestyle measures. They help the patients admitted to hospitals to cope with the situations they are in and advise them on how to lead better lives once they are out of hospitals. Even though the Med-Surge nurses perform duties that are like the duties of other nurses, their job is way complicated than that of an ordinary nurse. At the entry-level in the Med-Surge nursing profession, the nurses rely on scientific knowledge and the existing care plan procedure to come up with…

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