Rashtrapati Bhavan Rashtrapati Bhavan is the official residence of the President of India that is located in New Delhi. The building was designed by Edwin Landseer Lutyens, which is credible in its size, vastness, and magnificence. The decision to build the residence was made after the capital of India was shifted from Calcutta to Delhi. The focus will be based on the ideology of the plans and building materials that were used in construction. A biography of the building designer will be incorporated to provide a further understanding of Lutyens. Edwin Landseer was born in 1869 in London, England, to an army captain. While growing up, Edwin appreciated local crafts traditions that would take complex interlocking shapes of cottages and barns (Geurst and Jeroen, 2010). He attended South Kensington School to study architecture that influenced him towards his creative career. At the age of 20, he took up architectural works that paid on commission for commercial buildings in town planning. Edwin dwelt on general stylistic designs. With his exceptional works, he developed a reputation by designing houses for English nouveau…

 The three eagles flying  The three eagles flying is a self-portrait done by Laura Aguilar in 1990. Laura Aguilar stands with her breast open tied with a heavy rope between the American and the Mexican flag. The lower body is filled with stars, and her face masked with an image of an eagle found in the Mexican court of arms. The portrait is on display at the national museum of Mexican art. As a woman of color and also a lesbian, she drew that image as she belongs to the hidden subculture within a marginalized group. Her work is a depiction of the precarious double identity with her own body often being symbolic. The powerful and beautiful photograph explored the realities of the marginalized group, such as the women, Latinas, working-class, and those with learning disabilities. Laura says she wanted her friend to be the one in the picture, but she refused as she told her it was all about her. Therefore, the main aim of this paper will be analyzing the three eagles flying by Laura Aguilar. Laura Aguilar…

The Difference between Italian Bars and Other Kinds of Pubs Ales, beers on tap, cocktails and a decent wine if you’re lucky are some of the things you expect to find in your local tavern. Italians, on the other hand, do things a little differently. Their pubs are more like sandwich shops, coffee shops or restaurants that have liquor licenses. Such joints also sell a variety of things ranging from cigarettes to ice cream. They also feature highly talented baristas that serve the best coffee you could ever hope to tastes. Here are a few types of Italian pubs: Osteria Osterias are very similar to trattorias (family restaurants). However, the prices are lower, and they have a more relaxed and informal interior design and vibe. Osterias are more like wine shops that also have bars in them. Here you get to sample wines paired with cheese. You also get to sit at the bar and have some drinks with your friends. There are also neighbourhood osterias, which don’t primarily serve wine but local foods at affordable prices. Such Osterias are…

The Blue Ribbon  Almost everybody loves music as it is compelling, moving, and provoking in its way. Music enables people to reflect on their experiences and their lives. For that reason, different people have different tastes. Some people prefer certain bands to others, while others listen to specific genres, music, and artists. It is the tune and the lyrics of a song that captivate people to the point of wanting more of such. It is also reasonable to find people with playlist set aside for different emotions and situations in life. Bagpipe music is not exceptional as it is considered favorite by some people.” The Blue Ribbon” is a powerful tune with the ability to provoke different feelings. Music by Brown gave me a relaxation feeling. Different songs can be played at different times, depending on the moment and the situation one is going through. The Blue Ribbon is a song that can be played after work when people need to relax. R U Brown is a favorite artist for almost every lover of the bagpipe music. The tune can…

 anthropology course The way that anthropology course is taught is through directive learning, reading, and seminars. Therefore, I do not have to study through passive lecture experience. I also have access to the reading guidance, form my own opinions and talk about my views, which is probably what I did not expect while pursuing an anthropology course. Through reading about different cultures, anthropology gives an alternative outlook to ways of life. The course has enabled me to study anthropology in a broad, creative, and comprehensive format. The academic culture of studying anthropology is different in the sense that it involves a lot of freedom, time and independence. Moreover, there is no exact path that needs to be followed in the study. Therefore, I can learn things that are appealing to me. Through this, it has helped with my time management, especially during ethnographic research. Ethnographical research requires one to spend a lot of time in the field learning and understanding the sociocultural world. For this to be achieved, they must take part in local activities and learn the native language.…



Travelogue We start in the city of Tangier. For years, the town loosely governed from 1923 to 1956 through the influence of significant powers that permitted everything. The town became a magnet for writers, spies, artists with the most famous novelists being Paul Bowles and William s Burroughs. These two created a romantic vision that exists even today. Petit Socco means the meeting place. The streets of Tangier have blind alleys that smell of hashish, eared meat, and sewage. It is a port city with between choke point of the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. The city has fertile fishing ground with people making a living from the sea. The method of fishing is senhal fishing with weighted nets dragging fishing across the bottom of the sea. Lots of fish end up at the restaurant Populaire which offers the best food in town. The restaurant serves fresh olives, nuts, warm bread, juice, tangine, which include veggies, meat or fish, etc. Spinach cover charcoal in a classical pot. Whole turbine fish dressed with salt, pepper, and coriander, grilled entirely over…

Analysis Paper Prompt Have you ever been watching the news and think to yourself, “How did the world become such a bad place?” Well, what makes a society bad has been a common debate for quite a while. In Uglies and Ship Breaker, the theme of a dystopian society is very clear. The controversy over what shifts a utopian society into a dystopian society is very fickle, however. The line is very thin as to what exactly crosses the line and what is deemed beneficial to society. We are continually seeking advancements and more sustainable ways of life, but we often find ourselves in very morally questionable situations. Many times, scientific manipulation of nature and life are involved in these developments, and opinions are very split as we may be “playing god” too much and messing with the natural balance of life. On the other hand, when we don’t control anything, it becomes chaotic. Both the Uglies and Ship Breaker exemplify how our society contains detrimental characteristics that lead these two societies to be how they are. In the Uglies…

Thought Experiment A thought experiment is something that is used to trigger different emotions and thoughts in a person and is used to evaluate how a person reacts to different situations (Ludwig, 128).  In philosophy, thought experiments are used to test how a person relates to moral reasoning, different philosophical ideas, different theories, and different philosophical situations. There are no fixed thought experiments that a philosopher can use to guide their thoughts or those of their followers. However, a philosopher can form his thought experiments when looking at different scenarios and propose experiments to the people who relate to them. Such thoughts trigger a philosopher to engage in critical thinking and to evaluate life in various dimensions (Ludwig, 131). For instance, if a man sees a child who is about to fall into a well, what would trigger his thought of saving the child? Would it be to keep the child safe, or would it be so that he is recognized as a hero? Would it be so that he gets gratitude from society, or would it be so that…

The Success of Korean Pop Music Introduction Ove the past decade, the popularity of Korean culture through popular music has achieved huge success. The continued rise in popularity is a process that continues to receive international attention. In 2012, PSY attracted the whole world with his famous song ‘Gangnam Style.’ The singer and songwriter recorded over 2.5 billion views on YouTube, making the song the most viewed on the music streaming site. However, the Korean Pop (K-Pop) was already successful long before PSY’s ‘Gangnam Style.’ The music culture attracted huge crowds in Japan, Singapore, and other nations across South-Eastern Asia since the early 2000s. Since the early 2010s, K-Pop has been establishing international marks in Asia, the Middle East, and the rest of the world. The Korean wave, also known as Hallyu, is responsible for the popularity of pop culture in the region. The advancement of media technologies and support from the Korean government has been essential in the growth of K-Pop. In addition, globalization, cross-cultural relationships, and Korean diaspora are notable factors behind the success of this music culture.…

  Comparing between Vase Paintings and Iliad Scenes A review ofvase painting help in analyzing specific episodes of the Trojan War goes against the representation of Homer literature, as shown via Iliad. This essay would assess an art depicting Achilles as he reclines on his dining cough with meat in one hand and knife in the other and drips of blood from the meat onto which Hector lies dead beneath him. Such work would allow the re-examination of the possible cause of the said deviation with the view to understanding the issues that could arise when utilizing visual representations as validations in representing a specific concept in poetry. The variations in artistic images among the ancient artists emerge because some artists wanted to optimize their art instead of other sources. The fundamental understanding in Greek art shows that explaining narrative requires the display of basic variations by a specific artist on a given work. At the same time, the artist’s “gamut changes in a constant way as it responds to the external incentives and partly presenting a reflection of the…

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