PESTEL ANALYSIS FOR A CELL PHONE REPAIR COMPANY w/references if you cite anything   External Analysis     PESTEL Analysis: (Circle One, T = Threat, O = Opportunity, N = Neither;  Briefly Describe Reasons)[unique_solution]   Demographic Conditions T O N ·         The demographic factors that can affect the mobile phone repair sector include race, population dynamics, gender, and age. These factors can significantly affect the industry positively by providing diversification to the industry. An opportunity can be provided to the sector when it attracts people from all races in the world. When the industry is dominated by only one race, legal laws can sometimes be undermined like discrimination, which can negatively affect the sector, thus posing a threat to its profit Economic Conditions T O N ·         The U.S. economy is strong, but there is a threat of a recession in the near future ·         Areas with more expendable income will be more likely to seek our services over a longer period ·         The Student Loan Debt Crisis is a threat to factor for those considering higher education   Political/Legal…

Strategic Plan for Visa Company   Executive Summary Strategic management is known as the process of ongoing planning, monitoring, analysis, and assessment of all the things that are necessary for an organization to meet its goals and objectives. Due to the constant changes in the business environment, organizations are required to assess their strategies plans to aim high for success. This paper will look at the Visa Company by analyzing how it can adopt a strategic plan that will be useful in meeting its mission. Over the years, technology has made significant advancements in creating new entrants in the market. It has thus created a lot of competition that requires Visa Company to come up with tactics of gaining a competitive advantage through improving their operations. The paper will, therefore, analyze common areas within the organization by looking at how it can run different activities to facilitate the successful implementation of the plan. To develop a paper that will identify the major components of the strategic management plan, the entire company will be evaluated to come up with a suitable formulation. This paper will…

multimedia presentation Overview: For this milestone, due in Module Five, you will submit a draft of the Plan section of your presentation. In this section, you will create the visual facet of your final project presentation. Keep in mind that your voice will be the primary carrier of your message and that visuals play a supporting role. You want your voice and visuals to work together and not compete for attention, so you should minimize the number of words on each slide and maximize the use of visual elements, including photographs, illustrations, and graphs. You will submit this milestone as a presentation draft in PowerPoint that will include visuals and speaker notes. Milestone Three provides you with an opportunity to obtain valuable feedback from your instructor that you can incorporate into your final project submission.   Prompt: In this milestone, you will start assembling your multimedia presentation. Create a multimedia presentation draft using visuals* to articulate your plan to address the issue you described in Milestone Two. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:   Plan: For this part…

THEO 203: Social Justice and Injustice SOCIAL JUSTICE ISSUE BRIEF ASSIGNMENT   You will write an empirical “issue brief” on your social justice research topic. This is not a formal paper with an introduction, thesis, argument and conclusion. The point is to present empirical information about your issue as clearly as possible, assuming an audience that is intelligent but does not have the information that you now possess about that issue. It should be organized in a way that best helps your audience (me and your fellow students) to understand the issue. I can provide some models for you. Your paper should be from 1200-1500 words. The paper is due Thursday, March 19, before class (please email a Word doc to me at   Some questions you may want to discuss (specifics will depend upon your issue): what is the situation you are addressing? How did the situation emerge? Whose actions fostered this situation? Whose interests are at stake in this situation? Who benefits/who suffers? Should things be different, and if so, how? Are there differing opinions about this?…

Strengths of the Coca-Cola Company             The Coca-Cola Company is arguably the largest beverage company in the world, owing to the strengths associated with it. The company has remained in operation since 1886 and has witnessed several challenges that have played a crucial role in making the company stronger. A company that effectively uses competitive advantage stands above other companies and eventually dominates the company. The ability to manage a brad over the years has seen the Coca-Cola company manage four of the world’s largest non-alcoholic beverage brands; Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, Fanta, and Sprite. The Coca-Cola Company has grown to become a family brand for most families with its products, reaching more than two hundred countries. The strengths associated with The Coca-Cola Company are based on its strong brand name and the diversification related to its activities. A dominant company can be seen through the strength of its market share in its field of business. The Coca-Cola Company has managed to keep its market share strong in the beverage industry. Arguably, the Coca-Cola Company is the largest non-alcoholic beverage company…

{Guidelines That You Need to Consider During a Business Project|Ideal Points on a Business Project|Tips to Be Considered on Business Project}   {In business there are a set of tasks that need to be planned in order to perform them excellently.|In order to perform the set of tasks present in the business excellently there is need to plan for them.|A set of tasks will always be there in any business and for this reason, there is need to plan in order to perform the tasks excellently.} {It is like a process that needs to be followed so as to achieve the targeted objective.|So as to achieve the targeted objectives there is a process that needs to be followed.|The targeted objective will be achieved only if you follow a certain process.} {Owing to this reason you will find that a business project has the beginning and an end.|A business project has the beginning and an end this is a thing that you will find out.|A beginning and an end is something that is common with a business project and this is…

software process improvement Saastamoinen Ilmari and Markku Tukiainen. 2004. Software Process Improvement in Small and Medium Sized Software Enterprises in Eastern Finland: A State-of-the-Practice Study. T. Dingsøyr (Ed.): EuroSPI (2004), 69–78. Summary The article presents the results of a study conducted by the University of Joensuu in collaboration with small and medium-sized software firms. The study intended to evaluate the impacts of software process assessment and improvement to understand how they defined by organizations. The findings revealed that most of the practices and processes are far from being adequately defined and systematically implemented. Strengths The paper is systematically arranged, from the introduction to the conclusion. The scholars have used different subtitles to report everything that transpired in the study, leading to inherent conclusions, thus making it concise for the readers. Weaknesses The paper fails to provide detailed information about the profiles of the population sample as well as the procedures that were used to collect and analyze data. In a complex subject like software engineering, it would be critical to make such information available to enable the readers to understand…

How to have attractive exhibition displays to attar more customers?   In the ever-changing exhibition industry, people have to find out different ways to make their stalls more attractive, Exhibition and tradeshows are a great way to create one-to-one connections with the customers, and hence it becomes a great way to generate brand awareness. Nany big names and startups participate in these exhibitions, with an intent to create brand awareness and get good leads. But merely participating in any tradeshow or exhibition will not be beneficial, you need to find the right exhibition and check the footfall before going ahead. It also becomes important to understand whether the exhibition that is happening has the target audience or not. For example, if your company is into food franchise sales, then participating in a fashion exhibition or general exhibition will not be helpful. You would need first to scour which are the big exhibition happening in the town, are they have a good footfall and the charges. After you have found a good option matching the parameters specified, you must give the…

Why does one need the services of a transportation company for relocation purposes? Relocating from one location to another can be a complicated task, especially when you need to shift from your home town to all over a new place. The entire responsibility of packing the things properly and relocating them to a new destination might seem like a forever job for you. Also, not to mention the risk of losing your belongings in this process can be a problem for many people. In such situations, many people resort to the services of a moving company that can do all these jobs properly without any hassles. Here are some of the reasons why one needs to hire such services for hassle-free relocation purposes: Save time and energy One of the essential goals for hiring the services of a transportation company is that you can save a lot of energy as well as time for yourself. The entire process of packing, translocating, and unpacking all over again, can take up a lot of your time, along with your precious energy. To…

Title: Why do people use Cheap Web Hosting to expand the business Several companies are coming up with Cheap Web Hosting option, and the reason is hosting is affordable for the business website, and not only that, but also gets quality at work. Here are the reasons that are considered by the companies when it comes to hiring a web hosting service. The hosting company offers security and utmost safety while providing the best hosting services to the clients. The hosting service offers quality software and hardware to the client make the hosting service reliable that will be powerful for the business. A reliable hosting company offers highly accessed operation that is needed for the development of the website. Apart from that, a hosting company also offers storage space, software, gaming, and special projects — video encoding, etc. The most important part of hosting the website is that it comes at a lower price, so most of the companies opt for hosting. The hosting offers maximum uptime, and the uptime is almost 99.99%. This is possible because a reliable hosting…

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