testing and evaluation of the social marketing strategy The step is the one that considered sharing the content of the brand and the services at a planned time. It is advisable that the social media calendar to provide small businesses with the time that could be used to interact with the customers. The businesses need to have time in which the customers get an understanding of the brand. The business managers understand the needs of the consumers. The calendar also provides the lists of dates in which the type of content should be published to the customers. The content of the information that is published should reflect the mission statement. The calendar ensures that the different posts that are posted at different times maintain the organizational ration that is planned. Step 8: Test, Evaluate, and adjust your Strategy The last step is testing and evaluation of the social marketing strategy. The process involves tracking data of what has been achieved through the implementation of the policy. The data can be used to test the impacts of different posts, campaigns, and…

How glo online yoga can lower cortisol levels Cortisol is a responsive hormone that your adrenal glands release to mobilize your body and keep you ready for action. When you face challenges, the hormone provides you with defense mechanisms necessary to fight or flight. Your body uses the cortisol hormone in regulating blood pressure, insulin release to maintain blood sugars, inflammatory response, immune function, and proper glucose metabolism. However, this hormone is also associated with stress, and most people believe it’s the primary stress hormone in the body. It is, therefore, essential to moderate its increase and ensure its levels are constantly low as a way of relieving stress. Glo online yoga provides you with easy ways of reducing cortisol levels and keep you free from stress. Cortisol and yoga Cortisol is a fight or flight hormone. It helps your body in dealing with anything that endangers you. On the other hand, yoga online helps you calm down and relax deeply. The cortisol levels vary from one body to the other, and they keep fluctuating depending on time and situations.…

Approaches to Physical Security Security is very crucial at any office or facility. However, there is a challenge to get started in this field. In the small space, there are dozens and hundreds of parts that move and confuse even the most seasoned professional businesses. When deciding on how to protect the assets of the company is a process that sometimes seems impossible (Parfomak, 2018).  As a physical analyst working for Dr. Armbruster, i would use outer perimeter security to better and protect the assets of the clinic. Physical security is a component which has a more comprehensive strategy for the protection of a property. Physical security makes a sizeable plan. Many security experts agree that the most critical parts of physical security include surveillance, access control, and testing security. All of the three security methods ensure the places are secure. Access control starts at an outer edge on the security perimeter, which should be established early in the organization to enhance the security of the particular organization. Access controls include the use of fencing and surveillance by the videos…

Better nutrition magazine names prevagen in the best of supplements awards Best of supplements is an award in the brain health category conducted by Better Nutrition Magazine. In their announcement, Better Nutrition Magazine recognized Prevagen in the category. This activity and awards have been in progress for more than a decade, and companies with high-quality supplements have been getting exceptional recognition. With so many companies in the supplement production, the criteria for choosing is quite diverse with more emphasis on the retailer’s survey. Better Nutrition Magazine also looks at the availability of the product to expected consumers, formulation and ingredients uniqueness as key factors. What is prevagen? Prevagen is a company that focuses more on developing brain health supplements. They have a unique formula with apoaequorin, and their ingredients were originally discovered in jellyfish. After numerous research and studies through peer-reviewed, this ingredient is safe and efficient. The recognition of Prevagen in the “Best of Supplements” award came as a surprise, but it is quite instrumental in the operations of the company. According to Quincy Bioscience Vice President Tom Dvorak,…

The Imprinted Brain Hypothesis The imprinted brain hypothesis is based on a conflict of theory between the paternal and maternal genes set. This is explained during the gestation period in the division of labor between parents. Mothers tend to contribute almost everything from the gestation stage to birth and the lactation process. On the other hand, the fathers are only involved in the nuclear DNA composition, which therefore creates a genetic conflict in parental investments. A conflicting genetic interest is therefore developed whereby the mother is more interested in minimizing their investment, whereas the father’s interest is on maximizing it (Badcock, 2011). However, the mother’s genes could be existent in all her offsprings save for one that could inherit their fathers’ genes. Badcock & Crespi (2008) state that, in line with the imprinted brain theory, the paternal genes lead to the development of a child with a larger brain that is accustomed to making demands. When this becomes extreme, it is diagnosed as autism. Autism and Schizophrenia are termed to be neurodevelopment genetic conditions that are hereditary and passed on…

Restraints on an ICU patient who are on vents Introduction A physical restraint together with sedative agent or alone assists in health care especially through aiding in supporting the devices used to provide life support treatment. They include arterial Cather’s, drains and trachea tubes among others. Physical restrain leads to patients discomfort during the ICU stay and causes psychological trauma (Samhsa2016). In my assumption Evidence Based Practice is applied in all nursing practices to ensure effective health care. Some medical devices that limit a patient’s movement when carrying out surgical procedure in attending TBI patient was used (Samhsa, 2016). They help keep the patient from hurting herself or causing injury to others. Some of those used are Posey, McKesson Medical-Surgical, DE Royal, and Skill-Care .BSN medical .They are very helpful in handling any surgery patient. The PICOT questions used fall under therapy and its prevention, diagnosis, etiology and prognosis. They are discussed below using PICOT format in my evidence based practice. Population problem Identity of the patient, Health status, age, sex .This aids in getting enough information of the patient. Interventions…

The COVID-19 pandemic effects The COVID-19 pandemic is having adverse effects on families and friends, and it is essential to find ways to stay well, mentally healthy, and calm. Below are some of the approaches I would use to manage stress in my family and among my friends: Communication: Sharing my thoughts with my family members and friends and inviting them to do the same is crucial for managing emotions during this pandemic. In place of shutting my feelings and avoiding talking about this challenging situation, I would develop age-based conversations with family. However, it essential to accept all interpretations and expressions as an issue with a calm and neutral understanding. Facts: My family, such as younger siblings, maybe listening to what their friends think and consuming conflicting information about the pandemic. Going online together with family and or friends and establishing facts in reliable websites would ensure that we work with similar data. However, excessive exposure to the media may lead to increased stress and anxiety Staying Positive: Helping family and friends to stay positive due to requirements such…

how exercise is good for your health and fertility We’ve all heard it countless times how exercise is good for your health and fertility. Still, the statistics are damning. A survey from Britain showed that those who did not exercise have 44% less sperm count than those who do. There is no need to wait for this decline in fertility because there are simple workouts that you can do. Jogging, hiking, or swimming are great workouts for your cardiovascular system. An increase in blood flow not only boosts your fertility, but it also helps your erections. A study by Society for Reproduction and Fertility followed some sedentary men who were asked to jog for 30 minutes for 3-6 days each week. After six months, the men who jogged had a significant increase in sperm count than those who didn’t. Competition is another way to boost your sperm count and quality. It also helps boost your testosterone levels as you strive to become more aggressive. Join competitive sports even if it is on an amateur level just for fun. Also, ensure…

Performance table Course Code Class Code Assignment Title Total Points PHI-413V PHI-413V-O500 Worldview Analysis and Personal Inventory 100.0 Criteria Percentage Unsatisfactory (0.00%) Less Than Satisfactory (65.00%) Satisfactory (75.00%) Good (85.00%) Excellent (100.00%) Comments Points Earned Content 90.0% Christian Perspective of Spirituality and Ethics in Contrast to Postmodern Relativism 30.0% Explanation of the Christian perspective of the nature of spirituality and ethics in contrast to the perspective of postmodern relativism is incomplete or insufficient. Explanation of the Christian perspective of the nature of spirituality and ethics in contrast to the perspective of postmodern relativism is unclear. Explanation is not supported by topic study materials. Explanation of the Christian perspective of the nature of spirituality and ethics in contrast to the perspective of postmodern relativism is clear. Explanation is not supported by topic study materials. Explanation of the Christian perspective of the nature of spirituality and ethics in contrast to the perspective of postmodern relativism is clear and detailed. Explanation is supported by topic study materials. Explanation of the Christian perspective of the nature of spirituality and ethics in contrast to the…

STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING OF A 100M SPRINTER Below I have attached the marking rubric for this assessment (LITERATURE REVIEW FOR A SPRINTING ATHLETE FOR STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING- PART A ONLY) The layout of this assessment must include a MINIMUM of SIX APA6th scholarly articles (both in-text citations and references are to be included). Each Topic addressed must have a HEADING before the information. No LESS than 5 pages, no MORE than 6 pages. This is a strength and conditioning literature review of a sprinting athlete (specifically 100m sprint) INTRODUCTION: -Introduce the topic of Sprinting (Specifically the 100m sprint)- include some background and history of sprinting (specifically the 100m sprint). -Outline what the assessment is about- briefly introduce the topics that will be discussed in this literature Review: · Muscles used .Critical components required for sport e.g strength, power, speed · Energy systems contributions · Main types/sites of injury BODY OF THE LITERATURE REVIEW: -Each topic listed above will be discussed in detail with relevant literature (from scholar journal articles- in-text cited and reference at the end APA6th) .Topics need to…

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