REFLECTION AND PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Reflective Essay When most people hear about Jack Stahl, they immediately think about the well-known story of how his mentor and predecessor, Mr. Ivester, stayed up with him till 2 am in the night to plug holes in a prospectus he had delegated without providing adequate detail.  Mr. Stahl himself has frequently cited this as the motivation for his detailed approach to leadership. When I first read the story, I set out to find a scenario where he applied this teaching to see it in action. The situation I have been considering as part of my growth in leadership is the growth experienced in Stahl’s tenure as head of Coca-Cola’s North American division, where he was tasked with growing an already excellent region’s revenues. The scenario above piques my interest as it is an embodiment of the career of the business leader, which Stahl has become. This embodiment is visible in the fact that he always led to increased output from the staff he inherited. This trend was proven right even in a company where…

Nursing (Registered Nurses) Definition of Nursing Nursing is a profession that involves autonomous and collaborative care of patients of any age, groups, communities, families, sick or well people in all settings of life. It includes prevention of diseases, promotion of health as well as caring for the disabled, sick and dying individuals. Nursing has become an essential profession in the 21st century (American Nurses Association, 2012). It is a glue that holds the patients’ recovery and health care journey together. In all the patients’ experiences and whenever and wherever someone needs care, nurses are there and work tirelessly to identify and protect the needs of the patients. Nursing a reputable profession that needs compassion and dedication to address the evolving needs of the community continually. The nursing process involves assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation the plans and evaluating the care plans in order to provide the best care to the patients Job duties of Registered Nurses There is no exact duty for the nurses. The responsibilities and duties of a nurse range from making treatment of acute illnesses tong provision of…

TechSoup and Goodwill Industries Limited TechSoup and Goodwill Industries Limited are two examples of non-profit and/or cause groups in the U.S. that are delivering services across a range of platforms. Both non-profit organizations provide a range of services aimed at helping and supporting individuals and local communities. The next section provides comprehensive information on each non-profit. TechSoup TechSoup is a non-profit organization management group headquartered in San Francisco, California. It serves both domestic and international needs. The organization provides a range of technology donations, specifically meant to address the needs of non-profits. It offers “digital platforms and in-person experiences” that encourage collaboration and promote equitability. TechSoup provides technology solutions and services, including “discounted software, hardware, services, and training.” Further, it provides global validation and data services, which check the legitimacy of non-profit organizations before they are funded. The non-profit organization also offers community and connections services, education, and innovation through collaboration. Overall, TechSoup is focused on utilizing the power of technology to bring about social good. The organization achieves its objective by providing bothdigital platforms and in-person experiences to allow…

 greatest achievements for the last 5 decades The most three greatest achievements for the last 5 decades include education accomplishment, career growth and starting a family. These achievements have been critical in my life as they have helped me in shaping my life and working towards the goals that i highly value in life. I believe that with good plan and management I will accomplish more goals in my life. Most of these achievements started as small projects from initiation stage to the accomplishment stage. Throughout the process of achieving my personal derivatives I encountered various challenges but having an effective plan helped in reaching my goals step by step. In the initiation I had to examine each one of the three projects to determine whether they were worth to pursue. Such a move assisted in determining the potential benefit that every task would bring when it is accomplished. During the planning phase I had focus on the cost of every task and the changes that were likely to occur. The plan did not only cover the budget but also…

Vitals of Business Communication According to Bovee, Courtland L., and John V. Thill. (2019), the key objective of a resume is to market an individual to potential employers. The resume is designed to out a summary of your skills, abilities, experiences, and accomplishments. The resume may be presented in the form of an electric or paper version. A person has a higher probability of being invited for an interview if well presented. Planning a resume begins by comprehending what it is, learning about relevant organizations to gather relevant information, and choosing to select the resume organization that stands out to be the best. The best resume in an organization is selected based on the format used to write the resume. Among the many forms applied, chronological resume stands to be highly recommendable. In this regard, individuals that select a chronological resume should ensure that the use of different layout elements develops the resume. The primary tasks involved in designing a resume is your name as well as the contact details, an introductory statement, which can include career objective, career summary,…

Introduction to Human Resources Introduction to Human Resources When selecting employees, it is best to select on personality. select on past experiences. consider the nature of the job and competencies needed to perform. consider the applicant and find the best job for them All of the following are examples of a company trying to address employee concerns except Providing employees with scheduling flexibility. Supporting telecommuting. Providing family friendly benefits. Hiring an employee’s spouse. The primary role of EEO laws is to Define what demographic characteristics can and cannot be used for employment decisions. Make sure employees get paid at least a minimum wage and overtime. Eliminate discrimination in the workplace. Ensure that Blacks and Whites are paid equally if doing comparable jobs. The Supreme Court case that provides the guidelines for making a prima facie case of disparate impact is Griggs v. Duke Power. Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins. Diaz v. Pan American World Airways. McDonnell Douglas Corp. v. Greene.   According to the Equal Pay Act, employers are permitted to pay workers performing the same job different pay rates when…

Learning and Teaching Theories It is William Arthur Ward who said that “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” This famous statement holds to the argument that learning within or outside of the classroom setting is indeed a continuous and, therefore, a lifelong process. Attaining longevity in the learning process, therefore, demands that teachers have an in-depth understanding of how to present information to their learners in a manner that spurs them to pursue specific academic paths even in the absence of their tutors. To achieve the desired societal, intellectual enlightenment image, philosophers developed theories that have consistently shaped the approach by tutors to teaching and learning. Learning and teaching theories provide the teacher with a basic understanding of how individuals learn and also how they (teachers) could best explain, analyze, describe, and also envisage learning (Harasim, 2017). It is, therefore, in the in-depth knowledge and understanding of the theories’ significance that English language teachers as well can develop more refined decisions regarding the form, development, and presentation of learning (Thanh,…

 Leadership development   Some of the experience qualities such as assertiveness, adaptability, intelligence and conscientiousness are  important leadership skills which I should be acquiring in order to develop my leadership. In addition I should be positive and inspiring in order for me to be a better leader hence making sense that I strive to get the most out of life for everyone in my sphere. In addition I should be able to be passionate serve as a role model, improve my communication skills, Be willing to admit and learn from failures and weaknesses, . Motivate others to greatness as well as be ready to continue to educate and improve yourself.   Integration: How are you going to integrate your personal life, family life, friendships, and community life with your professional life to become a better leader? What sacrifices and trade-offs are you prepared to make to achieve your professional and personal goals?   in order to integrate my personal life friendship, family life and community life with my life aiming at becoming a better leader, I do integrate them into…

Business analytics 1) Discuss your objectives for pursuing this degree. Why do you want to obtain a Master of Science in Business Analytics from NYU Stern at this point in your career [Should not exceed 750 words]? Cases of business failure had become a thing of past until one of my largest local area company failed terribly. For quite some time, the failure of this company remained a surprise to many, was it because of corruption? No! Embezzlement of funds? No! And indeed there were good reasons for not associating this company with some of these common causes of business failure. It’s management of course! The impacts of this failure were so severe that more than one thousand employees lost their jobs. It was indeed a bitter pill to swallow for the whole country. However, it was realized later that the management had not taken caution of the changing technology in the industry. The company had remained operating in the old way which could not withstand the severe competition by the other companies in the industry which had embraced the…

BENEFITS AND CHALLENGES OF ADVANCED PRACTITIONERS IN EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT Clinical care he ANP role is described as having professional knowledge, skills and behaviours to a high level, being capable of safe and effective practice, (Council for Healthcare Regulatory Excellence, 2009). Utilising these core qualities with expert skills and knowledge, the ANP could be the lever to assist with the reduction of waiting times for patients. This would be achieved by way of identifying Urgent and non urgent patients from the ED, as suitable and  transferring to majors or resus, therefore keeping the unit to full capacity Arguably, one of the most significant benefits of ACPs is they improve the quality of services at the Emergency department  (McDevitt and Melby 2015) by increasing positive patient outcome satisfaction and safety McDonnell et al (2014). Additionally, Nieminen et al. (2011) note that the AP’s are well empowered with specialised skills and knowledge that are useful in performing highly skilled and complex decision making in familiar and unfamiliar situation using their expert clinical knowledge and expertise. AP’s in ED can recognize, initiate investigation, prescribe,…

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