MANUFACTURING PROCESS The microwave oven door with the screen helps observe the inside of the heating cavity, thus enhancing its safety and security. The door with the screen helps prevent electromagnetic wave leakage hence increasing its durability (Hiang, 2020, pp. 20). In most cases, the door screen comprises transparent plates having an electromagnetic wave shielding material placed in between. Present door plates are made from aluminum with a thickness ranging from 0.1 to 0.35mm and an aperture of 1.2mm in diameter. The parameters are consciously chosen to ensure that the aperture achieves a rate of more than 40% to prevent any leakage of electromagnetic radiations (Tanaka & Kai, 2017, pp. 1). As such, the manufacturing process ensures that the iron plates are coated with resins to serve as a protective measure. Hence, the door of the microwave ensures that the electromagnetic waves do not affect the surroundings since they are detrimental to human health. In other cases, the tempered screen is strengthened by ensuring that the door’s thickness is not less than 3mm. Chemically manufactured door screens are developed in…
Personal Experience, Business Ethics, and Sustainability Business ethics in the workplace entails the issues of fairness and justice, whereas sustainability involves the ability of a business to survive and thrive over the long term (Fraedrich, 2011). These concepts are common in global business. Global businesses lead and share information for sustainability and ethical behavior because the issues permeate business activities. Global business, while engaging in their business activities, interacts with people in the society on where they operate on, and therefore, it is imperative to address the aspects of business and society relationship to achieve ethical behavior while at the same time operate smoothly and attain their goals. On the other hand, global business leads in sharing vital information on its ability to meet current human needs while preserving the environment in the present and in the future. They make it clear that their operations on development meet the present needs without compromising the future generation’s needs. In a nutshell, it embraces the aspects of economic, social, and environmental. The principle of sustainability which most of the organizations in…
global south perspective on childhood The global south has a different perspective on childhood. They believe that children form a fundamental part of social life, and they should contribute financially to the wellbeing of the family or building a countries economy. High poverty rights attribute this in most of the global south countries. Education has a lot of impact in societies that child labor is a common thing. Education is not only beneficial to children who are active in school but also those who are working. As stated above, one of the factors that is contributing to child labor is illiteracy. Education will provide children with information about child labor. The children who go to schools will become informed about children’s rights and parent’s responsibilities. This helps in creating awareness, and even those who are already in the workforce will know their rights. Child labor is a usual activity in the global south nations. This is connected to the high levels of poverty, illiteracy, and unemployment in developing countries like Bangladesh. Education is a fundamental right for every child; however,…
business-minded people From the article, I agree that business-minded people might come up with different ideas aimed at transforming the face of society and their lives at large. However, they might fail in presenting their ideas effectively to interested parties, thus losing significant opportunities that they could have used in proposing the importance of their project to the involved parties. Therefore, I concur with the author that the submission process is the most important as it will determine how the project will impact the organization and the stakeholders at large. Further, decision-making skills are essential in the presenting process. Through decision making, the entrepreneur can know how he or she will be presenting the idea to the management of the interested parties (“Analysis Paralysis,” 2003, p. 5). At the same time, the analysis process needs to be transparent and illustrate the solution the project will bring to the organization; otherwise, it will be termed a paralyzed analysis as it does not present what the organization might be wanting (Harter, 2001, p. 42). At the same time, the presenters might be…
The use of cartoons as a communication tool in the mass media The use of cartoons as a communication tool in the mass media has a significant impact on society. With each community interpreting the artwork differently, political cartoonists make the drawings less complicated by distributing ideas across their pictures. Political cartoonists are powerful because they persuade, are ambassadors of justice, expose political injustice, are neutral, and communicate with humour. The author was persuasive in the manner in which she revealed how powerful a good cartoon could be. Cartoonists should be truthful and communicate without being afraid of the results (Suprani, 00:10:38-00:11:03). When the truth is revealed, some people react while others act. In essence, the perpetrators of injustice will likely oppose criticism and find a way to eliminate the cartoonists. Besides, cartoonists act as ambassadors of justice. They use pictures to publicize vices practised by the government while ensuring fairness is administered (Mackay2). These drawings help readers to discover various forms of injustices and provide them with the basis for questioning their governments. Therefore, cartoonists are responsible for balancing…
business and development of a competitive company The module provides several lessons that are in line with the business and development of a competitive company. It is necessary to understand that every company should be customer focus as Wal-Mart. Being customer focus provides the company with the opportunities to understand the changing needs and expectations of the customers. For instance, Wal-Mart offers products to the customers that were at low cost and of quality, but they were still making profits. The company understood that its competitor’s products were expensive, and for it to be on par with them, it had to lower the cost of its products. Another lesson learned is having strategy this implies strategic formulation. Strategies provide opportunity to monitor the environment in which the company should be located. Without a strategy, the possibility of the company failing to meet its objectives is high. The business-level strategy, international strategy, and corporate strategy are the most significant strategies that are needed for any company. The approach helps in market identification, both locally and internationally. The module additionally is proper…
SOX Act and financial literacy- Identifying the need in businesses Part 1: Financial Acumen Summary of the articles As per Carlos, Maguire & Neal (2006), the financial acumen of women is vital in today’s age. The author has conducted primary research on women investors at the time of the South Sea Bubble. The study also includes secondary research on women investors. The findings suggest that when women take control of financial matters and contribute towards improving the marketing elements of the firm, the outcomes are positive. In the past, women never used to participate in the decision-making process. However, in order to secure their destiny, women have now started to participate in financial matters. Consequently, it has aided the profit-making process. According to Kezar & Yang (2010), financial literacy or acumen can enhance the critical thinking or judgmental skills of individuals. By acquiring this basic skill, people can understand complex matters related to money. They will gain insights regarding ways to avoid debt or any financial risks. When individuals gain insights regarding financial planning, they are more likely to invest with caution.…
MEDIA BIAS Media bias is not a new topic to the general public, us Americans especially. One of the biggest media houses, believe it or not, is our government since it issues essential information concerning the general public. But even the government hasn’t been left out of the media bias fiasco, and it has never been more pronounced than it is today with our current President Mr. Donald Trump, a man how seems to have brought all the worst behaviors of Washington to the fore-front. Noticed my opinion on Washington, I have already formed and passed my own option to my audience in nuances and subverted manner. But how many will notice? Even though some might share my sentiment, many will gross over it because it’s something that has been said for so long that it has now been taken for a fact, even though our country and its wellbeing depends on the smooth running of the place and they have been doing the job for a few centuries now. We still just feel nothing works because the media told…
Media democratization and social justice Media is the fourth pillar of modern global democracy. In its purest form, Media has to be transparent and unbiased in the investigation, reporting and communication of news and other information. Media also has the responsibility of educating the public and broadcasting reforms in public opinion by providing a platform for open exchange and discussion of opinions. Therefore, the media has the power to influence and control global democracy and national political discourse. The development of the internet and other technologies have provided media with new platforms for broadcasting and engaging the masses. Consequently, the Media plays a vital role in the quest for democracy and social justice. In this regard, democratization and establishment of a free media expedite the achievement of social justice in the world. The term media democratization has gained traction over the past few decades. Media democratization relates to the achievement of media freedom and autonomy. Media democracy means that the fourth estate has the freedom of voice, access and opinion without any form of curtailing by the government or large…
Media Reality vs. Actual Reality ‘Subject of a life.’ In the last decade, social media has dominated human interaction. It has roughly 2 billion active users at the moment. The continually increasing use of social media as a human interaction platform reflects a world society today driven by technology as well as mass communication (Kalof, Linda and Amy, 2007). Considering social media popularity among people in the world, it is crucial to ponder the impact it has on a given person as well as the entire society. Although there exists a myriad effect, an obvious one is the complicated facades usually bred by social media, which seek to compromise the real character for the outward appearances. Human beings have often been social creatures. Social groups offer individuals a sense of purpose. Further, comments, as well as likes, makes a lot of people feel validated by others. The consequences of this are individuals living in a façade realm, which most often result in them developing virtual attributes as well as traits of pretense. The effect is that the aspect of life…