Education-based medical errors Education-based medical errors cause catastrophic damage, yet the majority of them are preventable. Prescribing and transcribing stages are the two types where medical errors occur the most. The prescription stage holds over 71% of the total errors in the medical profession. The proportion rises significantly under the emergency section (Miller, Haddad, & Phillips, 2016). Primarily, the most significant cause of these errors is the over-reliance on verbal orders. Also, the lack of knowledge regarding the patient and the drugs administered are two significant causes behind prescribing errors. Generally, even clear and concise verbal instructions can quickly turn into mistakes if they are misunderstood or misinterpreted. Transcribing errors occur as a result of miscommunication between the person administering the drugs and the one issuing orders. Typically, such mistakes happen when blunders arise from the handwriting process. Additionally, they can be secondary to unclear or misinterpreted instructions. These slip-ups are almost exclusively due to communication failures rather than having limited knowledge of opportunities (Weant, Bailey, & Baker, 2014). Common contributing errors include a multitude of names, dosage forms, and…

Questions on crime and imprisonment Instructor: Dr. Anke Allspach Winter Semester 2020 Length: 2 hours Aids not Permitted    Please answer ONE of the following questions in essay style.   Question: Describe how Bentham’s panopticon operates as an architectural type inside prisons. Explain how Foucault (1977) has taken up the idea of the panopticon to explain the shift to three different forms of power operating in modern liberal societies. Use the media as an example to explain how disciplinary power operates as a panoptic and a synoptic function (Mathieson).   Question: Outline the key aspects of what statistics can and cannot contribute to our understandings of crime. Why is it difficult to accurately measure crime statistically? Explain in detail some of the pitfalls in data collection procedures and provide detailed reasons emerging from each difficulty/sensitivity that contributes to produce the ‘dark figure of crime’.     You will be evaluated according to these criteria: Your detailed theoretical knowledge and Definition and Explanation of key concepts How well you apply theories and key concepts to one topic. Clarity and organization of…

ENG 112 – Essay 2: Classical Argument, a Claim with Reasons   The Assignment   For your second major paper, you will have the opportunity to apply your skills in research and critical analysis by selecting a current socio-political or legal issue that you are interested in and presenting your argumentative opinion to an audience using the classical claim with reasons argumentative strategy. Please do not pick topics that are light-weight; your topic should be substantial and likely to be deemed important by a sizable academic audience. At the start of the research process, you should put aside whatever initial opinions you already hold and commit yourself to thoroughly researching various opinions on the issue, as well as facts and other substantial evidence. This means that during your research, you should make a good faith effort to critique the evidence, assumptions, and logic on which the various opinions on your topic are based, while being willing to subject your own views to the same level of critical evaluation. Be sure to use valid, credible, and objective sources, both electronic and…

Module: – Strategic Knowledge Management     Task: “Before we measure something, we must ask whether we understand what it is we are trying to measure.” (Gray et al, 2015)   Critically discuss the above statement in relation to effectively developing the strategic knowledge base in YOUR organization.       Details of what is required:   It is an essay-based piece of work and discussion of relevant theory. Note that a critical study aims to provide a balanced analysis of differing perspectives, and points of view, before drawing the argument to a coherent conclusion     Key themes to be addressed are:   Knowledge Management/Environment Communities of Practice/Interest The Challenge of Performance Measurement Intellectual Capital and Social Networks     Organizational examples should be used to illustrate the themes covered in the essay.     Note the following:   (1) Utilize academic research using literature from journals, books, etc. (2) Undertake a critical evaluation making effective use of evidence and sources (3) Present findings in an appropriate format (Harvard referencing)   Layout details:   (i) Introduction to the assignment…

HRM’S ROLE IN MANAGING HUMAN CAPITAL Assignment Overview Before beginning this Case Assignment, read the materials on the Background page to become familiar with the concepts involved with human capital. As you found in the background reading as well as with your own experiences, company management teams need to look at employees as assets rather than liabilities. They do this in many different ways, such as through the benefits offered to employees, pay scale adjustments, better medical benefits, professional development opportunities, monitoring employee engagement, and more. Managers show their employees that they are considered as important assets by the way the employees are personally treated, such as managers getting to know their employees on a personal level. Managers’ actions show employees that they are cared about as people, not just as employees doing a job for 8 hours a day and then going home. If managers do not treat their employees as valued employees, employee satisfaction will decrease and negatively impact both the employees and employers. With that in mind, how does a company know that it needs to adjust…

Indigenous History (Canada) The following is the essay question: Essay (Please choose one option) Using research gathered from readings and additional scholarly sources, lectures in class, and discussions amongst your colleagues, explore the impacts of early colonial activity in North America on one (or more) dimension of Indigenous life. Specifically, address one of the following questions: 1. Explore how three policies and legislations in Canada’s early federal Indian policy created situations and issues we can see in today’s Canada and what many call a dysfunctional relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples. 2. Examine how the process of treaty-making, from the Kaswentha to the numbered treaties, provided a (potential) path for mutual benefit and “family.” Articulate what is contained in these treaties, what was promised from each side, and speculate what Canada would look like today if these had been fulfilled. Essay will be minimum 1500 words and will be written in APA referencing format, double spaced & 12-point font. The essay will explore one of the above questions, engaging the course readings and external sources to develop a critical argument.…

ASSIGNMENT FORMAT Your in-class assignment is to: Write a summary of Kant’s Philosophy with specific reference to his Theory of Knowledge (Epistemology) and evaluate how effective his theory of knowledge is. IT MUST BE IN YOUR OWN WORDS. You may use the information I gave you in my class presentations, our class discussions, your class notes and information from the course book to help you. YOU CANNOT USE YOUR COURSE BOOKS IN CLASS. ASSIGNMENT FORMAT: The assignment should be no more than 500 words (no more than 10% over or under 500 words will be accepted) and be in the following format: 1. It must be typed. 2. All typed documents must be double spaced. 3. All typed documents must be in Times New Roman 12 point font. 4. Please type the word count on the last page of your assignment on the bottom right. We will review the assignment details together at the beginning of our next class. Please do not forget I am here to help, advise and guide you. My office hours can be found on the…

CRITICAL WRITING   From the real national market, select any company of your choice, wishing to go global. Critically analyze the chosen company based on the following questions.   Questions:   What variables need to be considered while developing a list of potential countries? Describe the four steps a firm should take when it is considering going global. Discuss at least three challenges that a company may face in the early period of expansion. Describe the three main categories of market entry strategies.   Instructions for the students This assignment is an individual Justify your answers, with the help of course materials, Text Book, Online resources. (See the course materials of Ch-5) The choice of the company and the selection of countries must be based on referenced information. (Why did you select the country and the company?) All students are encouraged to use their own Referencing is necessary and student must apply APA Referencing Style. Submit your Answers using the same format. Answer: 1. 2. 3. 4.    



OVERTIME LAWS Introduce your topic. Provide information on the background and history that relates to your topic. Answer the questions: What events resulted in the need for the regulation/law/act? What were the underlying concerns that brought about the regulation/law/act? Who were the parties/groups involved that resulted in the need for the regulation/law/act? These are just example of the type of information that should be provided in this section. However, each topic will provide unique and specific background information that will be required. Include the desсrіption of the actual regulation/law/act you have selected. Discuss exactly what is covered and (if appropriate) what is not covered by the regulation/law/act. Demonstrate to the reader a comprehensive understanding of the regulation/law/act. Include specifics about the impact of the regulation/law/act upon businesses and organizations. Answer the questions: Who has been affected and in what way by the regulation/law/act? How has the regulation/law/act changed society and the way businesses operate? These are just a few examples of the type of information that you need to address within this section. A summary paragraph(s) on the topic to…

How online yoga can help you regain your potential Yoga is a practice that began thousands of years ago. It has always been convenient to help people relieve stress and restore their potential in their respective fields. However, over the years, people have been receiving yoga lessons by visiting the gyms and other places where they offer yoga classes. But, times have changed. GLO has made it possible for people to practice yoga from anywhere, thanks to their online yoga innovation. Here you get to participate in all yoga postures at the comfort of your home. This way, you will enjoy participating in various online yoga practices and still have time to attend to other responsibilities. Help you relieve stress Online yoga from GLO gives you sufficient room to unwind and get rid of stress regardless of how tough your day was. A few simple yoga poses will create room for you to let go of whatever you have been going through and relax. In return, you will start to experience life from a different point of view hence generate…

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