Clinical Burnout EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Burnout; physical or mental collapse caused by overwork or stress. Clinical burnout is what is being called today as a national crisis. With clinicians and healthcare executives alike experiencing symptoms of burnout, healthcare leaders need to look into the root causes and implement changes systemwide in order to better improve the patient experience and patient care in their hospital settings. Burnout can be experienced for a number of reasons but a majority of burnout symptoms can be measured by allowing your employees to communicate through surveys. Once burnout causes are measured, only then can healthcare leaders address how to help their team and lead them to  healthier lifestyles which in turn will make for a healthier environment for our patients. INTRODUCTION   Burnout; physical or mental collapse caused by overwork or stress. More medical staff personal are feeling the effects of burn out annually. With most physicians and nurses alike testifying to experiencing symptoms of burnout. According to Mark Linzer, the director of general internal medicine at Hennepin County Medical Center in Minneapolis, it’s [clinician burnout]…

Mindful Body Fitness Operations Equipment and Space Mindful Body Fitness Company will require diverse body fitness equipment to starts its services. The gym equipment necessary for the launch of its activities include, Equipment Barbell collar- $20 Weight/bumper plates-$100 Weight bench- $150 Glute ham developer-$122 Ez curl bar- $76 Dipping station- $50 Dumbbells-$30 Pull up bar-$23 Leg extension machine-$100 Leg curl machine-$89 Preacher bench-$60 Leg press machine-$399 Hack Squat machine-$319 Calf machine-$119 Abduction machine-$8 Pec fly machine-$429 Kettlebells-$14 Punching bags-$32 Grip strengtheners-$8 Abdominal bench-$78 Ab rollers-$8 Treadmill-$159 Foam roller-$5 Massage matt-$4 Massage stick-$4 Cooling towel-$6 Sound systems-$100 Spin bikes-$129 (Garage gym tools, 2019) The above tools are necessary for offering the gym services and are likely to attract the clients when the services provided are diverse with multiple activities. Mindful will require two of each of the listed equipment for the start of the business and also accommodate the rented space of 578 square feet, and other of the equipment is installed in the outdoor space offered. The equipment will give the clients confidence that their body fitness is guaranteed by…


Smoking in US

Smoking in US  Smoking is the practice of inhaling tobacco smoke. Tobacco is a plant whose leaves contain nicotine. The tobacco leaves are harvested and treated so that they can slowly oxidate and degrade the carotenoids that are in the foliage. The resulting tobacco product is then mixed with some more additives. They are added to regulate the pH of the end product. They are also meant to maintain and improve the potency of the additives. Besides, they are added to enhance the palatability of the smoke. In the United States, the government regulates up to 599 substances used as additives in tobacco products. Here are some of the additives; Acetone, which is the main ingredient in nail polish remover and acetic acid, which can also be found in hair dyes. Another additive is ammonia that is a substance commonly found in household cleaners and fertilizers. There is also arsenic, which is the primary substance found in rat poisons. There is also benzene and butane; the former can also be found in rubber cement and gasoline while the latter is…

Meditation & Education Introduction Students pursuing higher education often experience stressful encounters. Course material demands utmost concentration, especially for students enrolled on a full-time basis. Social pressures, combined with academic challenges, makes pursuing higher education stressful. Resultantly, students take great efforts in trying to cope with the stressful conditions arising from schoolwork. Mastering concepts is one of the common techniques that students use in a bid to pass assessment tests. This essay argues that meditation can greatly help students to calmly handle stressful situations. Meditation brings the much-needed comprehension and concentration of concepts required while studying, resulting in more significant achievements. Explication Emerging research in neuroscience, psychology, and education indicates that teaching meditation in schools positively impacts students’ academic and social skills as well as their well-being. A meta-review of the effect of meditation in schools integrated the findings from 15 studies and close to 1800 students from different regions globally. The research indicates meditation bears various benefits and results in three general outcomes for students, including improved academic skills, advanced social skills as well as better well-being (Patil, 2018).…


Writing Plan

Writing Plan Each response should be one fully developed paragraph in length. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: Writing Plan: Use this writing plan as a way to gather your thoughts and determine your strategy for writing your persuasive essay. This process will allow you to develop a potential structure for effectively persuading readers to agree with your argument. This plan will be helpful in keeping your thought process on track when you begin writing and revising your essay. Your argument is the main point that you are trying to make in your essay. It should clearly state your opinion on your issue. Describe the argument to be addressed in your persuasive essay, and include how the argument is connected to your major, the major you are considering pursuing, or your field of work. Key points are pieces of evidence that support an author′s main argument. What are three possible key points for your selected issue? [unique_solution]How do they support your main argument? Your audience is the person or people you are addressing in your essay. Who is…

Seven Ways to Use the Extra Day This Leap Year   It is believed that life very rarely gives second chances to anyone in this world. It is also said that time does not wait for anyone; rather, everyone has to run along to catch up with it. So that is why everybody wants a little bit more time to do the things he or she wanted, go to places, see the beauties of nature, fulfill the unfulfilled wishes and desires, etc. Unfortunately, this does not come true for a majority of people in their lifetimes. So when the celestial bodies and time combine to give everyone a second chance, we should grab it and make the most of it. By second chance, it is meant that this year is a Leap Year; that is, we have an extra day in the Calendar. Leap Year occurs every four years and is considered very lucky by some religions and traditions worldwide. Fortunately, this year February 2020 has 29 days instead of the normal 28 days. So we should thank time that…

Tips on being a good writer Any writer needs to indicate not only what his or her thesis is about but also the critics it is responding to, as illustrated in the story about Dr. X to give their audience a clear understanding of content. In a discussion, a writer needs to keep the audience engaged by explaining what the point they are explaining before giving the response or in the very beginning of a discussion. Giving the reader the point of response builds the reader’s ability to process the material. It is good first to process the material to develop the order of response and prepare for any critics. In developing an argument, it is important to start with what others are saying and summarize it at the very beginning of the text, but to do that a writer also needs to consider what they are going to give as their point of supporting the argument without overexplaining the point of others. As a writer, tie your position alongside “what they say” to give the argument clarity and give…

Field trip report writing about water management paper This report about location in Sydney Australia I need some one professional who works in Australia or familiar with this to help me. You need to listen to 2 records. You are required, following field assessment and other desktop reading and review, to provide a concise but accurate report that examines the evidence and determines whether any ‘watercourse or ‘river’, as defined by the Water Management Act 2000 (NSW), exists on, originates or runs through, the properties of 14 and 16 Wyatt Avenue, Belrose,NSW. The landowner of the site needs to understand if there is a bona fide watercourse running through his property and where that is because it could affect the future use and developable area of his land. You are required / will need to benchmark your assessment using a range of other policies and guidelines (links will be provided). You will need to Identify if, as a result of the waterway determination, if the properties of 14 and 16 Wyatt Avenue, Belrose, are subject to any riparian policy or…

 writing a magazine-style article for a broad audience   Science underpins society and has a social impact. This means the role and relevance of science within a global culture requires scientists to make the world of science accessible to everyone. One way of doing this is through popular science magazine-style articles. These articles use a story-telling format to present scientific findings and their significance to the widest possible audience. Telling stories is an effective way for scientists to engage with the public to communicate scientific concepts relevant to the needs of society.   For your major assessment task in this subject you will be writing a magazine-style article for a broad audience (i.e. the general public as well as scientists).   A prestigious science magazine is looking to showcase the latest trends in microbiology research to their mixed audience of scientists, science entrepreneurs, medical doctors and science enthusiasts. As a young science journalist, you are trying to get your article published in this magazine, to showcase your journalism and writing skills and boost your career. The magazine is inviting articles…

Right to privacy and circumstances leading to limitation to privacy As human beings, we all enjoy the right to privacy which is a basic human right which is recognized by United Nations Declaration on Human Rights and other international and national treaties. In the modern age, the right to privacy has become one of the most significant human rights. Over the last ten years, many countries around the world have adopted comprehensive laws to protect the right to privacy as well as laws that protect data. The reason for the adoption of these laws is to correct past injustices, to promote electronic commerce and to ensure that local or state laws are consistent with Pan-European laws. There are several threats to the right privacy and these include advancements in information communication technology, globalization, and multimedia technologies which enables rapid transfer of information from one form to another. Privacy is one of the most difficult rights to define, but basically privacy can be described as having three facets which are, information privacy, bodily privacy, privacy communication and territorial privacy. According to…

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