Construction Management Part 1 We all have a difference in our life ambitions. In life, I wanted to be in a career that is challenging and offers a diverse set of skills. I chose construction management because the job offers you both an office and field experience. It is a practical career that opens your mind to different kinds of challenges every day. Success in any profession requires personal commitment, and it anchors on individual strengths. I have evaluated my self and realized that I am fit to be a construction manager. First, I am self-motivated/outgoing. This is a personal attribute that enables one to break all the obstacles that stand in their way as they pursue their career. Secondly, I am assertive in every endeavor, and that means that I will be able to handle every kind of project, and the related problems. I am also compassionate about other people’s wellbeing. I will be working in between two parties. I will link the contractors and the project owners, or the employees and the bosses. As such, I have to…

job interview between an employer and a job seeker The essays involve a job interview between an employer and a job seeker. The employer offers environmental consultancy services, for instance, Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental Auditing, and quantity surveying, among others. The company has advertised for the position of the environmental officer to assist them in delivering their services.  The organization would like to employ a young qualified, energetic person to assume the position. The employer has come up with a range of questions to ensure they hire an individual who can meet the standards of the company. The interview is to be conducted in the organization’s boardroom, and the duration for the interview is one hour. The essay is presented in question-answer format, as shown in the conversation below. Interviewer: Hello, kindly tell me about yourself? Interviewee: I am called Nairo Gisembe, a graduate in Bachelors of Science, Environmental         Science with Information Technology from the University of Colombia. I am 30 years of age. I have worked with several reputable environmental organizations in various countries. I initially worked consortium environmental…

Real estate home inspector Introduction Real estate is considered to be the property, building, land, underground rights below the land and air rights which are above the land. The rise of real estate around the globe has created many opportunities for careers enabling most people to secure employment opportunities in different real estate fields. As more opportunities continue to rise in the field of real estate, I have developed an interest in developing my career as a home inspector in the field of real estate. This is because home inspection has got more opportunities, and one of my top priorities is to ensure that most of the people from Florida are able to live in standard homes (Mark, 2018). Therefore, the desire of this assignment is to focus on the specialization in the field of real estate, and my specialization of interest in the field of real estate is a home inspector. Real estate home inspector has the responsibility of examining the real estate property to detect any defect or any problem that buyers, sellers, and agents may encounter. Inspection…

Enterprise Security Management Introduction We are currently living in the information technology era. Almost every part of our lives is embedded and dependent on the use of information technology. From our online presence with the use of social media to businesses’ operational reliance on online platforms such as cloud services to help in enhancing their performance. As a result, a vast amount of our sensitive and personal information is made available online. However, not every single person or individual is well aware of the risks we are faced with from cybersecurity. By enrolling in this class of enterprise security management, it has significantly made me aware of the threat’s businesses are continually facing. Enterprise security management as a class has educated and made me aware of the various dangers of online scams, phishing, and other cyber-related threats, which is a required component for every organization. This is so as one of the main objectives of the course is to ensure that all students enrolled in the course gain enough knowledge to have a basic understanding of the purpose of security…

Talent Management Program A talent management program (TMP) is an HR activity design bed to enhance employee’s value and aligned to organizational strategy.  The program entails support functions developed to improve the skills of workers while training new capabilities necessary in accomplishing the goals and objectives of a firm. The competitive nature of the modern market place necessitates employers to intervene and ensure that their Human resources remain competitive. Employees have emerged as an avenue of competitive advantages in organizations because their decisions and behaviors determine the effectiveness of operations. Therefore, a talent management program in an integrated approach to skill enhancement required to ensure that the firm adopts changes in skill requirements and increasing productivity. This paper aims to examine and explain some relevant components of a talent management program. The first component of a TMP entails the training and development of employees. Training is a set of activities that are established with the purpose of cultivating the skills of the employees to enable them to perform their responsibilities effectively. Tra8ining may be managed through internal structures or outsourced…

Fighting Global Obesity Through Gamification Introduction (Aims) Obesity, as well as overweight, has become an epidemic that the globe is fighting with more than 2 billion people dying from them every year (WHO, 2018 Pg. 1). Moreover, obesity is not only experienced in high-income countries but also in medium and low-income countries. With the technological revolution the world is experiencing in the health sector, programmers have been aided to come up with an efficient way of creating awareness of obesity through gaming (Braunstein, 2018 Pg. 1). The invention comes along with a positive social and health impact through the promotion of health and wellness. For instance, gamification has been introduced in Santiago as a mode of combating with childhood obesity after it was discovered to be a health crisis in the region. This is done by conducting nutritional competitions among the children then thereafter follows a prize for the winner (Braunstein, 2018 Pg. 1). This research aims at decreasing the risk of developing ill-health conditions and diseases such as stroke, hypertension, Dyslipidemia Osteoarthritis as well as mortality which is as…

Associate’s Degree Programs Do you want to finish your post-high school course quickly? Are you short on funds to cover your tuition and other study expenses? Do you desperately want to start working fast? If your answers to these questions is ‘Yes,’ then consider pursuing an associate’s degree instead of a bachelor’s. A large number of institutions in the USA offer associate’s degree courses, and they are advantageous in various ways.   Definition of Associate’s Degree These courses are available in post-high school institutions, and they are somewhere between a high school certificate, and a bachelor’s qualification. They typically take two years, but they may take longer if you are not studying full-time. These degrees allow you to qualify for certain jobs soon after high school. In many cases, you will get the chance to add your credits towards your bachelor’s. This means you can start your bachelor’s in the third year and complete it faster. To enter an associate’s course program, you will usually need the same qualifications needed for a bachelor’s degree program. You have to graduate high…

Assessment of Sarah’s Case Using the Five-Area Model             Sarah’s main complaint is breathing difficulty and chest pains. However, the general practitioner (GP) does not think that the origin of Sarah’s condition is psychological as no physical causes are isolated. The problem Sarah is experiencing is recurrent, and based on her life, a five-area model can be used to present her problems and diagnose her condition. Life situation             The first time Sarah experienced breathlessness and chest pains was after she moved from Kosovo to the UK with her family. Having fled from a conflict area, the UK was supposed to provide safety for the family. However, Sarah must have felt that she was unable to cope with the new life situation. The first problem was the language barrier and then the bullying that this attracted. The new environment posed challenges that Sarah was not sure she could cope with. This indicates that she was suffering from anxiety. According to Schless et al. (1977), stressful events can cause mental illness, among which are anxiety and depression. Sarah’s highly demanding work…

Types of Teachers Introduction According to Jeannette Walls, “Teaching is a calling and that teachers in their way are holy-angles leading their flocks out of the darkness.” It is a common saying elaborating on the marvelous work done by teachers. A teacher, regardless of their categories such as Elementary School Teachers, Secondary School Teachers or rather Special Education Teachers among others, is unique and deserves their respect( Dobber, Marjolein, et al., 220). They thoroughly help others acquire competencies, values, or knowledge, and therefore, despite them having different virtues such as being an explainer, involver, or an enabler are essential in the roles they play. The goal of this essay is to identify and explain the three different types of teachers, namely Elementary, Secondary, and Special Education School Teachers. Elementary School Teachers In most cases, elementary school teachers have one class teaching students different subjects. The school curriculum initiated by primary school teachers is structured based on the fundamental disciplines, namely language arts, social sciences, mathematics, sciences, reading, crafts, and music. And, in as much as the structure might change depending…

Worthington Industries  Worthington Industries is a metal manufacturing company established in 1955. Worthington’s headquarter is based in Columbus, Ohio. Worthington is operational in the United States, Portugal, Canada, Mexico, Poland, Turkey, and Australia. The industries have three primary operations: engineered cabs, steel processing, and pressure cylinders.  Hence, Worthington industries serve a large selection of markets, including automotive, office equipment, home appliances, agricultural implements, leisure and recreation, building, hardware, lawn and garden, and furniture. Worthington industries dominate in the steel manufacturing industries. Its management system has contributed Worthington outperforming its competitor through its philosophies, value, organization structure, and reward programs. Worthington Industries is the leading independent processor of flat-rolled steel in the United States and a global supplier of pressure cylinders. Steel processing segment in Worthington process flat-rolled steel to mainly automotive industries and home, garden, and office appliances. The pressure cylinder segment manufactures and sells tanks, hand torches, expansion tanks, filled and unfilled pressure cylinders, well water, and oil and gas equipment. The engineered cab segment design and manufactures custom-engineered open and enclosed cabs. Besides, the segment designs operation station…

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