Health care needs assessment Executive summary Health needs assessment is generally used to explain development and refinement of a well-established approaches which are used in understanding local population needs. Health needs assessment in today’s society has come to mean an objective and valid criterion of tailoring health services which is an evidence based approach to health commissioning and good planning for health care services. Health care needs assessment involves a systematic methods of evaluating unmet health and health care needs within a population and initiating some changes which will make these unmet demands be met. It incorporates what is to be done, what can be afforded and what can be done. This paper will seek to evaluate pan American health organization, its staffing procedure, jib redesign, employee’s retention, recruitment and training. It will also focus on the facilities in the organization such as space planning, construction, redesign and relocation. Finally, it will focus on PAHO operations such as delivery of services and care, access, wait times, equipment usage, process improvement and resource optimization. Introduction The purpose of profiling nutrients would…

Agricultural education             Agricultural education can be described as a systematic program of instructions availed to students in the field of business and science of plant and animal production. However, agricultural   education stretches to include environmental and natural resource systems. Agricultural education equips students with knowledge on agriculture, food and natural resources (Foster $ Smith P.7).  The subjects on agricultural education, teach students varieties of skills based on science, math, leadership, management and technology. In addition, students learning agricultural education are taught concepts on marketing, production and processing of agricultural products. Agricultural education program is organized into three basic areas. These areas are; classroom- laboratory based instruction, experience programs on supervised agriculture and FFA student organization activities (Gill et al P.406). Classroom instructions involve the mechanism of ‘learning by doing’ both inside and outside agriculture. On the other hand, supervised agricultural experience program demands students to apply knowledge and theory in the learning of relevant, experimental and agricultural projects. Through completion of SAE projects, students acquire principles and concepts that they may be required to apply in the real life…

Term project description   Paradise Consulting Engineers is a project-based organization that designs residential and commercial buildings all over Canada with about 500 people on staff. This huge company has its headquarter in Toronto, where the administrative, financial and strategic planning for the entire business takes place. The senior management has defined a Human Resource Information System (HRIS) project to be implemented for better staff performance management. Having researched the existing systems available, the company has decided to develop a customized system for the best benefits of the business.   The system has to include different components including the following at a minimum, but you are supposed to suggest other components based on your knowledge and experience: Bio information Professional background-experience and education Competency info Career progression path Performance management[unique_solution] … …   The features required in the HRIS include the following five explained in the link below. Please read this and document it as the requirements of project scope. You can always add value to the requirements as HR experts.   Centralized Database Payroll Employee Self-Service Time and…

A SURVEY OF UPWARD BOUND PROGRAMS ON THE ACHIEVEMENT OF RURAL HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS   CHAPTER I Introduction   Over the past four decades, the Upward Bound Program, federally funded activity under the auspice of the TRIO initiative, has been evaluated by researchers for its effectiveness in enhancing the quality of life for many first generation/low-income college students (Billings, 1968; McCormick & Williams, 1974; Ekstrom, Goetz, Pollack, Rock, 1986; Law, 1999; Carson-Warner & Carol, 2003).  All of aforementioned researchers, even through their methodologies were different found that Upward Bound has a positive influence on the lives of first-generation/low-income students, especially on their academic performance. The effectiveness of the Upward Bound Program has been measured by the number of participants who graduate from high school or by the number who enter postsecondary education institutions (Myers & Schirm, 1999; Saenz, Wyatt, & Reinard, 1998; Thayer, 2000).  Researchers have also studied the attitudes of parents of Upward Bound students regarding the programs effectiveness (Zimmerman, Bandura, and Martinez-Pons, 1999; Howard, 1996; and Epstein and Hollifield, 1996). Zimmerman, Bandura, and Martinez-Pons (1998) found that parents…

Developing Leadership Capability for Change Using Coaching and Mentoring Context The need for comprehensive education for primary school children has given rise to greater stress on tutors’ theoretical cognizance of learners and coaching, and the importance of translating theory into practice. Having a qualitative approach to analyze and discuss how primary school teachers in the UK profess their learned competence and ways of using it in their instructive coaching and adapting it in their professional capacities remains paramount. Lindahl (2007) asserted that leading significant improvements and reforms in schools proves to be a challenging process. Taking up a leadership role in school improvement requires teachers to justify and enact decisions concerning the necessary educational and theoretical methods to employ in their schools. It also requires them to justify how they reconcile possible contradictions and conflicts between their individual concepts, academic, and theoretical facts, and those from the existing curriculum. A framework analysis conducted by Olsen and Chrispeels (2009) provided rich qualitative facts that illuminated the leadership capabilities and theoretical competencies needed among teachers to effect change in a school.  Among…

Should College Athletes Be Paid? College athletes are exceptional students. They sacrifice a lot to work out, play, and still be the best in their studies. They are the hardest working people in the college since they have to combine grueling workouts, practices, and games that are all over the year. Apart from that, they have to keep up with college courses. Despite that, they should not receive salaries, althoughtheir strength and dedication to sports only benefit the university and the NCAA. NCAA NCAA stands for the national collegiate athletic association. The purpose of this organization is to ensure the competitions between colleges are safe, equitable, fair, and sportsmanlike manner.[1] The organization is also involved with integrating intercollegiate athletic with higher education so that the student-athlete educational experience receives priority The organization is committed to ensuring that there are high levels of integrity and sportsmanship. The athletes excel both in academics and in athletics. The organization help students to balance between athletes and studies such that one is not taken care of at the expense of the other.1The organization gets…

Impacts of students loan debt Does debt influence primary care student choice? Once clinical students decide to take credit, a specialization is selected. Several factors affect domestic decisions and individual interests, including traditional ways of life. Multiple exams examined the relation between understudies and home decisions, in particular in the 1990s, when doctors with higher regard (P.C.) per Kahn et al. 2006. However, the structure of clinical studies is significantly affected by the role of executives. The number of graduates joining pharmaceutical products, internal medicines, and pediatrics decreased by 11 percent during the 2001-05 review period. During this corresponding period, the standard debt for students amounted to almost 2 percent each year, and the 2003 liability for each clinical understudy was up to $109,457. For the ten years, the regular installment amount is $1609, subject to the enthusiasm of 5.25% (Kahn et al. 2006). Similarly, the doctor’s salaries differ enormously from the field, position, type of practice, the structure of practice, and various aspects of expert decisions. Kahn et al. of 2006 reported that most clinical understories lack an insufficient…

Transformational Psychology Journal Abstracts Abstract One In this journal article, a positive psychology outlook to search the connection between college students, community help, belonging, self-respect, aspiration, and getting better understanding results. It was 739 students sign up from a science and high-tech college in Taiwan for a writing questionnaire to elevate “the focal variables” (Luo). In inclusion, having support from the teachers have the student’s aspiration. The teachers gave the students great pathway thoughts but did not provide goal instructions. Practical psychology has a change in the area of high-rise education. The students had to learn about positive thinking. The methods of this study were looking over and approved by the Department of Digital Multimedia Design by Cheng University. Different teachers were selected for the questionnaires at the University. It was informed to the students that they had the right to deny to participants at any time about the research. It was measured by strongly disagree and strongly agreed. Social support was measured for the allusion to Hiseh (2012) and Hung, Huang (2006)” This contains ten items divided into two…

JUNG Typology My JUNG profile suggests i have a specific rating on certain attributes when it comes to professionalism. According to the test, I have a slight preference for extraversion over introversion (19%), a slight inclination of sensing over intuition (6%), moderate preference of Thinking over Feeling (38%), and slight preference of judging over perceiving (12%). It gets suggested that I thrive on order and continuity with and affinity of seeking out like-minded people. He test indicate that I love receiving and giving exceptional service while expressing real responsibility. I often reflect on my evaluations by a strong sense of what is normal and what is not. I have an affinity to develop and promote work ethics, and I rarely have lazy tendencies. The characteristics mentioned above maintain that my choice in a business accounting career gets well placed. Some of the responsibilities I will have to include the provision of financial information to managerial staff through analysis and research of accounting data and report preparation. I will prepare liability, capital, and asset account entries through the compilation of a…

Application of skills learned during volunteering and at event management courses Volunteerism involves activities that are beneficial for society or a community. While volunteering, an individual gains social skills that would be beneficial for himself as well as the community. The approach should be group or community-focussed (Venske, 2019). Both personal and professional growth can be ensured when an individual engages in a volunteering activity. In my case, I have managed to understand the significance of volunteering and have gathered knowledge from event management courses. The course has taught me team management skills. I have been able to understand the intricacies of planning, managing, and coordinating an event. Event management mainly involves meticulous planning and faultless execution (Barron & Ali-Knight, 2017). It has been understood that while working as a part of the team, an event planner is supposed to have a vision and mission in mind. Hosting an event is a challenging task because an event planner is supposed to be creative, determined and self-confident. It has been anticipated that the knowledge gathered from event management courses will help…

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