Spirituality in Healthcare and Wellness Question 1: I did not grow up going to church. My mom was a single mother raising three children, working full-time, as well as attending her classes on a full-time basis, so she spent the weekends working. Although we did not grow up as the ideal conservatives of the church doctrines, I did not know much about God until I got older. However, my mom did instill some real-life values and virtues thankfully, which has helped me become the person I am and guide me to make the everyday decisions that take me on the path I walk today. When I had my kids, I wanted my kids to grow up learning about who God is, and then we found a magnificent nondenominational church. Even though growing up, I didn’t experience what it was like to have God in my life; I do now. The things that my mother has taught me and being a Christian have shaped my worldview. When I think about my philosophy of health care, my main concern is what is…

Nursing Curriculum Nursing education requires an integrated curriculum designed to equip students with innovative skills. An integrated curriculum is key to ensuring that nurses acquire professional training that caters to the diverse needs of the stakeholders and the community at large. Several measures can be used to improve the curriculum, such as involving stakeholders and instituting healthcare assessments. This paper provides a more in-depth discussion of the approaches to improving the nursing curriculum design. Involving Stakeholders Several stakeholders are involved in nursing education programs. The most common stakeholders include students, educators, nursing employers, patients, and the community at large (Kokemuller, 2017). These stakeholders are involved during the curriculum development process to provide changes to the educational approach. The stakeholders also bear the responsibility of ensuring the implementation of the new curricula. The nursing students are the main stakeholders in the education curriculum. The nursing program should be tailor-made to ensure that the students are equipped with the relevant clinical knowledge and skills. An innovative curriculum should offer students access to convenient and quality nursing courses that meet the necessary licensing…

The rationale for inclusion in health care Communication is a crucial aspect of the health care department. As such, nurse managers should have a concise way of communicating to their subjects. Nurse Managers can achieve a clear communication framework by attending at least three communication workshops to be acquainted regarding the existing communication framework existing in the organization. Nurse managers will utilize the open-door policy since it has been proven as an approachable and comfortable way through which discussions regarding service improvement can be done (Bateman, 2012). For emphasis, the new nurse manager will use the role-playing technique to outline how their subjects can use open-door policy. Such will be done in the presence of five observers. The resources to be used include five observers, an existing communication guide, human resources policies, and three management meetings. In the rationale, one outlines that the nurse manager is knowledgeable regarding communication and the department. The new nurse manager will make arrangements concerning the anticipated meetings with the workshop consultant and three other managers in the department. The resources provided are based on…

Completing Projects as a Team   The process of completing a computational science project is time-consuming and intellectually challenging. A single person will rarely have enough knowledge, experience, or time to understand and complete each facet of the project. It is also all too easy for one person’s commitment and enthusiasm to waver during a long-term project. Several people pooling their skills, talent and knowledge, should result in gains in quality and productivity. People working together can also sustain the enthusiasm and lend support needed to accomplish a decisive goal.   Defining a project, gathering data, developing code, writing a report, are components of a successful project. To complete these tasks, team members must work out personal differences, identify individual members’ strengths, and balance work on the project with other academic and extra-curricular commitments. A team can concentrate on project goals best when team members:   recognize their dependence on each other and their need for mutual support; feel a sense of ownership in their project and are committed to goals they helped establish; apply their talent and knowledge to…

Data-Based Changes Introduction The dynamics in the world populations and related challenges make the healthcare systems face different challenges that require the use of modern technologies to keep up with the variations. The healthcare systems strive to improve health results and contain the operation cost at the same time. In such cases, big data and data mining techniques can health these systems meet these goals in unprecedented means. Both data mining and Big Data approaches are involved in the use of large complex datasets meant to achieve the purposes of the health care system. This paper intends to reveal data complexity as one aspect of both Big Data and data mining that can be of benefit in health care systems. Big data has been one of the significant fields of research and knowledge in healthcare systems that have resulted in massive transformations in operations in modern society. Data sets in Big Data are typically large such that a standard database software tool cannot capture, manage, store or analyze. Big Data is characterized by  Variety, velocity, volume, value, and Veracity of…

HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT IN CONTEXT Executive Summary The report is about Endeavours, which is a sportswear retail store. The store is experiencing several HRM issues which are highlighted within the case study. The introduction of this report offers a brief background to the case for understanding. It highlights the main problems and puts the case into perspective. The background is followed by a discussion of two of the main problem areas of the company. The areas identified and explained in the report are; high and increasing employee turnover and lack of access to promotion opportunities. The company has experienced an increasing trend in employee turnover, which is an indication of inefficient HRM. Employees have also expressed their dissatisfaction with the lack of career development opportunities. The analysis of one strength area follows the discussion of problem areas. The identified area where the company is doing well is supporting employees’ health and wellbeing because a healthy and happy workforce is more productive and guarantees company success. The final part of the report offers the suggestions on some of the actions the…

Civility essay Civility is the act of politeness or a set of behaviour that promotes and contributes to the preservations of norms for smoothness and mutual respect in social relationships or at work. Being civil involves creating time and the right atmosphere for purposeful and intentional dialogue. Attaining civility happens when the parties involved aim to achieve a common purpose without focusing attention on whoever is right or wrong. Creating and maintaining civility in work or education environment is of vital importance as it promotes quality and healthy interactions. However, uncivil behaviours are still rampant in education and practice settings. Civility is essential in practice and education settings as it helps build healthy communities and functioning teams as well as fostering effective communication. It also reduces the stress levels, promotes high self-esteem, improves the relationship and enhances workplace safety (Clarke, 2017). Practicing civility in nursing educations plays a crucial role in promoting civility in practice and academic environments. One area of personal strength that is vital in the nursing profession is the possession of compassion and empathy. As a nurse…

Importance of Ethics in the Criminal Justice System What makes an excellent internal affairs investigation? The police have been known for conducting inadequate investigations throughout the decades, especially involving corruption and misconduct of other officers in the force. Significant faults have been found in many countries all over the world when police investigate colleagues in cases.There are inadequacies in planning, little use of electronic surveillance, improper interviewing of key witnesses in cases, breaching confidentiality, and not keeping timely investigations or decisions on cases involving cops. This article explores the requirements that make an internal investigation as being fair and considered as good. It also looks at the importance of ethics in the police department in a measure to improve criminal justice in the community. Significant steps are needed in improving the quality of internal investigations and determine what counts as the best solutions to the existing issues. The entire internal inquiry quality has numerous faults and mistakes which need attention and swift measures to address them and bring back the trust that the public wants. The individuals entrusted with investigating…

PUAD 629, Program Evaluation, Sample Outline for Evaluation Plan (If you have questions on how to apply to your project, let me know & I’ll work with you.)   Introduction There are few more resilient groups in our culture than the young adults aging out of foster care. They have bounced back from multiple placements, trauma, and often times, abuse. Some have been reunified with their loved ones, found forever families, while others have joined a community of support. But one thing that is true for most, if not all of our youth thriving after foster care, is that they would benefit in finding at least one significant person that believes in them and challenges them to be the best versions of themselves. This person will often become a mentor. Mentoring is essential to the development of the youths in foster care whether it is formal or informal. For the majority of youth in foster care, there is no safety net to rely on during the transition from dependence to independence. This places even more importance on those caring adults…

How Millennials today compare with their grandparents 50 years ago Today’s millennials are more educated compared to our grandparents. I am pursuing a bachelors, and a high number of fellow millennials are also in universities. An increase in the number of higher education institutions has prompted most students to enrol for degrees. Besides, an increase in unemployment rates has created more value in higher education. Graduates with a bachelor’s degree stand a better chance of securing a high paying job. The high number of educated millennials is different from the one of our grandparents. Only 15% of men and 9% of women had degrees due to fewer number of colleges and universities. There is a high number of millennial women with a bachelor’s degree than men. 36% of the millennial women have degrees while the number of men stands at 29% (Fry, Igielnik, & Patten, 2018). In my neighborhood, most of the young women have gone to top-class universities. Women have greatly being empowered and allowed to pursue their dreams. They have also been accepted in the male-dominated careers hence…

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