ASSESSMENT OF HYPERTENSION AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY SOLUTIONS Introduction and overview. Leisure centres provide several specialist exercises programs for various chronic conditions. This paper seeks to tackle a chronic condition, precisely hypertension. Hypertension in simpler terms is referred to as high blood pressure. It is a severe condition which leaves the patients vulnerable to diseases relating to the heart, kidney, brain and other essential body organs. According to research conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 1.13 billion individuals globally are suffering from hypertension with around 60% of them from low to middle income earning countries (, 2019). In the year 2015, in a group of four men, one was expected to have hypertension, and among five women, one was expected to have the condition. This condition has claimed a lot of lives late and premature deaths globally. In the leisure centre, there is a need for an education component which explains to the individuals with hypertension more on the condition. This paper depicts an education programme containing the epidemiology of the condition, the pathology of the condition and the…

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Panic Disorder Introduction Panic disorder may be defined as a condition in which a person experiences repeating unexpected panic attacks. A panic attack may be defined as sudden feelings of discomfort or intense fear, which increases significantly within minutes after the first experience. Panic attacks commonly start during the late adolescent stage and early adulthood. Panic attacks in people with panic disorder may last for about 15 minutes. Under severe conditions, they may last for as long as one hour. The feelings of fear and discomfort in people with panic disorder are commonly disproportionate to the degree of danger the person is exposed to. The experiences of panic attacks vary from person to person. The symptoms also vary significantly. This paper discusses causes, symptoms, and self-help techniques for panic disorder. Causes of Panic Disorder There are no definite causes of panic attacks. However, according to Fentz et al. (2014), the disorder appears to run in some families (Fentz et al., 2014). Some significant life transitions, such as getting married and graduating from college, are also believed to be substantial causes…

Cardiovascular system The assessment of the vascular system remains to be one of the most prevalent encounters for nurses in a healthcare organization. Cardiovascular disorders are common cases in infants, children, adults, pregnant women, and even the elderly generation. Different people may exhibit different symptoms of vascular disorders. As such, nurses need to be highly skilled in conducting patient assessments to deliver effective treatment. Structure and function of the cardiovascular system The cardiovascular system is made up of the heart, blood as well as pulmonary and systemic circulations. Its primary function is to transport blood to all parts of the body through the blood vessels. Blood in these vessels carries oxygen and nutrients required by the body and removes waste products and carbon (iv) oxide from body tissues.  The arteries carry blood rich in oxygen and nutrients at high pressure to all body tissues while the veins carry blood rich in waste products and at a lower pressure (Raju & Madala, 2006).  It made possible by the powerful functioning of the heart, which serves as a pump to force blood…

Anxieties Disorders Discussion             Anxiety disorders are a combination of distress and mental illness. Most of them are characterized by lack of sleep, chest pain, dry mouth, short breath, irregular heartbeats, and others. There are specific disorders such as panic disorders, which makes one feel as if they are having a heart attack and are characterized by sweating. Other anxiety disorders such as social anxiety make the victims self-conscious about their daily interactions with the public. Sometimes patients with anxiety disorders feel like they are being judged or harassed by others. Anxiety disorders do not have specific causes, but researchers point out that changes in the environment, the brain or genes may be the cause (WebMD, 2003). A doctor’s diagnostics may sometimes help establish the origin of the anxiety disorder, although lab tests are not sufficient in diagnosing these disorders. Most patients are usually sent to mental health specialists such as psychologists or psychiatrists who have predefined questions for patients to determine if they have anxiety disorders or not. Sometimes anticonvulsant drugs are prescribed for these patients to lower their…

Antidepressant medication effects Introduction The role of antidepressant medication and how it works Antidepressant are mostly used by those with depression, it is prescribed to people with conditions including chronic pain syndrome, eating disoders,substance abuse and post-traumatic stress among every ten people with age over 12 is believed to be using this medication in US. Though medication of antidepressant is seen as useful since it is in one way effective and useful, it has side effects which leave those using them in confusion. This results to great threat as far as community public health is concerned, the people get very clear information about how they are used from their doctors they are taken orally, for instance the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor are responsible in binding serotonin transporter i.e. in brain a molecule regulating serotonin,this prevents the neurons from absorbing the serotonin and it builds up serotonin outside the neuron. Generally it is very interesting how they work they ensure balance of serotonin in the brain this makes it to be more concentrated in the outside part of the neuron…

Addressing yoga questions   Yoga involves the mental spiritual and other physical activities which originated from ancient India. This is a discipline which develops and perfects the inherent power in someone and a sensible manner. Yoga is the best means for someone to reach one’s self-realization. It is considered suppression of mind alteration. Forward bending assists in calming the brain, kidney stimulation, stretching hamstring and thigh strengthening. It also assists in improving digestions. Backward bending: This assists in waking up the nervous system it also assists in stimulating breathing and assist in healing the spine and its surrounding cartilages. The side bend; this ensures overall body balance. It assists in the lengthening of the hips, thigh and the abdominal muscles and provides stability. Muscle twisting: this assist in ensuring that the muscles of the spine are mobile, thus helps in keeping the whole body mobile. The downward-facing dogs-pose- the Adho mukha savasana. The handstand pose.   Importance of mantra: this is a meditation which tends to bring about the general balance of the mind. It assists in clearing the mind…

Tackling the Problem of Sleep Deprivation When Lights Are Off Lack of sleep among individuals in itself is not a disease. It results from life circumstances and other illnesses that can ultimately result in poor health. A good number of the world population always sleep with lights off. However, some individuals cannot sleep with lights off. The majority of these individuals have a unique medical condition known as insomnia. Studies have indicated that close to 60 million individuals within the united states alone experience insomnia annually (Yurasek, Miller, Pritschmann, Curtis & McCrae2020). This represents just a fraction of the world population experiencing such conditions and need their lights on throughout the night to have a good sleep. Some solutions have been identified within this paper that can help these individuals in their sleep and ensure they Problem Scenario Identification and Description Health-wise it is recommended that an adult should have at least eight hours of sleep every day.  However, darkness at night causes individuals with insomnia to have a poor quality of sleep, which further generates more health-related problems to…

Writing the Dissertation Discussion Chapter   Academic papers have to be written carefully and should always follow a specific format. Otherwise, you may get a low mark and could lower your overall score. The core part of your dissertation is the discussion chapter, as this section shows how much you have understood the subject. It also demonstrates your critical skills and your ability to think logically.   Writing the dissertation discussion may not be the easiest job in school. In this guide, we will look at the rules of writing a discussion part of your research paper. Also, many students may not be willing or able to handle the process on their own. For such students, online essay writing services may be useful. We shall also look at these sites in this guide.   Dissertation Discussion Chapter   The discussion chapter of a dissertation is usually confused with the conclusion. This is because the two sections are very similar. In some academic papers, they are even joined to a single section. So, how do you go about writing a dissertation…

Creative writing Based on your readings of the selections “Atrocities in Kamenets-Podolsky” and “The Youngest Victims,” answer the following prompt in a 1-2 page paper: How does the “Final Solution of the Jewish Question,” or the Holocaust, develop along the Eastern Front in 1941? What institutions and individuals are involved? What are the motivations for the murder of the Soviet Union’s Jews? Was it a highly regimented, organized and coldly sober affair or did the emotions of the perpetrators play a prominent role in the program? In other words, how did the center (the German leadership) and the periphery (men on the ground carrying out mass murder) intersect in executing the policy? How important to Germany’s war aims was the Holocaust? Your paper is due in my in-box by 11:59pm on 21 September. It needs to be double-spaced, use Times New Roman/12 inch font and must be proof-read.[unique_solution] Creative writing Based on your readings of the selections “Atrocities in Kamenets-Podolsky” and “The Youngest Victims,” answer the following prompt in a 1-2 page paper: How does the “Final Solution of the…

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