Introduction: The 21st century has changed a lot of things, and it involves different transportation services as well. The people were not even sure about air transportation at the beginning and many of the views that it will be ended with time. Science has proved that inventions are made by high care and technology, they are not meant to be completed, but they are made to be advanced in the future. The scientists have proved it, and they further modernized the concept of air transportation. Air transportation is still a dream for a lot of people in the world, but they have to dream about something else as well. The concept of airbus transportation has been introduced, and it is in the debates of experts and analysts on how it will work and how it will give comfort to the people. The people are getting crazy about this new invention, and their perceptions are different regarding this new project. The whole world has given a massive round of applause to the Americans who have shown severe concern towards this project…

Adverse Childhood Experiences   A Case Study On IKEA Child Labor Abolition Initiative IKEA Group had committed itself to fight child labor among its operations and its supply chain. It had engaged with various international bodies that were working to end the child’s right violation and had put in place mechanisms to counter the vice (Hower, 2014). When Marianne Barner got information about one of its leading supplier of rugs from India is engaged in child labor, she was perplexed. She saw it a setback to all the steps the company had made to counter child labor among its supply chain. Also, it was a violation of the addendum contract its suppliers had signed not to engage children among their workforce. She had to decide on what to do in the wake of such revelation and the steps IKEA had taken to counter the vice. Measures like the Rugmark Initiative, which was under her consideration to sign into, was working towards ending child labor and would make a grand statement in the fight. Therefore, hiring the Rugmark initiative would be…

                  Book Report: Embattled Dreams Name Institutional Affiliation             Book Report: Embattled Dreams Motive and Thesis Embattled dreams marks the sixth volume of Kevin Starr’s series on the California Dream. In this view, the volume is a continuation of the discussions covering the periods between 1850 and 1915. The book mainly focuses on the 1940s, California, and the events surrounding the war and reconstruction. In this book, Starr seeks to demonstrate the effects of the war on California and how the state was a central pillar of the transformations that happened in the country. The author wishes to argue how California assumed a more powerful position both as a leading arsenal manufacturer and the driver of democracy in the country. This is the thesis of the book. Organization Starr appears to follow a chronological order in organizing the book. Markedly, each chapter is primarily dedicated to discussing a single year throughout the decade. Nevertheless, the author retains proper thematic connections between the episodes, linking the events of…

Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Johnson and Johnson Company Johnson & Johnson Company is the leading manufacturer of pharmaceuticals, consumer packaged goods, and medical products based in the US. The Company was founded in 1886 in New Brunswick, New Jersey, and has maintained its headquarters in New Jersey since its establishment. Johnson and Johnson is known for producing quality baby products, but it also provides diagnostic devices and surgery products. Being the leading Company in the pharmaceutical industry, the Company has maintained its prominent position for a long time due to several actors. Competitive advantage Johnson and Johnson’s Company has enjoyed a sustainable competitive advantage in the market because of its unique, innovative products. Most of its products are unique in several aspects such as benefits, formula and packaging.  The Company has targeted specific market segments more so with its baby products such as baby shampoos and soaps, which makes it a trusted by many parents. These products do not cause skin irritation or eye or scalp, unlike other products.  Most of its baby products are clinically proved, the…

Injustice behind colonization Introduction             All over the world today, uncontrollable conflict is found mostly in regions where conquest took place. Colonial crimes entail the unjustified acts by a nation against another nation for which the collar nation is held accountable through the punishment of its leaders. A considerable proportion of these interminable conflicts trace their roots in ante-colonial or soviet policies more so those concerning territorial borderlines, oppression of native people, and the privilege given to some people over others. We have noted that the source of the challenges besetting indigenous people in the colonial mindset that has gain clutched people’s minds. In this article am going to exhaustively discuss the lack of justice that resulted from colonization. The exploitation of natural resources The prime motive of colonization was for the colonizers to acquire raw materials for their industries in the home nations. The process of getting raw materials led to the foreigners exploiting the natural resources which could have helped the local communities.  In access to the natural resources, vital landscaping occurred, which left the lifestyle of the…

Hawaiian Culture: Workforce Issues and Bio-cultural Ecology Workforce Issues Workforce issues in the Hawaiian culture has a historical angle to it. Ancient Hawaii, where most of the present religious, cultural, economic, and social order of the Hawaiian culture emanate from. Family structures determine the place of a person in society (Alicata et al., 2016). From allotment of plots of land for agricultural purposes by a chief to common people, Hawaiians cultivated a culture of sharing and giving in an openhearted manner. Subsequent historical activities such as the presence of Captain Hook to Hawaii, the era of industrial monopoly, racial unionism in 1900-1934, and the period of true labor unions emergence after the New Deal by President Roosevelt, all contributed to the present workforce issues in Hawaiian culture (Alicata et al., 2016). Captain Hook’s policies led to the erosion of Hawaiian culture through abolishment of the monarchy that was an important administrative feature of Hawaiians. Captain Hook also brought in Western culture tendencies to Hawaii, and more foreigners were employed in labor activities within Hawaii than locals. At present, working Hawaiians…

compare and contrast the traditional annual evaluation method of Performance Appraisal with the new real-time feedback coaching Performance management is the process in an organization of ensuring that the set of activities and outputs meets the given organizational goals efficiently and effectively. Primarily, performance management usually focuses on the day to day performance of an organization, an employee, a department, or the process in place of managing particular tasks. Within the organization, performance management standards are usually organized and disseminated by the top leadership in an organization. They typically include specifications of the functions, and the outcomes of the job, coaching, providing timely feedback, comparison of employee’s actual performance, instituting rewards among many more others. Ideally, performance management defines the organizational day to day interaction with the employees at every given step of the way between the critical life cycle occurrences. In the process, it essentially makes interaction opportunity with the employee into the given learning occasion. As the director of performance management, this work compares and contrasts the traditional annual evaluation method of performance appraisal with the new real-time…

Amazon Effect concerning Increased Pay and Land Rush in the U.S Management of businesses in a competitive environment has been a big challenge, as depicted in the article “Amazon Effect, Is Hiking Pay and Fuelling Land Rush in US.’’. Competing for skilled workers is a challenge for managers, especially when workers are scarce. In a competitive business environment, unemployment rates affect warehouse managers because they scramble for the few skilled, talented pool, are required to apply appropriate employee-retention strategies, and plan well for the future growth of their companies. Unemployment rates have a far-reaching effect on the management of businesses. As discussed by Michael Sasso and Steve Mathews in the article, the expansion of warehouses in the U.S, particularly in Atlanta, has fuelled high competitiveness in the job market, impacting the existing businesses both positively and negatively (Sasso & Mathews, 2018). For instance, the Amazon company hired a large workforce to fill up its distribution centers, leaving a few skilled people under scramble by the upcoming companies. The high unemployment rate also affects the managers of warehouses indirectly. Employed people…

Public Finance Discussion The federal government has various revenue sources that ensure its functionality. These sources include taxes, grants, and loans. These revenue sources present have several advantages and disadvantages. Taxes, for instance, ensure equality as the sacrifice of paying cannot be shifted and are certain as the taxpayer knows how much they pay. Some of the disadvantages include inconvenience, as the taxes are always a pinch to the payer. Besides, taxes, are evadable as an individual, particularly big businesses, can submit doctored returns. Again, grants have numerous advantages. For instance, one does not have to pay back a government grant. Besides, there is no limit to the number of grants one can take. The disadvantages are that grant application requires immense crafting which can be challenging. Besides, grants usually come with strings attached, which imply that one cannot use the money beyond designated purpose. In case the federal government has financial challenges, lower governments and non-profit organizations will feel adverse financial impact. As grants are awarded by the federal government, financial challenges will mean no or low grants to…

 policy of work requirements According to the policy of work requirements, also referred to as community engagement, the clients that would not be required to work to receive Medicare benefits include the elderly, pregnant women, and individuals with disabilities. According to many groups, the concept of work requirements may be detrimental to the health and wellness of some of the most vulnerable clients for the following reasons. First, community engagement programs go against the primary objective of the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid of promoting health coverage and access. In June 2018, a federal district court invalidated the initial approval of Kentucky’s waiver by the CMS because the Secretary failed to consider the impact of the waiver on the primary objective of Medicaid of providing affordable health coverage (Musumeci, 2018). Second, evidence shows that the work engagement program does not meet their objectives of promoting better mental, physical, and emotional health in line with Medicaid program objective but rather adversely affect health (CMS, 2018). Reports from Arkansas prove that work requirements have led to working individuals losing coverage due to…

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